The Master has been my Tutor
The great Master, The Great Shepherd of the Sheep, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has been my tutor and all the teaching has been through Jesus Christ by God's great grace imparted by the Holy Spirit.
Despite false teaching of the Laodicean church teaching that God's kids are always healthy, happy and wealthy, the Holy Spirit has taught me by "Life Lessons" or as my Grandfather used to say, by the "school of hard knocks" totally opposite from what the fake church of today teaches.
If you don't believe God allows his children to go through trials of sickness, injuries or hardships then read Job ; excerpts from Watchman Nee's The Spiritual Man. ; and Bible Truth about Sickness and Infirmity.
But throughout it all, my Lord has shown me over and over, time and time again that by His grace I'm able to endure and grow in Sanctification through these trials. I know how Paul felt when he pleaded with God to remove the thorn from his flesh and God said, "No, my strength is made perfect in your weakness, and my grace is sufficient." Amen... Remember: God corrects whomever he loves.Prvovers 3:12 Paul speaks of this in HEBREWS 12:11: All Chastening seemeth for the present to be not jouyous but grevous; yet afterward it yieldeth peaceable fruit unto them that have been exercised thereby, even the fruit of righteousness.
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