High Rapture Watch April 2016


 High Rapture Watch.  Submitted by my brother in Christ,  Tom Gaston Rapturetj@comcast.net

( Check out the gematria's below )


 Hey everyone,


 Sunset in Israel today is at 6:54 ( Israel time )http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/israel/jerusalem.  If the Lord doesn't come sometime between 10:30to 11:00 today ( my time central ), then we need to continue to be alert to the "window of time" which we are in right now as we head down to 1rst Nisanwhich is the "first day" of God's religious Spring calendar year. I said this before, and I will it again.  God NEVER changed Israel's calendar back to the "fall season" once He changed it to the "Spring season" back in Exodus 12:1-6. 



 Therefore I believe that God has been keeping track of time by way of the "Spring calendar" and not the "Fall calendar" which Israel is following.  I believe that the last three feasts of The Lord....."Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and Succoth will all be fulfilled at the time of Christ's second advent to the earth to set up His kindgom.  These "seven feasts" were NOT given to the Church to keep and observe,BUT rather God gave them to Israel and instructed "Israel" to keep them.  The Church is instructedNOWHERE in the New Testament epistles to have to "obey, observe and keep" these festivals of the Lord. The church was all "Jewish" on the day ofPentecost.  The Gentiles were NOT admitted and brought into the Church until Acts chapter 10.  



 The Apostle Paul only mentions the festival ofPentecost twice, once in Acts 20:16, and in 1Corinthians 16:8, but not for the sake of teaching the Church to observe and keep this festival, but he only mentions this festival in the context of "his personal desire" of wanting to be in Jerusalem on time for this festival.


Act 20:16 For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.


1Co 16:8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.


  The Apostle Paul had a "personal desire" ( as a Jew ) to want to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost, but heNEVER ONCE instructs the Church anywhere in his epistles to observe and keep the feast of Pentecost, nor any of the other feasts of the Lord.  It was his own "personal choice and desire" ( as a Jew ) to want to be in Jerusalem for this festival.  And no doubt the Apostle Paul's purpose for wanting to be there had to do with him having great opportunity to "preach the gospel" to many of his unsaved Jewish brethren who would be gathering in Jerusalem together from all the regions in order to observe this festival as they do every year.  And so the Apostle Paul gives NO such command to the Gentile Church "from the Lord" in his epistles which instructs the Church to observe and keep the festival ofPentecost, nor any of the other "feasts of the Lord." 



  I believe that we are in a "high watch" period between now and the opening of God'sreligious calendar year on Nisan 1.  which will begin on April 8th / 9th, 2016.  If the Lord is coming for His Church "this year" ( ? ), then I am of the "opinion"  that we have to be "gone" BEFORE or BY the date1rst Nisan.  Daniel's 70th week / tribulation periodhas to begin at the opening of a "new seven year sabbatical cycle."  The first 69 weeks of DanielENDED in the Spring, and therefore I believe that it will be in the Spring  where the 70th week will begin. 



 The term "Rosh Ha Shanah" just simply means "head of the year."  That's how it reads in Hebrew.  I will spell it out in Hebrew below.


[.....Rosh Ha Shanah.....]

ר  א  ש     ה  ש  נ  ה

5   50  300  5       300   1   200 / total = 911


ר  א  ש     ה  ש  נ  ה

[...The year..].......[...Head....]


  Therefore God's religious calendar year which opens up on 1rst Nisan is the "head of the year /Rosh Ha Shanah.  Many want to associate this term with the "head of the year" on 1rst Tishri on the "Fall calendar." But this is due to a misunderstanding of what Rosh Ha Shanah means. God has two calendars, and Israel is falling the civil calendar yearbegins in the "Fall season", but God is still operating on the "Spring calendar" ever since He changed it to the Spring back in Ex. 12:1- 6.  And the reason WHY I believe God is still "counting prophetic time" by the "Spring calendar" is because this is whereDaniel's 70th week has to begin, that is right where the 69th week of Daniel was concluded which was inPassover.



 The "Plagues" which came upon Egypt ( Egypt, a type and picture of the world ) took place at the time of Passover in the "Spring" of the year.  And these "Plagues" are and were a "type and picture" of the coming tribulation judgments which are yet future, and of which I believe will begin in the Spring of the year once again. 






 During the "seven days of Passover" the Jews are are forbidden to eat any "leaven", and there is to beNO leaven found in their homes.  Leaven represents "sin."  I believe that the "seven days of Passover" are a prophetic "type and picture" of the seven year tribulation period, at which time God will be "cleansing the house of Israel" of all "leaven" ( sin ), and thus purifying and saving for Himself a remnant of Israel who will inherit His land and all the earthly blessings which He promised to the Abraham's descendants when He returns to setup His kingdom.



Now look at the following gematria below which I found this morning in respect to God's religious calendar year which begins on 1rst Nisan / Rosh Ha Shanah - Head of the year."



[.................The Destruction is coming in Nisan 1. in 5776..................]

ה  ה  ר  ס     מ  ג  י  ע      ב   נ  י  ס   ן  א      ב  ה  ת   ש   ע   ו

6    70   300  400    5    2          1  700  60 10  50    2         70  10  3   40      60  200  5    5 / total =2016    



[.....................Nisan 1. in 5776, the sign...................]

נ  י  ס   ן  א    ב  ה  ת   ש   ע   ו ,   ה  א  וֹ  ת

400 6   1    5         6   70   300   400  5     2       1  700  60  10 50 / total = 2016


Don't forget that the phrase "The sign" [  ה  א  וֹ  ת   ] can read as....."The Alpeh and Tav" who isYeshua.



 I personally am of the "opinion" at this time that the "total solar eclipse" which opened up God's religious calendar year on  1rst Nisan in 2015 on March 20th / 21rst,  and the "blood moon" which took place 15 days later on Passover in 2015 was a harbinger and warning to the Gentile nations and to Israel of what is coming in the next year.  Therefore I believe that these "astronomical signs" from God in the heavens which took place last year in 2015 was God's way of making a divine announcement by "signalling a one year countdown" which had begun starting from 1rst Nisan 5775 /2015 to 1rst Nisan 5776 / April 8th / 9th,  2016.



His appearance is ever imminent!!!!!!!!



Until He comes!


In Christ, Tom Gaston





Amen brother! Thank you.  Maranatha! Praise God!

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On Mar 25, 2016 12:20, "Tom" <Rapturetj@comcast.net> wrote:



( Check out the gematria's below )


 Hey everyone,


 Sunset in Israel today is at 6:54 ( Israel time )http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/israel/jerusalem.  If the Lord doesn't come sometime between 10:30 to 11:00 today ( my time central ), then we need to continue to be alert to the "window of time" which we are in right now as we head down to 1rst Nisan which is the "first day" of God's religious Spring calendar year. I said this before, and I will it again.  God NEVER changed Israel's calendar back to the "fall season" once He changed it to the "Spring season" back in Exodus 12:1-6. 



 Therefore I believe that God has been keeping track of time by way of the "Spring calendar" and not the "Fall calendar" which Israel is following.  I believe that the last three feasts of The Lord....."Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and Succoth will all be fulfilled at the time of Christ's second advent to the earth to set up His kindgom.  These "seven feasts" were NOT given to theChurch to keep and observe, BUT rather God gave them to Israel and instructed "Israel" to keep them.  The Church is instructed NOWHERE in the New Testament epistles to have to "obey, observe and keep" these festivals of the Lord. The church was all "Jewish" on the day of Pentecost.  TheGentiles were NOT admitted and brought into the Church until Acts chapter 10.  



 The Apostle Paul only mentions the festival ofPentecost twice, once in Acts 20:16, and in 1Corinthians 16:8, but not for the sake of teaching the Church to observe and keep this festival, but he only mentions this festival in the context of "his personal desire" of wanting to be in Jerusalem on time for this festival.


Act 20:16 For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.


1Co 16:8 But I will tarry at Ephesus untilPentecost.


  The Apostle Paul had a "personal desire" ( as a Jew ) to want to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost, but he NEVER ONCE instructs the Church anywhere in his epistles to observe and keep the feast of Pentecost, nor any of the other feasts of the Lord.  It was his own "personal choice and desire" ( as a Jew ) to want to be in Jerusalem for this festival.  And no doubt the Apostle Paul's purpose for wanting to be there had to do with him having great opportunity to "preach the gospel" to many of his unsaved Jewish brethren who would be gathering in Jerusalem together from all the regions in order to observe this festival as they do every year.  And so the Apostle Paul gives NO such command to the Gentile Church "from the Lord" in his epistles which instructs the Church to observe and keep the festival of Pentecost, nor any of the other "feasts of the Lord." 



  I believe that we are in a "high watch" period between now and the opening of God'sreligious calendar year on Nisan 1.  which will begin on April 8th / 9th, 2016.  If the Lord is coming for His Church "this year" ( ? ), then I am of the "opinion"  that we have to be "gone" BEFORE orBY the date 1rst Nisan.  Daniel's 70th week / tribulation period has to begin at the opening of a "new seven year sabbatical cycle."  The first 69 weeks of Daniel ENDED in the Spring, and therefore I believe that it will be in the Spring where the 70th week will begin. 



 The term "Rosh Ha Shanah" just simply means "head of the year."  That's how it reads in Hebrew.  I will spell it out in Hebrew below.


[.....Rosh Ha Shanah.....]

ר  א  ש     ה  ש  נ  ה

5   50  300  5       300   1   200 / total = 911


ר  א  ש     ה  ש  נ  ה

[...The year..].......[...Head....]


  Therefore God's religious calendar year which opens up on 1rst Nisan is the "head of the year /Rosh Ha Shanah.  Many want to associate this term with the "head of the year" on 1rst Tishri on the "Fall calendar." But this is due to a misunderstanding of what Rosh Ha Shanahmeans. God has two calendars, and Israel is falling the civil calendar year begins in the "Fall season", but God is still operating on the "Spring calendar" ever since He changed it to the Spring back in Ex. 12:1- 6.  And the reason WHY I believe God is still "counting prophetic time" by the "Spring calendar" is because this is where Daniel's 70th week has to begin, that is right where the 69th week of Daniel was concluded which was in Passover.



 The "Plagues" which came upon Egypt ( Egypt, a type and picture of the world ) took place at the time of Passover in the "Spring" of the year.  And these "Plagues" are and were a "type and picture" of the coming tribulation judgments which are yet future, and of which I believe will begin in theSpring of the year once again. 






 During the "seven days of Passover" the Jews are are forbidden to eat any "leaven", and there is to beNO leaven found in their homes.  Leavenrepresents "sin."  I believe that the "seven days of Passover" are a prophetic "type and picture" of theseven year tribulation period, at which time God will be "cleansing the house of Israel" of all "leaven" ( sin ), and thus purifying and saving for Himself a remnant of Israel who will inherit His land and all the earthly blessings which He promised to the Abraham's descendants when He returns to setup His kingdom.



Now look at the following gematria below which I found this morning in respect to God's religious calendar year which begins on 1rst Nisan / Rosh Ha Shanah - Head of the year."



[.................The Destruction is coming in Nisan 1. in 5776..................]

ה  ה  ר  ס     מ  ג  י  ע      ב   נ  י  ס   ן  א      ב  ה  ת   ש   ע   ו

6    70   300  400    5    2          1  700  60 10  50    2         70  10  3   40      60  200  5    5 / total =2016    



[.....................Nisan 1. in 5776, the sign...................]

נ  י  ס   ן  א    ב  ה  ת   ש   ע   ו ,   ה  א  וֹ  ת

400 6   1    5         6   70   300   400  5     2       1  700  60  10 50 / total = 2016


Don't forget that the phrase "The sign" [  ה  א  וֹ  ת   ] can read as....."The Alpeh and Tav" who isYeshua.



 I personally am of the "opinion" at this time that the "total solar eclipse" which opened up God'sreligious calendar year on  1rst Nisan in 2015 onMarch 20th / 21rst,  and the "blood moon" which took place 15 days later on Passover in 2015 was a harbinger and warning to the Gentile nations and to Israel of what is coming in the next year.  Therefore I believe that these "astronomical signs" from God in the heavens which took place last year in 2015 was God's way of making a divine announcement by "signalling a one year countdown" which had begun starting from 1rst Nisan 5775 /2015 to 1rst Nisan 5776 / April 8th / 9th,  2016.



His appearance is ever imminent!!!!!!!!



Until He comes!


In Christ, Tom Gaston






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