The "Lifespan" of a nation is 240 years

The "lifespan" of a nation = 240 years

Isn't it interesting that it is said that the "average lifespan of a nation is around 200 years."  Well, America is 240 years old which means that she has been given a "probation period" of 40 years extra which concludes in 2016.   Yeah, that's right!  Theoretically America's "probation period" ENDS in 2016.

Tom G.

The following below shows exactly where America stands today.

This memorable quotation is from Sir Alex Fraser Tytler (1742-1813). Scottish jurist and historian, he was widely known in his time and was professor of Universal History at Edinburgh University in the late 18th century.

The quotation is from the 1801 collection of his lectures.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."

That is why our forefathers founded the United States of America as a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY.

The average age of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

     from bondage to spiritual faith;
     from spiritual faith to great courage;
     from courage to liberty;
     from liberty to abundance;
     from abundance to selfishness;
     from selfishness to complacency;
     from complacency to apathy;
     from apathy to dependency;
     from dependency back again to bondage..This is America right now!
Having read what Professor Tyler had to say, now read the following and see what Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, wrote about the 2000 Presidential election between Al Gore and George Bush.

Population of counties won by Gore 127 million -- by Bush 143 million. Square miles of country won by Gore 580,000 -- by Bush 2,427,000. States won by Gore 19 -- by Bush 29. Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Gore 13.2 -- by Bush 2.1 (not a typo.) Professor Olson adds: "The map of the territory Bush won was (mostly) the land owned by the people of this great country. NOT the citizens living in cities in tenements owned by the government and living off the government." Professor Olson thinks the US is now between the apathy and complacency phase of democracy although he believes that 40 percent of the nation's population has already reached the dependency phase.

NOTE: Both items above were verified through Google Internet Search.


Where are we now?


"Nations richer and more powerful in their day than we are in this, have been sabotaged, defeated, enslaved.

Babylon was the largest and richest nation of its time, but its lust for luxury made it an easy mark for the Medes and Persians who overran it, and divided its land and enslaved the people between them.

Rome was a greater military power than we ever were, but when free bread and circuses became more important to the people than hard work and patriotism, Rome was invaded and looted by the tougher Vandals.

The Incas were the most civilized, richest people in the Americas, but ruthless, better-armed invaders destroyed them as a nation, and looted everything they owned and had spent generations in creating.

In every case it was the self indulgent weakness of the victim which made victory of the invader easy.

Undoubtedly there were Babylonians, Romans, Incas who warned against overindulgence and weakness, who warned that each citizen is responsible for his nation, and that that responsibility cannot be shrugged off on officials. But to those who warned of impending trouble there was then as now the smug sneer, 'It can't happen here.'

But it did."



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