For those who ve been ridiculed for watching
Submitted by Tom Gaston for those Saints who have been ridiculed for watching for our blessed hope.
I need to bring some other points out here about the following equation below which I just discovered.
In this equation the first year which pops up is the year 2008 ( Jewish year 5768 ), which was also a "Shemiah year." I will show this below.
784 + 7 = 791 + 401 = 1192 + 7 = 1199 + 401 = 1600 + 7 = 1607 + 401 2008 + 7 = 2015
Now if we would have continued on with adding just the number 7 ( and omitting the number 401 ) following the year 2015, then we would be landing on every Jewish Shemitah year starting from the year 2015 onward. But if we took and added the number 401 to 2015 in this alternating sequence of numbers, then it would have taken us completely "out of the window" any current year related to us now, as 401 added onto 2015 would have been the year 2416. And so the two current years which this formula first brings up are the Shemitah year 2008 / 5768 and the Shemtiah year 2015 / 5775.
Now if we would have reversed the sequence and started with the number 401 first after the number 784, instead of the number 7, then we would have come to the year 2001 / 5761 ( the 9-11 Event and Stock Market drop of 684.81 points ), and then 2008 / 5768 ( Stock market crash of 777.68 points ). 2001 and 2008 were both Shemtiah years. And so once again starting from 2008 / 5768 with this reversed sequence we could continue on with the number 7 from that year onward ( omitting the 401 ), which would still keep us lined up with all the Jewish Shemitah years into "Infinity", since this process would be an unalterable "mathematical constant."
Awesome what God has shown me!
Tom G.
The number "seven", Pentecost, and the Aleph and Tav
God revealed the following to me today / Sunday April 26, 2015
Hey everyone,
The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, and the last letter is Tav. The first letter of the Greek is "Alpha", and the last letter is "Omega." These two Hebrew letters represent Yeshua, as well as the two Greek letters also represent Yeshua.
Jesus said the following:
Rev 22:13..........I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
I was sitting here at the computer, suddenly the thought came to me to do the following in order to see where it leads.
Aleph = 1
Tav = 400
Pentecost ( in the normal Hebrew ) / Shin = 300 Beth = 2 Vav = 6 Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 Tav = 400 / total = 784
Aleph + Tav = 401
Now what I am going to do is I am going to take the gematria value for Pentecost which = 784 and I will add the gematria values of the Aleph and the Tav , and also the number "seven " to the equation. The reason for doing this is because God's perfect divine number "seven" stands for "Divine completion and perfection."
Remember that there are 49 omers, or 49 days leading up to Pentecost, the 50th day..... 7 x 7 = 49. The gematria value of Pentecost also divides evenly by 7.......784 / divided by 7 = 112
Now watch what happens when I apply and incorporate all these
"important components" to the equation!
Pentecost = 784 + 7 + 401 + 7 + 401 + 7 + 401 + 7 = 2015
[.....................................................Aleph - Tav.......Aleph - Tav.......Aleph - Tav
This amazing caluclation shows that there had to be a "divine intelligence" behind this precise mathematical equation. God is the Great Mathematician. And it has been stated in the scientific community many times by the intelligencia that "Mathematics is the only perfect science." And why shouldn't it be, as God is the "designer" of all mathematics which man has discovered, and of which He has incorporated into all the "laws of physics", in the building of "His Universe" which He created, and of which we live in!
It is Awesome what God has shown me!
Tom G.
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