I just wanted to share this video .
It illustrates perfectly how people are going to be fooled very easily to follow an actual Jewish rabbi as a messiah, even when they know anti christ will be a Jewish rabbi. ( Jews believe there will be a "gentile messiah" and a Jewish messiah. For example, Cyrus is called a messiah in the Old Testament and Trump is seen by modern Jews as the "gentile" messiah. )
And the video also illustrates the false idea that it is OK to fellowship with Jews because they claim to serve YHVH, and so the thinking goes that they serve the Father and just lack the Son. But the New Testament very clearly in no uncertain terms refutes this and warns us against this.
One of these guys is already be converted to messianic Judaism, and you can hear they are all in by the use of Hebrew words and the way they look down on Christians. But you can also see they come from Christian backgrounds and do not buy into legalism. But they are now falling for the more esoteric delusion, thinking they can safely learn from the hidden mysteries and understandings of Judaism and not be burnt.
They do not even know or believe the Biblical definition of antichrist given by John:
Jn 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1Jn 2:23 WHOSOEVER DENIETH THE SON: , THE SAME HATH NOT THE FATHER (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
John clearly states that those who deny the Son are antichrist per definition. This means Jews are antichrist according to the New Testament. I do not hate Jews, but I do not get to define antichrist either. All unbelievers are antichrist, and I do not hate them, so why should I hate Jews?
If people are not going to hold fast to the Biblical definition of what antichrist is, they WILL be deceived.
I think perhaps John specifically wrote the definition this way because people were back then also saying those who claimed to worship YHVH alone, but deny Jesus was messiah, were also worshipping the Father and they could therefore fellowship with them. The book 1 John is good to read where John clearly says that this is not the case, that one cannot have the Father without the Son.
In 2 John he says not even to fellowship on a friendly basis:
2Jn 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
2Jn 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
2Jn 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
He also says not to "bid him God speed", meaning to encourage him in his doings, and certainly not to bless him in (exchange that he does not curse you as he claims his god will do) , for else you take part of his evil.
Just look at the world today: Christians are now partaking of the evil of the Zionist Jews every minute of every day.
Part of the process of getting to this place was all those Israel tours of pastors and their flock. There they fellowshipped with those they ought not to have received into their hearts and here we are today! Had they listened to the grave warnings of apostle John, who loves the "little children" (Christians who have faith but lack spiritual maturity) , antichrist would not have been welcomed into Christianity. Now they no longer only financially sponsor and bless evil deeds, but are starting to proclaim Christians who remain faithful as being "cursed".
I never think we ought to be mean to Jews at all, God forbid! But we ought to keep these words just as we keep the other commands and words of Christ. John cared enough to write these pleas to his "little children" down, and warn against this deceptive way of thinking. and these warnings also are for us today.
Thinking about our own lives helps us remember how things ought to be., I am in my late fifties. When Christians believed what we learnt as children, the world was orderly and peaceful and safe. Now that people believe in Judaism and all manner of strange teachings more and more, the world is chaotic and becoming madder every minute. This PROVES that the faith as we received it, even with all the leaven mixed in, was CORRECT. The tree is known by its fruit.
These guys illustrate perfectly how the "middle" ARE GOING TO FOLLOW A JEWISH ANTICHRIST. They are going to fall for the promise of being given greater understanding of these "mysteries" and so-called "hidden teachings" and that is esoteric mysticism. Esotericism is part of the inner core of Judaism, while legalism is just the outer shell that hides it. Most people do not know about these hidden secret doctrines hidden within Judaism, they only see the outward law keeping. But both Judaizing legalism and Gnostic mysticism (Mystery Babylon) come from Judaism itself.
Christianity is the revelation of the hidden mysteries and actually REVEALS all the mysteries which the rabbis HIDE from the ordinary people and replace the true mysteries with the severely twisted Mystery Babylon teachings for their insiders. Just as they control the people with outward legalism, they control the mystics and sages with twisted doctrine. This is what is called "MYSTERY BABYLON". There is nothing important in Judaism that was not revealed by Jesus, He gave us it all. That is why Paul got so lyrical about the incredible gift we had been given in the form of Christianity. What remains for most though, is to receive these revelations for themselves by the Holy Spirit to fully understand what we have received, because sometimes there are things we believe by faith, but it is just not yet fully revealed to us. We believe it but do not yet understand it. This is where patient endurance and studying diligently to show ourselves approval comes in.
Jesus berated them for hiding the light of the Torah and the keys of knowledge from the people. They only taught what is forbidden and what is permissible (legalism)
But in Judaism they HIDE the light in order to CONTROL the people.
The little bit they may reveal currently through use of Hebrew and Numerology to seduce Christians into denying the faith, are not the very deep hidden things, and also they will never reveal their horrific twisting of truth, because most people would recoil in horror at these things.
Tovia Singer is a very renowned and respected rabbi on Youtube who makes fun of Christians by ridiculing Christianity, while it is highly likely that he KNOWS what the Christians say is true. He pretends all Christians are stupid idol worshippers.
Now these guys trust the rabbis who do throw them some crumbs, even when they know rabbis like this Tovia Singer, who are apologists against Christianity, OPENLY LIE on Youtube, and pretend to not know the hidden teachings. So how can they trust ANY RABBI?
The Talmud tells them to lie to non Jews if it is for the good of the Jewish people.
This YANUKA guy is a false messiah aspirant. They think he cannot be a candidate for Jewish messiah on account of him not claiming it and seeming not to care about being famous, but Jewish writings claim the messiah does not proclaim himself and seems to run away from it. It is one of the signs of their idea of a messiah: that he shuns being messiah. Christians know nothing about all their ways, and misinterpret things, thinking everyone thinks in a similar manner as Christians do, but the way Jewish people think is very different than that of Christians. The naivete of Christians is like a child playing with an asp, it frightens me for their sakes to see it.
Christians must also refrain from saying "we all bear the guilt for the crucifixion of Christ". This is very dangerous because it means you in effect say you can bear your own sins. It sounds very noble to say and it is true in one sense , of course, but it will be used against us. The moment one starts to bear responsibility for Christ's crucifiction, you become the scape goat. Christ paid and people must hold on to this for dear life! Christians are being more and more made to be the scape goat every day, because by saying things like that, they are denying the atonement of Christ and that He alone bears the sins.
I see that the American "middle" is now fast giving in to the lie. I saw this in South Africa, once things become inevitable, the majority turns to support those who are taking over, and they TURN AGAINST those of their own people who keep holding fast to truth. In South Africa they called you a racist if you had only the slightest criticism of the government, you did not need to be a real racist at all. Eventually everyone just shut up even if they saw the awful evil being done, because of fear of being called a "racist". This "antisemite" label is the exact same thing and we are hearing it more and more. It will be used on us not only by secular people and Jewish people, but by our own fellow Christians too.
We see already how Christians are made fun of for not knowing the deeper things and called antisemites merely for being a Christian or standing on the Bible. This process is unfolding world wide JUST LIKE IT DID IN SOUTH AFRICA. Today I am thankful I was old enough to see and understand what happened in South Africa, because it is helping me understand what is happening to us now in this spiritual war.
The way I see it God does not hold it against a new believer who is like a little child and only has faith but very little understanding. But God does want his children to spiritually mature by being taught of Himself, through revelation. If we do not mature we are in grave danger of falling away because of the work of the wicked serpent who seeks to seduce us, and it is very easy to seduce a spiritually immature Christian who does not yet understand the craftiness of the serpent, and sadly this is what we are currently seeing happening in spades. Running to a crafty rabbi for understanding is even worse than running to the blind pastor! People must just go to God Himself, for the Father will give good spiritual food, not a serpent when you ask for a fish. So many can testify of this in our lives!
People must make peace with the fact that we will be called "anti semites" and remember John's admonition right after he defined "antichrist" biblically.
He said:
1Jn 2:24 Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
We must HOLD FAST to what we were taught at first.
Rev_2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
Rev_3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Rev_3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
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