HIGH RAPTURE WATCH 2013: Jesus Takes His Bride



by Tom Gaston
In Christ, Tom Gaston

The Bride of Christ September 5th, First Tishri / Hay = 5 / Kaph = 20   Lamed = 30   Hay = 5 /   Shin = 300   Lamed = 30 / Yod = 10   Shin = 300   Vav = 6 /  Sameck = 60    Pe = 80   Teth = 9    Mem = 40   Beth = 2   Resh = 200 /  Hay = 5 /  Aleph = 1 /  Tau = 400   Shin =300    Resh = 200   Yod = 10 / total amazingly = 2013
What!!!  FOR REAL???
Count it for yourself!  We can only hope and pray that this is FOR REAL!

Bible Code...." The Appearance."
Found at an equal letter skip of ......2013.
Look below.
The last days resurrection / Hay = 5 / Aleph = 1   Cheth = 8   Resh = 200   Vav = 6   Nun {final letter} = 700 /  Yod = 10   Mem = 40   Yod = 10   Mem {final letter} = 600 / Tau = 400  Cheth = 8   Yod = 10   Yod = 10   Hay = / total = 2013
In Christ, Tom Gaston

And /  Vav = 6              
Blow / Tau = 400   Koph = 100   Ayin = 70 / total = 570...........Stong's Hebrew # 8628
Trumpet / Tau = 400   Koph = 100   Ayin = 70 / total = 576
Rosh Ha Shanah / Aleph = 1   Resh = 200   Shin = 300   Hay = 5   Shin = 300   Nun = 50   Hay = 5 / total = 861
Now watch this!

6 + 570 + 576 + 861 = 2013
And blow, trumpet, Rosh Ha Shanah = 2013
It is very important to note and observe here that these Hebrew terms do NOT, I repeat DO NOT add up to the years........20142015,201620172018 , 2019......etc.....etc....., but they ONLY ADD UP to the year 2013. 

1Co 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Below I have taken a portion of the text of 1Cor. 15:52 and added up the following values in theRED
55 + 681 + 55 + 198 + 920 = 1909 
 Now if we add the Greek word "For" which = 104,  then we get an interesting value.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye = 1909
For = 104
The above phrase is an incomplete phrase, but if we add the Greek term "for" and its gematria value to the phrase, then its "gematria value" completes the sentence by giving you a particular year in its gematria value. 
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye "for " = 2013 
1909 + 104 = 2013
In Christ, Tom Gaston
Verse # = 28771   |   Words =19   |   Letters = 105
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJVGreekStrong's #Value
Inεν G1722 en55
a moment,ατομος G0823 atomos681
inεν G1722 en55
the twinklingριπη G4493 rhipe198
of an eye,οφθαλμος G3788 ophthalmos920
atεν G1722 en55
the lastεσχατος G2078 eschatos1376
trump:σαλπιγξ G4536 salpigx384
forγαρ G1063 gar104
the trumpet shall sound,σαλπιζω G4537 salpizo1128
andκαι G2532 kai31
the deadνεκρος G3498 nekros445
shall be raisedεγειρω G1453 egeiro923
incorruptible,αφθαρτος G0862 aphthartos1181
andκαι G2532 kai31
weημεις G2249 hemeis263
shall be changed.αλλασσω G0236 allasso1262



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