#Rapture watch Pentecost; the divinity of the number 7

Submitted by Tom Gaston for those Saints who are watching for our blessed hope:

Tom G.

Wednesday April 22, 2015 / God revealed the follow to me! / Tom Gaston

                               The number " 7 "
    God's perfect divine number and the Hebrew alphabet

What I am about to show you is so miraculous, profound, and accurate, and it goes way beyond the possiblity of just being random or by chance.   It's off the charts!!!   What I have uncovered has "God's signature" all over it!  This morning I asked the Lord once again to show me something profound in my daily research as I always do everyday.   And this morning God has "out did Himself " in the most amazing way!
This morning God brought to my mind the importancy of the number " 7 ", which is the number that stands for "perfection and divine completion."   The thought came to me ( from the Lord ) to take the Hebrew alphabet and reassign different "numerical values" to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet built upon the number ( 7 ).   So what I did is I setup the Hebrew alphabet on "multiples of seven" so that the "next letter" of the Hebrew alphabet will always be "seven more" in value than the previous Hebrew letter.

Below I will show the Hebrew alphabet both ways.   I will show the Hebrew alphabet with its standard values for each letter.  And I will show the Hebrew alphabet setup on "multiples of seven."

( Normal Hebrew Alphabet with its original Hebrew letter values )

Aleph = 1   Beth = 2   Gimmel = 3   Daleth = 4    Hay = 5   Vav = 6    Zayn = 7   Cheth = 8   Teth = 9  

Yod = 10   Kaph = 20   Lamed = 30   Mem = 40   Nun = 50   Sameck = 60   Ayin = 70    Pe = 80 

Tsady = 90   Koph = 100    Resh = 200    Shin = 300   Tav = 400

The "Five Final " Hebrew letters /  Kaph = 500    Mem = 600    Nun = 700    Pe = 800    Tsady = 900


( The Hebrew alphabet setup on multiples of seven )

Aleph = 7   Beth = 14   Gimmel = 21   Daleth = 28   Hay = 35   Vav = 42   Zayn = 49   Cheth = 56  

Teth = 63   Yod = 70   Kaph = 77   Lamed = 84   Mem = 91   Nun = 98   Sameck = 105   Ayin = 112 

Pe = 119    Tsady = 126   Koph = 133   Resh = 140    Shin = 147   Tav = 154

The " Five Final " Hebrew letters /  Kaph = 161    Mem = 168   Nun = 175    Pe = 182   Tsady = 189

What I have discovered using this formula for the Hebrew alphabet is "Beyond words."   And
when you see it you will know that God most definitely designed it by His masterful hand! 

The "Festival of weeks" is Pentecost.  Therefore I will add up the phrase "The Festival of weeks"
using this formula of "multiples of seven" with the Hebrew alphabet.  This is going to "Rupture" your "Rapture Gland" beyond repair!

  Once I had assigned the multiples of seven to the Hebrew alphabet,  then the first thing the Lord led me to check before anything else was the phrase "The Festival of Weeks."  He wanted me to see what the gematria value would be!   Why this phrase?  I believe it was because this phrase would show that something "miraculous" was lying underneath the Hebrew alphabet which could not be seen UNTIL the Hebrew alphabet was setup on "multiples of seven" within the letter values.  What I have found still has my mind reeling in amazement!

I will now spell out the  phrase "The Festival of Weeks" using this formula.  What you are about to see shows how "accurate" and "precise" God is, and how He has "His hand" involved in all things!  God is the great mathematician, and no one could have put together what I am about to show you, and make it all "synchronize" so perfectly together.  GOD IS AWESOME!

The / Hay = 35
Festival / Cheth = 56    Gimmel = 21 / total = 77
Of / Shin = 147   Lamed = 84 / total = 231
Weeks / Shin = 147    Beth = 14    Ayin = 112    Vav = 42    Tav = 154 / total = 441

35 + 77 + 231 + 441 = 784 Pentecost...........This is Just Phenomenal!

You can see that "weeks" by itself has a gematria value which = 441, and the following terms and phrases below also have this value of 441.

The Elohim / Hay = 35 / Aleph = 7  Lamed = 84  Vav = 42  Hay = 35  Yod = 70   Mem [final letter] = 168 / total = 441
The Shemitah / Hay = 35   Shin = 147   Mem = 91    Teth = 63   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 441
Coronation / Hay = 35   Kaph = 77   Tav = 154   Resh = 140    Hay = 35 / total = 411
Trumpet / Tav = 154   Koph = 133   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112 / total = 441

Now here below is the Hebrew terms of  Pentecost and Methuselah spelled out in the "normal " Hebrew alphabet with their original gematria letter values!

Pentecost / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 784
Methuselah / Mem = 40   Tav = 400  Vav = 6   Shin = 300   Lamed = 30   Cheth = 8 / total = 784

You can see that by using the normal Hebrew alphabet and its standard letter values in the spelling of Pentecost and Methuselah both "miraculously match" the phrase The Festival of Weeks = 784 which is spelled out using the Hebrew alphabet setup on "multiples of seven."

Here is something else!

The phrase "The festival of " by itself = 343 Rapture as you will see below.  And the term "weeks" by itself = 441.  But when combine these two together, then they both produce the gemtria value of 784 which is the value for Pentecost in the normal Hebrew alphabet and its numbering system. Look below.

The / Hay = 35
Festival / Cheth = 56    Gimmel = 21 / total = 77
Of / Shin = 147   Lamed = 84 / total = 231
Weeks / Shin = 147    Beth = 14    Ayin = 112    Vav = 42    Tav = 154 / total = 441

The festvial of  35 + 77 + 231 = 343 Rapture
Weeks / Shin = 147    Beth = 14    Ayin = 112    Vav = 42    Tav = 154 / total = 441

The festival of = 343
Weeks  = 441 + 343 = 784 Pentecost

The numbers 784 and 343 both divided evenly by the number 7.

784 / divided by 7 = 112
343 / divided by 7 = 49

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Wed - Marry / Lamed = 84   Hay = 35   Shin = 147   Yod = 10   Aleph = 7 / total = 343
The Departure / Hay = 35 / Yod = 70   Tsady = 126   Yod = 70   Aleph = 7   Hay = 35 / total = 343
The Natsal / Hay = 35 / Nun = 98   Tsady = 126   Lamed = 84 / total = 343

Trumpet / Tav = 154   Koph = 133   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112 / total = 441
Trumpet 441 + 343 The Departure (  Marry or The Natsal can be used also )  = 784 Pentecost

The following is facinating!

The Hebrew term "Redemption" in the normal Hebrew alphabet has a gematria value of 490.  But when you use the Hebrew alphabet setup on "multiples of seven", then this term of "Redemption" takes on the value of 343 Rapture.  Here it is below.

( Normal Hebrew alphabet ) - Redemption / Pe = 80   Daleth = 4   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 490
( Hebrew on multiple of  "sevens" ) - Redemption / Pe = 119   Daleth = 28   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 343 Rapture

Not only this!  But The term "Hebrew" and the term "Gematria" both have the gematria value of 490 using the Hebrew alphabet setup on the multiple of sevens.  Look below.

Hebrew / Ayin = 112   Beth = 14   Resh = 140   Yod = 70    Tav = 154 / total = 490
Gematria / Gimmel = 21   Yod = 70    Mem = 91   Teth = 63   Resh = 140  Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 490

Now we will add the Hebrew term "prediction" to the equation spelled out with the multiple of sevens formula. But before we do I have to share something very important here first which will help you to see how God personally directing me to find what I am getting ready to show you.

Once I saw that the term "Hebrew" and "Gematria" both had the value of 490, then the thought came to me to take this number and subtract from it the number 784.  Why did I do that?  I did that because I wanted to see what the "remainder" would be left over.  When you subtract 490 from 784 Pentecost,  then you have a remainder of 294 left over.

Now, I had no idea what word or phrase might have the value of 294 in this new sevens formula.  None whatsoever!  God is my witenss to this!  And despite this, yet the "first word " which came to my mind out of nowhere  was this Hebrew term of Prediction.  And so when I applied the multiple of sevens formula to this Hebrew term "Prediction" and its spelling, and added up the letter values of this term, then to my overwhelming surprise the gematria value was 294.  God is my wintess to this!   I just about fell out of my chair!   Now what are the "odds" of this?  And How miraculous is this?  Well, stop and think about it!   God just revealed to me this multiple of sevens Hebrew alphabet formula yesterday, and I had no pre-knowledge of its existence, nor any knowledge of its results until just yesterday.  Therefore because of these fact, then it had to be the miraculous Hand of God who put into "my mind" the thought to look for the very word which "He knew" alone would have the value of  294.

For example, the odds of me picking this one particular Hebrew term Prediction on the "first pick" which has the exact gematria value of 294 would be like ( for example ) putting the numbers from 1 to 100,000 all on strips of paper, putting them into a large container, shaking that container up,  and then reaching into that contain just "one time" and pull out the piece of paper which had the number 294 on it.  Therefore to choose a word with that exact gematria value of 294 in my "first pick" of words to search for with that number is beyond chance or random.  God knew what Hebrew term would have the value of 294 when applying the multiple of sevens Hebrew alphabet formula to that term. So, Now let me show you why I wrote my commentary above in respect this miraculous experience that I just shared.

Watch what happens when you apply the term "prediction" and its gematria value of  294 to the following terms!

Prediction / Nun = 98   Yod = 70   Beth = 14   Vav = 42  Yod = 70 / total = 294

Hebrew 490 + 294 prediction = 784 Pentecost
Gematria 490 + 294 prediction = 784 Pentecost

Now you know why I just about fell out of my chair!

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Gentile / Gimmel = 21   Vav = 42   Yod = 70 / total = 133 
Bride / Kaph = 77   Lamed = 84   Hay = 35 / total =  196 + 133 = 329

Gentile / Gimmel = 21   Vav = 42   Yod = 70 / total = 133 
Rapture / Shin = 147  Lamed = 84   Hay = 35   Vav = 42   Beth = 14 / total = 322 + 133 = 455

329 + 455 = 784 Pentecost.........also the value for..........The festival of weeks = 784

Church / Kaph = 77   Nun = 98    Sameck = 105   Yod = 70   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 455
Gentile Bride = 329 + 455 Church = 784 Pentecost

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Festival, Rapture / Cheth = 56   Gimmel = 21 / Shin = 147  Lamed = 84  Hay = 35  Vav = 42  Beth = 14 / total = 399
Harpazo / Hay = 35   Aleph = 7   Resh = 140   Pe = 119   Aleph = 7   Zayn = 49   Vav = 42 / total = 399

Wedding / Cheth = 56   Tav = 154   Vav = 42   Nun = 98   Hay = 35 / total = 385
Resurrection / Tav = 154   Cheth = 56  Yod = 70   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 385
Bridegroom / Tav = 154   Cheth = 56   Nun [final letter] = 175 / total = 385

Harpazo 399 + 385 = 784 Pentecost 

Bride = 196 x 4 = 784 Pentecost

Church = 455
Rapture = 322 + 455 = 777........777 + 7 more for ( divine completion ) = 784 Pentecost

7 x 7 x 7 = 343 Rapture

The Hebrew term "Mow'ed " means "appointed time."    So now I will spell this Hebrew term and two others using the multiple of sevens formula, and then we will take its value and add it to anyone of the phrases below which all have the gematria value of 511, which is the value for Pentecost spelled out with the Hebrew alphabet in multiples of sevens formula.

Mow'ed / Mem = 91   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112    Daleth = 28 / total = 273
May 24th / Mem = 91   Aleph = 7   Yod = 70 / Kaph = 77   Daleth = 28 / total = 273
Ascending / Ayin = 112    Vav = 42   Lamed = 84   Hay = 35 / total = 273

Pentecost / Shin = 147   Beth = 14   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 511
From the cross to the Festival / Mem = 91  Hay = 35  Tsady = 126  Lamed = 84  Beth = 14  Lamed = 84  Cheth = 56  Gimmel = 21  / total = 551
Day of /  Yod = 70  Vav = 42  Mem [final letter] = 168 / Shin = 147  Lamed = 84 / total = 511 Pentecost
Gentile Fullness / Mem = 91  Lamed = 84  Aleph = 7  Vav = 42  Tav = 154  Gimmel = 21  Vav = 42  Yod = 70 / total = 511

Now watch this!............273 + 511 Pentecost = 784 Pentecost

WOW!  once again, by using this formula for the spelling of "appointed time -  May 24th - Ascending", which all have the same gematria value of 273, and then adding this number to the value of Pentecost = 511,  you then get the gematria value of 784 which is the value for Pentecost using the normal Hebrew alphabet and its letter values.  What is amazing here is the fact that the normal Hebrew alphabet and this "multiple of sevens" Hebrew alphabet are both working in concert with one another!

These are just Phenomenal results folks!

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Pentecost / Shin = 147   Beth = 14   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 511

Ascending = 273 + 511 Pentecost = 784 Pentecost  ( Same value for Pentecost in the normal Hebrew alphabet  ).

May 24th = 273 + 511 Pentecost = 784 Pentecost 

Bride = 196 x 4 = 784 Pentecost

Harvest / Koph = 133   Tsady = 126   Yod = 70   Resh = 140 / total = 469
Wedding / Cheth = 56   Tav = 154   Vav = 42   Nun 98   Hay = 35 / total = 469

May 24th = 273
Bride = 196 +  273 May 24th = 469 Wedding

Bride May 24 = 469 ....is the gematria value for "Wedding" in the standard Hebrew alphabet and its letter values.

( Standard Hebrew gematria ) Wedding / Cheth = 8   Tav = 400   Vav = 6   Nun = 50   Hay = 5 / total = 469

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

The festival of weeks = 784....minus....273 May 24th = 511 Pentecost ( using the increments of seven formula ).

You can see above that the phrase "The festival of weeks" with this formula match the terms of Pentecost  and Methuselah ( below ) which are spelled out in the standard Hebrew alphabet with its original assigned values.

Pentecost / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 784
Methuselah / Mem = 40   Tav = 400  Vav = 6   Shin = 300   Lamed = 30   Cheth = 8 / total = 784

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Enoch / Cheth = 56   Nun = 98   Vav = 42   Kaph [final letter] = 161 / total = 357
The Rapture / Hay = 35 /  Shin = 147   Lamed = 82   Hay = 35   Vav = 42  Beth = 7 / total = 357

Gentiles /  Gimmel = 21   Vav = 42   Yod = 70  Yod = 70   Mem [final letter] = 168 / total = 371
Ascension /  Ayin = 112   Lamed = 84   Yod = 70   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 371
Yeshua / Yod = 70   Shin = 147   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112 / total = 371

There are two ways to spell the Hebrew term "Shemitah" in Hebrew.  One spelling is a five letter spelling, and the other is a four letter spelling.  I will be using the four letter spelling below with the definite article "The" preceding it.  The following is done in the "multiple of sevens" Hebrew alphabet.

The Shemitah / Hay = 35 / Shin = 147   Mem = 91   Teth = 63   Hay = 35 / total = 413
The cycle / Hay = 35 / Mem = 91  Cheth = 56  Zayn = 49  Vav = 42  Resh = 140 / total = 371 ( same value for Yeshua )

413 + 371 = 784 Pentecost

the count of 49 days, or 49 Omers starts from day one of First fruits and ends the day before Pentecost.  This 49 day cycle follows the "same pattern" of the 49 Year cycles which God is following and operating off of down through "time."  You will notice that the gematria value of 371 is also the same gematria value for Yeshua using the multiple of sevens Hebrew formula.

The phrase "The Sign" combined with the date "May 24th" using this multiple of sevens Hebrew formula gives you the following results.

The phrase "The Aleph and Tau" which represents Yeshua is what this phrase "The sign" spells out.

The sign / Hay = 35 / Aleph = 7  Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 238
May 24th / Mem = 91  Aleph = 7   Yod = 70 / Kaph = 133  Daleth = 28 / total = 273

Combining these two gematria phrases above and their gematria values gives you the value for Pentecost using this formula.

238 + 273 = 551 Pentecost

Pentecost / Shin = 147   Beth = 14   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 511

511 Pentecost + 273  May 24th = 784 Pentecost  ( The value of Pentecost in the stadard Hebrew alphabet = 784 )

You can see above that by combining Pentecost  = 511 and the date May 24th = 273, which was derived out of the multiples of seven Hebrew alphabet, gives you the value of 784 which is the gematria value for Pentecost in the standard Hebrew alphabet and its letter values.

I will stop here because I am sure I will continue to find more using this amazing formula.  God is truly awesome in what He has created mathematically.  I had no idea yesterday that when I prayed for God to "show me something profound " that it would be what I have shared above in this email.  But it makes a lot of sense to me, and it really should be NO SURRISE that God's perfect number of "seven", when applied to "His" Hebrew alphabet, would produce such fantastic results!  This new discovery has opened up a "brand new approach" to the Hebrew gematria for me.  What a day yesterday was for me, and how exciting it was that God should lead me to find what I have shared.

I will keep you all posted on more findings!

God is awesome, and Pentecost is just around the corner folks!
Until He comes!

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

In Christ, Tom Gaston

Okay, thank you Tom

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On Apr 24, 2015 4:18 PM, "Tom" <rapturetj@comcast.net> wrote:


Here is the good copy.

Tom G.

Wednesday April 22, 2015 / God revealed the follow to me! / Tom Gaston

                               The number " 7 "
    God's perfect divine number and the Hebrew alphabet

What I am about to show you is so miraculous, profound, and accurate, and it goes way beyond the possiblity of just being random or by chance.   It's off the charts!!!   What I have uncovered has "God's signature" all over it!  This morning I asked the Lord once again to show me something profound in my daily research as I always do everyday.   And this morning God has "out did Himself " in the most amazing way!
This morning God brought to my mind the importancy of the number " 7 ", which is the number that stands for "perfection and divine completion."   The thought came to me ( from the Lord ) to take the Hebrew alphabet and reassign different "numerical values" to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet built upon the number ( 7 ).   So what I did is I setup the Hebrew alphabet on "multiples of seven" so that the "next letter" of the Hebrew alphabet will always be "seven more" in value than the previous Hebrew letter.

Below I will show the Hebrew alphabet both ways.   I will show the Hebrew alphabet with its standard values for each letter.  And I will show the Hebrew alphabet setup on "multiples of seven."

( Normal Hebrew Alphabet with its original Hebrew letter values )

Aleph = 1   Beth = 2   Gimmel = 3   Daleth = 4    Hay = 5   Vav = 6    Zayn = 7   Cheth = 8   Teth = 9  

Yod = 10   Kaph = 20   Lamed = 30   Mem = 40   Nun = 50   Sameck = 60   Ayin = 70    Pe = 80 

Tsady = 90   Koph = 100    Resh = 200    Shin = 300   Tav = 400

The "Five Final " Hebrew letters /  Kaph = 500    Mem = 600    Nun = 700    Pe = 800    Tsady = 900


( The Hebrew alphabet setup on multiples of seven )

Aleph = 7   Beth = 14   Gimmel = 21   Daleth = 28   Hay = 35   Vav = 42   Zayn = 49   Cheth = 56  

Teth = 63   Yod = 70   Kaph = 77   Lamed = 84   Mem = 91   Nun = 98   Sameck = 105   Ayin = 112 

Pe = 119    Tsady = 126   Koph = 133   Resh = 140    Shin = 147   Tav = 154

The " Five Final " Hebrew letters /  Kaph = 161    Mem = 168   Nun = 175    Pe = 182   Tsady = 189

What I have discovered using this formula for the Hebrew alphabet is "Beyond words."   And
when you see it you will know that God most definitely designed it by His masterful hand! 

The "Festival of weeks" is Pentecost.  Therefore I will add up the phrase "The Festival of weeks"
using this formula of "multiples of seven" with the Hebrew alphabet.  This is going to "Rupture" your "Rapture Gland" beyond repair!

  Once I had assigned the multiples of seven to the Hebrew alphabet,  then the first thing the Lord led me to check before anything else was the phrase "The Festival of Weeks."  He wanted me to see what the gematria value would be!   Why this phrase?  I believe it was because this phrase would show that something "miraculous" was lying underneath the Hebrew alphabet which could not be seen UNTIL the Hebrew alphabet was setup on "multiples of seven" within the letter values.  What I have found still has my mind reeling in amazement!

I will now spell out the  phrase "The Festival of Weeks" using this formula.  What you are about to see shows how "accurate" and "precise" God is, and how He has "His hand" involved in all things!  God is the great mathematician, and no one could have put together what I am about to show you, and make it all "synchronize" so perfectly together.  GOD IS AWESOME!

The / Hay = 35
Festival / Cheth = 56    Gimmel = 21 / total = 77
Of / Shin = 147   Lamed = 84 / total = 231
Weeks / Shin = 147    Beth = 14    Ayin = 112    Vav = 42    Tav = 154 / total = 441

35 + 77 + 231 + 441 = 784 Pentecost...........This is Just Phenomenal!

You can see that "weeks" by itself has a gematria value which = 441, and the following terms and phrases below also have this value of 441.

The Elohim / Hay = 35 / Aleph = 7  Lamed = 84  Vav = 42  Hay = 35  Yod = 70   Mem [final letter] = 168 / total = 441
The Shemitah / Hay = 35   Shin = 147   Mem = 91    Teth = 63   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 441
Coronation / Hay = 35   Kaph = 77   Tav = 154   Resh = 140    Hay = 35 / total = 411
Trumpet / Tav = 154   Koph = 133   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112 / total = 441

Now here below is the Hebrew terms of  Pentecost and Methuselah spelled out in the "normal " Hebrew alphabet with their original gematria letter values!

Pentecost / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 784
Methuselah / Mem = 40   Tav = 400  Vav = 6   Shin = 300   Lamed = 30   Cheth = 8 / total = 784

You can see that by using the normal Hebrew alphabet and its standard letter values in the spelling of Pentecost and Methuselah both "miraculously match" the phrase The Festival of Weeks = 784 which is spelled out using the Hebrew alphabet setup on "multiples of seven."

Here is something else!

The phrase "The festival of " by itself = 343 Rapture as you will see below.  And the term "weeks" by itself = 441.  But when combine these two together, then they both produce the gemtria value of 784 which is the value for Pentecost in the normal Hebrew alphabet and its numbering system. Look below.

The / Hay = 35
Festival / Cheth = 56    Gimmel = 21 / total = 77
Of / Shin = 147   Lamed = 84 / total = 231
Weeks / Shin = 147    Beth = 14    Ayin = 112    Vav = 42    Tav = 154 / total = 441

The festvial of  35 + 77 + 231 = 343 Rapture
Weeks / Shin = 147    Beth = 14    Ayin = 112    Vav = 42    Tav = 154 / total = 441

The festival of = 343
Weeks  = 441 + 343 = 784 Pentecost

The numbers 784 and 343 both divided evenly by the number 7.

784 / divided by 7 = 112
343 / divided by 7 = 49

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Wed - Marry / Lamed = 84   Hay = 35   Shin = 147   Yod = 10   Aleph = 7 / total = 343
The Departure / Hay = 35 / Yod = 70   Tsady = 126   Yod = 70   Aleph = 7   Hay = 35 / total = 343
The Natsal / Hay = 35 / Nun = 98   Tsady = 126   Lamed = 84 / total = 343

Trumpet / Tav = 154   Koph = 133   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112 / total = 441
Trumpet 441 + 343 The Departure (  Marry or The Natsal can be used also )  = 784 Pentecost

The following is facinating!

The Hebrew term "Redemption" in the normal Hebrew alphabet has a gematria value of 490.  But when you use the Hebrew alphabet setup on "multiples of seven", then this term of "Redemption" takes on the value of 343 Rapture.  Here it is below.

( Normal Hebrew alphabet ) - Redemption / Pe = 80   Daleth = 4   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 490
( Hebrew on multiple of  "sevens" ) - Redemption / Pe = 119   Daleth = 28   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 343 Rapture

Not only this!  But The term "Hebrew" and the term "Gematria" both have the gematria value of 490 using the Hebrew alphabet setup on the multiple of sevens.  Look below.

Hebrew / Ayin = 112   Beth = 14   Resh = 140   Yod = 70    Tav = 154 / total = 490
Gematria / Gimmel = 21   Yod = 70    Mem = 91   Teth = 63   Resh = 140  Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 490

Now we will add the Hebrew term "prediction" to the equation spelled out with the multiple of sevens formula. But before we do I have to share something very important here first which will help you to see how God personally directing me to find what I am getting ready to show you.

Once I saw that the term "Hebrew" and "Gematria" both had the value of 490, then the thought came to me to take this number and subtract from it the number 784.  Why did I do that?  I did that because I wanted to see what the "remainder" would be left over.  When you subtract 490 from 784 Pentecost,  then you have a remainder of 294 left over.

Now, I had no idea what word or phrase might have the value of 294 in this new sevens formula.  None whatsoever!  God is my witenss to this!  And despite this, yet the "first word " which came to my mind out of nowhere  was this Hebrew term of Prediction.  And so when I applied the multiple of sevens formula to this Hebrew term "Prediction" and its spelling, and added up the letter values of this term, then to my overwhelming surprise the gematria value was 294.  God is my wintess to this!   I just about fell out of my chair!   Now what are the "odds" of this?  And How miraculous is this?  Well, stop and think about it!   God just revealed to me this multiple of sevens Hebrew alphabet formula yesterday, and I had no pre-knowledge of its existence, nor any knowledge of its results until just yesterday.  Therefore because of these fact, then it had to be the miraculous Hand of God who put into "my mind" the thought to look for the very word which "He knew" alone would have the value of  294.

For example, the odds of me picking this one particular Hebrew term Prediction on the "first pick" which has the exact gematria value of 294 would be like ( for example ) putting the numbers from 1 to 100,000 all on strips of paper, putting them into a large container, shaking that container up,  and then reaching into that contain just "one time" and pull out the piece of paper which had the number 294 on it.  Therefore to choose a word with that exact gematria value of 294 in my "first pick" of words to search for with that number is beyond chance or random.  God knew what Hebrew term would have the value of 294 when applying the multiple of sevens Hebrew alphabet formula to that term. So, Now let me show you why I wrote my commentary above in respect this miraculous experience that I just shared.

Watch what happens when you apply the term "prediction" and its gematria value of  294 to the following terms!

Prediction / Nun = 98   Yod = 70   Beth = 14   Vav = 42  Yod = 70 / total = 294

Hebrew 490 + 294 prediction = 784 Pentecost
Gematria 490 + 294 prediction = 784 Pentecost

Now you know why I just about fell out of my chair!

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Gentile / Gimmel = 21   Vav = 42   Yod = 70 / total = 133 
Bride / Kaph = 77   Lamed = 84   Hay = 35 / total =  196 + 133 = 329

Gentile / Gimmel = 21   Vav = 42   Yod = 70 / total = 133 
Rapture / Shin = 147  Lamed = 84   Hay = 35   Vav = 42   Beth = 14 / total = 322 + 133 = 455

329 + 455 = 784 Pentecost.........also the value for..........The festival of weeks = 784

Church / Kaph = 77   Nun = 98    Sameck = 105   Yod = 70   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 455
Gentile Bride = 329 + 455 Church = 784 Pentecost

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Festival, Rapture / Cheth = 56   Gimmel = 21 / Shin = 147  Lamed = 84  Hay = 35  Vav = 42  Beth = 14 / total = 399
Harpazo / Hay = 35   Aleph = 7   Resh = 140   Pe = 119   Aleph = 7   Zayn = 49   Vav = 42 / total = 399

Wedding / Cheth = 56   Tav = 154   Vav = 42   Nun = 98   Hay = 35 / total = 385
Resurrection / Tav = 154   Cheth = 56  Yod = 70   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 385
Bridegroom / Tav = 154   Cheth = 56   Nun [final letter] = 175 / total = 385

Harpazo 399 + 385 = 784 Pentecost 

Bride = 196 x 4 = 784 Pentecost

Church = 455
Rapture = 322 + 455 = 777........777 + 7 more for ( divine completion ) = 784 Pentecost

7 x 7 x 7 = 343 Rapture

The Hebrew term "Mow'ed " means "appointed time."    So now I will spell this Hebrew term and two others using the multiple of sevens formula, and then we will take its value and add it to anyone of the phrases below which all have the gematria value of 511, which is the value for Pentecost spelled out with the Hebrew alphabet in multiples of sevens formula.

Mow'ed / Mem = 91   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112    Daleth = 28 / total = 273
May 24th / Mem = 91   Aleph = 7   Yod = 70 / Kaph = 77   Daleth = 28 / total = 273
Ascending / Ayin = 112    Vav = 42   Lamed = 84   Hay = 35 / total = 273

Pentecost / Shin = 147   Beth = 14   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 511
From the cross to the Festival / Mem = 91  Hay = 35  Tsady = 126  Lamed = 84  Beth = 14  Lamed = 84  Cheth = 56  Gimmel = 21  / total = 551
Day of /  Yod = 70  Vav = 42  Mem [final letter] = 168 / Shin = 147  Lamed = 84 / total = 511 Pentecost
Gentile Fullness / Mem = 91  Lamed = 84  Aleph = 7  Vav = 42  Tav = 154  Gimmel = 21  Vav = 42  Yod = 70 / total = 511

Now watch this!............273 + 511 Pentecost = 784 Pentecost

WOW!  once again, by using this formula for the spelling of "appointed time -  May 24th - Ascending", which all have the same gematria value of 273, and then adding this number to the value of Pentecost = 511,  you then get the gematria value of 784 which is the value for Pentecost using the normal Hebrew alphabet and its letter values.  What is amazing here is the fact that the normal Hebrew alphabet and this "multiple of sevens" Hebrew alphabet are both working in concert with one another!

These are just Phenomenal results folks!

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Pentecost / Shin = 147   Beth = 14   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 511

Ascending = 273 + 511 Pentecost = 784 Pentecost  ( Same value for Pentecost in the normal Hebrew alphabet  ).

May 24th = 273 + 511 Pentecost = 784 Pentecost 

Bride = 196 x 4 = 784 Pentecost

Harvest / Koph = 133   Tsady = 126   Yod = 70   Resh = 140 / total = 469
Wedding / Cheth = 56   Tav = 154   Vav = 42   Nun 98   Hay = 35 / total = 469

May 24th = 273
Bride = 196 +  273 May 24th = 469 Wedding

Bride May 24 = 469 ....is the gematria value for "Wedding" in the standard Hebrew alphabet and its letter values.

( Standard Hebrew gematria ) Wedding / Cheth = 8   Tav = 400   Vav = 6   Nun = 50   Hay = 5 / total = 469

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

The festival of weeks = 784....minus....273 May 24th = 511 Pentecost ( using the increments of seven formula ).

You can see above that the phrase "The festival of weeks" with this formula match the terms of Pentecost  and Methuselah ( below ) which are spelled out in the standard Hebrew alphabet with its original assigned values.

Pentecost / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 784
Methuselah / Mem = 40   Tav = 400  Vav = 6   Shin = 300   Lamed = 30   Cheth = 8 / total = 784

( Terms and their values below are from the multiple of sevens formula )

Enoch / Cheth = 56   Nun = 98   Vav = 42   Kaph [final letter] = 161 / total = 357
The Rapture / Hay = 35 /  Shin = 147   Lamed = 82   Hay = 35   Vav = 42  Beth = 7 / total = 357

Gentiles /  Gimmel = 21   Vav = 42   Yod = 70  Yod = 70   Mem [final letter] = 168 / total = 371
Ascension /  Ayin = 112   Lamed = 84   Yod = 70   Yod = 70   Hay = 35 / total = 371
Yeshua / Yod = 70   Shin = 147   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112 / total = 371

There are two ways to spell the Hebrew term "Shemitah" in Hebrew.  One spelling is a five letter spelling, and the other is a four letter spelling.  I will be using the four letter spelling below with the definite article "The" preceding it.  The following is done in the "multiple of sevens" Hebrew alphabet.

The Shemitah / Hay = 35 / Shin = 147   Mem = 91   Teth = 63   Hay = 35 / total = 413
The cycle / Hay = 35 / Mem = 91  Cheth = 56  Zayn = 49  Vav = 42  Resh = 140 / total = 371 ( same value for Yeshua )

413 + 371 = 784 Pentecost

the count of 49 days, or 49 Omers starts from day one of First fruits and ends the day before Pentecost.  This 49 day cycle follows the "same pattern" of the 49 Year cycles which God is following and operating off of down through "time."  You will notice that the gematria value of 371 is also the same gematria value for Yeshua using the multiple of sevens Hebrew formula.

The phrase "The Sign" combined with the date "May 24th" using this multiple of sevens Hebrew formula gives you the following results.

The phrase "The Aleph and Tau" which represents Yeshua is what this phrase "The sign" spells out.

The sign / Hay = 35 / Aleph = 7  Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 238
May 24th / Mem = 91  Aleph = 7   Yod = 70 / Kaph = 133  Daleth = 28 / total = 273

Combining these two gematria phrases above and their gematria values gives you the value for Pentecost using this formula.

238 + 273 = 551 Pentecost

Pentecost / Shin = 147   Beth = 14   Vav = 42   Ayin = 112   Vav = 42   Tav = 154 / total = 511

511 Pentecost + 273  May 24th = 784 Pentecost  ( The value of Pentecost in the stadard Hebrew alphabet = 784 )

You can see above that by combining Pentecost  = 511 and the date May 24th = 273, which was derived out of the multiples of seven Hebrew alphabet, gives you the value of 784 which is the gematria value for Pentecost in the standard Hebrew alphabet and its letter values.

I will stop here because I am sure I will continue to find more using this amazing formula.  God is truly awesome in what He has created mathematically.  I had no idea yesterday that when I prayed for God to "show me something profound " that it would be what I have shared above in this email.  But it makes a lot of sense to me, and it really should be NO SURRISE that God's perfect number of "seven", when applied to "His" Hebrew alphabet, would produce such fantastic results!  This new discovery has opened up a "brand new approach" to the Hebrew gematria for me.  What a day yesterday was for me, and how exciting it was that God should lead me to find what I have shared.

I will keep you all posted on more findings!

God is awesome, and Pentecost is just around the corner folks!
Until He comes!

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

In Christ, Tom Gaston


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