A 79 year old Christian Pastor's Thoughts; Great Truths
I received this email from my dear friend and Pastor, Frances M. Riley (<fmr7sngn@centurylink.net>) ;
the Holy Spirit pressed my heart to share this with others. Please be blessed.
the Holy Spirit pressed my heart to share this with others. Please be blessed.
"I really felt ashamed because I have so little time and am overloaded with emails from people wanting Scriptural answers to their questions
and problems. Many of them tell me that they cannot get sound Scriptural answers from their pastors. What a terrible mess the end-time
churches and the ranks of Christianity are in. I feel like I ought to be sending a "thank you" note to each one of those who send me support on an individual basis, yet I can't find enough hours in the day to get everything done. That is why this month I decided to make one "thank you" note do it for everyone.
I thank you dear brother for your kind and encouraging words. I do love the Lord and His Word fervently, and want nothing more than
to minister His Word to His people and to lost seeking souls. I really thought four and one-half years ago that my life and ministry were over,
and honestly hoped that I would die real soon. As the old hymn says, "I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus, the Nazarene." Due to
His guidance and leadership the greatest ministry I have ever experienced has been during these past four and a half years, and it is still
growing. Truly as the Psalmist says, "He has filled my mouth with praise!"
Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was and I am. Beginning with Abraham, the Lord God has always used old men the most effectively throughout His Word and throughout human history. Moses, Joshua, Caleb, and the list goes on and on. All of them were old men
when the Lord God took their lives and made them into "great men of God." There is still just too much of the flesh about me, and I can say with dear old Joab, "I loathe myself," Job 7:5; 7:16. I so long to be rid of this old Adamic "sin nature" forever and to be made like Christ, Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:2-3. What a glorious day that will be for all of God's children! "
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