Islam's claim to Jerusalem is BOGUS; God will not be mocked
Verse of the Day
Zechariah 12:2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and againstJerusalem. (3) And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Ground Zero for Bible Prophecy
Why it matters that Jews are standing on the Temple Mount 09/23/13 The Israelis are now starting to focus on the Temple Mount. I believe this site will be the epicenter for the coming all-out war between Israel and the Muslim Arab nations. It will be a fight to the finish with Israel left standing. I lay this all out in my book As America Has Done to Israel.
This is Muslim nonsense about Jerusalem and the Temple Mount being so important to Islam. If any Muslim or their supporters are reading this, please show from the Koran just one mention of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. Muhammad died in 632, and not once, did he visit Jerusalem. The Muslims did not conquer Jerusalem until 637, so there was no mosque there at the time of Muhammad! Islam's claims over Jerusalem are bogus.
The real issue is Muslim supremacy over the Holy God of Israel. They are terrified of the Jews rebuilding the temple because, in their mind, this would mean that the God of Israel is superior to allah. They will never allow this to happen, and it would trigger the final Jihad of Islam, as they try to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem.
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are the "bait" to lure the Muslims for God's final judgment on this evil religion. The "bait" is loaded and the trap is set. It is now up to the Muslims to attack.
The events in the Middle East are churning like a gigantic hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean heading slowly towards land. At some point, it is going to strike with fury.
Once again and as always, stay focused on the Lord Jesus and His coming for His bride. Be ready to witness for the Lord, as God is preparing people's hearts to turn to Him, when the events hit the Middle East. By tying Bible prophecy to the events, I believe many souls can be won to the Lord Jesus. The time is soon, so be ready.
May the Holy God of Israel bless and protect you.
God's Final Warning to Pakistan
At least 85 killed in suicide bombing at Pakistan church 09/23/13 This was the greatest slaughter of Christians in Pakistan. Pakistan is one of the leading Muslim countries for killing and abusing Christians. I have reported other disasters taking place in this country coinciding with abusing God's people.
7.8 earthquake kills 30 in remote part of Pakistan 09/24/13 The powerful earthquake hit soon after the slaughter of Christians. I really believe that Pakistan is going to be hit was incredible destruction because of what this nation does to Christians.
Israel and the Middle East War
Obama’s message to Netanyahu: Palestine for Iran 09/24/13 If Obama does this, he is tampering with the integrity of the United States. God might do to America what Obama is doing to Israel. Obama's pressure is to divide Israel and Jerusalem or face a nuclear Iran. America might be facing a divided nation or war. This is frightening what Obama is doing.
Two Hundred Million Europeans See Israel as Nazi State 09/18/13 This shows the hardness of this continent against the God of Israel. There really is no hope for Europe, as God is turning it over to Islam for judgment. They hate the Jews, so God is sending them Muslims. Let's see how the Europeans like allah.
Will the Dead Sea be eaten by sinkholes? Huge chasms are appearing in the region at a rate of one per day 09/20/13 The first thing that I thought of when reading this is that the area is under tremendous pressure and getting ready for a huge earthquake.
Jerusalem Watch
Police close Temple Mount amid fears of clashes 09/24/13 The Temple Mount is ground zero of prophecy and could ignite into a war at any time.
Arab MK: Prevent Jews from ‘Contaminating’ Temple Mount 09/23/13 Notice the tension rising over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, and how this coincides with events in Syria, Egypt and Iran.
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