Christian if someone tells you that Christmas is Evil, tell them these 3 simple things...

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Response to someone telling you Christmas is Evil:

Response in 3 easy steps:

Thank you for expressing your opinion and someone once said that everyone has an opinion and entitled to same, but first:

1.  What's the day, date and time?

Any day dated and time is of pagan origin>  Look it up, do your own research...  Please don't ever use dates, days, times.

See Link on the reality of all our dates and times are pagan:

If someone tells a Christian that Easter is Pagan, agree and tell them... #Jesus has Risen #Easter Sunday #CCOT (

2.  Go home and read these bible verses and write an essay and email me how  your belief is NOT what these Bible verses clearly teach:

Colossians 2:8, 16,17; 1 Corinthians 2:15, 6:12, Romans 14:1-23

3. Are you aware of the fallen world we live in?   Since the fall of man we live IN this world but are not OF it...   Difference:   Please study the differences. and now, GET A LIFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS, now LEAVE ME ALONE!


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