Which King James Bible Version would I recommend?
Which King James Bible Version would I recommend?
Why the King James matters and why so many attack it.
The Foundation is The WORD OF GOD
The Final Authority of the King James Bible
RUN AWAY from the Scofield Reference Bible (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Modern Bible translations are satanic:
The History of the King James Bible. Why it is the FINAL AUTHORITY of God's Word:
Why the King James Bible uses ONLY BEGOTTEN and NOT only Son.
Ridiculous KJV Bible Corrections - John 3:16, Only Begotten (av1611.com)
"John 3:16 is quoted more than any other verse in the Bible, at least by Christians and other church-goers. There may be no verse that is more frequently perverted than this one, but most people still know the full verse as presented by the KJV. Why then, is it so hard to find the word 'begotten' in other versions? The word in question is 'monogenes'. This is a compound of two words monos and genes, the latter being drawn from the verb genao, which means to beget or cause to be produced. Monos means only or single, as is clear by its many appearances in English, such as monotony, monopoly, monotone, etc. Genao has come into the English language as well in words like generation, genesis, genes, generate, and so forth. The two words together mean only-begotten! "
Dr. John Hinton
The spirit of TRUTH and the spirit of ERROR. Doctrine Matters (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
Doctrine is: Learning The Teaching of the Word of God (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The King James detractors always repeat worn out reasons the King James Bible is not accurate, or the FINAL AUTHORITY of God's word and they use the Hate and Division word saying that we KING JAMES ONLY are a cult and cause division and strife in the church.
Matthew 10:34
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
King James Version (KJV)
12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Ephesians 5:11
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
King James Version (KJV)
1611 KJV Bible
English Prepositions in the History of English Grammar Writing
David Weber
Weber, David. “English Prepositions in the History of English Grammar Writing.” AAA: Arbeiten Aus Anglistik Und Amerikanistik 37, no. 2 (2012): 227–43. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43025829.
Meech, Sanford Brown. “Early Application of Latin Grammar to English.” PMLA 50, no. 4 (1935): 1012–32. https://doi.org/10.2307/458105.
Nominative, accusative, dative and genitive are all grammatical cases.
They vary in function in different languages.
Here is what they look like in English:
nominative - subject
e.g. I ate some pie.
Here, I would be in the nominative since it is I that was doing the verb (eating).
accusative - direct object
e.g. Do you have money?
Here, money would be in the accusative since it is the pet that the verb is being done to- the pet is owned by the person.
dative - indirect object
e.g. I bought a horse for my friend.
Here, the dative is 'for my friend'. The reason why this is not in the accusative is that I am buying a horse (the direct object in this sentence), rather than my friend.
genitive - possession
e.g. The boy's balloon is gone.
This case is easier to notice since the word itself usually changes. "'s" is added to the nominative word, so 'the boy -> the boy's'. Personal pronouns also change (e.g.he, she, it -> his, her, its).
The Syntax was also quite different, note:
According to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Early Modern English (EME) is the language that Shakespeare wrote, and it is different from the English we speak today, which is called Modern English. The major differences between EME and Modern English are in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. EME has many words that are no longer used today, such as “thou,” “thee,” and “hath.” The grammar of EME is also different from Modern English. For example, in EME, the word order of a sentence was more flexible than it is today.Regarding the 1900 King James translation.
"Which edition of the King James Bible?
I am sure that it is the King James Bible. However, there are different editions and I am not sure yet which one is right.
I wanted to order the following KJB:
and noticed that they write:
“1 John 5:8 now uses a lower case "s" following the Pure Cambridge Edition text.”
A pdf of the KJB with the “Pure Cambridge Edition Text” can be downloaded here:
and the points that distinguish this edition:
I find that capital or lower case “s” for S/spirit in 1 John 5:8 is quite an important question, and I am unsure now which one is right.
I also found the following article on your website where you used 1 John 5:8 in an argument against the Trinity (there are many other passages of course for this as presented in your latest posts):
This is what Matthew Vershuur writes about the word “spirit” lower case, including 1 John 5:8:
I will be very grateful for your help in this issue as this is quite fundamental.
(I was) saved very recently on September 24, 2023 (believing that Jesus Christ died at the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the Scripture).
I am a Swiss citizen and live in Zurich Switzerland. Currently I’m working as a low-level security guard, but my background is in the natural sciences, with a PhD degree in stem cell biology, followed by a Postdoc and junior group leader/senior scientist position.
- My contract with the university ending right in the middle of covid (May 31, 2020),
- followed by 2 years of unsuccessful job applications and not wanting to become a burden for society.
- Realizing that in the academic world scientific integrity is punished, while career success mostly results from the selection of certain personality traits.
- Loss of trust in the academic world and the biopharmaceutical industry during covid and especially with the covid vaccines.
However, I am grateful for the job as a security guard, and my attitude is that every job is a job worth doing well. My employer has noticed and appreciates this.
At this current security job, I encountered a Christian who became very interested in talking to me about the Bible and Jesus Christ with the hope that I may too be saved.
Oxford Movement
In a NUTSHELL The Vatican wore down the Protestant Church
1 John 5:8 (KJV)
And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
Romans 8:16 (KJV)
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in a sentence. Proper nouns are specific names for a particular person, place, or thing. They are one-of-a-kind entities,* like specific people, cities or landmarks. Common nouns, on the other hand, refer to a general concept or thing and are only capitalized at the beginning of a sentence.
THE SPIRIT - The is a definite article meaning ONLY ONE
Ephesians 4:4
“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;”
King James Version (KJV)
There is only one Spirit this does NOT include our spirit when we were born - from creation Genesis 1:26,27, 2:7; 5:1,2 KJB. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. We are created in the IMAGE of JESUS CHRIST (we have hands, feet, face) and after His LIKENESS - comprised of BODY SOUL SPIRIT. There are NOT 3 of us walking around. And there are NOT 3 gods of the Trinity. The Trinity is PAGAN POLYTHEISM. The Godhead is BIBLICAL and NO they are NOT the same.
Defending Godhead VS Trinity using 1 John 5:7 KJV (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
1 Corinthians 6:17
“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”
King James Version (KJV)
Entity * entity (n.)
1590s, "being," from Late Latin entitatem (nominative entitas), from ens (genitive entis) "a thing,"
Entity Oxford English Dictionary page 877: That which constitutes the BEING of a THING. (Repeat: A THING - NOT A PERSON).
PERSON: Oxford English Dictionary page 2140: PERSONAGE: AN IMAGE OF A MAN OR WOMAN. A PERSON: Personate: That of the nature of a PERSON BODIED IN A PERSON. (Oxford Dictionary page 2141.
Colossians 1:15 KJB
Colossians 2:8,9 KJB
Personage: MASK Religion: used as the Trinity in C200 by Tertullian .
The use did not arrive in logical order
See detailed study on the Trinity is PAGAN Polytheism BAAL Worship The Godhead is Biblical and NO THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
Tertullian the BAAL Worshipper of Carthage by way of the Caanites loved Greek Stoic Philosophy and created the Trinity in 200 AD. Colossians 1:8 KJB.
What this REPROBATE did from his mentor PHILO was personate the Holy Spirit from the ESSENCE OF a BEING and made a PERSONATED the Holy Spirit (and Also the Father) as BEING, PERSON BODY.
Personate here in context literally means: To counterfeit, feign or masquerade the Person of Jesus Christ to a being that is SPIRIT and not a body, person, man. See full definition of Personate in the Oxford English Dictionary page 2141.
Personate the nature of Jesus Christ into BODIES PLURAL instead of the ONE PERSON alone of the Godhead.
This battle raged throughout the age of Christianity. We see after the King James Bible was published there was a raging debate in 1612 BREREWOOD Language and Religion “To hold Christ in union with two natures NOT personated.”*
*In my personal digital library, I have the “Enquiries Touching the Diversity of Languages and Religious,Through the Chief Parts of the World? Edward Brerewood
It all comes down to Christology. The study and identity of Jesus Christ.
Person of Christ
See also: Prosopon, Hypostatic union, and Trinity
Dr. John Hinton’s commentary on 1 John 5:6-8 (What perverted modern day so called Bible scholars refer to as the Johhannine Comma (1 John 5:7)
Critical Note: Dr. Hinton does not consider the Trintiy as 3 SEPARATE PERSONS but the Biblical Godhead of which Jesus Christ is the ONLY PERSON visible IMAGE of the invisible God who is SPIRIT
Before we look at some of the chicanery of the new version scam artists, let us briefly look at the accusation that the verse was only found in a margin of a text is false. Michael Maynard summarized a list of manuscripts that did not omit the verse, including: “at least four Old Latin manuscripts, over eight Church Fathers (including Cyprian who died A.D. 258), four Syriac editions, Slavic and Armenian manuscripts, over 600 distinct editions of the Textus Receptus from 1522 to 1881, 18 pre-Lutheran Bibles, and thousands of Vulgate manuscripts. Among Greek manuscripts which do omit this verse, 97% are late manuscripts, dated from the 10th century and later.”1 So much for only a very few very late manuscripts. We can see that the verse’s omission is based on something other than manuscript evidence. Much more can be said on the issue, but so as not to go beyond a few pages in this issue, I will save it for another time. Let us now look at how some of the popular modern versions have brushed away the verse that offends them so much.
In 1604, at the request of King James I of England, representatives from the Church of England and leading English Puritans gathered together to discuss issues affecting the church in their day. Among those items for consideration was whether God would have them undertake the creation of a new Bible for the English-speaking world. King James approved plans for a new translation, and work began in 1607.
Nearly 50 of the day’s finest scholars, all from the Church of England, were organized into six groups for the task. Using the Bishop’s Bible of 1568 as the basis for this revision, the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew and the New Testament from Greek. The completed work was then peer-reviewed before being sent to bishops and other church leaders for their examination, and ultimately to King James for his approval.
In 1611, the King James Version Bible, also known as the Authorized Version, was published. Because of the printing technology available at the time, various misprints, variations in spelling, and other inconsistencies were common in early editions. Therefore, subsequent updates were necessary in 1613, 1629, and 1638. But the revisions made at Cambridge in 1762 and at Oxford in 1769 standardized the text, ensuring that the King James Version would remain immensely readable for generations to come.
The Bible says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14). For the Gospel to be understood by nations, it needed to be translated. The Bible shows that it should be entirely translated and made known to all nations, “But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made
14. CONCLUSION All true Christians must lay aside use of any other version, doctrine or varying edition of the King James Bible, since there is only one which is exactly perfect. The Pure Cambridge Edition is correct to the very letter, and it is fully God’s will in English. " End Quote.
And again in Psalm 12
"In 1 John 5:6 the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of truth, bearing witness of the truth, but in 1 John 5:8, this witness is spiritual, received and known in the heart (like assurance, I know that I am born again, and can perceive by my conscience what is right).
All these examples show the distinctions of how the word “spirit” is so used, and this then explains what happened in Numbers 11:25, 29 when what was of Moses was tapped into by others. Now, of course, we know it was the Holy Ghost, but it was talking too about the specific gifts or attributes Moses had. He was a prophet, so the partakers of his spirit prophesied.
Thus, the usage of the word “spirit” has a lot to do with the Holy Ghost connection to the inner man."
It is important to have the correct, perfect and final text of the King James Bible, since there are correctors (e.g. publishers) who ve changed some aspects of King James Bible texts. The final form of the King James Bible is the Pure Cambridge Edition (circa 1900), which conforms to the following:- "or Sheba" not "and Sheba" in Joshua 19:2 The cities within their lot are here named. Beersheba, or Sheba, for these names seem to refer to the same place, is put first. Ziklag, which we read of in David's story, is one of them. What course they took to enlarge their borders and make room for themselves we find 1 Chron 4 39,
- "sin" not "sins" in 2 Chronicles 33:19 sins correct
- "Spirit of God" not "spirit of God" in Job 33:4 s correct
- "whom ye" not "whom he" in Jeremiah 34:16 who ye in 1769
- "Spirit of God" not "spirit of God" in Ezekiel 11:24 Spirit in 1764.
- "flieth" not "fleeth" in Nahum 3:16 fly does not mean float
- "Spirit" not "spirit" in Matthew 4:1 Spirit in 1769
- "further" not "farther" in Matthew 26:39 farther correct
- "bewrayeth" not "betrayeth" in Matthew 26:73 Bewrayeth in 1769
- "Spirit" not "spirit" in Mark 1:12 Spirit in 1769
- "spirit" not "Spirit" in Acts 11:28 WRONG
- "spirit" not "Spirit" in 1 John 5:8 WRONG
God did not transport the heavenly volume of the book to Earth, but gave the very same words on Earth by inspiration, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16a). T
Of course, variations must have existed, and errors in certain copies, but not enough to have entirely replaced the existence of a true reading (i.e. there would always be somewhere the true, God-given reading, discernible by true Christians). Thus, if there were copying errors in some of the early copies of Paul’s writings, the Spirit was able to work despite these, and certainly ensured that the Word would endure.
The 24,000 Changes in the AV Since 1611 to 1769
Without knowledge, this demonic bait and switch deception will lead the captive into the PIT.
The American Bible Society, which publishes the KJV, documented about 24,000 revisional changes from 1611 to 1769, mostly spelling but also additions and deletions of phrases, changes of word meanings, grammatical forms, tenses, gender, numbers and capitalizations! Dr James D Price, in his 2006 book “King James Onlyism: A New Sect”, Appendix A, reproduces 600 of these changes that have some degree of significance; some represent modernization of vocabulary or grammar; some represent correction of discrepancies in earlier editions; some represent the introduction of new discrepancies not in earlier editions: -
LIAR. This is an absolute Lie! The truth is the ARK is NOT God! The 1769 King James bible has it correct in modern English grammar.
Behold, the Arke of the Couenant, euen the Lord of all the earth, passeth ouer before you, into Iordan. 1611
More Changes Between the 1611 and the 1769 Editions of the KJV | A Salted Faith (rickbeckman.org)
33 thoughts on “More Changes Between the 1611 and the 1769 Editions of the KJV”
Rick Beckman Commentary: quote:
KJV-Onlyism is a divisive tradition full of more holes than a bowl of Cheerios. May the Lord open the eyes and ears of all those trapped by this stronghold, just as He did for me.
Here are some more changes between the 1611 and the 1769 editions of the KJV. You can see that the changes in some instances affect the meaning of the context quite significantly!
Joshua 13:29 — “tribe of Manasseh, by” vs. “tribe of the children of Manasseh by”
Ruth 3:15 — “he went into the citie” vs. “she went into the city”
Psalm 69:32 — “seeke good” vs. “seek God”
Jeremiah 49:1 — “inherit God” vs. “inherit Gad”
Matthew 16:16 — “Thou art Christ” vs. “Thou art the Christ”
Mark 10:18 — “There is no man good” vs. “there is none good” (note that now “there is” is marked as being added by the translators for clarity)
1 Corinthians 4:9 — “approued to death” vs. “appointed to death”
All of these examples are purely changes of the Early Modern English to Modern English and also taking into consideration the printing at the time of the 1611 printing.
I do NOT agree with this assessment of the 1900 KJV
The author states: "
Article - King James Exclusive The Legitmacy of exclusive use of the King James Bible
Article - KJV Revisions since 1611 (pdf) In short, they're mostly typos and none revise the translation.
KJV 1900 - Pure Cambridge Edition (KJVPCE) - It used to be that there were two primary versions of the KJV Bible, the Oxford 1769, used by Thomas Nelson (and many others) has been the standard version, at least in the U.S., and the Cambridge 1873, published by Cambridge University Press, popularly used in Europe. Essentially, the differences between the two are very minor revisions comprised of spellings, captialization, etc., not variations in the text. Recently (2013?), the KJV 1900 has emmerged, and (unfortunately) has been named the "Pure Cambridge Edition".
As far as I can tell, This 'new/not-new' edit-version is distributed by Faithlife (Logos developer/parent), is an extremely minor revision of one or more Cambridge University Press edition(s) published "circa 1900-1970s," and is significant primarily as the latest standard form of Electronic KJV text used by Logos software. To date, I have NOT been able to confirm the publication information for this edition, and the (very short) revision list I have seen includes only 12 items; a few spelling and capitalization changes, one instance of changing an 'and' to 'or', and one instance of changing a plural noun to a single noun. My Take-away is that the KJV 1900, a.k.a. KJVPCE, aka Pure Cambridge Edition, is not a divergent revision, but is a trustworthy 'normal' KJV text with no discernable distinctions, in terms of use and reading.
Reference material defending the King James Bible
The King James Version Defended by Dr. Edward F. Hills (av1611.com)
Index – King James Bible Believers Website (kjv-asia.com)
Authorized Version Defence – King James Bible Believers Website (kjv-asia.com)
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