Rapture Barley Harvest, Omers, NOT Wheat Rosh Ha Shanah
Listen up!
Hardly anyone is giving any attention to those "49 Barley omers." The majority of people are "Clueless" to what these Omersare all about. The Church is "Barley" and NOTwheat. These omers start on First fruits (Christ's resurrection ) which is the first Barley omer. The "Barley omers" go all the way up to the "eve" of Pentecost.
The 1rst Barley omer begins "inside" theseven days of Passover which therefore continues and connects Passover all the way up to 49 omers / Pentecost.
Those 49 Barley omers led to the "beginning" of the Church on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, and they are also going to lead to the "completion" and conclusion of theChurch on a future Pentecost in the year of the Rapture.
I have news for all of those "Rosh Ha Shanah Rapture" fans......"The Rapture of the Church is NOT going to happen on the feast of Trumpets." Listen to me! It is OUT OF ORDER with God's prophetic program. God gave us the "agricultural cycles" in order to teach us "the order of His prophetic events." The "wheat harvest" begins at Pentecostseason. The "end of the age" is the "wheat harvest" in which God will be separating the "wheat from the tares" ( Parable in the gospels ). The Apostle paul has already given the Church......THE ORDER OF EVENTS.....in the following text below.
1Corinthians 15:23,24........." But each in his own order: Christthe first fruits,( resurrection / first Barley omer ), after thatthose who are Christ’s at His coming ( resurrection / Rapture event ), then comes the end....etc..etc.......when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power ( Happens during and at the "conclusion" of the tribulation period ).
Here is the "order" below.
Christ the "First fruits" / 1rst Barley omer, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ,14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49th Barley omer concludes / Rapture of the Church......Then comes the END!!! ( tribulation period ) / The "Wheat harvest" / Separation of the "wheat from the tares."
This is why there are 49 Barley omers which represent theChurch, and of which at the "conclusion" of these 49 Barley Omers in the year of the Rapture the Church is going to leave this planet so God can get on with His prophetic program of separating the "wheat from the tares" during the tribulation period which is the "end of the age", as once again the "wheat harvest" represents the "END OF THE AGE." And the "wheat harvest" begins at Pentecost.
Therefore I hate to "bust peoples Rosh Ha Shanah bubble", but there is not going to be any "fall season Rapture" folks, as it is OUT OF ORDER prophetically with God'sagricultural cycles.
( The countdown ) 49 Barley Omers to the "beginning" of the Church ( Acts chapter 2 ).
( The countdown ) 49 Barley Omers to the "fullness" and completion of the Church at the "opening" of the day of Pentecost in a future year of the Rapture.
Check this out below!
( Shilhuv ) Rapture / Shin = 300 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 Vav =6 Beth = 2 / total = 343
In omer 49 / Beth = 2 / Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 Mem = 40 Resh = 200 / Mem = 40 Teth = 9 / total = 367
Gentile Bride / Gimmel = 3 Vav = 6 Yod = 10 / Kaph = 20 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 / total = 74
343 + 367 + 74 = 784 Pentecost............There it is folks!!!!!!!!!
ש ב ו ע ו ת
400 6 70 6 2 300 / total = 784
In Christ, Tom Gaston
----- Original Message -----
From: Tom
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 4:23 PM
Subject: Fw: WOW!!! "The jubilee 5776, Pentecost completed" = ? / Tom Gaston
Acts 20:16..........For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.
1 Corinthians 16:8..........But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.
The Bible doesn't tell us "the motive" or the reason as to "why" the Apostle Paul wanted to be in Jerusalem for the festival ofPentecost. If he wanted to keep this festival, then he could have done so in Ephesus. It could have been a number of reasons out of serveral why Paul wanted to be back in Jerusalem for this festival. And so by way of "speculaton" here the thought which has crossed my mind was..."Could it be possible that perhaps the Apostle Paul thought that the Lord might come during this festival?" Well, we will never know this side of eternity, but it is an interesting thought to ponder! Nevertheless I am convinced that the Church will come to "fullness" ( Rom. 11:25 ) and beRaptured on the festival of Pentecost yet future which has been continuing and ongoing ever since the first century when theChurch had its inception. I am hoping that it will be this year, but If not ( ? ), then in a year yet future, though I am really excited and anticipating that it could very well be in 2016?
There are many good reasons which causes myself and others to believe that the Church will be completed on this particular festival which is directly related to the beginning of the Church / church age. The Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost, and therefore He could also be "removed" and "ascend" back up on that very day along with the Church who has been "eternally sealed" by Him ( Eph. 4:30 ).
Check out these amazing gematria's!
The Holy Spirit and the inception of "The Church" have a direct connection to one another on the Day of Pentecost. I will show you the gematria value for the phrase "The Church", and then I will take and add its value to the value of the Holy Spirit = 624.
This is really amazing!
[.......Holy Spirit.........]
ר ו ח ק ו ד ש
300 4 6 100 8 6 200 / total = 624
[........The Church........]
ה כ נ ס י י ה
5 10 10 60 50 20 5 / total = 160 + 624 = 784
ש ב ו ע ו ת
400 6 70 6 2 300 / total = 784........= The Church + Holy Spirit = 784.........That's amazing!!!!
Barley / Shin = 300 Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 / total = 376
And 49th Omer / Vav = 6 / Mem = 40 Teth = 9 / Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 Mem = 40 Resh = 200 / total = 371
Festival Adonai / Cheth = 8 Gimmel = 3 / Yod = 10 Hay =5 Vav = 6 Hay = 6 / total = 37
376 + 371 + 37 = 784 Pentecost
Acts 2:1..........And when the day of Pentecost was "fully come" ( Fullness ), they were all with one accord in one place.
ש ל מ ו ת
400 6 40 30 300 / total = 776
[........And year 2016.........]
ו ב ש נ ת ב ט ז
7 9 2 400 50 300 2 6 / total = 776
ש ע ו
6 70 300 / total = 376
ק צ י ר
200 10 90 100 / total = 400 + Barley 376 = 776
ת ש ע ו
6 70 300 400 / total = 776
[.............He's coming Yeshua, the omer, the 49th...........]
ה ו א ב א י ש ו ע, ה ע ו מ ר, ה - מ ט
9 40 5 200 40 6 70 5 70 6 300 10 1 2 1 6 5 / total = 776
[.......................................Jubilee of the bride, Pentecost, in 5776................................]
י ו ב ל ש ל ה כ ל ה, ח ג ה ש ב ו ע ו ת, ת ש ע ו
6 70 300 400 400 6 70 6 2 300 5 3 8 5 30 20 5 30 300 30 2 6 10
The total = 2016
[........................................The jubilee 5776, Pentecost completed..................................]
ה י ו ב ל ת ש ע ו , ח ג ה ש ב ו ע ו ת ה ו ש ל מ ו
6 40 30 300 6 5 400 6 70 6 2 300 5 3 8 6 70 300 400 30 2 6 10 5
The total = 2016
Wow! How awesome is that folks!
Even so, come Lord Jesus!
In Christ, Tom Gaston
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