Firmament of Genesis 1:6, GAP theory The Earth is a Globe

Job 26:7

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”

King James Version (KJV)

Our Planet Earth is a sphere, a 3 dimensional globe. please stop this flat earth nonsense (

In Genesis 1 vs. 6, what does the word firmament mean?

Randy Sheets
Blood bought born again Christian. Lifetime studying Bible.

Firmament in the context of Genesis 1:6 KJB means and expanse of a solid surface, flat land that has been hammered or stamped out. We know this because of the ancient Hebrew lexicon 2797 taken from the Hebrew Strongs H7549. To interpret this as a vault of water above the earth OR other foolish attempts to prove a flat earth would be to ignore the context of Genesis 1:6 as well as the exegesis of the language in the root word FIRMAMENT from Genesis 1:6 in the Hebrew Strongs H7554 which is stamping (hammering out) plates as in the earth. We know that the earth’s tectonic plates were drastically changed from their origin. Note for example how South America used to be connected to Africa, etc. See my study on the Biblical GAP period between Genesis 1:1, 2 KJB:


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