Saints don't fall into the Prepper trap

Submitted by Tom Gaston

Below is WND's survival supplies......packaged foods, ham-radio, gas masks...etc..etc.

These ministries are making a "killing" on selling these "tribulation supplies" to stupid Christians who believe that the church is going into the tribulation period,  or that they are going to have to endure somekind of "pre-wrath" program of God before the Rapture can even take place. These people are not looking for the Rapture, but for destruction.  This is totally in contradiction to what the apostle Paul teaches us to be looking for, the BLESSED HOPE ( Titus ).

  These ministries are "thriving" off of the "fear factor", as many ignorant Christians are caught up in this mind-set that they are going to have to suffer and go through "terrible hardship and tribulations" before the Lord comes!  They have the "pre-wrath" mentality which the word of God does NOT teach.   The apostle Paul taught NOTHING about any "pre-wrath" program of God coming on the christians in this world "prior to" the tribulation period beginning.   NONE WHATSOEVER! 

What a bunch of brain-dead christians who cannot accept the clear teaching of the word of God, in that the "Body of Christ" is  NOT appointed unto "wrath" ( Rom. 5:9,   8:1;    1Thess. 1:10,   5:9 ).   Christians are wasting their time, money, and energy on things which they won't be needing, as they are going to leave it "all behind" when the Lord comes!   This all shows that these christians are "insecure", and it also shows that they are "unstable" in their understanding of God's word.   They are trying to "preserve themselves" by their own abilities, and "their fear" is what is driving them, and NOT the love of God which they are NOT "secure in."...........Such imaturity and foolishness!

I have NEVER been nugged nor moved by God's Holy Spirit to stock and load up on outlandish and expensive "survival supplies"...etc..etc. in order to prepare for somekind of  "pre-wrath" program of God which "He will unleash" supposedly on Christians in America and the world which many unstable and "doctrinally in error" Christians are suggesting and teaching.  The apostle Paul tells us in 1Thess. 5:2 that the "Day of the Lord comes like a thief " upon the wicked of this world who were left behind at the time of the Rapture of the Church.   We won't be here!

It is the "Day of the Lord" which comes upon the world suddenly and without warning, and NOT some "pre-wrath" program of God that some ignorant christians have fabricated in their own stupid minds out of their lack of understanding of the word of God and their insecurity.   If God had plans for a "pre-wrath" program for His Church, then He would have instructed the apostle Paul to write about it and record it in His word for our instruction and warning.  But He didn't!   Not one word!

If the "Day of the Lord" is what comes "suddenly" as the apostle Paul teaches,  and we Christians are not going to be here to have to endure it, then how in the world can "survival supplies" do any Christian any good, since every sealed and indwelt Holy Spirit Christian will have left this planet!

We don't need "survival kits and supplies" where we are going!

1 John 4:17, 18 ......By this, love is perfected with us, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment;  because as He is ( Jesus ), so also are we in this world.  There is NO FEAR in love;  but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in loved."

Philippians 4:19.....And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Look below at the pictures!

Tom G.

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