Bema Seat of Christ; Pentecost

Second Addendum:

I want to show something else which I have just discovered about the number 864.   The "Bema Seat of Christ" is the next event for the Church once she has left this planet.  Check the new gematria which I just discovered.

The Bema in Festival the Pentecost / Hay = 5 / Beth = 2  Yod = 10  Mem = 40   Hay = 5 / Beth = 2 / Cheth = 8   Gimmel = 3 / Hay = 5 / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 864

Now go once again and "review" the material on the number 864 which I have provided below.

Tom G.


Number 864

Enoch = 564 + 300 years in which He walked with God.  The number  300 is the gematria value for the Hebrew spelling of the Greek term Harpazo ( Rapture ).

564 + 300 = 864..............This number 864 is a very important number!

Bonnie Guant who was a gematria researcher, and of whom I knew personally, and of which I had "one on one" conversations with her over the phone, has information listed in her book called "Jesus Christ The Number of His Name" which shows the importancy of this gematria number of 864.  I will quote some of it below.

( Quote below from her book )

"In Revelation 21 and 22 we find a descripton of that new beginning.  The great 8th day.  It describes the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending from God and encompasing the whole earth.  We have seen how its dimensions, stated in feet, are commensurate with the dimensions of our earth.  However, if we use the dimensions in "furlongs", as is given in Revelation, it takes on added beauty and meaning.

The city is said to be a cube with sides of 12,000 furlongs.  This would make the square measure of each side 144,000 furlongs.  A cube has six sides, thus 6 x 144,000 = 864,000 furlongs.  It is the commensurate with the diameter of the "sun."  when Jesus made reference to that completed Kingdom of God that is represented by the New Jerusalem, he said,..."Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father" ( Matt. 13:43 ).  It is not a coincidence that the dimensions of the New Jerusalem bear the "solar number", 864,000, and that the name Jerusalem ( in the Greek ) has a gematria value of 864.

Like Jesus stated, those who..."shine forth in the kingdom of their Father" are called, in Revelation, "saints."  The Greek gematria for the term "saints" is  864.

( 1. ).... The New Jerusalem = 12,000 furlongs each side.

( 2. ).....144,000 square furlongs each side.

( 3. ).....864,000 miles is the diameter of the sun.

( 4. ).....In the Greek / Jerusalem = 864.....Saints = 864.....God = 864

If we were to draw a square around the sun, its perimeter would measure 3,456,000 miles.  In Revelation 3:12 the name of the New Jerusalem is called "The City of my God."  The gematria value for "The City of my God" is 3456.....( End quote ).

So, now you see how important the number 864 really is.

Enoch / gematria value = 564 + 300 years He walked with God ( 300 = gematria value for Harpazo )

564 + 300 = 864

May 24th in 2015 is the day of Pentecost.

May 24th / Mem = 40   Aleph = 1  Yod = 10 / Kaph = 20   Daleth = 4 / total = 75
The Pentecost / Hay = 5 /  Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 789

75 + 789 = 864

Now I want to show you something else about this number 864 which Bonnie Gaunt doesn't even mention, nor does she show it in her book.  Whether she was aware of what I am about to show you, I don't know?  Bonnie has already passed away a number of years ago.

Here is what I have uncovered with this number......8 + 6 + 4 = 18......which is the gematria value for Advent.  We will now continue to do the following:.....8 + 6 + 4 = 18 Advent x 8 = 144 x 6 = 864 x 4 = 3456........which is the gematria value for the name of the New Jerusalem which is called "The City of my God" in Revelation 3:12.

3456........345 x 6 = 2070.......This number 2070 is made up of the following numbers.

2015 + 55 Bride = 2070

Once again, In the Greek Jerusalem = 864.....Saints = 864.....God = 864

Enoch was 365 years old when God took him.

365 Enoch taken up + 786 In Pentecost + 864 Jerusalem ( and or Saints or God ) = 2015

( The Hebrew gematria below )

The Jerusalem / Hay = 5 / Yod = 10   Resh = 200   Vav = 6   Shin = 300  Lamed = 30   Mem [final letter] = 600 / the total sum = 1151

Gentile Bride and Pentecost / Gimmel = 3  Vav = 6  Yod = 10 /  Kaph = 20    Lamed = 30   Hay = 5 / Vav = 6 / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 864

1151 + 864 = 2015...............You have to be kidding!  NOPE!


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