The Holy Spirit...Let's get it right! By Pastor Riley
The Holy Spirit…..Let’s get it right!
Pastor F. M. Riley
March 25, 2013
The words of the
Lord God Himself to His church,
“I have yet many things to say unto you, but
ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of truth, is
come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of
Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that
shall He speak: and He will show you
things to come.
He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive
of Mine, and shall show it unto you.
All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that He
shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you.”
John 16:12-15
“The Holy Spirit told me…..” “The Holy Spirit showed me…..” The Holy Spirit led me…..” “The Holy Spirit
moved me…..” “No one can be saved unless
they are baptized in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.” “No
one is going to be saved during the Tribulation, for the Holy Spirit will be
removed from the earth when the rapture occurs!” “The Holy Spirit…” The Holy Spirit…” The Holy Spirit…” Blah!
Blah! Blah! And on and on and
Have any of
these people ever read or even considered, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of
peace as in all churches of the saints,” 1 Corinthians 14:33? Well…???
Such confusion about the Holy Spirit is the work of men [and women] who never seriously study the
Scriptures about anything. Like “dumb
parrots” they just repeat what they have heard others say about the Holy Spirit
until the “false teachings” about the Holy Spirit permeate their minds
until they accept what they have heard as Scriptural truth without any real
Scriptural proof.
This study is written to give Scriptural answers to some of the
questions I have been asked about the Holy Spirit, and to refute with
Scripture some of the “false teachings” being circulated
in the ranks of Christianity today about the Holy Spirit. Those readers who truly want more Scriptural
light on this subject are encouraged to read on…..
Holy Spirit was not even in the world until the Day of Pentecost!
From the dawn of human history the Holy Spirit has been in the world working
among mankind. In Genesis 1:2, the inspired
Word explicitly states, “And the earth was [became] without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep [the
abyss]. And the Spirit of God
moved [brooded] upon
the face of the waters.”
Here is the very
first reference to the Holy Spirit in the inspired Word of God, and it tells
those of us who are true believers a great deal about the work of the Holy
OBJECTION…..“Oh no! This Scripture doesn’t say this was the Holy
Spirit! It just says the Spirit of
God.” Is that so? Well, if this is not a reference to the Holy
Spirit of God, then would you say it is a reference to the “UNHOLY” Spirit of
God? Well…???
Hello! Idiocy!
In this first reference in God’s Word to the work of the Holy Spirit, we
see the original earth [Ecclesiastes 3:11]
being brought into a state of waste and desolation [tohu wa bohu]. I highly
suspect that this was on the occasion of the “anointed cherub” [Satan] rebelling against God [Ezekiel 28:11-19], when actual warfare
broke out between the wicked angels which followed Satan in his rebellion and
the angels of God who remained loyal to their Creator, Matthew 24:21. The result of that war between the
angelic hosts was that the original creation was brought into a state of ruin,
to the extent that water [frozen] and
total darkness covered the entire surface of the earth. Significantly, this
perfectly typifies the situation of mankind, who was created in a
state of sinless innocence, but through Adam’s own willful disobedience, the darkness and ruin of sin
and death passed upon all mankind, Romans 5:12.
The Heavenly Father was obviously not satisfied with the earth being in
a state of ruin and desolation, therefore the Holy Spirit brooded over “the face of the waters.” The Hebrew word translated as “moved”
in this Scripture is the word, “rehap.” This Hebrew word literally means, “to be moved; affected; with the feeling of
tender love; to cherish; to shake; to brood as a hen upon her eggs to bring
forth life.” See Genesis Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, page 766, Strong’s No. 7363. That the Holy Spirit is “the Spirit of life” is
stated so plainly and repeatedly in the
Scriptures that no one willing to deal honestly with God’s Word can deny
it. See Romans 8:2, 8:10-11, 2
Corinthians 3:6, Galatians 6:7-8, and numerous other similar
Scriptures. So it is obvious that the moving of the Holy Spirit over “the
face of the waters” in Genesis 1:2 was in order to bring back
or restore life to the dead planet. This
first mention of the Holy Spirit then sets forth the work of the Holy Spirit
throughout human history.
When the Lord God created the earth, He was creating a planet for which
He had a great purpose. We know this to
be so, because the earth is the only heavenly body in the solar system, or for
that matter, in the whole universe, of which it is recorded in the Scriptures
that when the Lord God laid the foundations of the earth, “the morning stars sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy,” Job 38:4-7. Obviously these angelic hosts knew
that God had a great purpose for this planet and that it was being created to
fulfill this wonderful, special purpose.
Such a statement is never made in reference to any other planet or
heavenly body in the entire Bible. For
the Lord God then to see the earth which He had created, brought into such a
state of ruin, “waste and desolation,” must have grieved the heart of the Lord
God. He then sent His Holy Spirit to “brood” over the cold frozen waters of
the earth in order to bring heat and warmth and life back to the earth again. How great is our God!
After the same manner, when the Lord God saw fallen mankind, lost in sin
and unbelief, He grieved over mankind and sent His Holy Spirit to warm and
enlighten the cold heart of the fallen sinner, that they might come to salvation
in Christ and have light and life. Read
John 4:10-14. Are YOU
saved? Do YOU know the Lord Jesus Christ
in the salvation of your soul from sin?
Is He your Savior? If not, why
not? He has provided everything fallen
man needs in order to be saved. All
that is necessary to be saved is that
one enlightened [convicted] by His
Holy Spirit respond in simple, child like, faith, believing that the
Lord Jesus died for your sins at Calvary, and receiving the Lord Jesus into
your heart as your Savior. Read John3:16;
3:36, Acts 4:12; 16:30-31, and Romans 10:8-13. Won’t you believe and receive Him
today? Read Luke 15:7; 15:10.
Holy Spirit under the Old Covenant
It is those who
don’t really pay attention to what they are reading in God’s Word who claim
that the Holy Spirit is going to be taken out of the world. The Holy Spirit was in the world in the
beginning as pointed out in Genesis 1:2, and has been in the
world throughout human history.
The Scriptures explicitly state and teach that under the Old Covenant Dispensation
of Law, the Holy Spirit came upon men, rather than indwelling them, and
sometimes departed from the same man or men upon whom the Spirit had
come. See the example of King Saul, the
first king of Israel, 1 Samuel 10:6; 16:14. Further, the Scriptures explicitly
state that the Holy Spirit spake by the mouth of David, Acts 1:16. These inspired
Scriptures make it quite plain that the Holy Spirit was in the world during the
days of King Saul and King David. But
The Word of God explicitly states that the entire Old Testament was
written by “holy men of God” who
were “moved
by the Holy Spirit,” 2 Peter 1:19-21. This
then tells us that every book in the Old Testament was written by a true “man
of God” writing under the direct supervision and inspiration of the Holy Spirit
of God. Since the Old Testament books
of the Bible were written from the time of Moses through the life of Malachi,
then it is obvious that the Holy Spirit was in the world working among mankind
through all of those centuries. Hello!
the New Testament
All of our readers are already aware that the Holy Spirit came down upon
the Lord’s church on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. But how many are aware that the Holy Spirit
was already active in the world at least 33 years before the Day of
Pentecost? Oh yes He was!
In Matthew 1:18 is the record of Mary, the mother of Christ, being
with child of the Holy Spirit.” Then
in verse 20 it is explicitly stated, “for that which is conceived in
her is of the Holy Spirit.” See
also Luke
1:26-38. This makes it clear
that the Holy Spirit was working in the world at least 33 years and nine months
before the Day of Pentecost events in Acts 2.
In Luke 1:5-25 is the record of Gabriel, an angel of God, coming
to Zecharias to announce that his wife Elisabeth would bear him a son in his
old age. In making this announcement,
Gabriel specifically told Zecharias that this promised son was to be called “John,”
and that “he shall be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb,” 1:15. Glory to God!
In Luke 1:39-45 is the inspired record of John the Baptist being
carried in the womb of his mother, Elisabeth, before he was even
born. When Mary, the mother of the Lord
Jesus came to visit Elisabeth, the
Scriptures explicitly state, “And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth
heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb, and Elisabeth was
filled with the Holy Spirit.” Verse
explicitly states that John had leaped in his mother’s womb “for
joy.” Folks, this was 33 years
or more before the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Now can any reader willing to deal
honestly with God’s Word then deny that the Holy Spirit was in the world long
before the events of Acts 2?
Baptism of Christ
Nearly thirty years later, the Lord Jesus Christ went to John the
Baptist to be baptized [immersed], Matthew
3:13-17. As Christ came up out
of the water the Scripture says, “And Jesus, when He was baptized, went up
straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He
saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon
Him: And lo, a voice from Heaven,
saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” What was actually taking place on
this occasion? Two things!
[1] Christ was fulfilling the
requirements of the Law of God to serve in the office of High Priest between
God and man, Exodus 29:4. Notice that
the High Priest was to be “washed with water” before putting on his
“holy garments.” Read the statement of
Christ Himself as He answered John in Matthew 3:15 and let the truth soak
[2] The baptism of Christ and
everything that happened on that occasion was to clearly identify Christ as the
promised Messiah and Savior of Israel.
In John 1:32-33 the Scriptures explicitly state, “And
John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a
dove, and it abode upon Him. And I knew
Him not: but He that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon
whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on Him, the same
is He which baptizeth with the Holy Spirit.” Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord!
Here in these Scriptures is an account of the Holy Spirit of God at work
at least three years and six months or more before the Holy Spirit came
upon the Lord’s church as recorded in Acts 2.
But some today object by pointing to John 7:38-39, where the
Lord said, “He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly
shall flow rivers of living waters. (But
this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should
receive: for the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because that Jesus was
not yet glorified.” Some today assume that this means that the
Holy Spirit had not yet even come into the world. Nonsense!
What it means is that the Holy Spirit had not yet been given as the
“power” [dunamis] and “Comforter” upon
the Lord’s church, and in His “indwelling” presence in each New
Covenant believer. See John
14:16-17 and Luke 24:45-49.
Holy Spirit is God!
Even some believers today still can’t seem
to comprehend the real position of the Holy Spirit as set forth in the inspired
Word. The Holy Spirit is literally and
actually GOD, just as the Father is God and the Son is God, Matthew
28:19. As such the Holy Spirit
is the third person in the Divine Triune Godhead. I would emphasize that God is Omni-present. This literally means that in the person
of His Holy Spirit, God is always present everywhere at all times
beholding everything going on in His whole kingdom in the Heavens and in the
earth. Proverbs 15:3 explicitly
states, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the
good.” This is why the Psalmist
was inspired to write, “Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from Thy presence?”
Psalm 139:7-12. Praise the Lord
God of Heaven that He is always there, watching over those who believe and
guiding, guarding, protecting, blessing, and caring for His children. Hallelujah!
Glory to God! He is also always
there waiting for lost men and women, boys and girls, to reach out to Him in
humble, sincere faith and be saved.
Folks, salvation is only a prayer away from those who are lost in
sin. If any of our readers are lost in
sin and despair, won’t you utter that simple prayer of faith to the Lord today
and allow God to become your Father and your God and take away your sin? In doing so, His Holy Spirit will literally
enter into you and take up residence in your heart and soul as you pass from
death unto life, John 5:24.
“Legal” transfer of God’s Authority
Every New
Covenant believer knows, or ought to know, that we New Covenant believers today are not living under the Old
Covenant of the Law in our salvation relationship to God. We who are true believers today live and
serve the Lord “by grace through faith,” Ephesians 2:8-10.
But precisely because we New Covenant believers are
not under the Law in relation to our salvation, some believers totally ignore
the Biblical truth that God is first and foremost a God of “justice and judgment,” Genesis
18:19; Psalm 89:14. By this I
mean that everything God has done since the beginning, everything He is doing
today, and everything He is going to do in the future, has been done and is
carried out according to “legal procedures” set forth in His own Divine Law and
Word. This is exactly why Christ had to
die in our place; in order that God’s “justice and judgment” might be
upheld even in the extending of His mercy to every true believer today. Some or even many readers may have never
studied God’s Great Plan of the Ages from this “legal” viewpoint, but it is
right there in God’s Word for all to see who want to carefully study it
out. In fact, the careful student of
the Word will find the “justice and judgment” of Almighty
God connected together in the Scriptures 21 times. Now tell me, how many judgments are
explicitly stated to be poured out upon the earth during the coming Tribulation
period? Well…???
When God brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt some
3,400 years ago, He then made a “covenant” with them, giving them
“legal” authority to represent Him on the earth as His chosen nation and
people, Exodus 19:5-6.. But the
Jewish people turned away from the Lord and did not continue in His Covenant, Isaiah
59:1-21. Carefully read this
entire chapter in Isaiah.. It is one of
the most heartbreaking revelations of “the love of God” towards Israel in all
of God’s Word, laying bare the heartache and sorrow of God Himself over His
chosen nation and people. The
crowning insult towards God was the rejection and crucifixion of His dear Son
whom He sent to them to call Israel and the Jewish people to repentance and
salvation, Hosea 5:15; Matthew 15:24.
But no man takes God by surprise!
God knew “the end from the beginning” and therefore was already prepared
to temporarily set Israel
aside as His “legal” representative on earth, and give “legal authority” to His
church to become His representative on earth during this present “dispensation
of grace.” This is exactly what
occurred on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
The “dunamis” or power
of God though the out pouring of God’s Holy Spirit was transferred from Old
Covenant Israel to the Lord’s New Covenant Church. Has the significance of this “date” ever
occurred to any of our readers?
Any practicing religious Jew today can tell you that the old Covenant of
Law was given to Moses to give to Israel on the day of Pentecost. Then is it just “coincidence” that the
transfer of “legal authority” to represent God on earth was taken from Israel
and transferred to the Lord’s church on the
Day of Pentecost? Think about it!
authority to be returned to Israel
But I would also
remind our readers that God’s Covenant with Israel was an “everlasting covenant.” Leviticus
24:8. Israel violated and broke
the covenant, but the Lord God didn’t!
Every covenant that God has made is an “everlasting covenant,”
Ecclesiastes 3:14, and God has never violated or broken a single
covenant He has ever made. Therefore
the Lord’s church will ultimately be removed from this earth by the
resurrection and rapture, according to the terms of our own New Covenant, and God
will renew His “everlasting covenant” with Israel to once more make them His “legal” representative on earth among
Now when was the “legal” authority transferred from Israel and bestowed
upon the Lord’s church? It occurred on the
Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2.
When did the Lord God
originally choose Israel as His “legal” representative on the earth? On the Day of Pentecost at Mt. Sinai
as recorded in the Book of Exodus. Then when would we expect the
transfer of this authority as God’s “legal” representative on earth to be given
back to Israel again? It certainly appears that it would take place
on the Day of Pentecost. Is
there any Scriptural reason to expect this?
Let’s see…..
Great End-Time Revival
It is commonly taught by many in the ranks of Christianity today that
there will be a “great revival” that will sweep over the whole earth at the end
of this age just before the resurrection and rapture of the Lord’s New
Covenant church, and they base this “false teaching” on the prophecy of Joel
I have repeatedly encouraged true believers to seriously study this passage for
themselves, carefully comparing it with the passage in Acts 2:16-21. Any serious study of the two passages
will reveal that they are not the same!
The two passages are not worded the same, are not in the same
context, and do not even refer to the same dispensations of time. I couldn’t care less who thinks and claims
otherwise! I can read just as well as
the so-called “great scholars” and “Professor Big Shot” and “Dr. Know It All.” These fellows read these passages and because
the wording is SIMILAR [that means
it is not the same] they assume
both passages have reference to the same or similar events, and then tell
others with great dogmatism that the passages are saying the same thing. Nothing could be farther from the
I want to make it very clear to our readers that my comments are not a
slam against an educated ministry.
Rather, I am simply making the point that education does not
qualify a person to set themselves up as an “authority” on God Word. Unless one seriously studies the Word with
an humble spirit in order to learn, they
are not only “ignorant” of the Scriptures, but they will stay that way.
Serious Bible students know what occurred on the Day of Pentecost as
recorded in Acts 2. But some are
also expecting this same event to be repeated with a great end-time revival just
before the rapture, based on their own faulty understanding of the similar
passage in Joel 2.
Now tell me….why would there be a great end revival
that would sweep through the ranks of Christianity all over the whole world,
calling millions of Christian believers back to a close walk with God, and
resulting in the salvation of millions of lost people, only to be immediately
followed by the terrible judgments of the Tribulation period being poured out
upon mankind? This dumb theory doesn’t
even make logical sense! Those teaching
this nonsense should hang their heads in shame for such a corruption of God’s
Then where does Joel
2:28-32 fit into the prophetic picture? I’m so glad you asked…..
The prophecies of God’s Word plainly and explicitly teach that the Lord
God will renew His Covenant with Israel and the Jewish people AFTER the
Lord’s church has been removed from this earth by the resurrection and rapture,
31:31-34; Hebrews 8:10-12; 10:16-17; Isaiah 55:3; 61:8-11. Since God’s original covenant with
Israel was made on the Day of Pentecost at Mt. Sinai, and since the
“legal” authority to represent God on earth was transferred from Israel to the
Lord’s church on the Day of Pentecost¸ then what would be the logical
time for God to renew His covenant with Israel? Our readers who can’t figure this one out
really do need some help.
Holy Spirit will be taken out of the world at the Rapture!
This silly claim is based on 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. I have learned over my many years in
the Lord’s ministry, that if one really wants to know the truth of a passage in
God’s Word, then the passage should be read carefully and attention should be
diligently paid to what the passages is actually and literally saying. So let’s examine these Scriptures in depth.
“And now ye [true
believers] know what withholdeth that he [the man of sin] might be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth [restraineth] will let [continue to
restrain], until He be taken out of the way,” 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7.
Folks, I have always loved books since I was a wee little child. As a result I easily learned my A-B-C’s in my
first grade in school, and began reading everything I could get my hands
on. I also learned how to write and SPELL. The old-fashioned “spelling bees” were a
snap for me. Now I dropped in this
personal tidbit in order to point out that some so-called “Bible teachers”
living today apparently haven’t devoted much time to learning how to read or to
The last time I checked, the word “way,” was spelled W-A-Y, and the
word “world” was spelled W-O-R-L-D.
These are two completely different words with two completely different
meanings, both of which are spelled differently. Now which one of these words occurs in 2
Thessalonians 2:7? Well…???
As a young man I also enjoyed going hunting, fishing, and camping. When I would drive out into the countryside
on the way to some hunting or fishing or camping area, I would almost
inevitably come to some place where there was a fence across the country road
blocking my way into the area to which I wanted to go. My my!
Now what was to be done? Well, I
can quickly tell our readers what I did not do. I did not tear the fence down and
haul it off into the next county so that I could drive on down the road. No! I
just opened the gate and laid it back out of “the way” and
then proceeded to wherever I had intended to go. Is this too hard for some to
understand? Hello!
This Scripture in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 absolutely does
not teach that the Holy Spirit will be taken out of “the world.” Rather, in context it teaches that the
Restrainer; the Holy Spirit of God will be taken out of “the way” in order
for the coming anti-christ to be revealed.
Is this simple truth just too
hard for some readers to understand?
and Conclusion
I have barely skimmed the surface on what could be written about the
person and work of the Holy Spirit of God, but what I have set forth makes it
quite clear that the Holy Spirit has been in the world ever since the
beginning, and will continue to be in the world in the future.
Folks, we believers living today who are seriously studying the inspired
prophecies of God’s Word are well aware that we are living right at the end
of this present “dispensation of grace.” The
terrible Tribulation is staring humanity in the face RIGHT NOW! Therefore it should be glaringly obvious
that the Pre-tribulation resurrection and rapture of God’s people could
now occur at any minute of any day. Galatians
1:4 explicitly states that the Lord Jesus Christ “gave Himself for our sins, that [in order] He might deliver us from this
present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.” Notice
that New Covenant believers are to be delivered out of “this present evil world [aion…age].” Not out of the next age, but out of
this one! Not out of the Tribulation,
but out of this present “dispensation of grace.” Hello!
And here we are RIGHT NOW with “the end” of this
present dispensation staring us in the face!
In fact, as I write today is the first day of “Unleavened
Bread” on the Jewish calendar.
Yesterday was “Passover” on the Jewish
calendar. This coming Sunday will be “first
fruits” on the Jewish calendar and this year that observance will also
fall on Easter, the day the whole pagan religious world has set aside to
observe the resurrection of Christ. For those of our readers who may have never
studied the Jewish Holy Days, “first fruits” is the actual day the
Lord Jesus Christ arose from the grave some 2,000 years ago. Therefore it is entirely “possible” that
this day could also be the day
the resurrection
and rapture of New Covenant believers
NO! I am not saying that the
rapture will occur on this “date.” I
refuse to set a “date,” unlike many
others so dogmatically do today. All I
know from the serious study of the prophecies of God’s inspired Word is that the time for the
resurrection and rapture of New Covenant believers IS CLOSE! I leave the actual “date” to the Lord God to
bring to pass at His own “appointed time.”
However, since all the “signs” set forth in the prophetic
Scriptures to occur preceding the Tribulation period have occurred or are
occurring RIGHT NOW, it seems glaringly obvious that the coming of our Lord
to resurrect and rapture His Gentile bride [church]
to glory is “right at the doors,” Matthew 24:33; Revelation 3:8: 3:10. If New Covenant believers should be raptured on “first fruits” or on any
other day this Spring [Songs
2:8-13; Psalm 113:7-8], then
wouldn’t the Day of Pentecost be the logical time for the Lord God to
renew His Covenant with Israel by pouring out His Holy Spirit upon the Jewish
people again and thereby transferring “legal authority” back to them to again
represent Him on the earth?
And what would be the result of such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
upon Israel again at this time? I am
certain that immediately 144,000 Jews would be saved, sealed, and commissioned
by the Lord to carry the gospel of Christ and redemption throughout the whole
world, and MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WOULD BE SAVED in the greatest end-time revival
ever seen in human history. Read all
about it for yourself in Revelation
7. It will occur AFTER the beginning of the Tribulation and
during the Tribulation. It does not
occur during this present dispensation!
Dear readers, are YOU ready for the coming of the
Lord? Do YOU have the sweet assurance
of forgiven sin by the indwelling presence of God’s Holy Spirit within? If not, why not? God the Father gave His Son to pay YOUR sin
debt. God the Son gave His own life at
Calvary for the love of your soul and mine, opening “the way” of salvation
for us all, and God the Holy Spirit is still dealing with the hearts of men and
women, boys and girls, to bring them to salvation in Christ. Read John 3:3-8, 3:16, 3:36, 5:24, 14:6, Acts
4:12, 16:30-31, 20:20-21, Romans 10:8-13, and Ephesians 2:8-10. Act on these Scriptures by calling on
the Lord God in faith, and asking Him to come into your heart and become your
Savior, and you will be saved.
May God grant every reader the grace to believe is my prayer for
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Permission is granted to any true
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This ministry is financed solely by the free will offerings of those
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Please address all comments, questions, and correspondence to: Pastor
F. M. Riley, Last Call Gospel Ministry, 184 County Road 108, Harrisburg,
Missouri 65256, or I can be contacted by email at:
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