Goodbye Middle Class, Hello Tyranny

While growing up my father would tell me from time to time  what made America great and separated her from the rest of the world was her belief in God and a strong Middle Class.  When I entered university and majored in Economics I began to fully appreciate my father's words and came to realize how vitally important the middle class is to any society. In any society if there are severe gaps between the wealthy and the poor, rebellion and tyranny are the order of the day.


  •  The bottom 40 percent of all households have only about 1 percent of all the wealth in the nation.  The top 1 percent of all households have nearly 30 percent of all the wealth; the top 5 percent, 55 percent of the wealth; and the top 20 percent, 80 percent of the wealth. 

  • Bank Consolidation continues:  Fewer and fewer Banks in the U.S. now control most of the wealth

  • Findings highlight concerns about a shrinking middle class

See notes below on:  the distribution of wealth and fewer banks controlling more wealth

 I believe a strong, healthy middle class in America is what made America great. And I believe this came about by God's grace in blessing America.

Sadly, I believe the time of a strong middle class in America are gone and I believe they are gone forever.  (See middle class notes below)  Subsequently, I am certain this collapse will open the door to tyranny and complete control of the elite to impose their will on the masses.  Hence, the ushering in of The New World Order in which the AntiChrist will control a one world government.  In short, it is all over for the United States as we once knew it.

The good news however is this is all part of the end of this world and the beginning of the Kingdom of God that is to come. 

If you know Jesus Christ as your personal savior and you know you're going to be with him when he very soon comes to take us to be with him,  these sad times should bring you hope of  great happiness.  Because you understand that the Bible has told us this (economic and social collapse) would happen in the end of the world.  Jesus Christ is going to usher in the new kingdom of God when he takes His believers home for 7 years.  During this time the earth will experience 7 years of pure hell. This coming tyranny must come to set up the new world order.  But after 7 years Jesus Christ will return in "The Second Coming" and establish His new kingdom on earth.  This is what we Christians live for.  If you are not living for the Kingdom of God, then you're a fool chasing after vain hope.

Notes on the disappearing  middle class of America:,0,6882432.story

WASHINGTON — Whereas 6 in 10 jobs lost during the Great Recession paid mid-level wages, the majority of jobs created in the recovery — positions such as store clerks, laborers and home healthcare aides — pay much less, according to a new study.

The findings highlight concerns about a shrinking middle class and pose another obstacle to getting the economy back on track, said Annette Bernhardt, policy co-director at the National Employment Law Project, which conducted the study.

"The recovery continues to be skewed toward low-wage jobs, reinforcing the rise in inequality and America's deficit of good jobs," she said. "While there's understandably a lot of focus on getting employment back to pre-recession levels, the quality of jobs is rapidly emerging as a second front in the struggling recovery."

Lower-paying jobs, with median hourly wages from $7.69 to $13.83, accounted for just 21% of the job losses during the recession. But they've made up about 58% of the job growth from the end of the recession in late 2009 through early 2012.

Those jobs have been concentrated in three industries: food services, retail and employment services, such as office clerks and customer service representatives, the study found.

In contrast, mid-wage occupations with median hourly wages from $13.84 to $21.13 — jobs such as construction workers, real estate brokers and data entry clerks — have accounted for just 22% of the new jobs in the recovery after making up 60% of the job losses in the recession.

Higher-wage occupations, with median hourly pay above $21.13, accounted for about 19% of the recession job losses and have made up about 20% of the jobs gained in the recovery, the study said.

The study covered jobs created from the first quarter of 2010 through the first quarter of 2012.

The recession and its aftermath have exacerbated a three-decade trend of growing wage inequality fueled by a shrinking number of mid-wage jobs, the study said.

NOTES ON :  Distribution of Wealth In the U.S.A.

• The bottom 40 percent of all households have only
about 1 percent of all the wealth in the nation.
• The top 1 percent of all households have nearly 30
percent of all the wealth; the top 5 percent, 55 percent
of the wealth; and the top 20 percent, 80 percent of
the wealth.
• Partly as a result of those two extremes, the standard
measure of the dispersion of wealth, the Gini index, is
large: 0.78.


The number of U.S. commercial banks and savings institutions declined by 12 percent between
December 31, 2006, and December 31, 2010, continuing a consolidation trend begun in the mid-
1980s. Banking industry consolidation has been marked by sharply higher shares of deposits held
by the largest banks—the 10 largest banks now hold nearly 50 percent of total U.S. deposits. However, antitrust policy is predicated on the assumption that banking markets are local in nature, and
enforcement has focused on preventing bank mergers from increasing the concentration of local
banking markets. The author finds little change over time in the average concentration of local
banking markets or the average number of dominant banks in them, even during the recent financial crisis and recession when numerous bank failures and several large bank mergers occurred.
Concentration did not increase substantially, on average, in markets where mergers occurred among
banks when both the acquiring and acquired banks had existing local offices, though rural markets
generally saw larger increases in concentration from such mergers than did urban markets. Although
the structures of local banking markets, on average, have changed little since the mid-1980s, deposit
concentration has continued to increase at the level of U.S. Census regions. As technology evolves
and the costs of obtaining banking services from distant providers fall further, local market characteristics may become less relevant for analysis of competition in banking. (JEL G21, G28, L41)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, November/December 2011, 93(6), pp. 419-38

Notes on Tyranny:

The emergence of tyranny therefore begins with challenges to a group, develops into general feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, and falls into a pattern in which some individuals assume the role of "father" to the others, who willingly submit to becoming dependent "children" of such persons if only they are reassured that a more favorable outcome will be realized. This pattern of co-dependency is pathological, and generally results in decisionmaking of poor quality that makes the situation even worse, but, because the pattern is pathological, instead of abandoning it, the co-dependents repeat their inappropriate behavior to produce a vicious spiral that, if not interrupted, can lead to total breakdown of the group and the worst of the available outcomes.  The Psychology of Tyranny,  taken from  Principals of Tyranny by Jon Roland


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