#Rapture Pentecost June 2016 #Tribulation Jesus Saves
To all who read this... I've been watching for the past 3 years for our redemption and ratpure. This year during Pentecost I believe we're in the highest Rapture Watch ever. Praise God!!! Hallelujah!!! Maranatha!!!
If you're saved, look up we're going home. If you're reading this and are not saved, please come to Jesus now, repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If the Rapture happens between now and or during this coming Pentecost 2016 JUNE 10-12, 2016 and you've found yourself left behind, immediately accept Jesus, call on his name, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST 666.
Following was written by my brother in Christ Tom Gaston:
Following was written by my brother in Christ Tom Gaston:
By Tom Gaston > rapturetj@comcast.net
All I can say folks is, get ready for a possible 49th Omer
/ Pentecost Rapture in
[..........Year of redemption..........]
ש נ ת ה ג א ו ל ה
5 30 6 1 3 5 400 50 300 / total = 800
[.....Festival the weeks......]..."Pentecost
ח ג ה ש ב ו ע ו ת
400 6 70 6 2 300 5 3 8 / total = 800
The term Pentecost in Hebrew is spelled and reads as...."Festival
the weeks." From Christ's resurrection first fruits to the 49th
Omer is a period of "seven weeks." The 50th
day is Pentecost. You can see above that the phrases "Year
of redemption" and "Festival the Pentecost" both have the same value of 800.
Therefore they can be used interchangeably in the gematria's below.
These gematria's below are stunning and exciting
in what they are revealing to us!
[.............................Bride, seven weeks, year of redemption............................]
כ ל ה, ש ב ע ה ש ב ו ע ו
ת, ש נ ת ה ג א ו ל ה
5 30 6 1 3 5 400 50 300 400 6 70 6 2 300 5 70 2 300 5 30 20 / total = 2016
[.....................................Bride, seven weeks Pentecost.....................................]
כ ל ה ש ב ע ה ש ב ו ע ו ת ח
ג ה ש ב ו ע ו ת
400 6 70 6 2 300 5 3 8 400 6 70 6 2 300 5 70 2 300 5 30 20 / total = 2016
There are 49 Barley Omers or 49 days
which is a period of "seven weeks." That's why Pentecost
is called the "feast of weeks." The first Barley Omer
is the very day of first fruits ( Christ arose ). These 49
Omers are all Barley Omers which lead to the very day of Pentecost
( day 50 ). The Church is the "Barley" and NOT
the "Wheat." And so I believe that these 49 days were not only
a "countdown" to the "inception" or beginning of the Church on the day of Pentecost,
but that they will also be the countdown to the conclusion of the Church
the year of the Rapture. I believe that these 49 Barley Omers represent
the "period of time" between "Christ's resurrection" to "the
resurrection / Rapture of the Church." And so the Church will NOT be here during the Wheat
Harvest which begins seasonly around the time of Pentecost. The Wheat
harvest represents the end of the age / tribulation period, at which time God will
be separating the "wheat from the tares."
Christ after His resurrection appeared to His disciples over a period of 40
days starting from first fruits to the 40th
Omer. The number 40 in the Bible represents "probations, trials, testings."
Jesus ascended and went back to heaven at the end of this 40 day period which was
ascension day.
The following is unbelievable folks!
24 hours in a day x 49
days, or 49 Barley Omers = 1176
[..........Boaz and the book of Ruth..........]
ב ו ע ז ב מ ג י ל ת ר ו ת
ב ו ע ז ב מ ג י ל ת ר ו ת
400 6 200 400 30 10 3 40 2 7 70 6 2 / total = 1176.......= 49
days / 49 Omers
[............5776 Harvest............]
ת ש ע ו ק צ י ר
200 10 90 100 6 70 300 400 / total = 1176.......= 49 days
/ 49 Omers
Resurrection / Tav = 400 Cheth = 8
Yod = 10 Yod = 10 / total = 433
Rapture / Shin = 300 Lamed = 30
Hay = 5 Vav = 6 Beth = 2
/ total = 343
Harvest / Koph = 100 Tsady = 90
Yod = 10 Resh = 200 / total = 400
433 + 343 + 400 = 1176
.......= 49 days / 49 Omers
How could all four of these gematria's have the same value of 1176 which relates to the 49
Omers / Pentecost, except that they were all designed
by God!
Now watch this!!!!!!!!
49 days ( 49 Omers ) = 1176
Jesus ascends back to heaven after the 40
day probation period
( Day 50 Pentecost ) Festival
the weeks = 800
1176 + 40 + 800 = 2016.......Holy jumping Pentecost's! Look at that!!!!
1Corinthians 15:23,24...."But each in his own order: Christ the first
fruits, after that those who are Christ's at His coming ( the resurrection
/ rapture of the Church ), THEN comes the END
when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power" ( This happens during the
tribulation period ).
From "Christ's resurrection" to "the resurrection of the Church"
is what I believe these 49 Omers represent ..........."From
resurrection to resurrection."
So let me lay out this Scripture above in the order that it unfolds.
1Corinthians 15:23,24.....But each in his own order. Christ
the first fruits / 1rst Omer
to... 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25
- 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49th Omer (
Rapture ) Pentecost - day
50......THEN comes the END,
when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power" ( During the tribulation
period ),
The Barley represents the "Church",
and therefore these "Barley Omers" do NOT END
with the first Omer which was Christ's resurrection day, as
these Omers are"all barley
omers" which run all the way up to the 49th Omer
/ Pentecost!
Quote: A tribulum was a Roman tool for threshing wheat. It was probably
pulled by oxen. They are still in use in some remote rural areas of the world today....( end quote ).
The instrument called the "tribulum" was
used for the "Wheat harvest", but NOT
for the "Barley harvest." The Barley is
softer and does not need to be exposed to this rigorus "wheat harvesting tool
" which "bends over, breaks down, and crushes the wheat stalks so they
can be harvested.
The "body of Christ" has already believed in the Messiah and therefore does NOT
need to be "bent over, beaten down, crushed, and humbled" like the wheat in
order to come to faith in the Messiah, because the Church has already been redeemed
by faith in Yeshua. But those who are left behind at the time of the Rapture will have to experience God's divine
judgments which this device called the "tribulum" represents. As a matter of fact
this is where we get the term "tribulation" from.
In order for God to bring unbelieving national Israel and
other the gentiles to "repentance and faith"
in the Messiah, then He has to pour out His divine judgments and wrath upon these unbelieving Jews
and Gentiles which will "bend them over, beat them down, and crush them"
in order to humble them in "spirit"
and bring them to true repentance and salvation in the Messiah. Once again the 21 judgments
of Revelation ( the end of the age ) are going to bring about the separation
of the wheat from the tares."
I believe the following:
[..The 49 Barley Omers represent the "Gap of time"
between Christ's resurrection to the resurrection of the church..]
[..From Christ's resurrection................................( Gap of time ).........................49th
Omer ( Rapture ) Pentecost..]
[..From Christ's resurrection........................................< To >..............................................Church Resurrection..]
[..From Christ's resurrection......( Probation period,
as we wait for the " Blessed Hope" ).......Church Resurrection..]
Therefore the festival of weeks / Pentecost is going to come "full circle"
when the Church is completed. The Church had its "beginning"
on Pentecost, and the Church will come to a close at Pentecost.
Just like "Bookends." The Church was all
Jewish at its inception and beginning on the day of Pentecost, but
the Church will be predominately Gentile at its conclusion.
In Christ, Tom Gaston
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