Sink Holes Pointing to the End of Days
Another “Sign” of “the end
of days”
By Pastor F. M. Riley
7, 2013
“Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon
thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
And it shall come to pass, that
he who fleeth from the noise of the fear
shall fall into the pit: and he that cometh up out of the midst of the
pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and
the foundations of the earth do shake.
The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the
earth is moved exceedingly.
The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed
like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it
shall fall, and not rise again,” Isaiah 24:17-20.
Any of our readers who watch the news on TV or read the newspapers, are
surely aware of the tragic events that began last Sunday evening in
Florida. A man in his own bedroom
preparing to retire for the night was suddenly swallowed up by a “sinkhole”
along with his whole bedroom. The
sinkhole just suddenly appeared beneath the man’s home, and instantly the
entire bedroom of the house collapsed into the sinkhole carrying the man to his
death. This amazed many people who saw
this story on the news media, but guess what?
The headlines of this story were already written in the inspired
prophetic Word of God some 2,600 years ago.
Read our text for this study again, and give glory to the Lord God of
Last “sign” given by the Lord Himself
The “Olivet Discourse” is primarily a prophecy given by the Lord Himself
about “the last days” in answer to the questions asked of Him by four of His
Jewish disciples, Mark 13:3; Matthew 24:3. The
Lord began answering these questions in verses 4-8 of Matthew
24. Notice that in verse 8 the
Lord explicitly stated, “All these are the beginning of
sorrows.” All of what? In verses 4-7 the Lord told the
disciples that false messiahs would come in His name, wars and rumors of wars
would come, nation would rise against nation [literally ethnos against ethnos….clashes between races and cultures],
and kingdom would rise against kingdom [wars
between nations], and there would be famines and pestilences. Notice that in verse 6 the Lord explicitly
states that “all these things must come to pass, but the end is not
yet.” In other words, the
Lord was making it clear that the things He was predicting to come in verses 4-8 would
only lead up to the Tribulation period which brings this present “age” to an
end. While some of the same things will
continue to occur during the Tribulation, and likely get much worse, the things
the Lord prophesied in these first seven verses of Matthew 24 would only be “the
beginning of sorrows” leading up to the Tribulation period.
Folks, we know from history that the destruction of the Jewish Temple
occurred in this present dispensation of grace in 70 A.D., forty years
after the Lord ascended back to the Father in Heaven. So why is it so hard for some to understand
that the things the Lord predicted in these first eight verses of
Matthew 24 have
all occurred in this present dispensation? Well…???
Isn’t it also obvious that every one of these things mentioned by the
Lord in these first eight verses are occurring RIGHT NOW in the world around
us today? Hello!
Yes, I am laboring the point, for it is far past time for some so-called
“prophecy teachers” to learn how to “rightly divide” the Olivet
Discourse, just like the rest of God’s inspired Word. If any reader wants to know more about the right
division of the Olivet Discourse, I will be glad to send my Bible study “The Olivet Discourse in Context” upon request.
Further, I labored my point here in order to emphasize the last thing
the Lord prophesied in verse 7, “and earthquakes in divers places.” This is the very last “sign”
the Lord gave which would precede and indicate that humanity was
staring the Tribulation period in the face.
Now think about this! Over the
past two or three years there have been massive earthquakes in various places
all over the earth, and such earthquakes are increasing in frequency and
intensity all the time. In this year
alone [2013] approximately ten to
twelve large earthquakes have already occurred [quakes 6 or above on the richter scale]. Why is this happening? Why was this the last “sign” the Lord gave
preceding the beginning of the Tribulation?
I’m so glad you asked…..
to Isaiah 24
Notice in our text in Isaiah 24:19, the Scripture says, “The
earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is
moved exceedingly.” This
Scripture is very plain in the English translation, but let’s examine it even
more. The word “dissolved” in this
Scripture is translated from the Hebrew word, “parar.” This Hebrew word
literally means, “to split asunder; to
shatter; to break; to be broken; to be broken asunder; to break in pieces; to
cleft; to shake; to make void; to bring to nothing.” See Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, page
692, Strong’s No. 6565. Dear readers,
every time one of these great earthquakes occurs, the interior of the earth is
being broken up more and more. It is
simple logic that when the interior of the earth is broken up to a certain
extent, the surface of the earth will become totally unstable. Now let’s see how this applies to our
Scripture text for this study.
It should be obvious to any reader that what Isaiah referred to as “a
pit” is what we living today refer to as “a sinkhole.” Is it then just coincidence that in the past
two years such sinkholes have been opening up in various countries all over the
world? Some of them have been small,
some of them a little larger, and some just plain gigantic in size. One such gigantic sinkhole suddenly opened up in a city in South America last
year right in the main business section of town. Likely most of our readers remember seeing
this on the main line news on TV. Some
of these sinkholes are not very deep, but some have opened up in various places
so deep people cannot even see the bottom of them.
Now story after story has been run on the news media about the sinkhole
in Florida which swallowed up the man and his bedroom. What the news media failed to mention is
that this same thing has happened in various places all over Florida in the
past two years, but mercifully without loss of life. In fact, it is happening all over the
earth. New sinkholes may be opening
RIGHT NOW while I am writing this study.
But this came as no surprise to our Lord. Such was predicted right here in Isaiah’s
inspired prophecy 2,600 years in advance.
The more these huge earthquakes occur, the more sinkholes or “pits”
will be opening up all over the earth.
Prophecy of Isaiah 24
What this prophecy is telling us is that the interior of the earth is
going to become so broken up that during
the Tribulation, a process which has already begun and is going on RIGHT NOW,
that the surface of the earth will become totally unstable. A man [or
woman or child] may be walking [or
fleeing] and the ground will just suddenly collapse beneath their
feet. They will plunge downward into “a
pit” created by the sinkhole.
According to Isaiah 24:18 some may survive and be able to crawl up out of “the
pit.” But the Scripture passage also indicates that there will be two
other judgments of God working right along with this one which they will then
have to deal with…..
There will be something going on during the Tribulation referred to here
in the Scriptures as “fear,”which will be accompanied or
preceded by a “noise.” Notice the
particular wording of verses 17-18.
There will also be something going on in the heavens or sky
above the earth referred to as “the snare.”
The Scriptures explicitly predict that if one has fallen into “the
pit” and is able to crawl up out of it, then they will be “taken
in the snare.” 2
Dear readers, don’t even bother asking me. I have no idea what is meant by “the
noise of the fear” or “the snare.” What these two judgments of God are awaits
more revelation from the Lord God, Daniel 12:4.. We New Covenant believers living today may
or may not have this revealed to us, for we will be raptured before the
Tribulation begins. But those left on
the earth to go into the Tribulation will most certainly know what “the
fear” and the “noise” of it are, and what “the
snare” is in the heavens above the earth, for they will literally see
and experience these judgments.
Folks, these are just some of the terrible judgments awaiting those left
on the earth during the Tribulation period.
A careful study of Revelation will reveal many more
judgments which are coming on those unbelieving Christ rejecters left on the
earth during the Tribulation. These
judgments are coming from the hand of, and by the will of, an angry God,
and His equally angry Son, Revelation 6:16-17; 11:18.
For the past 2,000 years the God of Heaven has pleaded with humanity to
receive the “way of salvation” which He Himself provided for mankind in the
person of His own Son; the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the most part, what humanity has done and is still doing today, is
spurning the love of God [John 3:16],
even to the extent of ridiculing and mocking God’s Son and God’s Word. Almighty God is and has been longsuffering
with mankind upon the earth, but God’s patience with mankind is not infinite, Hebrews
2:3-4. God has “appointed
the times” for everything He is doing in His Great Plan of the
Ages. This is why the Scriptures
specifically speak of this present dispensation of grace by saying, “…behold,
now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” Those
unbelievers who just keep “living it up” in sin and unbelief and ridicule and
mockery of God’s Word are going to wake up some morning REAL SOON and find
themselves in the terrible Tribulation period with no way out other than
a brutal death at the hands of the anti-christ and his followers.
Now I ask every reader… that really what you want? If it isn’t, then it is time RIGHT NOW to “make
your calling and election sure,” 2 Corinthians 13:5; 2 Peter 1:10. In other words, it is time to seek
the Lord as your own personal Savior and get saved while His grace is still
extended to lost men and women, boys and girls.
Read John 3:3-7; 3:16-17; 3:36; 5:24; 6:47; 14:6; Acts 4:12; 16:30-31;
20:20-21; Romans 10:8-13; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5. Believe and act upon these Scriptures
and the Lord God of Heaven will save you from your lost, sinful,
condition. Hurry! Seek and call upon the Lord today! There
is not much time left in this “dispensation of grace” for you to
be saved. When it ends with the rapture
of God’s people, then you will KNOW that you have been told the truth, but it
will be too late to keep you from going into the terrible Tribulation
Folks, the Lord God knows that the fervent desire of my heart is to meet
every reader in glory when our precious Savior and Lord comes to resurrect and
rapture His people to glory, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians
15:50-52; Revelation 3:10. Please
don’t disappoint me!
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Permission is granted to any true
believer or to any Bible believing Christian ministry to reproduce this
study to share with others, or to quote from it in context as written.
This ministry is supported solely by the voluntary free will offerings
of those readers who feel led of the Lord to help us send forth the great
truths of God’s precious Word.
Please address all comments, questions, and correspondence to: Pastor
F. M. Riley, Last Call Gospel Ministry, 184 County Road 108, Harrisburg,
Missouri 65256, or I can be contacted by email at:
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ReplyDeleteThe 'noise' you refer to has already been heard all over the globe. Somrtimes the 'noise' is 'metallic' at other times it sounds like some sort of conference b eing conducted amongst 'giants'. There are YouTube videos on this phenomena.
These are indeed fearful times. I just hope that I am considrered worthy to escape the wrath that is to come.
D. Singh
Amen. Yes Sir. MARANATHA
DeleteThank God for born-again authors like Jonathan Cahn ("The Harbinger") and Mark Biltz who brought the ancient Jewish mysteries of the Shemitah and Blood Moons to our attention which John Hagee describes in his book, "Four Blood Moons: Something Is About To Change." In September 2015 The Prophecy of Joel will be fulfilled (Joel 2:31). 2015 will also be a Shemitah Year in which God allows something to happen to get our attention just as He did when He punished the disobedient Children of Israel with the Seven Sets of Seven. Previous Shemitah Years saw the SEVEN buildings of the WTC destroyed in the Islamic terrorist attack of September 2001; SEVEN years later, the Dow Jones fell 777 points in one day in September 2008; SEVEN years from then brings us to September 2015 - The Prophecy of Joel!
DeleteYou are considered worthy if you have accepted Jesus in your heart, for He alone is worthy!! He paid the full price for our redemption!!
ReplyDeleteA giant tornado is what I saw. In a vision I was in a neighborhood in a city walking and the sky was dim like evening and there were storm clouds. Suddenly the roads started collapsing like sinkholes everywhere. I heard a noise and I felt great fear and there was something worst near that was scarier than the unstable ground. I knew what it was and i began looking around for it. It was a giant tornado that was "alive" and it had a "mission". I was so afraid that I was tempted to try to "hide" in one of the shallow sinkholes but I felt like I was in more danger if I took shelter and took my eyes off the tornado. like if I didn't keep my eyes on the tornado to see where it was going so I could avoid it that I would face worst consequences than if the earth collapsed under me. The giant tornado caused more fear than getting swallowed up by the earth.
ReplyDeleteA giant tornado is what I saw. In a vision I was in a neighborhood in a city walking and the sky was dim like evening and there were storm clouds. Suddenly the roads started collapsing like sinkholes everywhere. I heard a noise and I felt great fear and there was something worst near that was scarier than the unstable ground. I knew what it was and i began looking around for it. It was a giant tornado that was "alive" and it had a "mission". I was so afraid that I was tempted to try to "hide" in one of the shallow sinkholes but I felt like I was in more danger if I took shelter and took my eyes off the tornado. like if I didn't keep my eyes on the tornado to see where it was going so I could avoid it that I would face worst consequences than if the earth collapsed under me. The giant tornado caused more fear than getting swallowed up by the earth.