I salute you Albert Varra Jr Sgt USMC Korea

Note: Albert Varra was born into the Catholic Religion. I was unware he had converted to Judaism at some point in his life.  

In honor of you dear uncle Albert Varra Jr.. for your service in Korea 1950. You never talked about what you suffered in that war. You never complained about the way you were treated as a slave in my opinion and observation by the Varra clan.  You were a silent very hard working man who always seemed to be suffering beyond measure, aged way beyond your years. Your death at an early age does attest to what I say. I vividly remember you in a continual state of sleep deprivation - always napping on the living room floor after family holiday meal gatherings. Wondering how you could sleep so sound on the floor.. Thank you for keeping that angry Holstein Bull away from my while I helped you with chores on that cold December morning at the dairy farm you served, in my opinion and by observation,  as an indentured servant to the Varra clan.  I so wish I could have spoken to you as an adult, but when I knew you I was only a kid, 24 years your junior. There's so much I'd love to talk about.  So, now here, all I can do is honor you Sir.   

It wasn't until Thanksgiving day,  November 26, 2020 - Exactly 70 years later from your time in Korea - while visiting  the local hometown grave site did I find your grave and realize you served as a US Marine Corps sergeant in Korea, 1950. I salute you great man.  

See how Marines at Chosin Reservoir spent Thanksgiving in Korea in 1950 

Documentary about The Battle of Chosin Reservoir and USMC service in Korea


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