Evil Ones, I thank God for your travail on my behalf
For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up , that he may give to him that is good before God. Ecclesiastes 2:26
I received an email from a friend of mine that brought back painful memories of treachery and how evil people seem to always take advantage of the weak and come out on top in this world.
After closing his email, the Holy Spirit prompted me to open my bible and draw comfort from God's word. I opened up to a book I usually don't read, Ecclesiastes and began reading until finding chapter two, verse twenty-six.
This is a most powerful promise, truly a condemnation, a curse to the wicked people and a blessing to God's children. Looking carefully at the word travail means labor as in toiling, tortuous hard work. It's clear the bible is saying that these people are compelled to work hard, as if they have no choice in the matter. I've seen it, these proud, haughty ones, taking claim on all their hard work to store up for themselves. But wait, it's not for their end purpose, although they have fallen into the snare of the illusion that it is.
After reading and meditating on this scripture, Jesus spoke to my heart and told me not to be troubled by what my eyes see or my ears hear in the here and now, but rather focus on the bigger picture, eternity and understand that literally, all the success and fame and hard work, the sweat off the brow of the evil doer is only being laid up for me and my fellow saints. Amen!
I closed my bible and said aloud, "Thank you Evil Ones (including the names of certain persons), I thank God for your travail on my behalf. Amen.
Ecclesiastes 2:26
oh\\Praise God. Thank you Sarah. Amen, we war on, and endure to the end, where there is laid up for us a crown. MARANATHA!!!