God is only ONE Person, Jesus Christ: The Revelation of the Conjunction AND


2 Timothy 2:15

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


King James Version (KJV)

It is only the very few who understand and adhere to this scripture. It has only been by the grace of God I’ve been able to thoroughly grow deeper into studying the word of truth found in the FINAL AUTHORITY of the King James Bible.

Although this study is not directly related to 2 Timothy 2:15, but rather The Godhead and Not the Pagan philosophy of the Trinity, it is by the precept of 2 Timothy 2:15 that I present this study.

Dear Saint, if you’re not studying the King James Bible you’re falling into error. Bear with me here for a brief moment to give you a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

All scripture in the King James Bible.

Why the King James Bible Only?

The True History of the King James Bible - all modern Bible Translations are Satanic (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

Which Church do you belong to?  The Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)  


Or the Church of the Laodiceans,  the apostate church in this age (Revelation 3:14-19) ?  

The Hyper-Dispensationalists Preachers and teachers with their false and twisted words meet the definition of the church of the  Laodiceans.  

The Laodiceans - Apostate church operations of this day


CINOs - Christians In Name Only actually believe that Christian Broadcast Network is a Christian Network and thereby promoting “truth” according to scripture.

I offer this recent article posted by CBN “Faithwire” regarding their recent reinstatement to TWITTER after being banned for their stand on calling a man a man.

Although I applaud CBN’s stand for calling a biological man a man, based on biblical truth, note how they end their statement using a perverted Bible translation. Note how the false teaching of today appears holy on the outside but are far from adhering in their hearts to God’s word.  If you do not see a problem here, you need to honestly examine yourself before the Lord.  

Here’s the CBN Quote:

Thanks to the free speech doctrine held by @elonmusk, our account has been reinstated, and we will continue speaking biblical truth, never in hate, always in love, and always to inform our readers to the best of our abilities,” the outlet proclaimed, closing with 2 Timothy 2:15, which reads, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.


I ask the reader to compare 2 Timothy 2:15 in a perverted translation with the King James Bible.  

Aside from the disaster in “rightly handling” verses rightly dividing which is an entire study in itself, I would like to focus on the term: ‘STUDY’ and why God wants his children to STUDY His word and exactly what study means.  The word study literally means to strive after - working with great effort working through mental perplexity. 

study (v.)

early 12c., "to strive toward, devote oneself to, cultivate" (translating Latin occupatur), from Old French estudiier "to study, apply oneself, show zeal for; examine" (13c., Modern French étudier), from Medieval Latin studiare, from Latin studium "study, application," originally "eagerness," from studere "to be diligent," from PIE *(s)teu- (1) "to push, stick, knock, beat" (see steep (adj.)). The notion appears to be "pressing forward, thrusting toward," hence "strive after."

From c. 1300 as "apply oneself to the acquisition of learning, pursue a formal course of study," also "read a book or writings intently or meditatively." From mid-14c. as "reflect, muse, think, ponder." Meaning "regard attentively" is from 1660s. Related: Studied; studying.

study (n.)

c. 1300, "application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, intensive reading and contemplation of a book, writings, etc.," from Old French estudie "care, attention, skill, thought; study, school" (Modern French étude), from Latin studium "study, application" (see study (v.)). Also from c. 1300 as "a state of deep thought or contemplation; a state of mental perplexity, doubt, anxiety; state of amazement or wonder." From mid-14c. as "careful examination, scrutiny." 

See background information on studying God’s word.

Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

God is only ONE Person who is JESUS CHRIST not 3 as the Trinitarians proclaim.

Here are my extensive studies on this

Trinity is Pagan Practice of Polytheism in Mainstream Christianity #EndTimes #Apostasy (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

While meditating on God’s word I have been heavily pressed in my spirit by The Spirit of God to share further insight into the Biblical Truth that God is ONE PERSON by examining the greetings of Paul in each of his Epistles.

We will examine particularly the conjunction “AND” and truly research its meaning IN CONTEXT.

REMEMBER Context determines the EXACT sense of the meaning of a word.  

In all my study using proper hermeneutics the foundation is CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT.

The use, meaning, and purpose of the conjunction in the English language has evolved tremendously in the past 500 years.  If you’re interested, here is an interesting study by Jonathan Culpeper and Merja Kyto regarding the conjunction “and” in Early Modern English (the English utilized in the King James Bible).

(99+) The conjunction AND in Early Modern English: Frequencies and uses in speech-related writing and other texts | Jonathan Culpeper and Merja Kyto - Academia.edu

Romans 1:7

“To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.”


King James Version (KJV)

There is quite a difference from the first AND in this scripture which uses the cumulative force, meaning “in addition to”, “plus” “also” as in the examples of scripture like the first “and” in Romans 1:7 as well as others like Matthew 1:17, 1 Corinthians 15:14,17. 

Example of kai (and) meaning plus, in addition to:

Eta (uppercase Η, lowercase η) used after the conjunction kai

#1. και= and / plus

Ο Γιάννης και η Νίκη είναι εδώ./ Yannis and Niki are here.

Use of the conjunction "and" in Greek - Part 1 | Greek Language Blog (transparent.com)Use of the conjunction "and" in Greek - Part 1 | Greek Language Blog (transparent.com)

Cumulative means increasing steadily in amount or degree by one addition after another.

Now to examine the second "AND". An unlearned reader would conclude there are 2 persons here Paul is addressing. Most of us would just read over this as I had for years.

As I stated, while meditating on His Word, The Lord revealed that what Paul is saying is God our Father who is now only Jesus Christ. 

Paul was sold out for Jesus Christ and suffered terribly accordingly. He met Jesus face to face on the road to Damascus.

Jesus revealed himself personally to Paul. Read how Jesus presented himself to others in the Old Testament. The philosophy of a PREINCARNATE JESUS is not biblical. It was his virgin birth that he "legally" became the son of man to give himself as our perfect sacrifice. Amen!

Come Meet my Kinsman Redeemer (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

This is the same manner you look at an individual and only see one person, yet the person has a Body and within him dwells his spirit and soul. 

We are in the image of God - Jesus Christ having a face, arms, legs, and after his likeness (his essence of being 3 parts BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT.)

Genesis 1:26  1 Thessalonians 5:23

In the context of the open greetings of the Pauline Epistles, Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:3,9; 2 Corinthians 1:2, Galatians 1:3, Ephesians 1:2, Philippians 1:2, Colossians 1:2, 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:2, 1 Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:2, Titus 1:4, Philemon 1:3, and among other scriptures like Matthew 1:21 and Mark 9:6, The King James translators translated the Greek word AND Strongs G2532 KAI in the context of a coordinating conjunction acting in the copulative force, meaning “that which is”, “namely”, “equivalent to,” “the whole linked in sense, state, property, substance, existence, and presence.”

Copulative means describing a word or word group that connects other words or word groups.

Example of kai (and) meaning “which is:

3962 [e]



[the] Father


1473 [e]



of us


2532 [e]





2962 [e]



[the] Lord


2424 [e]





5547 [e]





Something astounding that I want to share is in studying the word AND - in the context of the Pauline Epistle greetings to mean NAMELY, I discovered in the Oxford English Dictionary on page 1894 the meaning as: NOW ONLY.

Amen! Hallelujah!  Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, The creator of Heaven and Earth. Beside Him there is NO other.  Believe this Saint!

Harmonizing scripture with scripture:

When we determine that the conjunction AND in context of the Pauline Epistle greetings means JOINED AS ONE, OF THE WHOLE, NOW ONLY ONE

Colossians 1:15, 16, 2:9; 

SHARP'S RULE: PROVES THE DIETY OF JESUS CHRIST understanding the conjunction AND in Greek kai: COPULATIVE = Two Nouns connected with the conjunction and are referring to the "same person" as ONE.

What is the Granville Sharp Rule? | GotQuestions.org
Granville Sharp (1735–1813) was an English political reformer, slavery abolitionist, and Greek language scholar known for his contributions regarding the translation of New Testament Greek as it relates to the divinity of Christ. Sharp believed strongly in the deity of Christ and studied the New Testament in its original language to more ably prove Christ’s deity. The Granville Sharp Rule was first noted in 1798 in his book Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament: Containing Many New Proofs of the Divinity of Christ, from Passages Which Are Wrongly Translated in the Common English Version.

The actual rule of Granville Sharp is concerned with the use of definite articles and copulative conjunctions in the New Testament. Copulative conjunctions (also called additive conjunctions) are words that join other words and indicate the relation of additional information. In English, we have one definite article, the; some copulative conjunctions are andmoreover, and also.

The Granville Sharp Rule states, “When the copulative kai connects two nouns of the same case, [viz. nouns (either substantive or adjective, or participles) of personal description, respecting office, dignity, affinity, or connexion, and attributes, properties, or qualities, good or ill], if the article ho, or any of its cases, precedes the first of the said nouns or participles, and is not repeated before the second noun or participle, the latter always relates to the same person that is expressed or described by the first noun or participle” (Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article, 3).

In simpler terms, the Granville Sharp Rule says that when two singular common nouns are used to describe a person, and those two nouns are joined by an additive conjunction, and the definite article precedes the first noun but not the second, then both nouns refer to the same person. This principle of semantics holds true in all languages. For example, consider this sentence:

We met with the owner and the curator of the museum, Mr. Holton.

In the preceding sentence, the definite article the is used twice, before both owner and curator. The curator is obviously Mr. Holton, but the owner could be a different person. Did we meet with one or two people? Is Mr. Holton the owner of the museum as well as the curator? The grammatical construction leaves the question open. However, the following sentence removes the ambiguity:

We met with the owner and curator of the museum, Mr. Holton.

In the second example, the definite article the is only used once, before the first noun. This means that the two nouns, joined by and, are both in apposition to the name of the person. In other words, Mr. Holton is both owner and curator. The Granville Sharp Rule makes it clear that we are referring to the same individual.

Two of the New Testament verses associated with the Granville Sharp Rule are Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1. The KJV translates Titus 2:13 as, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” In the original Greek, the words for “God” and “Savior” are joined by kai, and the definite article ho is only used once, preceding “God”; according to the Granville Sharp Rule, both God and Savior must refer to the same person, namely, Jesus Christ. The NASB 1977 renders the verse more literally: “Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.”

Similarly, 2 Peter 1:1 refers to “our God and Savior Jesus Christ.” Following Granville Sharp’s rule, Jesus Christ is clearly identified as both “God” and “Savior,” another example of the Bible’s teaching of the deity of Christ. The grammatical construction of the Greek makes it plain: definite article + singular noun + copulative conjunction + singular noun = the same person.

Though the Granville Sharp Rule may seem arcane, the concept has an important impact regarding Bible translation and our understanding of the nature of Christ. The New Testament passages where this rule applies highlight the deity of Jesus Christ. He is more than the Messiah; He is God.

End Quote.

IThe Granville Sharp Rule applies particularly well in contexts of personal description and specific roles or titles, where it emphasizes the identification of the two nouns as referring to the same person or being.

For example, in Titus 2:13 KJV: "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ."

Here, "the great God" and "our Saviour" are connected by "kai" (and), with the article preceding "the great God" and not repeated before "our Saviour," indicating that both refer to the same person, Jesus Christ.

In a twisted process of lies, we’re able to see the evil work of Roger Thornhill and Gregory Blunt is to maintain God and Jesus Christ as two separate persons. In the end, I believe it is to question the divinity of Jesus Christ. Their attempt to tell us that the copulative conduction kai is really two separate and distinct persons by claiming an unproven weak argument of “smart’s rule” a warped parody of “sharp’s rule” (“Granville Sharp Rule.”: Granville Sharp’s first rule states that when two singular, personal substantives, whether nouns, adjectives, or participles, that are in the same gender, number and case, and which are not proper names, are connected by the Greek conjunction kai (“and”), with only the first substantive having the definite article before it, then both substantives refer to the same person or being.). Smart’s rule basically is an argument to refute Sharp’s rule with the predominant purpose of proving the Trinity by perverting the meaning of the conjunction “and” in Greek kai. They also love to use the Septuagint LXX which is a perverted translation.) of the conjunction kai and by trying to use this absurd notion that it not possible to harmonize Psalm 5:2,3 and 35:23 with John 20:28, and that they don’t mean the same because of a half baked “theory” called “hebraism”

(99+) V16 The Greek Conjunction και Applied to the Exegesis of John 20:28 - A Fresh Grammatical and Contextual analysis] | Roger Thornhill and Gregory Blunt - Academia.edu

Christology of New Testament,

Koine Greek

Many of the most hotly debated syntaxes in Biblical Greek include the copulative conjunction και, generally rendered as “and” in English. A short discussion on Sharp’s rule includes a new exception from Aristotle’s Greek with singular terms that was not excluded from his rule.


Greek of the Greek New

Testament, when the copulative και connects two

personal substantives in regimen in the construction

“noun genitive personal pronoun και noun (repeat of

the same) pronoun two persons or groups of persons

are in view.

(99+) V16 The Greek Conjunction και Applied to the Exegesis of John 20:28 - A Fresh Grammatical and Contextual analysis] | Roger Thornhill and Gregory Blunt - Academia.edu

Conjunctions – Ancient Greek for Everyone (publiconsulting.com)

Conjunctions in Greek work much as they do in English. Greek, however, uses them far more often, and frequently in subtler ways, than formal written English does. This is in part because Greek has a strong tendency to link clauses and sentences together. While consecutive sentences in English are most often separated by a pause (period), many consecutive sentences in Greek are actually marked or offset by coordinating conjunctions, such as “and,” “but,” and “therefore” (S 2163).


Isaiah 44:6

“Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.”


King James Version (KJV)


John 8:58

“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.


King James Version (KJV)


John 14:9

“Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?


King James Version (KJV)


Most English teachers and I’d venture to say the majority of Bible students never bother studying the word of God to the extent necessary to be approved unto God. Again, it is imperative to say, that time in the NASB or other translation is nothing less than on a fool’s errand.  See my background study on the tragic mangling of Luke 17:21 by Dr. Andy Woods’ otherwise brilliant work of THE COMING KINGDOM.

Reproving Dr. Andrew Woods - a case study in how modern day Bible Scholars pour Leaven into the Manna (thethirdheaventraveler.com)


See how Greek Scholars who claim one must understand Greek to understand God’s word often miss the mark.  In collaboration with Dr. John Hinton a Greek and Hebrew Scholar, Rhodes Scholar and strong defender of the King James Bible translation I’ve come to learn that often false teachers act as NICOLAITANS (see the study of who are NICOLAITANS

Jesus and I Hate the Deeds of the Nicolaitans (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

 bringing the masses to believe they are helpless to understand the Bible unless they are spoon fed.  

Here is a brief example of a Quora comment by an English teacher regarding conjunctions:

“What are cumulative and adversative conjunctions?

I have never come across this terminology and I have managed without it for sixty years. This looks to me like linguistic hair splitting. Although such terminology might be useful within the sphere of linguistics, IMHO it has no place in using, learning and teaching English.”


Now imagine how the average bible teacher, student might approach scrutinizing scripture like this.  I urge the reader to push yourself beyond your limits to study God's word.


It is only through diligently seeking will you find Jesus Christ in a more personal deeper way.  Without rightly dividing scripture, without knowledge of God's word, we fall prey to the enemy and his false prophets and teachers.

Again, I stress you read my extensive studies on the Godhead is BIBLICAL - The Trinity is Pagan Polytheism BAAL Worship. 


Let's heed Paul's warning in Colossians 2:8:



Colossians 2:8

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”


King James Version (KJV)



Let's strive for masteries and our rewards as did Paul. Read and meditate on 2 Timothy 2:5.  See additional studies:


2 Timothy 2:5

“And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.”


King James Version (KJV)



  1. Brother, if the Catholic Church teaches the trinity, that should make you run. Well done. Keep up the good job

    1. Amen Brother! I very often thank God for delivering our mother's out of the Catholic Church.

    2. Very well done! Yes, we need to Study to show ourselves approved, a Workman rightly dividing the word of truth. Keep up the good work!


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