What is the Good News?
Defining the Gospel
Folks, God’s “rightly divided” Word proves
[2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:21]
that the “hour of temptation” [peirasmos]
in Revelation
3:10 is a reference to the first half of the future seven year
Tribulation period, and that “the hour of His judgment” refers to
the last half of the Tribulation period. This truth is verified by the fact
that there is an actual literal two hour period of intense darkness
which precedes the dawning of the day, and that the very “heavens” [Psalm 19:1-3] testify to this truth. This
two hour period of extreme literal darkness which precedes the
dawning of the day is obviously a type
of the two hour Tribulation period of extreme spiritual darkness
which will precede the dawning of the “day of God. These proven truths make it obvious that the only position that any true
believer can take on the “rapture” question that is in harmony with God’s
Word is that of the Pre-tribulation
rapture. Period! Any other position
makes the statement of the Lord Jesus Christ in Revelation 3:10 out to be
a lie and therefore the Lord Himself out to be a liar! Are you listening? Do you want that on your conscience?
But I have been repeatedly told over the
years by those who don’t want to believe these truths that “one’s position on the rapture has nothing to do with the gospel.” In the light of what I have just pointed out to
our readers, is this claim [or excuse]
really so? Let’s find out…..
The English word “gospel” is translated
from three different Greek words in the New Testament. These words are…..
“euangelizo” which literally
means, “to preach the good news;
especially of salvation in Christ, but also including its implications
for mankind and their relationship to God; to bring glad tidings; to
declare glad tidings; to show glad tidings.” See Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, pages
256-257, Strong’s No. 2097.
“euangelion” which literally
means “good news; good tidings;
glad tidings; the glad tidings of the kingdom of God soon to be
set up; the glad tidings of salvation through Christ; the proclamation
of the grace of God manifested and pledged in Christ.” See Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, page 257,
Strong’s No. 2098.
“proeuangelizomai” which
literally means “to announce the gospel
in advance; to preach beforehand the good tidings; before the event by
which the promise is made
good.” See Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, page 539, Strong’s No. 4283.
It is obvious that the sole and only true
meaning of the word “gospel” as defined by each of these
three Greek words is simply “good news” or “glad tidings.” But good news of what? The answer to this question is found in the
context in which these words occur where they are obviously connected with different
aspects of “good news” for
humanity and for God’s people.
For instance, there is the “good news” of the
birth of Christ, the “good news” that both John the Baptist and the Lord
Jesus Christ proclaimed announcing the coming of the kingdom of God, the
“good news” of salvation through faith in Christ, the “good news” of
Christ making an atonement for sin at Calvary, the “good news” of the
resurrection of
Christ, the “good news” of God’s grace providing an opportunity for
salvation, the “good news” of the Lord’s future Millennial Kingdom of true
righteousness and peace, and the “good news” of “the blessed hope” of
the rapture for God’s people preceding the Tribulation period. Folks, every one of these things [and more] are part and parcel of “the
gospel [good news] of
the Lord Jesus Christ.” Praise
the Lord!
Yes, I am
well aware that men pick out a Scripture here or a Scripture there and
attempt to dogmatically define “the
gospel” as this or that or something else, totally ignoring the fact
that the Greek words translated as “gospel” simply mean “good news.” In the light of God’s Word, can “the
gospel” really be limited to only one
solitary event in all of God’s Word? Or,
are there many events in God’s Word which true
believers rejoice in as “good news” from the Word of the Lord? Well…??
Folks, the entire Word of God is “the
gospel” [good news] which the
Lord has graciously bestowed upon mankind in order to bring those who will
repent and believe to a saving knowledge of His Son. Proof?
Gladly! Compare Matthew
4:4, John 5:24, Ephesians 1:13, Acts 20:26-27, Roman 10:17, and many
more similar Scriptures. The Word
of the Lord is “the gospel” which saves, keeps, and will deliver a true
believer into the presence of the Lord and into His promised glorious
Kingdom. Praise the Lord!
What are YOU
“looking for”?
Folks, in view of the times in which we
are living today and the swiftly approaching terror that is staring the whole
world in the face right now, what news could possibly lift the spirits of true believers any more than “the
gospel” [good news] of the Pre-tribulation rapture? Well…??
The Pre-tribulation
rapture promised by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Revelation 3:10 is indeed
considered to be “good news” [gospel]
by the Lord Himself, for even His Word explicitly instructs
God’s people [true believers] to live
daily “looking for” it.
“For the grace of God that bringeth
salvation hath appeared to all men,
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness
and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this
present world;
Looking for that blessed hope, and
the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ;
Who gave Himself for us, that He might
redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous
of good works.
things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.”
Titus 2:11-15
Compare Luke
21:36 with Luke 20:35-36, then carefully study Colossians 1:12-14. This latter passage explicitly states
that the Lord has already “…delivered us [true believers] from
the power of darkness…”
Now study 1
Corinthians 15:49-52, noticing carefully the words “we” and “all.” Look at Galatians 1:4 and notice
that it is “us” [true believers]
who are to be delivered “…from this present evil world [age; dispensation], according to the will of God
our Father:” Look at 1
Thessalonians 1:10, where we true
believers are explicitly told that the resurrected Lord Jesus has
already “…delivered us from the wrath to come.” Glory! And then 1 Thessalonians 5:9 which explicitly
states, “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain
salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Now read 1
Thessalonians 4:13-18 noticing especially the five times the
word “we”
occurs, and the explicit statement, “caught up together with them” [the dead in Christ], clearly pointing
out that all New Testament believers will be raptured at the same time. Then notice that the last verse explicitly
admonishes God’s people, “Wherefore comfort one another with
these words.”
Folks, are
none of these verses of Scripture “good
news” [gospel] to you?
Do none of them stir up “the blessed hope” in your heart and
spirit? Are none of these Scriptures of
any “comfort”
to you? No? Then evidently you need to quit “hiding”
behind your worthless “religious profession” and seek the Lord for the
salvation of your soul.
Today many who call themselves
“Christians” look down upon and criticize those who hold fast to belief in the Pre-tribulation
rapture. But that is precisely what the
Lord Jesus Christ Himself clearly promised in Revelation 3:10. And you know it is!
“Because thou hast kept the Word of My patience,
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation [peirasmos], which shall come upon all
the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
Folks, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself
explicitly promised to keep His people “from the hour of temptation.” Therefore the Pre-tribulation rapture
of God’s people is indeed the only position on the rapture which does
not make the Lord Jesus Christ Himself out to be a liar. The Lord promised
only the Pre-tribulation
rapture in Revelation 3:10. This
passage makes no allowance for God’s people [true believers] to take any other position on the rapture.
God’s people are then most certainly on Scriptural
ground when we believe in, hold fast to, and teach, the Pre-tribulation rapture of all true
believers. In fact, a careful study
of Christian history will reveal that throughout this entire “dispensation
of grace” there has always been “a remnant” of God’s people who held to
and considered the Pre-tribulation
rapture to be part and parcel of the
Christian faith. Folks,
taking Revelation 3:10 at face
value for what the Scripture actually and literally says is nothing less than
adhering to and contending for “…..the
faith which was once delivered unto the saints,” Jude 3. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
Glory to God! What a living hope Gods people have in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory!
Folks, the Lord Jesus Christ is not a
liar. He made a promise to His church and to all
true New Testament believers, and He will keep His promise. Read Hebrews
10:23 and believe it.
In setting
this study before our readers, it should now be obvious that the only
position on the rapture that is in perfect harmony with the Lord’s statement in
3:10 is the Pre-tribulation
rapture position. Praise the Lord!
Folks, every one of us who are true believers are going to be
standing face to face with the Lord at the “bema” seat of judgment very
soon. I don’t want to have to look my
Lord in the face and confess in shame and sorrow that I made Him out to
be a liar because I refused to believe what He Himself plainly stated
about the Pre-tribulation rapture
of His people in Revelation 3:10. Do
I would further add that we New Testament
believers today are living in the very “time frame” when the Lord’s promise in Revelation
3:10 is about to be fulfilled.
No! I do not know the day or
the hour when our Lord is coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory,
but I do know that the time is very close. Folks, don’t let anyone steal your “blessed
hope” from you. Dates may come
and go, but just keep on watching and praying and witnessing and warning and
seeking to win the lost to Christ.
Never! Never! Never! give up your “blessed hope” for any man’s silly
theory. Our Lord is coming!
“Even so, come,
Lord Jesus,” Revelation 22:20.
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NOTICE: Permission is
granted to any true believer,
or to any Bible believing Christian ministry to reproduce this study to share
with others, or to quote from it in
context as written.
This ministry is supported solely by the freewill offerings of those
who feel led of the Lord to help us send forth God’s wonderful Word.
All comments, questions, and correspondence should be addressed to:
Pastor F. M. Riley
Last Call Gospel Ministry
Or I can be reached by email at: fmrglbd5@yahoo.com
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