Jesus, Judas and Bryan Denlinger The Barbarian


Colossians 2:8

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

King James Version (KJV)

1 Corinthians 2:10

“But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.”

King James Version (KJV)

1 Corinthians 2:14

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

King James Version (KJV)

 All scripture in the King James Bible.

Why the King James Bible Only?

The True History of the King James Bible - all modern Bible Translations are Satanic (


Which Church do you belong to? The Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)

Or the Church of the Laodiceans, the apostate church in this age (Revelation 3:14-19) ?

The Laodiceans - Apostate church operations of this day

Note:  Google pulling down my Blogs not 

The Flood of Updates on The Apostate Fake Church of Today; Wake Up Christian! Come Out! (


In my early years after leaving Religion, walking out of these apostate brick and mortar buildings called churches run by apostate trained CEOs called pastors, I used to watch Bryan Denlinger. But as I actually read my King James Bible which I’m glad he reads, I found more and more glaring errors and frankly I soon found him to be an outrageous heretic - most egregious is his WORKS BASED SALVATION TEACHING. Notwithstanding him fleecing people for money to support him and his family.  It’s easier to do videos than working for a living as a LUMBERJACK. 

I’ve never written more rebukes to or about anyone more than I have Bryan Denlinger, formerly known as Huskie349xp, formerly known as King James Ministries, now known as the horrific “Born Again Barbarian.” (My Lord, God does have a sense of humor.) 

Please take the time to read the notes below on the multiple in depth bible based studies exposing Denlinger as a heretic, false teacher, cult leader, racial bigot, and charlatan to identify a few.  What is shocking is that myself and other Christians believe he may very well be a Jesuit in their best disguise. (Study the Jesuit oath.)

After posting my rebukes and sending him emails I moved on. I couldn’t care less how he continues in his sin. However, whenever I see someone who is affected so negatively by his false teaching, I’m compelled in the Spirit of God to respond. 


Read further down of some commentary I received from someone who used to follow Denlinger’s teaching. 

Regarding his new handle of “Barbarian.” One can not overlook the irony and outrageous oxymoron of a Barbarian that is also Born Again. Please take a moment and read the notes below on defining a Barbarian to see that it is the antithesis of a Christian.  A born-again Christian is a phrase we understand as an adjective describing an individual’s second birth to become the new creature existing as a Christian. But Bryan in his state, identified clearly in John 8:42-47, sees his second birth as being Barbarian. 

For a brief lesson in grammar which Denglinger despises any education other than his own misguided cult indoctrination, when the adjective “born-again” is used to describe the associated noun of regeneration, it is used to describe the state of the NEW CREATURE who has been regenerated NOT the old creature.  In other words, a “born-again” heathen - savage - non Christian means a heathen reborn (here used as a verb) as a heathen. Which is nothing more than a reincarnated heathen.  

To further clarify, Bryan’s first birth was admittedly a Barbarian which you’ll see the exhaustive definition below is the opposite of what a Christian is, a foreigner to the Faith, a heathen, a beast, a savage, carnal born of the first Adam which we all are.  Then Bryan admits that his second birth was again as a Barbarian. It is clear that Bryan is just as confused as the Pharisee Nicodemus was. Read 1 Peter 1:3, John 3, John 1:13, Ephesians 2:5, Titus 3:5

Jesus, Judas and Bryan Denlinger

While preparing this Blog and Video, refuting Bryan’s teaching on Romans 10:9,10, his new tactic to explain his misunderstanding of FREE GRACE which he hates and places so many new Christians under the bondage of WORKS, the age old tactic of the Judaizers and the Vatican which has completely infiltrated the Protestant church from Calvinism and Arminianism,  I found more links in Denlinger’s chain of bondage that connects directly to the foundation which is in the BLOOD the CUP the REMISSION of SIN and the Broken Body of Communion and why we are commanded to do in remembrance.

Please allow me to start with Denglinger’s misguided, unlawful, and heretical view of a follower of Jesus Christ’s desire to partake of the Lord’s Supper - Communion.  I will then go into his works based on salvation JUDAIZER - JESUIT teaching and how Paul clearly is NOT adding Confession with the Mouth as a condition of salvation for this DISPENSATION OF GRACE.  

The Lord’s Supper - Communion

1 Corinthians 11:24

“And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

King James Version (KJV)

 Corinthians 11:25

“After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

King James Version (KJV)

No doubt, 1 Corinthians 11:24 and 11:25 are commands and frankly a command I love to practice in my spiritual communion with My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Every true Saint, born again, new creature, blood bought Christian,  I personally know, LOVES to participate in the Lord’s Supper.

But NOT Bryan Denlinger the  reborn Barbarian - not to be confused with born-again Christian. No, Denlinger with his pointy finger in his hand held worn out King James Bible tells you that not only is the Lord’s Supper not important in the life of a believer, but it’s not necessary and he hasn’t practiced it in months - has a provocative disregard for its purpose and worse ITS MEANING.  Bottom line Denlinger does NOT understand the COMMUNION.  He honestly believes Communion has nothing to do with The Lord’s Supper but rather reading your King James Bible and having fellowship with the Lord.  Watch his video.

Denlinger telling us it’s not important or necessary to have communion by taking breaking the bread and the cup.


Communion With God Through The King Jesus Version – Bryan Denlinger (

 Essential Background: While writing this Blog, The Spirit of the Lord moved my heart to search Bryan’s “sermons'' on Communion - The Lord’s Supper.  I kept asking the Lord what this had to do with Bryan’s misunderstanding of Romans 10:9,10 and his typical WORKS BASED Salvation even though he parrots GRACE like all good JUDAIZERS honed in the Jesuit skills. 

I couldn’t get this out of my mind. Then it dawned on me as an EPIPHANY. a moment of sudden revelation or insight.

 A couple of years ago I dealt with a Judaizer who could not wrap his mind around GRACE and was always in fear of taking Communion, having a most warped understanding of the CUP, not associating the CUP with the BLOOD and the REMISSION OF SIN. 

Responding to and Rebuking Sharply Cal Teichmann of Blog: Come and Taste The Goodness of the Lord cctechm777 (

 I plead with the reader to stop here and open your Bible to Matthew 26:26-29 KJV and study the meaning of the word REMISSION.  

This very foundational understanding of ERASE - ERADICATE of sin by the BLOOD is the ROCK on which we build our faith.  Why do you think CALVINIST John MacArthur denies the BLOOD?  See the exposure:

The Powerful Trickery of John MacArthur at Grace Community Church (

Denlinger spreads, mutates like a virus, changes like a savvy chameleon.  -spreading his works plus faith in JUDAIZER doctrine because he does not understand BLOOD and the remission of sin. He has no concept of GRACE but is a RUCKMANITE who parrots what he reads and with his mental capacity tries to apprehend the things of God, but sadly the spiritual things can only be comprehended by the Spirit.  Ironic how he stipulates this over and over again in his pathetic communion video.

From the earliest records, we can tell that the church did exactly what Jesus said: they reenacted that Last Supper in remembrance of Jesus and His death. This is evident not only in Acts 20:7 but also in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

 The Lord’s Supper, also commonly referred to as communion, is both a command and essential part of our worship and spiritual communion with our Lord Jesus Christ.  This is in remembrance of the Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples the night before he was crucified and is recorded in Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-25 and Luke 22:14-20, John 13:Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 11:23-32. which is actually the Last Supper that Jesus had with His disciples the night before He died, is recorded in the Synoptic Gospels.

Luke 22:19

19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

1 Corinthians 11:24-25

King James Version

24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

Let’s talk about the significance of the Passover MEAL and why it is repeated and remembered for eternity. Deuteronomy 

Why Is the Lord’s Supper Significant in the Bible? | BibleProject™

What is the importance of the Lord’s supper / Christian Communion? |

The Passover Meal 

Was the Last Supper a Passover Seder? |

Each Gospel writer describes Jesus giving thanks, blessing the bread and the cup and giving them to His disciples and saying that the bread is His body and the cup is the new covenant in His blood which is shed for many. In Luke 22:19, Jesus says, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”


Repent and search your heart Bryan Denlinger

The Judas connection with the Passover Meal - The Last Supper.

ALL false teaching on the internet with their perverted Bible translations and Vatican based theology teach that Judas took part in the last supper - communion portion of the dinner and that Jesus washed his feet in order to prove their godless based doctrine that Jesus “accepts you as you are” - not requiring you to change which is so prominent in the L…Q - Drag Q. churches. 

However, the truth is as correctly recorded in the gospel of Matthew, Judas split the scene before the CUP. And Jesus certainly did NOT wash his feet.  By the time Jesus was raising the CUP and washing feet of the TRUE disciples, Judas was making money with the Chief Priest - the demon - herodian NON Levite - non authentic - non bloodline to Aaron - Joseph CAIAPHIAS. 

See my study - Connect the DOTS

Connect the DOTS The Fall - Nimrod - The Pharisees - Zionism - Synagogue of Satan (

A Perfect Case Study of Spiritual Blindness; Today's Pharisee (

See full study on biblical proof that Judas wasn’t at the COMMUNION in notes below.

The connection here is that Judas knew spiritually - his unregenerate spirit that had been given over to Satan, that he could not participate in the communion. He wanted no part of it.  I pray the reader and viewer of this Blog see the paramount significance of how these souls can not see the CUP and are NOT a part of it and I truly believe Denlinger has exposed himself.   God does indeed have a great sense of humor.   Read Pslam 2. 


How Romans 10:9,10 is NOT a condition for Salvation See full study

Romans 10:9,10 misunderstanding

Calling on Jesus is NOT a condition for salvation

Here’s Bryan with his hateful beady eyes staring you down with his pointy little wicked finger pointing at you telling you that 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is NOT the full gospel, even though Paul tells us it is.  Note that Denlinger does not bother telling you that 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 harmonizes with Ephesians 2:8,9 BUT does NOT harmonize whatsoever with Acts 2:21 and Joel 2:32. See links posted above.

Refuting Denlinger and his kind

ABC Salvation Equation AKA Romans Road is NOT scriptural... Understanding Romans 10... Salvation Requirement? No! Here's why... (

Note: when I posted this I had 555 reads on this blog

Calling on Jesus to be Saved is NOT The Gospel of GRACE (

Most do not know the Gospel

Most do NOT know the GOSPEL #EndTimes (

9 -11 Romans 9 - 11 Written to the JEWISH REMNANT and Gentiles saved during Tribulation (


Salvation. Believe! Believe that Jesus Died for your Sins according to the Scriptures; Jesus Rose again on the third day (

Review of the foundation of Denglinger’s WORKS based salvation:  I called Denlinger out on, six years ago his fancy poster says it all: 

Mark 2:17 all nice and pretty on your huge poster with the paint still drying.

Mark 2:17 KJV:

“And hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”


In the Trial of Anne Hutchinson by the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay Colony on November 7, 1637.  Ann’s charge:  Belief in GRACE alone in that people are saved by faith (the covenant of God’s grace) and NOT by deeds (the covenant of works).   She was charged with “transducing the ministers because she publicly criticized the content of their theology.  She was found guilty and she and her entire family were banished. After her husband died she and her five children lived in a remote settlement and were all massacred by Indians in 1643. 

In the Trial of John Bunyon in 1661 was about the Church of England telling him he wasn’t allowed to preach unless he was under the control and authority of the Church of England.  The very heart of the matter was GRACE vs WORKS and the infiltration of the Catholic Church. 

 If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the Man Christ without, and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the word of God.


My dear Brother in Christ Brenden Flynn in Scotland is a devout KJB only believer and sold out for Jesus Christ street preacher. 

He is certain that Calvinism is actually Catholic but to deceive the Protestants. 

I'd go even further to say they're closet Jesuits is what I firmly believe Bryan Denlinger is. Calvinists LOVE WORKS unto Salvation. If you read Dr. Bangers work you will see Calvinists behind works based salvation.  

Powerful Testimony of Brother Brendan Flynn including a very good look at Calvinism (

Powerful Testimony of Brother Brendan Flynn including a very good look at Calvinism

September 23, 2020

Salvation is JUSTIFICATION / Sanctification is WORKS; know the difference

To Those in  The Laodicean Church: Time is Short Come Out (

Here's a good study by Brother Brenden on Calvinists 



Following their

leader, many Calvinists argue, “if a single event can happen outside of God’s sovereignty, then He

is not totally sovereign, and we cannot be assured that His plan for the ages will be

accomplished.” This theory, as we have seen, had its roots in Calvin’s Roman Catholicism and

love of Augustine; it cannot be found in scripture. 

Here is full study

Excerpt of an email I sent a former follower to Denlinger:

Thank you for reaching out to me with this very tragic demonic burden that this evil judaizer heretic charlatan REPROBATE Denlinger has bewitched you with. I could literally go on and on for pages and pages to summarize the depths of depravity and demonic spirits plural that posses Denlinger and his JEZEBEL spirit possessed wife.  I have done 9 major works exposing this evil duo.  I will watch the new video and looks like it's time for me to do another expose on this reprobate.

I urge you to take the time and read through these links below to understand the depths of his depravity. I have never written so much about one false teacher before.  I sent him emails asking him to respond and to REPENT because he is CURSED for teaching and preaching another GOSPEL.  This is very very serious. Read Galatians 1:8,9. Paul even repeats which is extremely rare.   Please take a moment to open your bible and read these scriptures. Then read Galatians 1:7 very carefully to understand the background and context of Galatians chapter 1.   PAUL WAS GIVEN THE GOSPEL OF GRACE directly from Jesus Christ. Read Galatians 1:12.  From the very beginning the JEWS who hated Jesus but were mingled in with the Christians (See Judas among the 12), and Satan used them to sow in deceit and false teachings of adding WORKS and telling Christians they had to follow the LAW to truly be a Christian.  Denlinger is a modern day Judadizer and will go into the pits of hell unless he repents.  Please read and study the book of Galatians.  IT IS ABOUT GRACE. Paul is writing the church at Galatia because they were on the right track and the Judaizers crept in and got them back into works to add to grace.  Read what Paul screams out to the Galatians because they have fallen under the spell of the Judaizers:

Galatians 3:1

“O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?”

King James Version (KJV)

Don't feel bad.  Even Peter was caught up and bewitched by the Judaizers - WORKS BASED SALVATION and the continual bondage to do, and to do more and more in law keeping and moral living to maintain one's salvation. Paul had to get into Peter's face and strongly rebuke him in Antioch. After the council in Jerusalem Peter fully realized that Paul was the real deal. Even James made it clear that Paul has the GOSPEL of Grace to bring in the Gentiles. Read Acts 15. Paul even talks about this encounter in Galatians 2:11 referring to Acts 11:2... The great John Bunyon who was in prison suffering because he preached GRACE through FAITH alone and NOT WORKS and dared to stand against the QUAKERS and Church of England.  John wrote:  THE DEVIL's GREATEST MALL (hammer in warfare) IS GETTING A CHRISTIAN TO DOUBT THEIR SALVATION.   I even found myself making a list and going through Denlinger's teaching then began to see through him by the GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY.  

This is why Paul writes in Ephesians chapter 6 to Put on the HELMET OF SALVATION.   

If Satan can get us to question our salvation he has taken us as SPOILS OF WAR.  We are taken. finished. captured and in bondage to him and his demons.  This is the case of Denglinger.  Read the stern warning of Paul to the Colossians in Colossians 2:8 KJV. 

I gave you the links about SALVATION but here they are again.  1 Corinthians 15:1-4 IS THE GOSPEL of GRACE.  It harmonizes perfectly with EPHESIANS 2:8,9.   It does NOT harmonize with Romans 10:9,10., But Romans 10 harmonizes with ACTS 2:21 and JOEL 12:32. Please study this.  Paul was writing directly to the JEWISH REMNANT in a literary interlude from Romans chapters 9 through 11.  Read Dr. Anthony Badger work on FREE GRACE THEOLOGY ON TRIAL.  Here is the study:

Most do NOT know the GOSPEL #EndTimes (

Yes, of course we saved believers call on the name of Jesus.  This is a sign among many that we belong to him.

BUT this is NOT a condition for an unbeliever to do to be saved. This happens after we are saved. READ 1 Corinthians 1:2. 


I pray for you Brother.  Please let me know if I can help further.  Thank you. God bless you. 


Another message from a former Denlinger follower:

I'm currently at a stage where I am starting to doubt everyone who calls themselves saved, but when I started watching you I believe the Holy Ghost is confirming what you are saying is true, and if I have the Holy Ghost I am saved and why do I worry.

I am honestly believing I am the only truly saved person who struggles with sin and that everyone else is living that perfect life that Bryan more or less says you need to have as a saved part of the body of Christ.

I will come back to you when I have carefully gone through all of these. Thank you so much for being interested and helping me to overcome this. It is starting to affect my life in a very negative way. I am starting to accuse the Lord of things when little things go wrong because Bryan keeps making points about chastening that if you mess up you will get chastened "if you are truly saved" inferring that if you aren't being chastened you aren't truly saved.


We as saved Christians do CALL on the name of Jesus all the time. 

Look at Stephen in Acts 7:59. Look how Paul addressed the Corinthian believers (already saved) in 1 Corinthians 1:2 KJV

1 Corinthians 1:2 KJV

Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

Carefully compare the context of 1 Corinthians 1:2 with Romans 10:9..1 Corinthians is a greeting to those already saved and call on Jesus as a practice (like all of us who are saved do several times a day practically). Romans 10:9 is a condition for salvation,  confession is a work that will be declared during the tribulation see Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Deuteronomy 32:31. 

  But to say we have to follow all that is written to JEWS then go slaughter some lambs on the altar.  Or if we follow every word Jesus spoke in the beatitudes? Cut off your right hand? Etc. 

Here's a study I was looking at on the subject


What you said, quote:

I am honestly believing I am the only truly saved person who struggles with sin and that everyone else is living that perfect life that Bryan more or less says you need to have as a saved part of the body of Christ.

I am starting to accuse the Lord of things when little things go wrong because Bryan keeps making points about chastening that if you mess up you will get chastened "if you are truly saved" inferring that if you aren't being chastened you aren't truly saved."  


This is an absolute smoking gun proof how Denlinger is a NICOLAITAN to keep his cult followers in bondage no different than the Catholic church and all the fake religions and church building operations caught up in one form of Lordship salvation or works based salvation who are CALVINISTS.   SALVATION = JUSTIFICATION.  we are saved by BELIEF.

Deeds of the NICOLAITANs

And why Jesus hated the deeds of the NICOLAITANS.  Revelation 2:6.


wicked; evil; iniquitous; heinous; villainous; diabolical


Jeremiah 5:26 For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.

27 As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich.

28 They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge.

29 Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

30 A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land;

Our Christian walk is a daily STRUGGLE with sins, tribulations and attacks.. This is our walk and it is the SANCTIFICATION which is NOT SALVATION or JUSTIFICATION.  THIS IS WORKS our BEMA JUDGMENT WILL BE WORKS BASED.... 

Please know I'm praying for you Brother.   You're under a demonic attack as we all get from time to time.


Another Email I sent:

I watched Denlinger's Romans 10 video. It made me want to vomit.  He never talks about why Romans 10:9,10 harmonizes with Acts 2:21 and Joel 2:32, but NOT Ephesians 2:8,9.  He like all Calvinists and Catholics can not get their minds to distinguish between SALVATION - JUSTIFICATION and SANCTIFICATION which is a process of works.  

I believe I'm going to do another Blog and Video on him.

Yes, he continues to ADD WORKS to FREE GRACE.

He can't help himself. He used to preach that Salvation begins, or must begin with a full confession and reading of he actually preached that if you do not go through his steps for salvation there is no possible way to be saved.  He began with a huge poster beginning with It Mark 2:17

And hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

This was when I stopped following his false teaching and called him out as preaching another gospel.  He loves the Romans Road and I agree that in part it is outstanding for understanding our need for a savior and how marvelous grace is. But as Dr. Badger points out the PIT HOLE in this road is Romans 10:9.10 where it all falls off the cliff.  

Denlinger is an absolute CALVINIST and believes and preaches that WE MUST ENDURE AND SHOW WORKS TO BE SAVED. He is a closet Jesuit I believe. 

Here's an outstanding excerpt about FREE GRACE by another author: David R. Anderson, PhD June, 2018


And in the soteriological writings of Augustine, one verse has center stage. This verse is essentially the point of departure for Augustine’s understanding of soteriology. It occurs in his writings more times than John 3:16 or Ephesians 2:8–9 or any verse or passage from Romans 3–8. This verse is none other than Matthew 24:13: “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” According to the millenarian understanding of the Olivet Discourse, the meaning of “saved” in the Olivet Discourse referred to physical deliverance from death at the hands of the Antichrist or from the horrendous plagues at the end of the Tribulation Period.

It shows how the teachings of Augustine set forth the ultimate and final requirement for anyone to spend eternity with God: perseverance of the saints. According to him, a person can be regenerated, saved, and be a genuine believer, but still not be elect if he does not persevere faithfully in his Christian walk until the end of his life. That’s what the Catholics teach today, but it’s also what the Calvinists teach, and that’s also what the Arminians teach. According to the Calvinists, if a person does not persevere faithfully until the end of his life, he never was elect. And according to the Arminians, if a person does not persevere faithfully until the end of his life, he loses his salvation. So, all three groups park their cars in the Vatican parking lot. And that represents about 99% of Christianity. It’s so important to understand this commonality among Catholics, Arminians, and Calvinists that we have moved Appendix A from the first and second editions to the front of the book in this edition. Since the writing of the first edition almost twenty years ago, a number of theological issues have popped up on the radar screen that were not there at that time. One of those is the subject of universalism. More and more Christian pastors (Rob Bell) and philosophers (Thomas Talbott and Gregory MacDonald) have thrown their hats into the ring of universalism. So, we thought it necessary to address that issue. Finally, the fog covering the relationship between faith and works gets thicker and thicker. Some authors, who have graduated from conservative, evangelical schools, have concluded that justification is by faith plus works (Alan Stanley and Matthew Bates). Still others have made perseverance part of the essence of saving faith (D. A. Carson). While we agree that consistency demands that the theology of these men should lead to justification by faith and works, twenty years ago they were not admitting it. Now they are. So, we want to address some of these works as well. As always, we never pretend to have the last word in theology. That belongs to God. But we continue to search for the system which has the greatest degree of consistency, comprehensiveness, congruency, and coherence. We are presenting the soteriological slice of that theological pie in this book. David R. Anderson, PhD June, 2018

And in the soteriological writings of Augustine, one verse has center stage. This verse is essentially the point of departure for Augustine’s understanding of soteriology. It occurs in his writings more times than John 3:16 or Ephesians 2:8–9 or any verse or passage from Romans 3–8. This verse is none other than Matthew 24:13: “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” According to the millenarian understanding of the Olivet Discourse, the meaning of “saved” in the Olivet Discourse referred to physical deliverance from death at the hands of the Antichrist or from the horrendous plagues at the end of the Tribulation Period.

It shows how the teachings of Augustine set forth the ultimate and final requirement for anyone to spend eternity with God: perseverance of the saints. According to him, a person can be regenerated, saved, and be a genuine believer, but still not be elect if he does not persevere faithfully in his Christian walk until the end of his life. That’s what the Catholics teach today, but it’s also what the Calvinists teach, and that’s also what the Arminians teach. According to the Calvinists, if a person does not persevere faithfully until the end of his life, he never was elect. And according to the Arminians, if a person does not persevere faithfully until the end of his life, he loses his salvation. So, all three groups park their cars in the Vatican parking lot. And that represents about 99% of Christianity. It’s so important to understand this commonality among Catholics, Arminians, and Calvinists that we have moved Appendix A from the first and second editions to the front of the book in this edition. Since the writing of the first edition almost twenty years ago, a number of theological issues have popped up on the radar screen that were not there at that time. One of those is the subject of universalism. More and more Christian pastors (Rob Bell) and philosophers (Thomas Talbott and Gregory MacDonald) have thrown their hats into the ring of universalism. So, we thought it necessary to address that issue. Finally, the fog covering the relationship between faith and works gets thicker and thicker. Some authors, who have graduated from conservative, evangelical schools, have concluded that justification is by faith plus works (Alan Stanley and Matthew Bates). Still others have made perseverance part of the essence of saving faith (D. A. Carson). While we agree that consistency demands that the theology of these men should lead to justification by faith and works, twenty years ago they were not admitting it. Now they are. So, we want to address some of these works as well. As always, we never pretend to have the last word in theology. That belongs to God. But we continue to search for the system which has the greatest degree of consistency, comprehensiveness, congruency, and coherence. We are presenting the soteriological slice of that theological pie in this book. David R. Anderson, PhD June, 2018

Final comment from a Denlinger follower regarding Mind Control:


He has done videos on mind control, but honestly that is what he has done with me, making me who was so desperate to know I was saved believe that I have to do all of these extra things to be saved and to stay saved. I would like to think that the Lord showed me how to be saved through him but to also show that there are people who teach the wrong gospel, like he does, but then led me to your channel to discover the truth because you too are KJV only, teach Godhead and not trinity, but also rebuke those who add works to salvation. As you say, he has a good sense of humor and I am happy to learn this way, it is good experience for life."

My response:

It is no light matter regarding his BITE cult mentality.  Please read my links on him where I discuss this. Others have as well. Religion is a powerful tool of the Nicolaitans.  Read Jude 1:11. These examples saw how Religion played into their  lives and used God for their own purpose. Study my MEGA TRAP CHURCH TRAP 

Mega Trap Church Trap REPRINT FROM July 2015 (


 Links Exposing Denlinger

Bryan Denlinger is A Charlatan. The Meaning of a Charlatan is... (

A stern Rebuke to Bryan Denlinger of King James Video ministries (

Curses returned back upon Bryan Denlinger and his agents and accomplices (

Paul calls Bryan Denlinger out as a DOG; Read it for yourself... (

Bryan Denlinger is a closet Jesuit (

Bryan Denlinger claims he is a godly man. His fruit proves him a Nicolaitan (

Calling out Bryan Denlinger - King James Video Ministries -  as a wolf in sheep’s clothing - A cult leader in search of sheep. (

Rebuking Bryan Denlinger as a Heretic (

Rebuke Bryan Denlinger teaching interracial marriage is fornication (

Definition and brief history of the noun Barbarian

the Oxford Dictionary meaning of Barbarian. Please take a moment to read the definitions and then ask yourself this question:

Does this sound like Paul describing us Saints as  NEW CREATURES in Christ?  Does a Saint have similarities with a Barbarian?  Does this sound like Old Things have passed away?

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

King James Version (KJV)

Does this sound like being all things to all people to save some?

1 Corinthians 9:22

“To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”

King James Version (KJV)

Here’s a few things that Paul speaks of about Barbarians:

BEASTS at Ephesus  1 Corinthians 15:32,  CRETIANS Evil Beasts, Liars   Titus 1:12.

From Beast,  Savage:

savage (adj.)

mid-13c. (late 12c. as a surname), of animals, "ferocious;" c. 1300, "wild, undomesticated, untamed," also "wild, uncultivated" (of land or places), from Old French sauvage, salvage "wild, savage, untamed, strange, pagan," from Late Latin salvaticus, alteration (vowel assimilation) of silvaticus "wild, woodland," literally "of the woods," from silva "forest, grove" (see sylvan).

Of persons, "indomitable, valiant," also "fierce, bold, cruel" (c. 1300); from late 14c., of persons or behavior, "wild, barbarous, uncivilized;" c. 1400 as "reckless, ungovernable," and by 1610s as "pertaining to or characteristic of savage peoples, living in the lowest condition of development." In heraldry, "naked or clothed in foliage" (1570s). The -l- often was restored in 16c.-17c. English spelling.

savage (n.)

c. 1400, "wild person, human being from an uncivilized region or a tribe or race of the lowest state of development," from savage (adj.). From c. 1600 as "unfeeling, brutal, or cruel person," whether civilized or not.

mid-14c., "foreign, of another nation or culture," from Medieval Latin barbarinus (see barbarian (n.)). The meaning "of or pertaining to savages, rude, uncivilized" is from 1590s.

barbarian (n.)

early 15c., in reference to classical history, "a non-Roman or non-Greek," earlier barbar (late 14c.) "non-Roman or non-Greek person; non-Christian; person speaking a language different from one's own," from Medieval Latin barbarinus (source of Old French barbarin "Berber, pagan, Saracen, barbarian"), from Latin barbarus "strange, foreign, barbarous," from Greek barbaros "foreign, strange; ignorant," from PIE root *barbar- echoic of unintelligible speech of foreigners (compare Sanskrit barbara- "stammering," also "non-Aryan," Latin balbus "stammering," Czech blblati "to stammer").

Greek barbaroi (plural noun) meant "all that are not Greek," but especially the Medes and Persians; originally it was not entirely pejorative, but its sense became moreso after the Persian wars. The Romans (technically themselves barbaroi) took up the word and applied it to tribes or nations which had no Greek or Roman accomplishments.

Also in Middle English (c. 1400) "native of the Barbary coast;" meaning "rude, wild person" is from 1610s. Occasionally in 19c. English distinguished from savage (n.) as being a step closer to civilization. Sometimes, in reference to Renaissance Italy, "a non-Italian." It also was used to translate the usual Chinese word of contempt for foreigners.

Barbarian applies to whatever pertains to the life of an uncivilized people, without special reference to its moral aspects. Barbarous properly expresses the bad side of barbarian life and character, especially its inhumanity or cruelty: as, a barbarous act. Barbaric expresses the characteristic love of barbarians for adornment, magnificence, noise, etc., but it is not commonly applied to persons: it implies the lack of cultivated taste .... [Century Dictionary, 1889]

Entries linking to barbarian

barbarism (n.)

mid-15c., "uncivilized or rude nature, ignorance or want of culture," from French barbarisme "barbarism of language" (13c.), from Latin barbarismus, from Greek barbarismos "foreign speech," from barbarizein "to do as a foreigner does," from barbaros (see barbarian


 Only of speech in Greek, Latin, and French; the sense extension to "uncivilized condition" took place in English. It is in English from 1570s as "offense against purity or style of language" (originally the use of foreign words in Latin and Greek); the meaning "an expression or word not in accord with the proper usage of a language" is from 1580s.

Oxford English Dictionary page 166.  A foreigner whose language and custom differs from the speaker’s. One who babbles unintelligible sounds to the audience. (Only understood by other Barbarians). UnChristian. Those opposed to Christians See the US History battling the Barbary.  Those opposed on the outside the pale of Christian civilization. Rude, Wild, uncivilized. Those with NO sympathy to civil society. In context Denlinger addresses Christians and says his language is understood by people of God.  Yet by virtue of the definition of his self appointed title as Barbarian it means his message is unintelligible to his audience.

Definition continued: “most unchristian” Jefferson’s Barbary Pirates.  Kaafir’s pay diyah 

Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates – Abbeville Institute

The Barbary Wars the Barbarian and why We’re afraid after 1,400 years by Dr. Bill Werner

Enslaved and murdered millions of Christians special note the church of Ephesus in the 7th century 7,000 greeks enslaved by muslim slave traders. All churches ordered destroyed. In Thessalonica 22,000 christians enslaved, christians massacred. Jews massacred by the tens of thousands by the Barbarians of the Ottoman Empire. Known as the Golden Age which brought about the Dark Ages.  It was not the Barbarian’s who found and became as the Romans but to the south - northern coast of Africa.  Here is a detailed study by Dr. Warner. 

Why We Are Afraid: A 1400-Year Secret, by Dr. Bill Warner — 1389 Blog - Counterjihad!

How the Vatican created Islam

How The Vatican Created Islam, by Former Jesuit Priest, Alberto Rivera | TABU; Towards A Better Understanding (

JUDAS at the Last Supper


The incident concerning the betrayal mentioned in these verses occurred before the Lord's Supper was eaten (Mt 26:21). It seems probable, from John 13:21-35, that Judas left before the supper. On this passage, see notes on Mt 26:21-25. Based upon these differences is there any way to determine the order of events and the answer to the question of just when Judas was exposed?   Can we ascertain whether he departed before the Lord’s Supper was instituted or after it was instituted? I believe there are several factors to be considered and when these are considered we can arrive at a probable conclusion.  First of all, Matthew’s gospel account is ordered theology and Mark’s gospel account is the chronological gospel. These two gospel accounts present the various events in more of a chronological order than the other gospel accounts.  It must be seen that each of the gospel writers wrote with a different purpose to portray Christ in a particular way.  This being the case many of the accounts are not in chronological order.  Matthew and Mark place Judas’ exposure and departure before the institution of the Lord’s Supper.  Luke’s accounts therefore should be viewed as out of chronological order. A second factor to be considered is that of fellowship.  Since there is no fellowship between Christ and Belial or light with darkness (II Cor. 6:14,15) would Judas have been included in this observance of the Lord’s Supper which calls for personal fellowship?  Since the Lord’s Supper is a memorial of Christ’s redemption for believers Judas, being an unbeliever, would have no right and no part in partaking of it. Finally, Judas was given the sop which was no doubt a part and practice associated with the Passover meal.  It was dipped in the juices of the meat and passed to one another.  There is no sop associated with the observance of the Lord’s supper, then or now, consequently Judas must have been given the sop, which exposed him as a traitor and he departed before the Lord Jesus instituted the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.


By Tom Dixon

Arguments FOR Chronological Emphasis in Matthew

The Problem of Apparent Chronological Contradictions in the Synoptics | Dwell Community Church (

Matthew alone was an eyewitness to most of the events he records. 

In constructing his Gospel, Luke relied entirely on other written sources and the eyewitness testimony of certain individuals. Mark may have known Jesus and may have followed him to a greater or lesser extent than Luke, but his primary source for the writing of his Gospel seems to have been Peter. Matthew, however, was one of Jesus' twelve disciples who followed him and knew him closely during his ministry. Goodspeed thus argues that Matthew would have known better than Mark and Luke the sequence of events during Christ's ministry, and he suggests that this concern for accurate chronology was the reason for Matthew's apparent reworking of Mark's material:


The lordship salvation controversy (also called lordship controversy) is a theological dispute regarding a soteriological question within Christianity on the relationship between faith and works. This debate has been notably present among some non-denominational and Evangelical churches in North America at least since the 1980s.[1][2]

The dispute opposes two soteriological visions: "whether it is necessary to accept Christ as Lord in order to have Him as one's Savior. The question then becomes, If someone accepts Christ as Savior without also explicitly accepting Him as Lord, is such a person truly saved?". That is, whether accepting Jesus Christ as saviour necessarily implies one must make a concrete commitment in life toward the Christ such as following a certain behaviour or moral system. The first opinion, that of the lordship salvation supporters, is, as Arthur W. Pink summarises: "No one can receive Christ as His Savior while he rejects Him as Lord. Therefore, those who have not bowed to Christ’s scepter and enthroned Him in their hearts and lives, and yet imagine that they are trusting Him as Savior, are deceived." The second opinion is that of those opposing lordship salvation: that one can accept Jesus Christ as saviour, but does not need to accept the Christ's lordship.[2]

What is the importance of the Lord’s supper / Christian Communion? |


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