Yes the Church is the BRIDE and The BODY of Christ
2 Corinthians 11:2
“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”
King James Version (KJV)
Im a bit confused when you say we are the bride… I thought we are the body of Christ? What am I missing here… I agree with your teaching and videos. However, this one I am confused on. I used to listen to Amir, Andy wood, Robert breaker, JD farag, olive tree ministry, Until one day it didn’t feel right to listen to them, So I listened to the Holy ghost in me. And have not listened to them NO More. Rapture Ready bless you

My Response:
Praise God you were led to stop following these false teachers: Robert Breaker, JD Farag, Amir Tsarfati, Andy Wood, and Jan Markell. Of course, they all have some truth in their teaching and then mix in heavy doses of LEAVEN. I have extensive studies exposing all these names listed if you want them.
I beseech you in the fullest meaning of the word beseech. To understand the way we test the spirits is by matching what we believe we receive from the "Holy Ghost". IF what you believe you hear from the Holy Ghost does NOT match DOCTRINE, it is NOT of the Holy Ghost because God will never contradict his word. Doctrine is beyond abundantly clear that the Church is the BRIDE. I have spent countless hours studying this and dealing with false teachers. There is a terrible spirit that is trying to dismantle this. Please read these studies here: If you still have questions please ask.
Yes, scripture is clear we are the Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:27 KJB. And just as in this realm the Husband and the wife are two distinct individuals, the wife is ONE and of the SAME Body of her husband and visa versa - The two shall become ONE. Ephesians 5:31.
In other words the Wife is both the Body of One with her Husband and Yet She is also the Bride and ultimately the WIFE.
We see this in the Spiritual realm with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Before reading these studies, please pray and ask the Lord to reveal THE TRUTH to you according to HIS WORD. Read Romans 8:9 and John 16:13 KJB.
Part of the reason there is a strong delusion and seducing spirit among carnal Christians and the Laodicean Church is they do not understand the MYSTERY given to Paul from Jesus Christ. Please make sure you comprehend and apprehend this fully before proceeding to the study of the BRIDE.
Now read and meditate on what Paul is talking about here:
2 Corinthians 11:2-4 KJB.
I truthfully have had feeble minded dark souls try to tell me that ESPOUSED does not mean "a bride promised to a bridegroom and chaste virgin to Christ has nothing to do with BRIDE of CHRIST but it certainly does. You're either going to believe this or not. It is not my purpose to convince you. Only the Spirit of Christ who is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH can show you this.
Here are the detailed studies on the subject PROVING the Church is the BRIDE:
The Bride - The Wife - The Church - One in Israel - One in Christ (
Why I used, "The Lord Rebuke..." regarding those who deny the Bride of Christ is the Church (
The Lord Rebuke all who deny the Church as the Bride of Christ - They very likely may be Bridesmaids... (
We Saints are The Bride of Christ (
Why Hyper-Dispensationalists Remove Prophecy for the Church (
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