Children know we're going home soon. Maranatha!
For the past few weeks, my 5 yr old daughter has drawn and or colored crowns and asked me when are we going to see Jesus. A few months ago she woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, crying very hard asking why we were still waiting to see Jesus and when are we going home. After repeating "when are we going home? I want to go home,", I told her we are home. She said, " No! Not this home, our home with Jesus."
Yesterday she started to cry out of the blue, "when are we going home I want to see my papa Jay (my deceased father, her grandfather, a man who yearned for and believed in the Rapture ). I kept telling her VERY SOON . she asked if I'm sure, I told her, "VERY SURE. AMEN MARANATHA!
Here are some of the crown pictures.
Here are
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