#Pentecost #Rapture 2015
I have discovered something very exciting folks!
Rev. 1:10....."I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day ( Sunday ), and I heard behind me and a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet."
The apostle John was in the Spirit on the "Lord's day" ( which is Sunday ) when he received the "Revelation of Jesus Christ" and the "message to the seven Churches." And Pentecost always falls on a Sunday starting with the counting of the 49 omers from day one of First fruits, which is always a Sunday.
Jewish tradition teaches that Enoch was taken up on the 6th Sivan. In light of this the following gematria is amazing, and it shows continuity.
In 6th Sivan / Beth = 2 / Vav = 6 / Sameck = 60 Yod = 10 Vav = 6 Nun [final letter] = 700 / total = 784 Pentecost
When the Lord came down on Mount Sinai ( the first Pentecost ), there was a loud "trumpet sound." And when Moses spoke to God, then God answered him with "thunder", and Moses and the people were terrified ( Exodus 19:16 - 19 ).
Now as I was starring at the spelling of the word "Shavout" in English I noticed that there was another English word within the spelling of Shavout which got my attention very quickly. Look below.
S h a v o u t.........Shout!
............A o
Isn't interesting that the term Shavout spelled in English contains the letters that allow you to spell the word "Shout." And the two letters "A" and "V" could spell the short phrase......"A voice".....( and ).....Shout!
Rev. 1:10....."I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day ( Sunday ), and I heard behind me " a " loud "voice" like the sound of a trumpet."
Now look at the following!
The Mount Sinai and the resurrection / Hay = 5 / Hay = 5 Resh = 200 / Sameck = 60 Yod = 10 Nun = 50 Yod = 10 / Vav = 6 / Hay = 5 / Tav = 400 Cheth = 8 Yod = 10 Yod = 10 Hay = 5 / total = 784 Pentecost
Question: What was taking place at Mount Sinai during the first Pentecost?
Answer: God was betrothing ( marrying ) Israel and making a covenant with her, and taking her as His "wife" and gave her His Law.
The Church was born on Pentecost and the Holy Spirit was given as a "pledge, earnest, downpayment" ( A "Dowery" ) until He would return for His bride. Ever since the first Pentecost in the first century Christ has been building His Church. And the fact is this, that the effects of Pentecost are still ongoing today as God is still adding to His Church daily. So Pentecost has NOT closed yet, it is still ongoing and effectually working until the age of grace closes!
Therefore the festival of Pentecost is like "bookends" as it sits between Passover and the fall feasts of the Lord. This feast therefore is a "parenthetical" period of time in which the Church began, and very possibly when the Church age will close. And I feel very strongly that Pentecost could very well be the time when God will conclude the Church ( "fullness of the Gentiles come in" Rom. 11:24, 25 ).
For the Church to come to "fullness" on the very Day of Penecost would be like God "shutting" a book on the same day day and time of the week in which He opened it, which would picture or demonstrate completion. And therefore once again for the Church to depart on the samed day in which it was born would be like "bookends" by way of example. It would be a "reversal" of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit and His restraining hand would be removed and lifted the same day that He began his restraining ministry on behalf of the Church.
Last night I found something really profound which I want to share here with all of you. And I could hardly wait until this morning in order to do so. I was totally shocked, elated, and excited about what God allowed me to find. To me "personally" it just "screams confirmation" to the festival Pentecost as the possible time of the Rapture and completion of the Church.
The gematria value for Church = 155
The gematria value for In festival = 13......In festival 13 + 155 Church = 168 ( The amount of hours in one week )
Watch what happens when we multiply these two numbers! ........13 x 155 = 2015
What I discovered!
I believe that what I am getting ready to show you has to be by "God's design", and of which is directly connected to what I
have just shared in the material above.
Question: How many hours in a week?
Answer: 168
Question: How many hours in "seven weeks" ( 49 omers / seven weeks / Feast of weeks )?
Well lets find out!
168 hours in one week x 7 weeks = 1176 hours = The amount of hours in the Festival of weeks!
Now watch this folks! This is incredible!!!!!!!!!!!
Seven weeks / Feast of weeks = 1176 hours
Pentecost = 784
Bride = 55
Feast of Weeks = 1176 hours + 784 Pentecost + 55 Bride = 2015
This calculation cannot be random as far as I am concerned! But I believe personally, and it is "my opinion" that this calculation has to be by divine design! It's too perfect for it to just happen by accident! Each term or component are in perfect harmony with one another! They are a perfect match!
Question: What was taking place at Mount Sinai during the first Pentecost?
Answer: God was betrothing ( marrying ) Israel and making a covenant with her, and taking her as His "wife", as He gave her His Law at Mount Sinai.
The Church was born on Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit was a "pledge, earnest, downpayment" ( A "Dowery" ) until He would return for His bride whom He purchased. Ever since the first Pentecost in the first century Christ has been building His Church ( His bride ). And the effects of Pentecost are still ongoing today as God is still adding to His Church daily. This festival is like "bookends" which sits between Passover and the fall feasts of the Lord. Therefore Pentecost is a "parenthetical." The Church started on the festival day of Pentecost, and I believe and feel very strongly that it may very well be that the time when the Church will conclude ( fullness of the Gentiles Rom. 11:24, 25 ).
These matching gematria's below are no accident folks! And I believe that they are making a statement of confirmation about Pentecost!
Fullness / Shin = 300 Lamed = 60 Mem = 40 Vav = 6 Tav = 400 / total = 776
Sivan / Sameck = 60 Yod = 10 Vav = 6 Nun [final letter] = 700 / total = 776
Resurrection - Rapture / Tav = 400 Cheth = 8 Yod = 10 Yod = 10 Hay = 5 / Shin = 300 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 Vav = 6 Beth = 2 / total = 776
I will be anticipating the strong possiblity ( ? ) that the Lord's coming for His bride may very well take place on the feast of Pentecost this year!
That's right! And you heard it right, THIS YEAR!
Until He comes!
In Christ, Tom Gaston
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