Genesis, Flood, Shmita, Rapture Watch September 2015

This is phenomenal folks!!!!

Comet Shoemaker-levy 9 started colliding with Jupiter over a seven-day period starting with fragment "A" on July 16, 1994 and ended with fragment "W" on July 22.

I therefore decided to go to my online date calculator and start from July 16, 1994 and calculate the days to the Jewish month and day of Heshvan 10 in 2015.  Why this date?  Because it was the very day that God gave Noah the "seven day warning."  The flood came seven days later on Heshvan 17.

Calculate duration between two dates – results\
Start Date

From: Saturday, July 16, 1994 / 8th -9th Av ( First fragment of the comet Shoemaker - levy  strikes Jupiter )
To: Friday, October 23, 2015 / Heshvan 10th ( God gave Noah a "Seven day warning" on this day in Genesis )

Result: 7770 days......WOW!!!!
It is 7770 days from the start date to the end date, end date included.

Now watch this!   If we take and "add" those "seven days" starting from the 10th Heshvan ( the day God gave Noah the seven day warning), which is October 23rd in 2015 to October 30th, 2015 / 17th Heshvan ( The date in the Bible that the Genesis flood broke forth ), then we get the following:

7770 days + the 7 days of Warning to Heshvan 17 = 7777days
So from July 16, 1994 ( 1rst fragment of comet hits Jupiter ) to the flood date of Heshvan 17 in 2015 = 7777days

7 x 7 x 7 = 343 Rapture x 7 = 2401

Now look at what this number 2401 is made up of.  The gematria value for Yeshua = 386

2015 + 386 Yeshua = 2401..........2401 / divided by 7 = 343 Rapture

[.................Month October...................]
ח  ו  ד  ש     א  ו  ק  ט  ו  ב  ר
200   2     6     9   100    6     1         300     4     6     8 / total = 642

ח   ש   ו   ן
700   6    300        8 / total = 1014

Month October 642 + 1014 Heshvan = 1656.........Wow!   What are the odds of this????

The Genesis flood came 1656 years after creation.

Table 1: Dates of biblical events from Creation...........

Event/Person Passage Total Time from Creation (years)
God created everything. Genesis 1–2 0
Adam became the father of Seth at 130. Genesis 5:3 0 + 130 = 130
Seth became the father of Enosh at 105. Genesis 5:6 130 + 105 = 235
Enosh became the father of Kenan at 90. Genesis 5:9 235 + 90 = 325
Cainan became the father of Mahalalel at 70. Genesis 5:12 325 + 70 = 395
Mahalalel became the father of Jared at 65. Genesis 5:15 395 + 65 = 460
Jared became the father of Enoch at 162. Genesis 5:18 460 + 162 = 622
Enoch became the father of Methuselah at 65. Genesis 5:21 622 + 65 = 687
Methuselah became the father of Lamech at 187. Genesis 5:25 687 + 187 = 874
Lamech became the father of Noah at 182. Genesis 5:28 874 + 182 = 1056
The Flood started when Noah was 600. Genesis 7:6 1056 + 600 = 1656

I have also discovered something else here with the flood date of 1656.

[.....................Genesis flood, the days........................]

ב  ר  א  ש  י  ת,    מ  ב  ו  ל,    ה  י  מ  י  ם
600 10  40    10    5          30     6    2     40         400  10   300    1     200   2 / total = 1656.......The year of the Genesis flood.

Do you all want to know where we are "in time" on God's prophetic calendar?  Do you all want to know how important the year 2015 is, and how important Israel's
present "Shmita year" of 5775 is?  Well I am about to show you!!!!!!!! /.........Quote:.....""Shmita is the sabbath or sabbatical year, and shmita literally translates as dropping or release".........( end quote ).

This term in English is seen spelled several different ways as follows:.....Shmita,  Shemitah, or Shemittah.  They are pronounced the shame, but with just different spellings.

Now here below is a quote right out of the Hebrew Bible from Deuteronomy 15:1- 2

Deut. 15:1 - 2 .......At the end of every shevat shanim ( seven years ) thou shalt make a shemittah ( release ).  And this is the manner of the shemittah: Every creditor that lendeth whatever unto his neighbor shall cancel the debt; he shall not exact it of his neighbor, or of his brother; because it is called Hashem’s Shemittah ( The Lord's Shemittah of "release" ).

Now I am going to show you the Hebrew spelling from the Hebrew Bible for the term "Shemitah."   I added the definite article "The", and placed it in front of this Hebrew term Shemitah in order to point to a "specific one."

[......The Shemitah......]
ה    ש    מ     ט     ה
5         9         40    300      5 / total = 359

I am now going to show you that God is undeniably pointing to the Shemitah year of 2015 / 5775.  You are going to get your confirmation, right here, and right now in what I am about to show you!

The year of the Genesis flood.....1656 + The Shemitah 359 = 2015 Shemitah year

..............................................................................."There it is folks!"

...................................................."As it was in the days of Noah!"

We have reached THE END!  And God is getting ready to remove His Church in the Rapture and close the "Church age of grace'' in the...."Final Shemitah year of 2015 / 5775" I believe that the Church is going to leave this planet THIS YEAR, and that she is going to finally get her "Final Shemitah - release" from sin,  death,  and the grave!

Do you believe it?  Are you anticipating his return!  And are you ready?  

Well I believe it, and I am more than ready!

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!

In Christ, Tom Gaston


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