More Proof: How many - if not most - Pastors are The Blind Leading The Blind.

1941. epikaleó
Strong's Concordance
epikaleó: to call upon
Original Word: ἐπικαλέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: epikaleó
Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee-kal-eh'-om-ahee)
Definition: to call upon
Usage: (a) I call (name) by a supplementary (additional, alternative) name, (b) mid: I call upon, appeal to, address.


Below is shocking proof why it's so important to read the Bible (King James Version) and not be spoon fed by your pastor or some YouTube spiritual leader. It's of paramount importance that we follow scripture and not the philosophy and tradition of  man.  1 John 4:1 KJVColossians 2:8 KJV


The following quote by Dr. David Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries. 


Dr. Reagan: My turn-around with Bible prophecy occurred with the book of Zechariah. When I was 12 years old, I discovered Zechariah 14, and I just couldn't believe it. I took the verses to my pastor and I said, "You say that Jesus will never put His feet on the earth again. This chapter says He's coming to the Mount of Olives, and when His foot touches the Mount of Olives, it will split in half." Well, he sat there and he read it and he read it and he read it. I don't think he'd ever read it before. Finally, he looked up, and he pointed his finger in my face, and he replied: "Son, I want to tell you something. I don't know what this means, but I can guarantee you one thing, it doesn't mean what it says."

In fact, I was in a public discussion before some 2,000 people one time in Cincinnati where a fellow took the same position. He was an Amillennialist. All I used was Zechariah 14 because I knew Amillennialists focused solely on Revelation 20. He then got up and made this comment: "I don't know what Zechariah means. I have no idea. But, I'll guarantee you one thing, it has been fulfilled sometime and somewhere in history, because all of the Old Testament prophecies have been fulfilled."

For the answer to where we are in the chronology of the end times, check out the complete interview on Christ in Prophecy

The same Dr. Reagan refused to debate me when I lovingly pointed out that his ministry was teaching Dominionism

What is a Pastor?  By Brendan Flynn

My Testimony

I don't go to church: from a blood bought, born again Christian with over 50 years of going to church

Dear People,

These 501c3 brick and mortar buildings  (and even those run under private or limited liability corp) run by apostate trained CEOs called pastors are not BIBLICAL.  They are literally making Merchandise of you and your children and your children's heritage. They are cursed by God under both Galatians 1:8,9 and 2 Peter 2:3... In fact 2 Peter 2:3, literally says these false teachers through feigned (study the word feigned: invented. fake.  counterfeit. deception. fictitious. ) words make merchandise of you...
I've completed an 800 page Ebook containing over a thousand references, several thousand pages of source documentation titled: " I don't go to church. A 50 year testimony of attending church to say in agreement with Dr. Larkin, that today's churches are building the kingdom of the Antichrist. " see note 1 below...  If anyone wants this open public  domain book. I will email you a copy for free. Email me your request to  Amazon lists it for $0.99. We wanted to post it for free. But Amazon requires a fee.  If you order, please know any profit goes to sending out more free copies.
But this church-going issue has now become my focus.  I'm a retired US naval officer,  and finished a career in  consulting. and recently retired from teaching High school as a licensed teacher.  I also spent years living in other countries, including over 6 yrs in Vietnam sharing Jesus with the Vietnamese people. 
Here's my testimony below:


  1. Thank you for this information.
    The rapture of the church might be 220 years from now because the Jewish Calendar is the Moon Calendar and it is at 5780. 220 years maybe yet to go in this Gospel of the Grace of God.
    And, we will not know who the Anti-Christ is, as we will be Raptured before he appears. As, I have the down-payment of Jesus in me (Ephesians 1) and I know God is not going to reign His Wrath on Himself. And I am Himself with "Christ in me the Hope of Glory"
    The 6th verse of the First Chapter of Ephesians says, "We are accepted in the Beloved". God made the way for us to never be able to commit Satan's sin, by accepting us with the Blood of Calvary. When the Blood of the Cross hit the Mercy Seat the Veil was torn from top to bottom, and every man, woman and child has direct access to God the Father. I don't have to have a pastor telling me I have to tithe, be baptized in water (etc.) (I am a old lady) and I know all I have to do is obey the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Praise Jesus constantly, I Thessalonians 5:18, and watch for miracles in my life. It is fun being a Christian and watching God work everything out for His Glory.

    1. Amen! Thank you for sharing this with us dear Sister. I hope our Lord won't wait 220 more years before bringing us home. In my frail, human logic I just can't imagine things will last that much longer. But we know His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. God bless you abundantly dear Sister. Maranatha!


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