Astonishing Revelation of the "Feast Of Trumpets Rapture of the Church"

The above picture is a Chinese Ligature meaning:  "DOUBLE JOY" , or double happiness.  It is used to signify a Wedding celebration also used to symbolize the New Year. It is a ligature "囍" composed of two Chinese characters 喜 (, 'joy'), compressed to assume the square shape of a standard Chinese character (much like a real character may consist of two parts), and often modified in various ways. 

Last night I had a most astonishing revelation of the imminent rapture.  I was  attended a wedding celebration here in Vietnam.  The Vietnamese culture having lived under Chinese rule for over 1,000 years is heavily steeped in Chinese culture and tradition.  It's not unusual for the Vietnamese to use Chinese art, language, and practices especially for major events like weddings and New Year celebration.   

Living in Vietnam for over four and a half years, I've attended numerous weddings and I'm very familiar with the "DOUBLE JOY" symbol.   But last night something most astonishing happened.  

When I entered the dining room for the reception, I noticed especially large ornate Xi, "joy" "囍" Chinese Wedding symbols displayed as permanent decor.  As I admired this beautiful artwork, the bride and groom entered the room and it was then the Holy Spirit moved on me in a still yet very powerful way to take special note, as in "take notes" of the activities of this night and to study it.   

At about this time the bride and groom were on the stage taking turns in a most beautiful proclamation of their love and commitment to each other and sharing all this with the guests. Then,  all were taken back by how the bride was crying from great joy, so much so she was unable to speak.  Then I began letting go with a flood of tears of joy, double joy that seemed to come in surges of unspeakable love and happiness.

It was right at that moment the Holy Spirit told me "this is what is spoken of in the scriptures of "the mystery" (Mystery of Jesus Christ and the Church and the Mystery of Marriage) The Mystery of Christ Ephesians 3:3-10 and the mystery of holy matrimony.  Ephesians 5:31, 32.

Next, the Holy Spirit made it very clear to me that this wedding celebration is a dress rehearsal, a very real convocation of the real wedding that will soon take place in heaven.  The real wedding is the RAPTURE. If you think this joy you see tonight floods your heart, Just wait until you see the real deal that's soon approaching in days... This is when Jesus Christ will bring his Bride (the true church, i.e., the body of Christ) home.

The Holy Spirit did not tell me nor did I have some dream or vision of when the rapture will take place, but the Holy Spirit made it very clear to me that he has given me the knowledge of the importance God places on the mystery of matrimony and the connection with Jesus Christ and His Bride the church.  Following,  I have been given the knowledge of the "feasts" (announcements) and how each announcement is a holy "convocation" (dress rehearsal) and that JESUS CHRIST brings about the fulfilling of each announcement.   And, that the Jesus has already fulfilled the previous feasts leaving the remaining 3 fall feasts to be fulfilled and the next is the "FEAST OF TRUMPETS, also known as Rosh Hashanah which this year falls on 16 September 2012.  And that the Feast of Trumpets matches perfectly with all scripture related to the RAPTURE, the LAST TRUMP spoken of in 1 Cor 15:52. Also see my previous Blog on The "Feast of Trumpets Rapture" 

(Leviticus 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts (ANNOUNCEMENTS) of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations (DRESS REHEARSALS): Leviticus 23:24  (And the Lord spoke unto Moses, "Speak unto the children of Israel,… For all the people of Israel were concerned in the following precept, and obliged to observe it, even priests, Levites, Israelites, proselytes, and freed servants; though other servants, and women, and children, were not obliged to hear the sound of the trumpets {b}, and which were blown not in Jerusalem only, but in all cities and towns where the sanhedrim was {c}; and it was the hearing of them the people were bound unto, and not less than nine distinct soundings were they obliged to hear {d};

Please dear reader, Get ready!  The Groom is coming imminently for His Bride.  

Here's the ultimate test you need to ask yourself:  Does this really excite and thrill you?  If this does not make you excited with great anticipation to meet your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and join our Master at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb very soon, then please repent and accept Jesus as your Savior. Time has run out.


Although the Chinese customs are pagan based , The devil is a copy cat, There are several similarities in each area of a pagan wedding to a Jewish, Godly based wedding.  Especially in the careful detail each culture places on both the groom and bride.  Both use the Lunar Calendar.   The month considered good for marriage is the time of Rosh Hasana FEAST OF TRUMPETS which I find very revealing.  

ANCIENT MARRIAGE CUSTOMS by both Chinese and Jewish that correspond to Christ Jesus

The Proposal:  God proclaims Mankinds salvation after the fall of man from the Garden of Eden  Genesis 3:15 and Jesus comes into the world as God and Man to redeem mankind as promised Matthew 1:21

The Chinese and Jewish process began with an elaborate marriage proposal and acceptance.  

The Betrothal:  God offers His only begotten son, Jesus as the ultimate gift that Jesus lay down His life for the bride Isaiah 53.

The Chinese and Jewish betrothal process is carefully managed by  parents that included exchanged family credentials as tokens of intention. 

Preparing for the Wedding Day

The Announcement:  The Holy Convocation  of The Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts (ANNOUNCEMENTS) of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations (DRESS REHEARSALS

The Chinese and Jewish announcement is a very rigid protocol.

Day of the Wedding

The Wedding Day:  The Rapture 1 Corinthians 15:52; 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Jewish wedding Day:

 The chuppah, or "canopy." The chuppah is a decorated piece of cloth held aloft as a symbolic home for the new couple. It is usually held outside, under the stars, as a sign of the blessing given by G-d to the patriarch Abraham, that his children shall be "as the stars of the heavens." The groom is accompanied to the chuppah by his parents, and usually wears a white robe, known as a kittel, to indicate the fact that for the bride and groom, life is starting anew with a clean white slate, since they are uniting to become a new entity, without past sins. In fact, the bride and groom usually fast on the day of the wedding (until the chuppah) since for them it is like Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. While the bride comes to the chuppah with her parents, a cantor sings a selection from the Song of Songs, and the groom prays that his unmarried friends find their true partners in life.
When the bride arrives at the chuppah she circles the groom seven times with her mother and future mother-in-law, while the groom continues to pray. This symbolizes the idea of the woman being a protective, surrounding light of the household, that illuminates it with understanding and love from within and protects it from harm from the outside. The number seven parallels the seven days of creation, and symbolizes the fact that the bride and groom are about to create their own "new world" together.
Under the chuppah, an honored Rabbi or family member then recites a blessing over wine, and a blessing that praises and thanks G-d for giving us laws of sanctity and morality to preserve the sanctity of family life and of the Jewish people. The bride and groom then drink from the wine. The blessings are recited over wine, since wine is symbolic of life: it begins as grape-juice, goes through fermentation, during which it is sour, but in the end turns into a superior product that brings joy, and has a wonderful taste. The full cup of wine also symbolizes the overflowing of Divine blessing, as in the verse in Psalms, "My cup runneth over."
The groom, now takes a plain gold ring and places it on the finger of the bride, and recites in the presence of two witnesses, "Behold you are sanctified (betrothed) to me with this ring, according to the Law of Moses and Israel." The ring symbolizes the concept of the groom encompassing, protecting and providing for his wife. The ketuvah is now read aloud, usually by another honoree, after which it is given to the bride.

Chinese culture of the Wedding Day:

The Bride’s Journey to the Groom’s House
The ‘good luck woman’ or a dajin, employed by the bride’s family to look after the bride, carried the bride on her back to the sedan chair. Another attendant might shield the bride with a parasol while a third tossed rice at the sedan chair. Sometimes the bride was borne out in a wooden ‘cage’ with her feet padlocked –; presumably a remnant from rougher times with extremely reluctant brides.
A sieve, shai-tse, which would strain out evil, and a metallic mirror, king, which would reflect light, were suspended at the rear of the bride’s sedan to protect her from evil influence. The bride might also attach a special mirror to her garment, which she would not remove until she was safely seated upon the marriage bed.
Firecrackers were set off to frighten away evil spirits as the bride departed in the sedan chair. The physical movementsymbolized the transfer of the bride from her parent’s family to her husband’s.
Great care was taken to ensure that no inauspicious influence would affect the marriage. The female attendants who escorted the bride to her new home were chosen with particular care that the horoscope animals of their birth years were compatible with that of the bridegroom. The sedan chair itself was heavily curtained to prevent the bride from inadvertently glimpsing an unlucky sight, e.g. a widow, a well, or even a cat. Attendants scattered grain or beans, symbols of fertility, before her.
Arriving at the Groom’s House
Once again, firecrackers were set off just before the procession arrived. A red mat was placed before the sedan chair for the bride lest her feet touch the bare earth as she dismounted. All the household would be waiting to receive her.
The bride was required to step over a saddle or a lit stove to cross the threshold, since the words for "saddle" and "tranquillity" sound the same, ngan, and the fire would cast out of evil influences. An attendant might immediately place a heap of rice in a sieve over or near the bride. If the bride did not wear a lucky mirror, one might be used at this time to flash light upon the bride. In some regions, a grain measure and a string of of copper coins were laid out as talismans of prosperity.
After these rituals took place, the groom could finally raise the red scarf and view the bride’s face.

The Wedding Banquets

The Marriage Supper of The Lamb  Revelation 19:7


Generally, separate wedding feasts were given by the parents of the bride and the groom for their respective friends and families. Even at the feast, men and women sat separately. There could be a single feast for each or a series of feasts over several days. However, the most important feast was that given the groom’s family on the day of the wedding. It was generally considered as public recognition of the union.
 Now that the couple are married they are accompanied by dancing guests to thecheder yichud, "the room of privacy." They may now be alone in a closed room together, an intimacy reserved only for a married couple. In fact, according to many Jewish legal authorities, the very fact that they are alone together in a locked room, is a requirement of the legal act of marriage, and hence their entry into the room must be observed by the two witnesses of the marriage.
While the bride and groom are alone together (usually eating, after having fasted all day) the guests sit down to eat a festive meal. The meal is preceded by ritual washing of the hands, and the blessing over bread. At some point, the band announces the arrival "for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. _____!!!" and everyone joins in dancing around the bride and groom. The dancing, in accordance with Jewish law requires a separation between men and women for reasons of modesty, and hence there is a mechitzah, or partition between the men and women. The main focus of the dancing is to entertain and enhance the joy of the newlyweds, hence large circles are formed around the "king and queen," and different guests often perform in front of the seated couple. It is not unusual to see jugglers, fire eaters, and acrobats at a wedding (most of whom are guests, not professionals!) The meal ends with the Birchas Hamazon, Grace After Meals, and again the seven blessings are recited over wine, shared afterwards by the bride and groom.

Leviticus 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts (ANNOUNCEMENTS) of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations (DRESS REHEARSALS): 

Leviticus 23:24  (And the Lord spoke unto Moses, "Speak unto the children of Israel,… For all the people of Israel were concerned in the following precept, and obliged to observe it, even priests, Levites, Israelites, proselytes, and freed servants; though other servants, and women, and children, were not obliged to hear the sound of the trumpets {b}, and which were blown not in Jerusalem only, but in all cities and towns where the sanhedrim was {c}; and it was the hearing of them the people were bound unto, and not less than nine distinct soundings were they obliged to hear {d}; to which perhaps respect is had in Ps 89:15;
in the seventh month; the month Tisri, as the Targum of Jonathan, which was the seventh from the month Nisan or Abib; which was appointed the first month of the year, on account of the Israelites coming out of Egypt in it; otherwise, before, this month Tisri was the first, and so it still continued, for the fixing the years, and settling the sabbatical and jubilee years, and for the planting of trees and herbs {e}:
 and it may be observed, that the resurrection of the dead, in order to the last general judgment, will be attended with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, 1Co 15:52; whether this is so represented in reference to this notion, let it be considered: but as this was New Year’s Day, as before observed, this ceremony seems to have been appointed to express joy for all the mercies and blessings of the last year; and the rather, at this time of the year all the fruits of the earth were gathered in, not only the barley and the wheat, but the oil and wine, and under such grateful acknowledgment, to expect the divine blessing to attend them the following year; and besides, at this time of the year, it was generally thought by the Jews {m}, and by others, that the world was created, and this blowing of trumpets might be in memory of that, and as an emblem of the shoutings of the sons of God, the angels, the morning stars, who sang for joy when the foundations of the earth were laid, Job 38:6; to which it may be added, this seventh month was very memorable for holy solemnities, as the day of atonement on the tenth, and the feast of tabernacles, which began on the fifteenth, and therefore was ushered in with blowing of trumpets to make it the more significant, and particularly to put the people in mind to prepare for the day of atonement near at hand; and so Gersom observes, that as the sound of a trumpet strikes men with fear, the design of this precept was, to fill the mind with fear, and to excite to repentance and brokenness of heart, and humiliation for sin, and to search their works and actions, and correct what was amiss, and so be ready for the day of atonement: hence Ainsworth thinks, that this was a figure of the ministry of John the Baptist preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins; but rather it seems to be an emblem of the Gospel, and the ministry of it, in the acceptable year of the Lord, or the Gospel dispensation, which is sometimes signified by the blowing of the great trumpet, and by the ministers of it lifting up their voice like a trumpet, Isa 27:13; by which sinners are roused and awakened to a sense of their sin and danger, and to hear a joyful sound of love, grace, mercy, peace, pardon, righteousness, and salvation through Christ: the Jews say {n}  

John Gill Bible commentary

The original Hebrew word that is translated as "convocation" is (pronounced) mik-raw means a called assembly. Another literal meaning of the original Hebrew word is a rehearsal - rehearsal meaning to "re-hear" what has been taught, but the modern-day accepted meaning of rehearsal, a practice session for a later event is also very appropriate because all of the so-called "Old Testament" Holy Days are prophetic in intent (they are not an end or purpose in themselves), until they are fulfilled, and are then memorials forever thereafter. The "spring" Holy Days (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost - see below) have been largely fulfilled (the Sacrifice of the "Lamb of God" and the founding of the Christian Church), while the "autumn" Holy Days (The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, The Festival of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day - see below) portray events awaiting to happen, beginning with The Return Of Jesus Christ (NOTE:  my note:  THIS IS THE RAPTURE... THE SECOND COMING IS FOLLOWING THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION)   Convocation

 The dictionary definition of the word "convocation" typically states something about a group of people in a college or university that gather for some sort of ceremony. For some universities, convocation events surround graduation. At others, such as my own, the convocation focus is on welcoming activities. And yet, no matter at which point on the education timeline you place the event, the emphasis on the gathering itself does not seem to get at the essence of what a convocation event represents within the university community.

This reminds me a little bit of the animated television special "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Throughout the episode, a number of Peanuts characters lament about the over-commercialization of the holiday, perhaps none more so than Charlie Brown himself, who at one point blurts out: "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?" To which Linus replies with a monologue that includes scriptural references to the "good tidings of great joy" the holiday is meant to bring.

: "What is the true meaning of Rosh Hashanah?"

One of the “appointed feasts of the LORD” given to Israel in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is known today as Rosh Hashanah, literally “Head of the Year.” We read about Rosh Hashanah in the Torah, the Jewish Law found in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the LORD’” (Leviticus 23:23-25).

Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year, is also known as Yom Teruah or the Day of Trumpets. The word teruah means to shout or make a noise, so this holiday is marked by the blowing of the shofar or ram’s horn in Jewish Synagogues around the world. Rosh Hashanah falls on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishri on the Jewish calendar which usually corresponds to September or October. It always falls on the seventh new moon of the Jewish year. After the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD, even though this feast day falls on the seventh month of the Jewish religious calendar, it began to be called Rosh Hashanah and became the beginning of the Jewish civil calendar.

Rosh Hashanah begins a ten-day period leading up to the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. These ten days are called the yomim nora’im or Days of Awe in modern Judaism. The sounding of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah is a wake-up blast and a sobering reminder that the time is near for the Day of Atonement. It is a call to teshuvah which is repentance and turning back to the LORD. These ten days are ones of great introspection, heart searching and self-examination. The sound of the shofar for the Jew was, and still continues to be, a call to examine one’s life, to make amends with all those one may have wronged in the previous year, and to ask forgiveness for any vows one may have broken. So the primary theme of Rosh Hashanah is one of repentance.

A common greeting for Jews just before and during Rosh Hashanah is "May your name be inscribed (in the book of life)." Another popular greeting is L'shana Tova which is a wish for a good new year.   (Got Questions. org)


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