Time Is Always On The Side Of Truth
Time is always on the side of
By Pastor F. M. Riley
May 31, 2014
“To every thing
there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven,” Ecclesiastes 3:1.
I have no idea who first uttered the statement which I have used for a
title for this article, but I do know that King Solomon was inspired of God to
write the Scripture text which I have used to introduce this article. Both are profound statements, to which God’s
people should take heed.
Someone in the past also said, “Time
is the great Equalizer.” In other
words, with the passing of time everything wrong is going to be made right,
regardless of whether men [or women] believe
it or not, or like it or not. Praise the
Lord! Read also Galatians 6:7-8.
from Christian History
In the past I
devoted many hours, days, and weeks, to the study of Christian history. In doing so, it was revealed to me the
intense hatred that Satan has for the true church[es] of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for Bible believing Christianity.
Satan hates the Lord’s churches and people so much that he was willing to go to
any length to destroy them. Christian
history reveals that for the first three centuries of the Christian era, Satan
used both the unbelieving Jews and the Roman Empire in an effort to wipe Bible
believing Christianity from the face of the earth before Christianity hardly
got started. But as the inspired Word
says, “There is a spirit in man…” The
more true believers were
persecuted, the more determined they became to stand true and faithful to the
Lord, many of them sealing their testimony for Christ with their own blood, and
the ranks of Christianity swelled as more and more lost people turned to Christ
for salvation and joined the ranks of the persecuted believers. Glory to God!
Satan is the very epitome of wickedness, but he is not stupid, as
some today would have us believe. Satan, seeing that he could not destroy the
Lord churches and people by bitter persecution, decided to counterfeit
the church and thereby destroy Christianity from within. So in 313 A.D., Satan used the Roman Emperor,
Constantine, to set up the Roman Heirarchy religion. Of course this new
Heirarchy called itself “Christian” in order to deceive people into joining its
ranks. I do not mean to offend the
deceived Catholic people who have devoted themselves to the Catholic religion,
but there is nothing about Catholicism which is ”Christian” in a
Biblical sense. There never has been,
and there never will be. The so-called
Holy Roman Catholic Heirarchy religious system is the counterfeit
church established by the spirit of Satan himself for the express purpose
of “rooting out” and destroying real Bible believing Christianity from the face
of the earth. This false religious
system brought every pagan and heathen teaching and practice known to
mankind together into one body, and still contains those teachings and practices
within it today.
Once the Roman Heirarchy religious system had been established,
this system turned against true
believers and the Lord’s true churches with a vengeance, and the
Dark Ages began. For the next thousand
years, until the time of the Protestant Reformation, the Roman whore religion
burned, looted, raped, tortured, and murdered true Bible believing Christians
and destroyed true churches of the Lord in order to establish itself as the one
world religious system which desires to rule over all of mankind. The goal of this Satanic religion has
never changed!
Even some “prophecy teachers” today would have God’s people to believe
that “the
great whore” of Revelation 17 is simply “apostate
Christianity.” Sic! Nothing could be
further from the truth. The Scriptures plainly portray the “whore” riding “the
beast” to world power, Revelation 17:3-6. Don’t fail to notice that verse 6 explicitly
states that the woman “is drunken with the blood of the saints,
and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.”
This refers to “the blood of the saints” which were
brutally murdered during this present “dispensation of grace,” as well as
the blood of those martyred on the
earth following the rapture, who will
turn to Christ immediately after the beginning of the Tribulation period. See Revelation 6:9-11. Folks, there is no place in
the New World Order for God, Christ, the Bible, or Bible believing
Christians or Christianity, and the old Roman whore religious system
will do everything within her power to wipe out every trace of Bible believing
Christianity after the beginning of the Tribulation period.
This brief history which I have set before our readers is why for
hundreds of years during the Dark Ages and right up until the late 1800’s and
early 1900’s, it was commonly taught by our Christian forefathers that the
prophesied future anti-christ would be a Roman Pope! Oh yes it was! Do some serious study of Christian history
and check it out for yourself. This
teaching was only abandoned in true Christian churches in the late 1800’s or
early 1900’s, when the “false teachings” of Post-millennialism and Preteristism
began gaining popularity in the ranks of Christianity. Take heed!
Personal Stand
Because of my studies of Christian History, and Biblical truths, I too
came to believe that a Roman Pope will be the prophesied anti-christ, just as
was taught and preached by our Christian forefathers for hundreds of years
beginning in the third century of this present Christian era. My belief is what moved me to write my Bible
Study entitled, A White Knight…?? Not hardly!”
This study points out the Scriptural marks which identify the
Roman Pope as being the prophesied future “anti-christ.” I will be glad to send copies of this
study to any reader requesting them.
Many “prophecy teachers” who have read my claim that a Pope would be the
future anti-christ have shook their heads in disbelief. But remember dear readers, “Time is always on the side of truth!”
Breaking News
On May 23, 2014, the Pope began a trip to the Middle East, in
which he visited Jordan and Israel, making speeches about “peace” at every
opportunity. This is exactly what is
prophesied about the coming anti-christ in Daniel 8:23-25 and 11:21. Also in Revelation 6:1-2 the
anti-christ is portrayed as a man coming on the world scene as a man of
peace. Sic! Significantly, the numbers involved in the
“date” the Pope left Rome to begin his Middle East tour directly connect his
trip with the soon coming of Christ.
5th month, 23rd day, 14th year! 5+23+14=42.
“42” is the Bible number signifying “the
coming of Christ.”
The Pope returned from the Middle East last week after having visited
with the Jordanians, the Israelis and the Palestinians, and inviting a
delegation from both Israel and the Palestinians to meet with him for a “summit
conference” at the Vatican in Rome, Italy.
The Pope’s expressed desire [I
don’t personally believe a word he has to say] is to achieve a state of “peace”
between Israel and the Palestinians, by giving the Palestinians a nation
of their own on a portion of the land given to Israel and the Jewish people by
an “everlasting
covenant” from the Lord God Himself.
See Exodus 19:1 and many other passages of Scripture in God’s
inspired Word.
Oh, when is this “summit conference” to be convened? I’m so glad you asked! According to news reports, this “summit” will
be convened at the Vatican on June 6, 2014. Wow!
Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Perhaps now all those “prophecy teachers” who think I am some kind of
nut for believing that a Roman Pope could possibly be the predicted future
anti-christ, may have to eat a little crow and re-think their own
Folks, June 6, 2014 is…..
The Sixth month
of the year 6
The Sixth day of the month 6 = 666
Friday, the Sixth day of the week 6
Folks, I didn’t have to strain or manipulate a thing to come up with
this. There it is staring every reader
right in the face, and the three above statements about June 6th are
undeniable! But let’s not stop
here! Let’s now add the year number to
this equation and see what we get.
6 + 6 + 6 + 14 = 32, the Bible number signifying “covenant; agreement.”
Considering the fact that the Day of Pentecost falls just two
days later, on June 8, 2014, I highly suspect that “the covenant” of Daniel
9:27 will be “confirmed” at this “summit
conference” on June 6th. Then
two days later on June 8th the “legal” authority to represent the
Lord God on earth will be transferred from the Lord’s church back to the nation
and people of Israel, exactly as prophesied in Joel 2:28-32. This “legal” authority was
transferred from Israel to the church in 30 A.D. by the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2. Then what better time to transfer “legal”
authority back to Israel, by another pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the
144,000 Jewish “remnant,” on the Day of Pentecost on June 8th,
2014? Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Pre-Tribulation Resurrection and Rapture
But what about the Pre-tribulation resurrection and rapture of New
Covenant believers? Yes, what about
it? Since everything else prophesied in
the Scriptures is coming together in perfect order, then why not the
resurrection and rapture on the same day the transfer of “legal”
authority is returned to Israel? Or even
on the day following, when the numbers involved add up to “29,” the Bible
number signifying “to depart, leave, or
go out?”
This “date” of June 8, 2014 is without question prophetically
significant. June 8, 1967 was the day that the Six Day War ended when
the nations of Jordan and Egypt agreed to a ceasefire with Israel. It was also
the day when thousands of Jews poured into Jerusalem, rejoicing and dancing in
the streets and praising the God of Israel for restoring possession of
Jerusalem and the holy Temple Mount back to His covenanted people. Are you listening? Are you studying? Are you “watching and praying” like the Lord
God Himself commanded His discriples to do? Hello!
No, I do not know the exact “date” when the Lord is coming for us
who are New Covenant believers, but I do know that His coming is close
at hand. Why? Because every “sign” which the inspired
Word indicated would precede the Lord’s coming at the rapture, has been
fulfilled or is being fulfilled RIGHT NOW! Without apology to any man, I believe
God’s Word!
Folks, the Lord God is mercifully giving His people and lost seeking
souls the final warnings before He comes. Do our readers have spiritual discernment
enough to see this truth? Is every
reader of this study READY to meet the Lord when He comes? Remember, the Lord Himself said, “Many
will say unto Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name,
and in Thy name have cast out demons? and in Thy name done many wonderful [miraculous] works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from
Me, ye that work iniquity,” Matthew 7:22-23.
Dear readers, more is required for one to be a true believer than merely a vain
“profession” and membership in some church or religious organization. Whether
some like it or not, the only way of salvation is through faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior, John 3:16; 3:36; 5:24; 14:6; Acts
4:12; 16:30-31; Romans 10:8-13; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5. I would like to meet every reader in
glory when the Lord comes for us. Please
don’t disappoint me!
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If you are receiving this study it is because the Lord God has
graciously made a way for me to be back on the Internet again. Praise the Lord!
Permission is granted to any true
believer or Bible believing Christian ministry to reproduce this study
to share with others, or to quote from it in
context as written.
Again, I thank each reader who has made this ministry possible for the
past five years with your prayers and gifts.
May your rewards be great in glory.
Please address all comments, questions, and
correspondence to: Pastor F. M. Riley, Last Call Gospel Ministry, 184 County Road 108,
Harrisburg, Missouri 65256, or to: fmr7sngn@centurylink.net
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