Rebuke Gevte YouTube False Teacher Jeffery M. Sherwood #False Teacher #EndTimes Apostasy
1. Hear 2. Believe 3. Repent 4. Confess 5. Be Baptized For Salvation is damnable heresy and the doctrine of demons, a works based salvation that Paul fought against throughout his entire ministry.
In accordance with Titus 1:13, 2:11, 15, 3:5-7; and 2 Timothy 3:16, 4:2 KJV; and with the Saints as a witness and testimony against Gevte, Jeffery M. Sherwood's false teaching, this rebuke is posted.
Background. Gevte is excited about the Rapture and for this, I am grateful he is posting the exciting findings in the video above and I agree with him that Pentecost is a perfect type and picture of the Rapture. I am especially excited for this upcoming July 2020 and I sent Gevte a comment accordingly.
However, as I was studying his video links about salvation I was deeply saddened that Gevte is another "works-based" teacher and worse for his soul is he's teaching another Gospel. Read Galatians 1:8,9 KJV. I notified Jeffery Sherwood by email that he's posting false teaching about Water Baptism is a condition for salvation along with Repenting and Confession. See his video links above.
The only way to salvation is to "believe" ONLY in the Gospel given to us by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. This Gospel is simply knowing we are saved by belief alone that Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. PERIOD!!! Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV back this up: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast!!!" There is no made-up laundry list here like you find in Gevte's videos.
False Teachers like Gevte Jeffery M. Sherwood like to use the Pauline Epistles (which is the age of grace for the church) to prove water baptism is required. Galatians 3:27 is a favorite. But look at this short excerpt to blast Gevte and his kind out of the water: QUOTE:
"So within the context of Galatians, and particularly the verses leading up to Galatians 3:27, Paul had been laboring extensively to show that a person was justified by faith. It would be strange (and incorrect) to think that after he made this point over and over and over again, he suddenly ‘threw in’, as a mere aside, an additional doctrine of salvation importance saying, ‘Oh yeah, and don’t forget, you’re actually saved by water baptism too.’ That doesn’t work. Both the immediate context and larger book context argue against it.
III. Larger Scriptural Context. With this step we are simply seeing if the larger context of Scripture argues for justification by faith or justification by baptism. The evidence overwhelmingly and indisputably supports the former – justification by faith. Rather than citing all the verses in their entirety here is a large sampling of the ‘addresses’ where those verses can be found: Jn. 3:16, 36; 5:24; 6:47; Rom. 3:21-26, 28-30; 4:3, 5, 11, 16; 5:1; 9:30, 33; 10:4, 9-10; Eph. 1:13; 2:8-9; Phil. 3:9; etc.
IV. What kind of baptism is in view here? Perhaps the biggest mistake made by those who teach that a verse like Galatians 3:27 teaches salvation-by-baptism is that they assume when the word “baptism” is used the text can only be speaking of water baptism. Remember the Scripture does not only speak about water baptism, it speaks about “baptisms” (Gr. baptisimon), one of which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit whereby He (the Holy Spirit) immerses a believer into union with Christ. John the Baptist, for example, said that while he baptized with water one was coming after him who would baptize with the Holy Spirit (Lk. 3:16b). The apostle Paul wrote of this baptism in 1 Corinthians 12:12,13 saying:
For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.That’s the baptism that is in view in Galatians 3:27. So besides the fact that there is no mention of water in Galatians 3:27 (an important fact to note), it’s the baptism of the Holy Spirit that works coterminously with justification by faith – that’s the connection between verse 26 and 27! To be a son of God through faith in Christ Jesus (vs. 26) is to have been baptized by the Spirit into Christ – spiritually speaking (vs. 27)."
text is taken from
These false teachers like Jeffery M. Sherwood also take the Kingdom Dispensation of the Gospels where Water Baptism before the age of grace, revealed to Paul, as required. To understand dispensation please read my link here below:
What Christians need to know about Dispensation and going to church buildings and doing works for salvation:
What is true biblical salvation:
Also, Jeffery M Sherwood in his Rapture Video is trying to tell us that the July 2020 Rapture is an absolute, must be. This is not true. I and other true Christians pray we go home this July 2020, but we simply do NOT Know absolutely for sure this is truly our date of redemption. Gevte has a bad habit of making absolute statements that have failed in the past. Therefore he is not to be believed.
Finally, Jeffery M. Sherwood teaches that Leaven in the Bible is not sin but rather a good thing. Although this is not a major doctrinal issue, this can cause baby Christians a lot of confusion. Please know that Leaven in the Bible always refers to sin or apostasy or carnal nature of mankind.
If anyone has questions please email me:
"Gevte" has been setting Rapture dates on YouTube videos for YEARS! (AT least 6 I know of) I have rebuked him in comments on his videos MANY times.. He ignores me and anyone else (which is rare for anyone else to rebuke him) and once the date passes, he deletes the videos and puts up some more dates. At LEAST 5 years he's done this, but I DO believe it has been longer. Being disabled, you lose track of time about things like this..Check his page on YT now, there's a new date there since Pentecost is passed, I guarantee it. Every date that passes, DELETE! and makes another or several other Rapture dates. It's insane!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Yes, agree. I personally have my favorite "high watch" times, especially Pentecost, but to make complete absolute statements of this is the certain date is really dangerous.
DeleteHow did you tie gevte to Jeff Sherwood?
ReplyDeleteGreat question. This Blog was written almost 2 years ago. I wouldn't have just pulled a name out of thin air. I went back through my emails, blog posts, comments all the way back to 2012 and can't find any evidence. I also went to a Jeffery Sherwood Youtube channel who posts similar articles but again there doesn't seem to be any particular connection to gevte. Since you've asked would you have any idea? I will keep looking. If this connection was made in error I will immediately amend as necessary by deleting the name Sherwood with GEVTE. I DO however stand strong in rebuke of gevte for preaching a false gospel. Thank you.
DeleteUpdate if you go to the gevte video what must I do to be saved in this Blog you'll find a comment I made back in 2017 that I had emailed Jeffrey Sherwood about his errant teaching. Therefore I had apparently known about the name connection going back to 2017. I'm currently unable to find that email. If anyone has information connecting a Jeffrey Sherwood to Gevte please advise. Thank you.