Does the Prince of This World (Satan) have anything in you?
"The Prince Of This World Cometh: And He Hath Nothing In Me"
John 14:30
Here's a great study of John 14:30:
FACTS Since the fall of man in the garden of Eden, The World belongs to Satan; i.e., is under the control of Satan, as allowed by the Holy and Sovereign God for God's purpose of testing the world for reasons I fully do not comprehend. but suffice it to say that this is a fact of life. I don't say this, God says this in the Bible in several places, most notable is 1 John 5:19: ...and that the whole world lieth in wickedness; and in John 14:30: The Prince of this World Cometh... 1 John 2:16... "For all that is IN the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, not of the Father, but is of the world.
God sent his son Jesus to pay the ultimate price to ransom us from death, the ultimate tool of Satan. And until God's kingdom is established forever on this earth and after Satan has been cast into the lake of fire, not longer to have any control (Revelation 20:10) Satan has been allowed to test for a season. If our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had to go through terrible tormenting and testing of Satan, we surely do and will also. Please remember this scripture: A servant is not above his master. Matthew 10:24, John 15:20 etc.
How do you combat Satan. God tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the powers of darkness and therefore our weapons can not be man made but it must be spiritual; i.e., by God who fights for us 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:12
Why would Jesus say that Satan had nothing in him (meaning had no control over him)? Of course we know Jesus was perfect and had no sin, but why would he make a point of this? I personally believe that he wanted us to know that Satan comes to test and tempt and persecute all of us equally. It's going to happen. But, the difference is this: if we allow Satan to have a foothold or the ability for him to gain access to our thoughts we've in essence given him control of certain areas of our life whether it be lust of the eye (greed, etc, not being satisfied with what we have which also leads to envy and selfishness) or lust of the flesh, (sexual sin, gluttony, etc) or pride of life (pride).
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you in the name of Jesus to help me allow the Holy Spirit to examine my heart. Search me, Judge me, please Show me where Satan has access and has established a foothold and even perhaps a stronghold in my life. Once I see these areas, I give you my life completely to allow your Power through Jesus Christ in The Holy Spirit to purge and cleanse each area until I'm completely yours dear Lord. As David prayed, I pray Psalms 51:10: Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Amen!
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