Personal Revelation of The Church of Philadelphia
Isaiah 11:1
“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:”
King James Version (KJV)
H5342 Ancient Hebrew Lexicon 2429: BRANCH - WATCH OVER - GUARD - WATCHMAN
The 12th*calendar year since Philadelphia was revealed to me.
2012 - 2024
12 is divine government.
Update March 29, 2024 of the Original Post
Photo taken on December 5th, 2012 of Philadelphia City Hall with a statue of William Penn, city founder and first governor of the colony of Pennsylvania atop it.
On December 5th, 2005 The Holy Spirit showed me in a powerful way while vacationing at an exclusive resort in Hawaii, that my life would be dramatically changing, that my time of restoration and purification had ended, and specifically I'd be leaving the U.S. and all my comforts to go live and do my Lord's calling in Vietnam
On December 5th, 2012, I was standing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania taking a photo of the City Hall building when God lead me understand through the Holy Spirit that this totally unexpected journey to Philadelphia on this day all the way from Vietnam was no coincidence. God personally revealed to my spirit man, that He, Jesus Christ was going to bring me and my fellow saints home very, very soon.
Notice: update November 2013): the evening before the Philadelphia photo was taken I stood in New York city, marveling at the new "One World Trade Center" at 1,776 feet tall (1776 - Illuminati and 666) I was taken back and so proud of America's rebuilding and then my thoughts turned to Rabbi Cahn's "The Harbinger" .
It was then, at that moment, I knew I was here in NYC and Philadelphia to attend a meeting, travelling nearly 10,000 miles from Vietnam to attend a 4 hour meeting in Philadelphia for a divine reason which now I believe was to show me the NWO's power displayed by the One World Trade Center representing the new one world government - Antichrist coming and then on to Philadelphia to show me the promise of the Rapture before the Antichrist and the NWO.
After returning home I spent months trying to digest all of these things, thinking about these events and carefully studied Revelation chapter 3 verses 7 - 12 to understand that God desires to spare his children, the true church from the terrible tribulation that is soon coming upon the earth. I understand that Jesus Christ is soon coming and is now standing at the door to open heaven to his children, to take us home. I was not originally going to post these thoughts in a Blog, but the Holy Spirit has prompted me to do so.
SUMMARY: December is the 12th month and looking at 12 in the bible , Governmental Perfection, on the 5th day, Grace and Redemption, given to me 3 times,, Divine Perfection, all which is clearly revealed to me to mean: By God's divine perfection, He has made by His Almighty decree over the Kingdom of Heaven that will rule forever and ever (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:33), and by God's great Grace we his children by our faith in believing in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8) who believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9) we will very, very soon be taken up into Heaven to be with our Lord Jesus Christ and be spared the terrible tribulation that is soon coming upon this earth.
Also note that the Holy Spirit revealed to me back in March 2012 that the number 5 is significant and showed me 555 and confirmed it three times.
Revelation 3:7;8: And to the angel (pastor) of the church in Philadelphia (see note below), write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and no man shutteth: and shutteth, and no man openekth: I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open dooor, and no man can shut it: for thouo hast a little strength, and has kept my word and hast not denied my name. ... Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwellupon the earth. Behold I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
William Penn and the Quakers: The purpose of this Blog is not to study William Penn and his being a Quaker and the Quaker beliefs. It is interesting however, why William Penn is atop the most prominent building in the city of brotherly love and why Philadelphia is so important in end time prophecy. I personally believe it's showing how "religion" works fights against the faith of "grace" that Jesus gave the true church.
If any reader would like to see what the Holy Spirit has revealed to them regarding William Penn and the Quakers please leave a comment. I know my great mentor, John Bunyon, author of Pilgrims Progress, suffered greatly under the hand of the Quakers. As far as I know, the Quakers were very religious and although professed their faith in Jesus Christ, often relied on works vs faith through grace for their salvation and persecuted many who preached saved by faith and not by works. It is also interesting that William Penn wrote a work titled: "The Cross to get the Crown". I am interested in understanding more about this.
The Church of Philadelphia: There are many wonderful teachings on Philadelphia, this is one I like:
Amen!!! Sarah, Seriously I can't stress this enough. I wasn't going to share this. This was a very personal thing. I was praying for days, just flabbergasted by the extraordinary events that led me to Philadelphia. First of all this meeting I attended was put together at the very last moment and was supposed to take place in New Jersey. At the last moment, literally the day before we met they changed the location to Philadelphia. The day after my birthday, the 5th of December after I took the photo. (*also look at the photo upper right corner looks like angels) It dawned on my that I was in Philadelphia and how significant this was. Praise God! But God really pressed it on my heart to post this for one purpose only: TO WARN THOSE BEFORE THE FINAL SECONDS BEFORE THE RAPTURE AND TO BE A TESTIMONY OF PROOF TO THOSE LEFT BEHIND TO REMIND THEM OF HOW BLIND THEY WERE AND TO TELL THEM TO SEEK JESUS WHILE THERE IS ONE MORE CHANCE.