The Great Awakening...Killshot
The Great Awakening…..”killshot”
Pastor F. M. Riley
July 27, 2013
at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to
meet Him,” Matthew 25:6.
No! This Bible study is not
the “great awakening!” This Bible study
is only a warning to alert our readers
that “the great awakening” is on the prophetic horizon, and will be coming very
soon, Ezekiel 33:1-9. God’s
inspired Word explicitly tells mankind that none of us know what a day will
bring forth, James 4:13-17. Just
yesterday in writing my Exposition of
the Olivet Discourse, Part IV, I wrote that there would be a “great
awakening” just before the rapture of all New Covenant believers occurs. When I wrote this, I did not know or even
have a clue when this “great awakening” will occur, or exactly how it will come
to pass. But this morning I
received two reports about major world events scheduled to take place
“suddenly” in approximately seven weeks.
These two major events will serve to “awaken” anyone who claims to even
nominally believe the inspired prophecies of the end-time as recorded in God’s inspired Word. Our
God is awesome! Glory to God! Praise the Lord!
I am inserting the links for these two reports,
so that our readers can read and listen to these reports for themselves, and
thereby know that I am not simply “making up” some sensational claim. Those readers who want to see and hear and
read these reports for themselves should click on…..
and on…..
The Days of
Lord Jesus Christ Himself explicitly stated, “But as the days of Noah were, so
shall also the coming [parousia]
the Son of man be,” Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26.
In studying
about the actual “days of Noah” in Genesis 6 – 7, it is obvious that
the Lord God gave to mankind two plain and definite warnings of the
coming judgment.
Lord God first gave to Noah and to all mankind a 120 year advance
warning of coming judgment, Genesis 6:3.
This 120 year advance warning gave Noah plenty of time to
build the Ark and prepare it to take care of the animals and birds as the Lord
God instructed him to do.
Then just seven days
before the flood, God gave to Noah a second warning, giving Noah time to
prepare his own family, and gather in the animals and birds which the Lord God
had instructed him to take aboard with him on the Ark, Genesis 7:4.
It is
not simply “coincidence” that Solomon, the wisest man who had ever lived up to
that time, wrote in his inspired epistle, “The thing that hath been, it is that
which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun,”
Ecclesiastes 1:9; 3:15. Our
readers should take this statement of Solomon at face value as a literal
[1] The 120 years warning…….In determining
this year, we need to do some serious study, both in the Scriptures and in
Jewish history. If we remember that the
Lord’s reference to “the days of Noah” was first given to the Jewish people in the
Olivet Discourse [Matthew 24:37],
then we need to look for a year that is prophetically significant to the Jewish
people. In reviewing the modern history
of the Jewish people, it is the year 1897 that stands out. Now add 120 years to
1897 and the final year would be 2017. 1897 + 120 = 2017. Folks, 2017 is the transition year of the Tribulation between the Jewish
“remnant” calling upon the Lord for deliverance as recorded in Psalm
115 - 116 and actually receiving the Lord as their Savior as recorded
in Psalm
118. The Lord God will begin revealing Himself to
the Jewish “remnant” while they are in Petra and they will begin to turn to the
Lord God in saving faith. Glory to
God! Read Ezekiel 20:34-38, noticing
especially verse 35. Read also Zechariah 12:9-14 and 13:6.
It was in 1897
that Theodor Herzl convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland
for the express purpose of finding a national homeland for the Jewish
people. The rest is history.
Now carefully
read Psalm
115, 116, 117, and 118, with 117 being the transition Psalm. All four of these Psalms
correlate with 2016, 2017, and 2018. Notice that in Psalm 115 - 116 the
Jewish “remnant” is calling upon the Lord for deliverance. In 117 they are praising Him for His kindness and mercy towards
them. In 118 it is obvious that
the “remnant” has been delivered and a “new day” has dawned for Israel and the
Jewish people, 118:24.
let’s not stop here. In 119 His
law is re-instituted for the people of Israel.
Psalm 120 – 121 describe the end of the Tribulation as the Lord
visibly and bodily returns to the earth, deals with the remainder of the
surviving enemies of Israel, and establishes His Millennial Kingdom upon the
earth. Glory to God! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
There is no question in my mind that 1897
was the year which typically
correlates with the warning God gave to Noah. Since that year humanity has been living in a
repetition of “the days of Noah” and we are swiftly approaching the time when
the Lord God’s New Covenant believers, by means of the resurrection and
rapture, will enter into the Ark of safety in Heaven, just as Noah entered into
the Ark so many centuries ago “the same day” the flood
began, Luke 17:26-27. Take
[2] The Seven Days warning…….Folks, there may yet very well be a
literal seven days warning before our Lord comes and the Tribulation
begins. But as I read the article and
listened to the video mentioned in the Introduction to this study, I could not
help but realize that what is being forecast in the article and the video is
exactly seven weeks ahead. Look
at your own calendar and count the weeks for yourself. Hello!
our readers paid careful attention while reading the article, it was last
Tuesday, July 23rd, the 16th day of Av on the
Jewish calendar, that Edward Snowden publicly revealed the truth of what the
CIA and other U.S. government agencies have known is coming, but have kept
hidden from the American public for the past 14 years [since 1998-99]. Again, it is
more than “coincidence” that “7” is the Bible number signifying “completion; to finish; to fulfill,” and
“23” is the Bible number for “death.” According to Mr. Snowden, and according
to God’s inspired prophetic Word, what is going to begin upon the
earth in just seven more weeks will result in the death of millions of
people, sadly, many of them totally unprepared to pass into eternity.
As I
write, there is a great uproar over Edward Snowden being carried daily on the
national and international news media.
The liberal, leftist, news media is painting Mr. Snowden as a traitor
and treasonist for revealing U.S. government “secrets” to the public. And what has he revealed? He has revealed how that the government is
spying on every American citizen, probing into their personal life and
activities, listening to their private conversations on their phones and cell
phones, and even tracking their movements in their personal automobiles. Just where in the U.S. Constitution was the
government ever given the “legal” right to carry on such activities against its
own citizens? Well…??? Hello!
Mr. Snowden has gone public in revealing the world disaster that is coming upon
humanity within the next seven weeks, in which millions of people
will die, a little detail that the U.S. government has known about for the past
14 years and has kept the knowledge of it from the public. Traitor?
Treasonist? I think Mr. Snowden
ought to brought back to the U.S. and given a medal. It is glaringly obvious that he has more
compassion on the people of this country than our own public officials running
the government.
readers don’t agree? I couldn’t care
less! Is this stated clearly enough?
What has
Actually been predicted to Occur?
those of our readers who do not have a computer or access to one, Mr. Snowden
has revealed that 14 years ago the CIA conducted an operation known as “Remote Viewing.” What this actually consisted of was that
the CIA was looking for a way to tell what Russia and other nations which our
government regarded as possible “threats” to this country, might have in
mind. So the CIA brought in people who they
considered to be “psychics” or to have some sort of
psychic ability [fortune tellers, diviners, mediums, sorcerers, wizards] to spy on
the plans and activities of other nations through their psychic abilities.
No, I
am not making this up. It may
sound “fantastic” to our readers, but these so-called “great minds” [Sic!] in
our government really did conduct such an operation. I first read about this CIA “remote viewing” operation years ago
when it was in full swing. At that time
I knew that if our government had begun to delve into the supernatural powers
of the unseen demonic spiritual realm for information and protection, instead
of looking to and depending on Almighty God, this country was doomed as a
nation and people. Read for yourself
what the Lord God has to say about such wicked dealings, Exodus 22:18; Deuteronomy
18:10-14; 1 Samuel 15:23; 2 Kings 9:22; 2 Chronicles 33:6; Isaiah 44:25;
47:12-13; Micah 5:12; Nahum 3:4.
Folks, it is
quite plain in the inspired Word that there are such demonic beings as “familiar
spirits.” This literally refers
to wicked spirit beings who are “familiar” with certain future events to
occur in God’s great plan for humanity.
It is these wicked “familiar spirits” that were being
consulted by these “remote viewers,” and
were giving them information about the future, even if the U.S. officials were
too spiritually dull witted to understand who they were dealing with.
these “remote viewers” revealed to them is that an entire
series of fiery solar storms would strike the earth in the month of
September in 2013. The cause of the
solar storms? The approach and passing
by the earth of Planet X [Nibiru…or any
one of some fifty other names which have been assigned to this rogue tenth
planet in our solar system]. They
received this information some 14 years ago.
Our readers are receiving it only seven weeks in advance of the
Planet X –
have personally been intensively studying and writing about the coming of
Planet X [Nibiru…Wormwood] since
2001. I have written several articles
about it. I have in my files copies of
the actual news articles which were printed in two major U.S. newspapers in 1981
and 1983 about the discovery of this tenth planet in our solar system. Back then it was dubbed Planet X, since it was a tenth planet discovered in the solar
system. At that time these news articles about its
discovery were picked up and reprinted by newspapers all around the world. To then claim that there is no such planet
only reveals “willing ignorance” on the part of some today.
I also know that a top secret meeting of world
leaders and heads of governments, world class astronomers, meteorologists,
geologists, and various assorted world class scientists took place in 1983, at
which time the governing officials of the leading nations of the world were
bluntly told that the approach and passing of Planet X will cause massive destruction
and devastation on the earth, resulting in the infrastructure of every nation
on earth being destroyed and killing millions of people. It was then decided at that meeting that in
order to avoid world panic and the collapse of the whole world economy [after all, nothing must interrupt the flow
of the almighty dollar into the pockets of the greedy world planners] the
discovery of Planet X [Nibiru] should
be covered up, denied, and kept from the
public. And that is exactly what NASA,
JPL, and other government agencies in the United States have been doing these
past 30 years. But that motley crew of
liars far underestimated their own people [employees]. There have been “leaks,” many “leaks,”
reported by their employees and former employees, who had enough compassion for
their fellow
human beings to believe that humanity should be
warned of what is coming, and given an opportunity to make their own preparations.
no! This is not what the “superior”
world planners want. So to this very
day they have blatantly denied that there is any Planet X coming into our solar
system. But their own actions label
them as bald faced liars! The
ultra-rich world planners [Illuminists
and other globalists] began immediately to prepare massive underground
bunkers for themselves and their “chosen” to enter into and be protected when
Planet X comes flying past the earth.
After 30 years of working on these projects, nearly every large city on
earth now has huge underground bunkers
near their cities capable of housing several
thousands of people. Some of these bunkers will hold up to even
20,000 people. But all of them together
will by no means protect the entire population of the earth from what is coming. The “insiders” plan to enter these bunkers at
the proper time and “ride out” the destruction and devastation that will be
caused by the passing of Planet X. Their
plans are to then emerge from their bunkers when the worst is over, to rule as
kings over whatever amount of the population left on the surface of the earth has
managed to survive. Isn’t that
wonderfully compassionate of them?
these past 30 years since Planet X was first discovered, much more information
has been learned about it. The ancient
Sumerians were living when Planet X last came flying past the earth and wrote
about it as eye witnesses in detail in the Sumerian archives. They charted its orbit around the solar
system as being approximately 3,600 years.
In other words, it has an orbit similar to a comet, rather than being
“fixed” like the other planets in the solar system. It
travels through space, passing through our solar system and flying past the
earth approximately every 3,600 years.
Planet X is approximately five to six times larger than the
earth, and therefore has a tremendously powerful electro-magnetic field
surrounding it which is second in power only to that of the Sun. This is why the effects of it appear to have
been effecting the Sun and the earth [and
all of the other planets] for the past several years [as much as possibly 20 years] as it approaches into the solar
is little question that it is the electro-magnetic effects from the approach of
Planet X that has disrupted the normal weather patterns all over the earth, and
is the cause of such weird and unusual weather.
I have personally noticed for the past two years that the seasons appear
to be “out of whack.” Every season is
now beginning two to three weeks or even a month earlier than it normally began
just a few years ago. Men have been
keeping weather records now for over a hundred years, and the seasons have
seldom ever varied to any great extent, except for the past two or three
years. Now even the professional weather
forecasters sometimes get frustrated trying to predict the weather. The weather can suddenly change in a matter
of hours or even minutes from what was forecasted. This makes weather forecasters look foolish,
and some of them sometimes want to throw in the towel and quit.
I am well aware of the silly little efforts of wicked men to control the
weather by spraying chemicals in the sky.
We often see the chemtrails here in Missouri where I live. I am also aware of their silly little HAARP
machine in Alaska. But folks, regardless
of what wicked men attempt to do, the ONE who has the final say on the weather
on the earth at any given time and place is Almighty God. Read Psalm 107:25, Jonah 1:4, and Nahum
readers who clicked on the links given in the Introduction to this study and read
the article and watched the video, know that parts of the earth are being
devastated by terrible floods, while other parts are burning up from excessive
drouth. Even as I write, cold weather
is already forming in the far north and is being pushed southward, even though
the summer heat of August has not even begun yet. I’m talking about RIGHT NOW! What is the cause of all this? The approach of Planet X, which has been
exerting an electro-magnetic force upon the earth for the past 20 years or
So what is
going to Happen?
the predictions made in these two links I have provided for our readers, come
to pass as
predicted, there will be an entire series of
massive solar storms from the Sun, which will strike the earth
repeatedly beginning just seven weeks from now in the month of
September. Such a massive solar storm
has already struck the earth in modern times back in 1859. At that time there was no electrical grid to
be effected, as we have today. The
telegraph system had just been invented a few years before and was gradually
spreading all over this country. When
that massive solar storm struck the earth in 1859, the entire telegraph system
was burned up. Telegraph keys in some
places literally exploded from the massive infusion of electrical energy, and
fires broke out all over the country wherever there was a telegraph line. This gives us some
idea of the massive electrical power involved in
these solar storms. Today practically
everything in the whole infrastructure of mankind runs off of electricity. Such massive electro-magnetic energy striking
the thousands of miles of electric cables running all over this nation, and
likewise other nations of the world will easily burn up all of the electrical
grid systems on the earth in one terrible day, and plunge the whole of humanity
into darkness. But let’s make it more
personal. Such massive infusion of
electrical energy will also burn up that cell phone on your hip or in your
purse, or cause it to literally explode like a bomb going off. Won’t that be helpful to your hip, hand, or
eyes? Hello! All lighting systems, computers, TV’s, video
games, etc. and automobiles will have their electrical systems burned
up. Mankind left on the earth after the rapture will be back in the dark ages,
and on their feet for transportation.
what is really important about this is that the inspired Word of God tells us
plainly and explicitly that such solar storms from out of the heavens are going
to begin the Tribulation period on the earth. Never read it? If you “profess” to be a Christian believer,
then shame on you. Turn in your Bible right
now and read Revelation 8:1-13.
Verses 1-5 tell
us where and when these Trumpet Judgments will originate. They will come straight from the Temple of God
in Heaven itself and from off the “golden altar of incense” which is
before the throne of God in Heaven.
Notice that this is God’s answer to “the prayers of the saints,” 8:3-4. What prayers? In Psalm 94:4 is the 19th
and final time in the Psalms that the Psalmist asks the
Lord “how
long.” Notice this prayer…..
Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth,
show Thyself. Lift up Thyself,
Thou Judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud. Lord, how long shall the wicked, how
long shall the wicked triumph? How long shall they utter and speak
hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves? They break in pieces Thy people, O Lord, and
afflict Thine heritage. They slay the
widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. Yet they say, the Lord shall not see, neither
shall the God of Jacob regard it,”
Psalm 94:1-7.
Now look
what the Lord Jesus Himself had to say, “And shall not God avenge His own
elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them
speedily,” Luke 18:7-8.
Folks, we are
presently living in a grievous time of flagrant wickedness on the earth. The whole world system has become corrupt and
extremely evil. There is so much
injustice today, that any decent, law abiding, God fearing, man or woman cries
out within their soul for the Lord to come and put a stop to all of this
ungodliness and wickedness. We also see
Israel and the Jewish people in deep trouble, falsely accused, lied about, and
persecuted on every hand by the rotten, Satanic, Muslim religious system which
is hell bent to destroy Israel and the Jews from off the face of the
earth. Is the Lord God going to allow
such wickedness to continue, or is He going to avenge the wickedness
committed against His own people? Any
true Bible believer knows the answer to this question.
The Tribulation
period is God’s Judgment upon the God hating, Christ rejecting, incorrigible
wicked upon this earth, and it begins with the Trumpet Judgments in Revelation
8. It is in these Trumpet
Judgments that the Lord God begins to answer the prayers of His people
for vengeance against the wicked.
At the very same time the Seal Judgments are also being opened, Revelation
6:1-17. The Lord God is going to
give the incorrigible wicked a “double whammy!”
Praise the
Lord! Glory to the God of Heaven!
what form do these Trumpet Judgments take?
Read it for yourself…..
In 8:5 it
is explicitly stated that the “fire of the altar” is “cast
into the earth.”
When the
first Trumpet sounds “hail and fire mingled with blood” are
upon the earth,” 8:7. Will this
be solar storm No. 1?
the second Trumpet sounds, “as it were a great mountain burning with
fire was cast into the sea,” 8:8-9. Likely a huge asteroid. Will this be solar storm No. 2?
When the third Trumpet sounds, “there
fell a great star [asteroid?
Planet?] from heaven, burning as it were a lamp…..And the name of the star is
called Wormwood…,” 8:10-11. Will
this be solar storm No. 3?
When the
fourth Trumpet sounds, “the third part of the Sun was smitten, and
the third part of the Moon, and the third part of the stars;…,” 8:12. The 12 hour day is shortened to an 8
hour day, and the night likewise. Will
this be solar storm No. 4?
Don’t forget
Planet X
Roman religion teaches and believes that “wormwood” in 8:10-11 is Planet X, so
much so that the Vatican spent over a billion dollars building a huge
observatory in the mountains of Arizona a few years ago. They built the observatory specifically to
track Planet X on its inbound journey into the solar system. Why? That pagan-heathen religion has convinced
themselves that what God’s Word has to say in Revelation 17 about the
destruction of the seven hilled city of Rome is true. They believe and teach that Rome will be
destroyed when Planet X or “wormwood” comes falling out of the
heavens to the earth.
really don’t care what any pagan religion believes and teaches. My concern is to teach the truth of God’s
inspired Word to God’s people and to lost seeking souls. I believe the passing of Planet X past the
earth is found under the sixth Seal in Revelation 6:12-17. Notice that there is a “great
earthquake,” the light of the Sun is blotted out, the Moon becomes
blood red, the sky or atmosphere of the earth is rolled back, and a huge
asteroid shower falls upon the earth.
Notice that all of these events are equated with “a mighty wind.”
this is exactly what is being predicted to occur by the PTB when Planet X comes
flying past the earth. The “insiders”
expect the entire earth to be shaken violently by a major earthquake. Such an earthquake would most certainly cause
the mountains and islands to be moved out of their places. They expect the atmosphere of the earth to be
ripped away by the speed and force of Planet X passing close by the
earth. And they expect terrible winds to
blow upon the earth as Planet X passes, winds surpassing any wind speed ever
recorded in human history.
It is
also highly significant that when the atmosphere that presently enshrouds the earth
is ripped away, men on the earth will be enabled to look right up into the
heavens and see Father God sitting on His throne and the angry face of
the Lord Jesus standing at His right hand.
This is when they learn how to pray!
But sadly, they will not be praying to the Lord for mercy, but rather to
mountains and rocks” to fall on them and hide them from the face of God
and from “the wrath of the Lamb.” Those
readers who don’t believe that the loving Lord Jesus could ever be angry with
anyone, need to let these Scriptures soak in.
Our Lord God is not a wimp, and will not forever endure the
blasphemy and insults of the wicked. Hello!
The Jewish
Holy Days
don’t think I need to remind any true
believer who seriously studies the Word of God, that the month of
September is often synonymous with the Jewish month of Tishri. Tishri is the 7th month of the
sacred year on the Jewish calendar which God gave to Israel in Exodus
12, and the first month of the year on the civil calendar of the Jewish
people. This year (2013) the first day
of Tishri falls on September 5th. On the Jewish calendar the day always begins
the previous day at sundown, so by Jewish reckoning Tishri 1 this year actually
begins at sundown on September 4th.
Tishri 1 is a Jewish Holy Day known as Rosh Ha-Shanah or “The Festival of Trumpets.” See a list of the Divinely appointed holy
days for the Jews in Leviticus 23. The 10th day of Tishri,
year falling on September 14th on our
calendar, is Yom Kippur or “The Great Day
of Atonement.” Then on the 15th
day of Tishri, this year falling on September 19th on our calendar,
begins Tabernacles or The Feasts of
Tabernacles.” This latter festival
lasts for seven days and then the 8th day is a special Sabbath
day. By actual count this means that the Jewish
Holy Days for the 7th month of Tishri this year will extend from
September 4th through the 26th on our calendar.
It is then obvious that these solar storms
which are predicted to strike the earth beginning in September will occupy most
of the month during which the Jewish Holy Days will be occurring. Is this just “coincidence?” Any of our readers who think so should
contact me immediately. I have a “real
deal” for you on some sea coast property in Kansas, and you need to get it
quick and begin improvements before the waves wash it away.
just a little humor in an approaching situation which is anything but humorous.
The Great
Those readers who have
read this far should know that when these solar storms begin to suddenly strike
the earth, people on earth, especially God’s people and the believing Jewish
“remnant” are going to awaken to the truth of God’s Word as never before. The imminent approach or beginning of these
solar storms will be an announcement as big as a billboard that “the
bridegroom cometh.” This will indeed be a “midnight cry” for every true believer. When the news media, or others, finally
reveal that these solar storms are coming, then every true believer will know immediately that the Lord Jesus is
coming to rapture His New Covenant believers and His bride to glory. I still do not know the exact “date”
and am not even looking for a “date.”
But I strongly believe that sometime before or during the month
of September, we who are true
believers will be rejoicing in glory with our precious Lord and Savior
and our fellow believers. Glory to
God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Look up, dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
and be encouraged. We are almost “home.”
Our readers have my warning! Look up!
Praise the Lord! Glory to
God! Hallelujah! Thank you Lord Jesus!
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Permission is granted to any true
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ministry is supported solely by the free will offerings of those readers who
believe that they are being “led of the Lord” to help us send forth God’s
wonderful Word.
address all comments, questions, and correspondence to: Pastor
F. M. Riley, Last Call Gospel Ministry, 184 County Road 108, Harrisburg,
Missouri 65256, or to:
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