Hidden History coming out of the Shadows today #Ecumenism #Jesuits #Zionists


2 Corinthians 13:5

“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?”

King James Version (KJV)

Note:  Thank you, sister Heather Akins for posting your study on 2 Corinthians 13:5 KJB  Please subscribe to Heather's Channel:

Heather Akins

(5) Heather Akins - YouTube

Romans 8:9

“But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”

King James Version (KJV)


subterfuge (n.)

"that to which one resorts for an escape or concealment; an artifice to escape," 1570s, from French subterfuge (14c.) or directly from Medieval Latin subterfugium "an evasion," from Latin subterfugere "to evade, escape, flee by stealth," from subter "beneath, below;" in compounds "secretly" (from PIE *sup-ter-, comparative form of *(s)up-; see sub-) + fugere "flee" (see fugitive (adj.)).

Revelation 17:5


King James Version (KJV)

The Title of this study was originally written as "Hidden US History - ..." based on the subject
video title. However, I realized it must be changed because this has been a GLOBAL issue since the beginning of time.  Affecting ALL HUMANITY.  I urge you to conduct your own research
regarding other countries battling the Vatican throughout history. 

The connection with the VATICAN and the ZIONIST, CABAL can now be seen in ABRAMAMIA and CHRISLAM and the NEW CATHOLIC ZIONIZM that will no doubt be forged and part of NOAHIDE LAWS in the ONE WORLD RELIGION of the Antichrist. 

Additional YouTube Channels to follow on these topics:

YouTube channels to follow:

Expose Darkness - YouTube

Read The New Catholic ZIONISM

If Jews en masse were not guilty of deicide, and if the promises made to them by God were irrevocable, did that not imply a new status for the Jewish people?

The Jewish people’s unbreakable covenant with God, avowed explicitly by John Paul II, would be reiterated as well by his two successors.

Rhetoric has changed from this:    

The older narrative can be seen in a reported conversation between Pope Pius X and Theodor Herzl in 1904, shortly before Herzl’s untimely death.

For Pius, the return of Jews to their land could have no theological significance. In response to Herzl’s request for Vatican support of Zionist aspirations, Pius replied: ‘We cannot give approval to this movement. . . . As the head of the Church I cannot tell you anything different. The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people.”

To This:

it is essential not to lose sight of the benefits that a full-fledged Catholic Zionism would confer.

First and foremost, in articulating and teaching its support of Israel, the Church would be faithful to the truth it has received—such fidelity being, after all, its raison d’ĂŞtre, and sufficient reason in and of itself. Next, and in line with this, 1.313 billion Catholics (2017 statistics) would now be taught by their spiritual leaders not just to acknowledge Israel’s legal and diplomatic status vis-Ă -vis the Church—formalized in the 1993 Fundamental Agreement establishing diplomatic relations between Jerusalem and the Holy See—but to cherish Israel as part of God’s plan. For while the 1993 agreement was no small step, it falls short of a theological rationale, which is, or should be, the pulsing heart of the Catholic Church.

Nor is that all. Catholic Zionism would also gain for Israel a transnational ally with no political or commercial interests in the region apart from peace and justice—as well as, naturally, concern for the safety of Christian communities. Right now, when it comes to the safety of Christian communities in the Middle East, by far the outstandingly favorable track record has been compiled by, in fact, the state of Israel itself. An explicit teaching would signal the presence of a new peace broker in the region: a broker with influence in an area of the world, including Africa, where the Church’s reach and influence are growing, and one with the additional advantage, in this context, of having consistently upheld the rights of Palestinians and both legally and diplomatically supported a Palestinian state. An explicit teaching lauding the existence of Israel would thus underline, for each community, the Church’s concern for the interests of both.

Pope Francis asking Rabbi for Passover Prayer

Pope Francis with Al-Azhar Imam Historical Vatican Meeting

Revelation 17:6

“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”

King James Version (KJV)

Related Studies and associated Links:

LAMP in the DARK  Part 1

 TARES among the WHEAT  Part 2   

As per unverified reports Abrahamia will combine the core principles of the three-monotheistic religions- Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The name of the alleged religion is taken from Prophet Ibrahim, the father of the prophets" from whose family all other religions of the book have flowed. Egyptian General Khairat Shukri in an interview with RT Arabic has warned that the Abrahamia will allegedly unify all the religions in the Middle East and is an evil plan made by the US and Israel. He further revealed to RT Arabic that the Abrahamia is a new schema that is 'not less dangerous' than Henry Campbell's document of 1907, which resulted in the forming of the Zionist state; saying that the new religion might be a follow up plan to the ancient Campbell's document to force people to acquiesce and normalise relations with Israel, and it purports to solve all 'the Middle Eastern crises'.

History of Waldenses

The Ecumenical Onslaught of the Vatican Jesuit Coalition  

The Noahide Laws and Cabal Zionists


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