The Truth regarding the churches today
The following is an email I received from my dear Pastor One Of The Few Remaining True Faithful Shepherds.
Pastor Riley sent this after we learned of the Presbyterian Church endorsing Gay Marriage; embracing the fictitious Palestinian state while rejecting and condemning Israel.
Begin quote:
The Presbyterian's came out of the Catholic whore religion, as did all of the Protestant
religions. Christ Jesus had already pronounced their fate in His letter to Thyatira 2,000 years ago before they had even come into existence. Now Kenneth Copeland and others
want to return to Catholicism, kissing the Pope's behind, and desiring to snuggle in bed with their mother. This was all written in advance in God's precious Word. Read it for
yourself in Revelation 2:20-23.
Sadly, the "died in the wool" Protestant denominations will return to and embrace Catholicism enmass. Presbyterians, Lutherans, Church of England, Episcopals, Methodist, and some of the Pentecostals. Most of their poor deceived followers will go right along with whatever their leaders encourage them to do, just like dumb cattle following a Judas
cow. Read Ezekiel 34.
Thank you dear brother for sending the article by Jack Kinsella. Doctrinally, it has come down to one's stand on the Pre-tribulation rapture. I pointed out nearly 25 years ago from
a careful study of the "Book of Habakkuk" that a separation of God's people from the
"religious chaff" would occur over the teaching of the Second Coming of Christ and one's
position on the rapture, for this truth is clearly pointed out in Habakkuk 2:1-4. Since
the Lord God placed it in His Word, there is no question in my mind why all the hatred
among some "professing Christians" against the truth of the Pre-tribulation Rapture. Sadly,
those who hate it so intensely don't even have enough spiritual and logical sense to see that
any rapture position other than the Pre-trib rapture makes Christ Jesus Himself out to be a
LIAR, Revelation 3:10. The Lord Jesus whom I serve in truth IS NOT A LIAR
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