Conditional friendship guaranteed.

John 15:14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

Make no mistake, God's friendship is conditional.  There's way too much false teaching out there that shows God as a sappy, accept you no matter what, be your friend always, no matter what you do.
True God loves us, BUT if we're disobedient, we're not walking in fellowship with him, but rather trying to bend God almighty to our will.  God forbid. Through God's unconditional love we are offered Jesus Christ his son. If we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that God raised him from the dead we are saved.  ROMANS 10:9.
If a person rejects Jesus they are doomed to the eternal lake of fire. God's loves is perfect and his justice is perfect.
Run to Jesus now. Time has run out.


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