The theology of #Worms #Purim #Rapture Watch #ccot #Jesus #Maranatha #Tribulation #2ndAdvent #MillennialKingdom #eternity
This is very very intersting folks!
A "full Worm Moon" on theFast of Esther / 1rst day of Purim / March 23rd, 2016 /13th -14th Adar 2
Worm Moon: March Full Moon Phases
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Our full Moon March 2016 guide gives you at-a-glance information: Moon phase dates, Best Days by the Moon, Moon facts, folklore, and more!
Full Moon Names
March is the month of what is called the "Full Worm Moon."
The Full Worm Moon was given its name by the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior.
At the time of this spring Moon, the ground begins to soften and earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of robins. In some regions, this is also known as the Sap Moon, as it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.
See all Full Moon names and their meanings.
Moon Phase Dates 2016
All dates and times are ET. See the Moon Phase Calendar for your city/state.
New Moon: March 8, 8:54 P.M.
First Quarter: March 15, 1:03 P.M.
Full Moon: March 23, 8:01 A.M. ( Worm moon ).....Fast of Esther / 1rst day of Purim
Last Quarter: March 31, 11:17 A.M.
The following article below was sent to me byAndrew on my email list. He is the one who informed me about the "worm moon" coming onMarch 23rd. And I think that it might be possible that God is making a statement about what is coming due to this "type of moon" falling on the "fast of Esther / 1rstday day of Purim. I thought all of this was intriguing and so I put this email together with what Andrew sent me. The article below concerning "The Theology of Worms" and how God uses then, and also how they are illustrated, dipicted, and used in Scripture is really fascinating. It was written byEvangelist John Weaver. It is very enlightening in light of the fact that this "full worm moon" is coming on an important Jewish festival of Fast of Esther / Purim.
Is God "possibly signalling" to us of what might be coming this comingPurim festival?
Tom Gaston
Evangelist John Weaver
The Theology of Worms!
Job 25:6; Ps. 22:6
Intro: Worms are not necessarily an interesting subject in and of themselves to most people. Needless to say, neither are they an appetizing subject. I am sure that to some people, worms are very intriguing especially to little boys. (Roger Wynn, Look mama verms, verms everywhere).
There is a great deal that can be learned not only about worms but from worms as well. The Bible gives us many and varied verses concerning worms. If fact, I would venture to say that one cannot properly understand the corruption of man, the sufferings of Christ, nor the humiliation and humanity of Christ without a proper understanding of the subject of worms in the bible.
Worms give us several excellent pictures not only concerning the corruption and depravity of man but also of the humiliation and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Does it surprise you to learn that Christ is referred to as a worm in the Bible? It is entirely reasonable and comprehendible to refer to fallen man as a worm, but Christ? Christ is the sinless Son of God, how can he possibly be referred to as a worm? What is the Word of God teaching us in this instance?
We are bidden to "go to the ant" (Prov. 6:6) and learn; moreover, in many instances animals are used over and over in Scripture to teach us about Christ. Consider the ox, lamb, sheep, and birds and the ways they represent Christ. Why not therefore learn from worms as well?
The very first time the word "worm" is used in the Bible is found in Ex. 16:20, where it is used in the plural form, and in verse 24, in the singular form. Thus, we have the words worms and worm and in the context, it is discussing the manna that God gave to the children of Israel. Look at those verses with me. Ex. 16:20: Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them.
V. 24 And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein.
The manna was miraculously and mysteriously provided for the Israelites by God Himself. I say mysteriously because they did not know what it was originally (16:15). In fact the word manna actually means: "What is it?"
When the people disobeyed God and gathered more than they were allowed, the manna bred worms and stank. On the sixth day, however, they gathered twice as much (for the Sabbath) and it did not breed worms and become putrid. Just for openers, what can worms teach us about obedience?
First, I believe worms can teach us that whatever we do for lust, covetousness, greed, and selfishness is doomed for failure, destruction, and putrefaction. When the Israelites hoarded and became selfish, all of their "supposed wealth" (the extra manna) failed them and became a source of corruption. Look closely at I Tim. 6:7-10 and James 5:1-6. I cannot help but think of Bunyan's couplet: "There was a man and many did count him mad, the more he gave away, the more he had." God has never condoned nor commended a greedy, covetous, disposition.
Psa. 10:3 tells us: For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. Why does God hate the covetous? Eph. 5:5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Col. 3:5 commands us: Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Worms teach us that it is unwise, unbiblical, and useless to accumulate simply for the sake of accumulation. Ultimately all that is unsanctified and unholy will be destroyed.
Second, worms can teach us that disobedience brings death and destruction. What happened to the extra manna that was gathered in disobedience? It stank and became putrid. What happens to all who disobey? They incur the wrath and condemnation of the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth. Eph. 5:6: Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Col. 3:6: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience. You cannot disobey and get by with your sin. You may be sure that your sins will find you out.
Third, worms can teach us that obedience brings blessings no matter how little we have. Ex. 16:16-18. Those who obey will always have a sufficiency. God will not be any man's debtor. God can take a small cruse of oil and a little meal and make it last a long time as He did for the widow woman and Elisha in I Kings 17:14. Those who obey Him shall not suffer from want. As the Psalmist said in Ps. 37:25: I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Prov. 16:8 declares: Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right. Ps. 37:16: A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. Prov. 15:16: Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith. Moreover, when God gives the increase and the blessings, He does not add a curse to them. When double the amount was gathered on the Sabbath day, all the extra was useable and did not breed worms. Prov. 10:22 teaches us: The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
Although we may learn a great deal from the manna, the message is about worms in particular and not worms in general. In Job 25:6 man is likened unto a worm and the son of man is likened also unto a worm. Is there a difference between the two words? The answer is: Yes! Emphatically, Yes! The first word worm refers to mankind, the second to the Son of Man, Christ Himself. Moreover, in Psalm 22:6, which is explicitly a Messianic Psalm, Christ is once again referred to as a worm. Listen to what he states: "But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people."
Allow me to go back to an introductory statement that I made: If fact, I would venture to say that one cannot properly understand the corruption of man, the sufferings of Christ, nor the humiliation and humanity of Christ without a proper understanding of the subject of worms in the bible. In order to explain that statement, let's consider the subject, first in relationship to man in general and then secondly, in relationship to the Son of Man in particular.
I. MAN AS A WORM – Job 25:6.
In Job 25, Bildad is comparing the greatness of God to the lowliness and worthlessness of man. God is so great, so pure, and so holy, what is mankind in comparison to Him – Bildad cannot come up with a comparison, only a contrast – man is a worm. However, he is not just any worm but a special kind – he is a maggot. The Hebrew word is rimmah rim-maw'which refers to a maggot, worm (as cause and sign of decay). That description should take the wind out of our sails. Proud, arrogant, haughty, self-made man is nothing but a maggot.
A. Man is compared and contrasted to a worm as to our origination. It is true that God made us, yet, he made us out of the dust of the earth. As God said to Adam in Gen. 3:19: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. It is amusing to think of the "mighty ones" of the earth as nothing but worms. Men may boast of great power, great wealth, great education, and great stations in life, yet, they are nothing but worms. He that boasts of himself and elevates himself far above the clouds must soon be returned to dust and eaten by other worms.
As worms love the earth, so does man by nature. I Cor. 15:47 points out the fact that "the first man is of the earth; earthy," i.e., he is bound by and attached to the earth. Unsaved and unconverted men pant after the world and all that is in it. Phil. 3:18-19 describes fallen man very clearly: For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. A good illustration of the "minding earthly things" is demonstrated in Amos 2:6-7:
Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of shoes; That pant after the dust of the earth on the head of the poor, and turn aside the way of the meek: and a man and his father will go in unto the same maid, to profane my holy name.
B. Man is compared to and contrasted with a worm as to his obfuscation. The word obfuscate means to darken, obscure, hence, it refers to a lack of understanding and comprehension. What can a worm comprehend? What can a worm understand? He is nothing except abysmal ignorance. Scripture tell us that fallen man is: blind, deaf, impotent, and dead (I Cor. 2:14). Eph. 4:18 describes men as: Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart. Worms love darkness and are repelled by the light. John 3:18-19 gives us an excellent comparison: And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. Unsaved and unconverted men are called "the children of darkness" to whom is reserved the "blackness of darkness forever" (Jude 13).
C. Man is compared to and contrasted with a worm as to his degradation. I suppose another word that would be pictorial of this thought would be the word putrefaction. Man in his fallen estate has degraded himself and become dumber than brute beasts. Man, made in the image of God, has fallen and degraded himself below that of animals. Ps. 49:20 declares: Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish. Ps. 49:12 tells us: Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish. Eccl. 3:18: I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.
However, a worm is even lower than a beast. Can you think of anything lower than a worm? There may be some worms more beneficial than others but a maggot is the worst of all. When Bildad refers to man as a worm in Job 25:6, he is specific. At least a beast has some understanding, but a worm?
I am going to paint a picture that we really do not wish to see, yet, it is necessary if we gain any insight as to the corruption and depravity of man. Isa 1: 6 describes fallen as follows: From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. How we recoil in horror at such a thought and especially such a sight. Even worse is Job's description in Job 17:14: I have said to corruption, Thou art my father: to the worm, Thou art my mother, and my sister.
Why would Job refer to worms as his father, mother, and sister? Look in Job 7:5 and you will see the answer: My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken, and become loathsome. He was covered in worms and they were basically eating him alive. Repulsed? Refuse to think on the subject? While such a picture is loathsome, repulsive, and nauseous to us, it is an accurate picture of how our sins and rebellion are loathsome, nauseous, and repulsive to our holy, righteous, Heavenly Father. What we refuse to think upon physically, He deals with spiritually. God calls sin "that abominable thing which he hates," in Jer. 44:4.
We think so lightly and flippantly of our fall and our sins, yet God does not do so. He takes it all very seriously. Why? Sin is nothing less than the dare of God's justice, the rape of His mercy, the jeer of His patience, the slight of His power, the upbraiding of His providence, the scoff of His promise, the reproach of His wisdom, and despisement of His Person and His Word. Do you think that He will give us a pretty picture of what we are and what we do when we are so contrary to His being and attributes?
It is interesting to look through the Bible and see the pictures that God gives us in relation to our sin. None of them are pretty. All are repulsive. Here area a few of them. Our sin is likened to: the scum of a boiling pot wherein is the carcass of a detestable animal (Ezek. 24:6), the vomit of a dog, the wallowing of a sow in the mire (Jer. 48:26: II Pet. 2:22), a dead and rotting body (Romans 7: 24), total corruption and putrefaction (Isa. 1:6), filthy rags (menstrual Isa. 64:6), the blood and pollution of a new born infant (Ezek. 16:4-6), and the noisome stench and poisonous fumes from an open grave (Matt. 23:27-28).
Worms should remind us of the curse of God upon us for our sins and disobedience – Deut. 28:39; Jonah 4:7. As worms are associated with a curse, likewise, when fallen man is referred to as a worm, it indicates that he too, is under a curse. As Prov. 3:33 tells us: The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just. Gal. 3:10 informs us as to why fallen man is under God's curse: For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. No wonder man is compared to a worm. He is full of corruption and is under the curse of God.
In light of man's comparison to a worm in regards to his curse and corruption, it should be easy to understand Job's statements in Job 21:26; 24:20 and the statement of Isaiah in Isa. 14:11. Fallen man shall be destroyed by worms.
D. Man is compared to and contrasted with a worm as to his destination. It is true that worms shall "sweetly feed" upon our mortal bodies. We must all die physically. This body of flesh shall decay and return to the dust from which it originated. However, there is more than physical death that awaits the unconverted sinner. Like Herod, he shall be smitten of worms because he gave not God the glory. Acts 12:20-23 gives us the incident.
It is under the figure of a worm that part of "eternal torment" is illustrated. Look at Isa. 66:24 and then turn to Mark 9:44-46.
The figure, therefore, denotes great misery, and certain and terrible destruction. In these verses it is applied to the state beyond the grave, and is intended to denote that the destruction of the wicked will be awful, wide-spread, and eternal.
John Gill: The passage referred to, is in Isa. 66:24, and as there, the words are spoken of such, as transgressed against the Lord; so here, of such as offended any of Christ's little ones, or were offended by an hand, a foot, or eye, and retained them: by their worm is meant, their conscience; for as a worm that is continually gnawing upon the entrails of a man, gives him exquisite pain; so the consciences of sinners, will be continually flying in their faces, bringing their sins to remembrance, accusing them of them, upbraiding them with them, aggravating them, tormenting them for them, filling them with dreadful anguish and misery, with twinging remorses, and severe reflections, and which will never have an end. This will be always the case; conscience will be ever distressing, racking, and torturing them; it will never cease, nor cease doing this office, and so the Chaldee paraphrase of Isa 66:24 renders this phrase, "their souls shall not die"; but shall ever continue in the dreadful torments and unspeakable horrors of a corroding conscience; and by "the fire" may be meant the fire of divine wrath let into their souls, which will never be extinguished.
John Trapp: As out of the corruption of our bodies worms breed, which consume the flesh; so out of the corruption of our souls this never dying worm. This worm (say divines) is only a continual remorse and furious reflection of the soul upon its own willful folly, and now woeful misery. Oh, consider this before thy friends be scrambling for thy goods, worms for thy body, devils for thy soul. Go not dancing to hell in thy bolts; rejoice not in thy bondage, as many do; to whom the preaching of hell is but as the painting of a toad, which men can look on and handle without fear.
Those who give not God the glory, those who will not repent and turn to Christ, shall not only be devoured by worms physically, but the worm of their conscience shall torment them eternally.
The doctrine of worms demonstrates all too clearly the origination, obfuscation, degradation, and destination of fallen man. If we understand the Bible teaching of worms, we understand the corruption and depravity of man.
1. Pondering man's comparison to worms should make us humble, lowly, and meek. We have nothing to boast about in and of ourselves. What is pride to a maggot? Is a maggot in the head of a carcass any less a maggot? It does not matter where you are in the carcass of life, maggots are maggots. It behooves us to avoid ostentatious displays of pride and arrogance.
2. I want you also to consider the absolute greatness, magnificence, and graciousness of the Sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth – Job 7:17 asks: What is man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him? How fallen, depraved, and corrupt we are, yet, the grace and mercy of the Sovereign God reaches to the lowest of the worms – maggots – and brings us to His bosom in love and redemption. Oh, the depth of God's condescension, Oh, the greatness of His humiliation, Oh, the majesty of His mercy in reaching down to the lowest of the low. Ps. 113:1-8 is a must read. Note, he lifts us "out of the dung hill and sets us with princes" (7-8).
3. Those that have been lifted from the dunghill of sin and corruption shall indeed see the Father. Job 19:26-27 declare: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. Death and worms cannot prevent our resurrection and glorification. We shall be with the Father.
4. Those that have been lifted from the dunghill shall see the destruction of their enemies and God's perfect justice. Isa. 51:7-8: Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings. For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation.
Isaac Watt's hymn: Alas and Did my Saviour Bleed
"Alas, and did my Saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die,
Would He devote that Sacred Head for such a worm as I." Thank God He did
No believer would ever dare to suggest that Christ, the sinless son of God should be compared to a worm unless there was a specific biblical warrant to do so. The term son of man in Job 25:6 points to Christ specifically. Even if one objected and wanted to argue over Job 25:6, there could not possibly be any disagreement over Ps. 22:6.
Ps. 22, 23, and 24 are a trilology, that is, they are 3 psalms that go together. Ps. 22 depicts Christ as the good shepherd who gives His life for His sheep. Ps. 23 depicts Christ as the Great Shepherd who provides for His sheep, and Ps. 24 depicts Christ as the Chief Shepherd, who promotes His own into glory.
When you look at Ps. 22, it is impossible to not recognize it as a Messianic psalm, that is, a psalm concerning the Messiah. Verse 1, is quoted by Christ in Matt. 27. There is in Scripture that which is known as "prophetic telescoping," where an author may be referring to himself or someone else in the immediate context, but to quite another person in the future. You have such an instance in II Sam. 7:12-16. David is speaking concerning Solomon in the immediate context; yet, one can also see a clear reference to the One who is greater than David and greater than Solomon. Likewise, in Ps. 22: 1, 4-8, 12-16, 22, 27-31, all refer to Christ.
Another indication that Job 25:6b speaks of Christ is found in the title "son of man." Christ referred to himself as the son of man more than any other title. It is true that the phrase is sometimes applied to others but usually, whenever it is so used, they would be representatives of Christ. Ezekiel is the most prominent one to whom the title "son of man" is applied in the OT. The title "son of man" occurs 196 times in 192 verses in the entire Bible. However, in the NT, all 88 occurrences of "son of man" refer solely to Jesus Christ.
Now, how can the term "worm" apply to Christ?
First, it would be used to refer to Our Lord's humiliation. The state of humiliation consists in this that Christ laid aside the divine majesty which was His as the sovereign Ruler of the universe, and assumed human nature in the form of a servant; and that He, who is Himself the supreme Lawgiver, became subject to the demands and the curse of the law. The humiliation of Christ includes his incarnation and birth, his sufferings, both active and passive, his death, and burial. I Tim. 3:16, Gal. 3:13; 4:4 and Phil. 2:5-8 illustrate the humiliation of Christ. Note carefully the phrase "made himself of no reputation" in Phil. 2:7. The word for reputation is the Greek word "kenow," which means: "to make empty, make void." In simple words, he became a nothing, or a worm.
Christ is called a worm, not because He is mean and contemptible in and of Himself, but because he was mean and contemptible in the eyes of others. The Jews esteemed Christ as a worm, and treated him as such; he was loathsome to them and hated by them; everyone trampled upon him and trod him under foot as men do worms; such a phrase is used of him in Heb 10:29.
There is an agreement in some things between the worm and Christ in his state of humiliation; as in its uncomeliness and disagreeable appearance; so in Christ the Jews could discern no form nor comeliness wherefore he should be desired (Isa. 53:1-3).
In its weakness, the worm is an impotent, unarmed, and defenseless creature, hence the Chaldee paraphrase renders it here "a weak worm"; and though Christ is the mighty God, and is also the Son of Man whom God made strong for himself, yet there was a weakness in his human nature and he was crucified through it, Isa. 53:7-10; II Cor. 13:4.
If Christ had not been "made a worm," so to speak, he could never have suffered and died. How else could the Omnipotent, sovereign God of Heaven and Earth been made to suffer? The words of Christ in Psalm 22:6: But I am a worm, and no man are a miracle in language. How could the Lord of glory be brought to such abasement as to be not only lower than the angels, but even lower than men? Who could trample the mighty Son of God under his feet if Christ had not made himself a worm?
What a contrast between "I AM" and "I am a worm"! Yet such a double nature was found in the person of our Lord Jesus when bleeding upon the tree. He felt himself to be comparable to a helpless, powerless, down trodden worm, passive while crushed, and unnoticed and despised by those who trod upon him. He selects the weakest of creatures, which is all flesh; and becomes, when trodden upon, writhing, quivering flesh, utterly devoid of any might except strength to suffer. This was a true likeness of himself when his body and soul had become a mass of misery - the very essence of agony - in the dying pangs of crucifixion.
Man by nature is but a worm; but our Lord puts himself even beneath man, on account of the scorn that was heaped upon him and the weakness which he felt, and therefore he adds, "and no man." The privileges and blessings which belonged to the fathers he could not obtain while deserted by God, and common acts of humanity were not allowed him, for he was rejected of men; he was outlawed from the society of earth, and shut out from the smile of heaven. How utterly did the Saviour empty himself of all glory, and become of no reputation for our sakes!
When Christ says he was "no man", his meaning is, not that he was not truly and really man, for he assumed a true body and a reasonable soul; he partook of the same flesh and blood with his children, and was in all things made like unto his brethren, excepting sin (Heb. 2:16-17; 4:15); but that he was a man of no figure, he bore no office, and had no title of honour; he was not a recognized Rabbi, nor a member of the Jewish sanhedrim; he had no share of government, either in the civil or ecclesiastic state; he was a carpenter's son, and a carpenter; nor was he treated as a man, but in the most inhuman manner; he was despised and rejected of men, he was called a madman, and said to have a devil; a reproach of men; he was reproached by men, as if he had been the worst of men; the reproaches of God and of his people all fell on him, insomuch that his heart was broken with them. Ps 69:7-12, 19, and 21 aptly describes how our Lord was treated as a worm.
It was reckoned a reproach to men to be seen in his company, or to be thought to belong to him, and be a disciple of his; hence some, who believed he was the Messiah, yet would not confess him, because they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God, John 12:42-43.
A reproach of men - their common butt and jest; a byword and a proverb unto them: the sport of the rabble, and the scorn of the rulers. Oh the caustic power of reproach, to those who endure it with patience, yet smart under it most painfully (Matt. 27:39-44)!
1. He was reproached as a bad man, as a blasphemer, a Sabbath-breaker, a wine-bibber, a false prophet, an enemy to Caesar, a confederate with the prince of the devils.
2. He was despised of the people as a mean contemptible man, not worth taking notice of, his country in no repute, his relations poor mechanics, his followers none of the rulers, or the Pharisees, but the mob.
3. He was ridiculed as a foolish man, and one that not only deceived others, but himself too. Those who saw him
hanging on the cross laughed him to scorn. So far were they from pitying him, or concerning themselves for him, that they added to his afflictions, with all the gestures and expressions of insolence upbraiding him with his fall. They make mouths at him, make merry over him, and make a jest of his sufferings: They shoot out the lip, they shake their head, saying, This was he that said he trusted God would deliver him; now let him deliver him. David was sometimes taunted for his confidence in God; but in the sufferings of Christ this was literally and exactly fulfilled.
He was despised of the people and even the common man was against him. The very people who would once have crowned him then contemned him, and they who were benefitted by his cures sneered at him in his woes. Sin is worthy of all reproach and contempt, and for this reason Jesus, the Sin bearer, was given up to be thus unworthily and shamefully entreated.
Christ was trodden under foot, trampled on, maltreated, buffeted and spit upon, mocked and tormented, as to seem more like a worm than a man. Behold what great contempt hath the Lord of Majesty endured, that his confusion may be our glory; his punishment our heavenly bliss – Heb. 12:2.
In his state of humiliation, our Lord redeemed His own. When Bildad stated the "son of man" was a worm in Job 25:6 and when David spoke prophetically that Christ was a worm in Ps. 22:6, there was a specific kind of worm that was named. It certainly was not the maggot, the word used of fallen man.
The word "worm," as used by Bildad and the Psalmist, is the Hebrew word towla‘ to-law' and (fem) towle‘ah to-lay-aw'. The word occurs 43 times in our Bible and it is translated scarlet 34 times, worm 8 times, and crimson 1 time.
Pause for a moment and think of how often the word scarlet is associated with the Tabernacle, the Temple and the priestly garments. In each instance, the word is exactly the same that is translated worm in Ps. 22:6 and Job 25:6. Why would a color be associated with a worm?
The answer is simple, the towle‘ah worm is also known as the coccus ilicis - the female scarlet worm. This unusual worm was designed by our Heavenly Father to securely and permanently attach her body to the trunk of a tree when she was ready to give birth to her young. Her deposited eggs would remain under her body until they hatched, then to continue their independent life cycles. However, the mother would die, staining both her body and the surrounding wood scarlet. Commercial scarlet dyes were derived from the dead bodies of the female scarlet worms. Likewise, Christ the Son of Man shed His "Precious Blood" (1 Peter 1:19) and sacrificed His Life for us. "Who His Own Self bare our sins in His Own Body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto Righteousness: by Whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24).
The Lord Jesus is the sacrificial scarlet worm who gave His life for His children. He has made peace through the blood of his cross; and he is bringing many sons into glory through that sacrifice.
1. What is one of the most difficult stain to remove? Is it not blood stains? We might suggest that the most difficult stains to remove are really "sin stains." They are of a deeper dye than simply blood stains. Sin stains have such a place in our hearts and consciences, that nothing can remove them but the blood of Christ: and besides they are open, flagrant, and notorious to all, and especially to God; yet these, through the grace and blood of Jesus, become as white as wool and as snow. Read Isaiah 1:18.
The pardon of sin does not take sin out of the hearts and natures of men, nor does it change the nature of sin, or causes it to cease to be sin; but this is to be understood of the persons of sinners, who hereby are made so white, yea, whiter than this, as they are considered in Christ, washed in his blood, and clothed with his righteousness, which is fine linen, clean and white; God, seeing no iniquity in them, has thus graciously dealt with them, and they being without fault, spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.
Do you know the color of the robe our Lord wore in relationship to his humiliation and crucifixion? Matt. 27:28 tells us: And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. He wore the deepest and darkest of sins that we may be pure and white in Him. II Cor. 5:21: For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
2. Do you remember how the scarlet worm covered her young with her own body on the tree? She was their protection as well as their maker and creator. Look in Isa. 41:14: "Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the LORD, and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."
When God calls Jacob a worm, he does not call him a maggot, but rather, a towle‘ah, a scarlet worm – one covered by the blood. God promises His help, enablement, and protection to all who are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. In order to demonstrate the greatness of His promise, look at Isa. 41:15-16: "Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff. Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them: and thou shalt rejoice in the LORD, and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel."
What a revelation! A worm shall thresh a mountain! You have heard false reports from many, saying, that Christians and Christianity would fail. I am here to tell you that we shall not fail. We have the sovereign Lord of Heaven and Earth as our Lord and Master. Moreover, he can use a worm to exercise His dominion. We shall not fail! It is the enemies of Christ who shall falter, fail, and be beaten small. They shall be destroyed – not the people of God. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My Righteousness" (41:10).
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