Note: I am sharing this as it's an excellent message; but I must point out there are Christ honoring believers on the Denver Broncos football team also. -- Annette
Seattle Seahawks linebacker Mike Morgan (# 57) prays with members of the Denver Broncos after
his team handed them a devastating 43-8 loss in the NFL's Super Bowl 2014 on Sunday.
Seattle Seahawks linebacker Mike Morgan (# 57) prays with members of the Denver Broncos after
his team handed them a devastating 43-8 loss in the NFL's Super Bowl 2014 on Sunday.
Shock And Awe
***If God is For Us
Who Can be Against Us? [1]
Who Can be Against Us? [1]
2-5-14, Rev Russ McDonald PhD -- If there was one thing which the Super Bowl wasn’t on Sunday, Feb 2, 2014, would be "exciting!" Whywasn’t it? Because it wasn’t even close, and I have a hunch why it wasn’t. I believe it was because God was honoring the Seattle quarterback, "Russell Wilson," who did not hide his love for God. However, it wasn’t just Wilson, but his teammates such as Russell Okung, Mike Morgan, Chris Maragos and others.
As a matter of fact, each Friday afternoon, about 10 players from the Seattle Seahawks gather around Karl Payne (Payne, the team’s chaplain and a pastor at nearby Antioch Bible Church, is on standby for the players) in a room deep inside the team’s headquarters in Renton, Wash. They come carrying Bibles, notebooks and pens, dressed in their team-issued blue-and-gray sweatpants and T-shirts for an hour-long Bible study.
The Seahawks… and Jesus? |
Clearly, the most important way the team prepared themselves for the game ...
faith & prayer. And they won their first Super Bowl Championship in their franchise history, routing the Denver Broncos in a lopsided 43-8 victory.
faith & prayer. And they won their first Super Bowl Championship in their franchise history, routing the Denver Broncos in a lopsided 43-8 victory.
Do you remember back in the Old Testament, when an army of some15,000 Midianites invaded Israel for the purpose of "hijacking" their food supplies?
Well, a judge named Gideon [2], called the Israelis "to the colors." Some 30,000 showed up to form an army that was probably large enough to defeat the Midianites. Nevertheless, Gideon was told by God to "downsize" his army by telling the volunteers that anyone who was afraid, or "indisposed" to fight, that they could go home. And about two-thirds, or 20,000 did so, leaving Gideon with about 10,000 men, a smaller, but more "select" army than the Midianites had, because it had "sluffed" its weakest men.
But God wasn’t finished, and He told Gideon to take his remaining troops to the river to drink. Most drank by burying their face in the water, but a few knelt, and used their hands to "lift water to their mouths." Gideon was told to use only the latter few, some 300 in all. These were supposedly the equivalent of "special forces" picked by God.
When they went to battle, they used unusual "shock and awe" tactics,blowing trumpets, flashing torches, and throwing stones noisily, rather than "standard assault tactics" using a sword and spear. Well my friend,Gideon won of course, but what was God's plan in using the special methods that He did? I believe it was so the He would be glorified!
It was a big upset as the Broncos were, during the regular season,the highest-scoring team in history, making them the #1 offense. Notwithstanding, the Seahawks, with the #1 defense, managed toshut down Broncos superstar quarterback Peyton Manning. In fact, the Broncos didn't even smell the end zone until the very end of the third quarter.
Furthermore, on the opening kickoff for the second half, Percy Harvin rubbed salt on the Broncos' wounds with an 87-yard return for a touchdown. Yes, Russell Wilson, not only led his team to victory, but as the game ended with confetti raining down on them, unashamedly in front of the entire world ... he also led fellow Christian teammatesto kneel on the field and pray, giving all the glory to God. Seahawks offensive tackle Russell Okung who also gave thanks toGod. Wilson said:
"I told the guys, 'Why not us?' It's only my second year, but I believe in the guys that we had. I believe…in the coaching staff…it's just thatGod is so good. He brought me a really long way. It's unbelievable. It's kind of surreal to be honest with you. Sitting there holding that trophy up and I'm looking up, I'm just so thankful for everything that I've been given."
Remember that Denver had a Christian quarterback by the name ofTim Tebow, and they may have had a better chance if they had kept him around, as a backup QB or TE. However, they punished and abandoned him in large part, due to his Christianity. I guess he was an embarrassment to them.
It didn’t escape my observation that Tebow "10"; was in a commercial during the Super Bowl. Isn’t it ironic that Tim made a whole lot of money, without getting all busted up. And you can be certain that he will give part of his money, for the Kingdom of God.
My friend, allow Jesus to be your "Lord,"
as well as your Savior, and get ready
for some "shock and awe!"
as well as your Savior, and get ready
for some "shock and awe!"
Amazed in His presence...
..humbled by His love
..humbled by His love
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