Exposing the DARKNESS of the Judaizers and their tactics of ZIONISM #CABAL #Noahide #Kabbalah #AntiChrist

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2 Corinthians 2:11

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

King James Version (KJV)


We must know our enemy and scripture is clear that we are NOT to be IGNORANT of Satan's devices.  2 Corinthians 2:11. 

Zionism by way of the Judaizers

Background Study:

Excerpt from "The Horror Story of YAHWEH behind GRACE Church:

YESHUA AND YAHWEH ... Yes, the JUDAIZERS ZIONISTS MESSIANIC JEWS have created another name aka another Jesus.  In my study taking a sample of several languages from Chinese to German (including my wife's native language VIETNAMESE the word ALWAYS goes back to the GREEK IĂ©sous HIS NAME - not his mission or purpose; i.e., his name is NOT Savior, His name is JESUS. That's like me calling a person by their professional existence, e.g., teacher, instead of the teacher's name.

But this gets far worse:

Yeshua = Metatron = Satan's NAME. 

Bait and Switch

You're not a Jew you're ZIONIST

What is very important is this is because IF we do NOT then Satan can get an advantage of us.  In my military career in submarines, we spent hours and hours studying the Soviet Union submarine warfare tactics theory and observation and then we would spend 5x the time actually practicing those tactics in a simulator. Finally these tactics would be tested beyond imagination in the actual at sea simulations against live drones. 

I take detail here to prove how the Lord has shown me how ignorant 99% of Christians are to the tactics - devices of Satan and how he uses his agents and how deceptive are his false teachers. 

 What is more astounding is that recently I had this woman who calls herself a Christian and speaks several languages demands that I stop calling out a false teacher because he teaches the King James Bible is full of gross errors and to focus on the true messages of this false teacher.

Regarding your material here, I can see a tremendous connection to the GREEK STOIC PHILOSOPHY that Tertullian and Philo used for the TRINITY and guess what?  Philo, who was the mentor to Tertullian, was a JEW from ALEXANDRIA...  WOW so you're seeing here that it was not so much the Philosophy of the Greeks but it seems the JUDAIZERS were at work creating their wicked work behind the scenes.  I'm not surprised. Jesus dealt with the wicked Pharisees and warned of the wolves coming. All of the Apostles warned the WOLVES ARE COMING and all especially Paul battled constantly against the Judaizers.  

They savagely tortured and murdered Stephen and were behind Paul and the other apostles' deaths. They did the same to Polycarp  (student of John) of Smyrna the church and it is written in Revelation 2:9 JEWS who call themselves JEWS but ARE NOT. And now the church of Philadelphia battles against the FINAL ONSLAUGHT in these final moments of this age. Revelation 3:9 KJB.

There is a good video I want to share from a guy pointing out the OBVIOUS regarding PEACE being removed from the earth to PROVE the PreTribulation RAPTURE.  The irony of "when they say" PEACE and SAFETY" is beyond measure.

Thank you again dear Sister

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Expose Darkness

Dear brothers Andrew and Markus,

This is my commentary on the pictures Markus sent which were amazing. 



Brothers, not only is this the Star of Remphan, it is also the Metatron's cube!  The Metatron's cube is linked to  mystical out of body experiences and it comes from Kabbalah.  It is part of so-called esoteric sacred geometry.    Metatron is also taught by the so-called Messianic "Jews" like Yitzhak Shapira  who authored  The Kosher pig and who are infiltrating and  Judaizing the churches.  Shapira's own writings reveal that Metatron is Satan (https://youtu.be/qhp3Rm9hpzs?si=ZQRA_HMdAqlLCkcj)

Here is Metatron's Cube:

Sometimes it is also drawn within a circle like the image Markus shared:

Here is a video which shows that Metatron's cube is  not only part of Kabbalistic Judaism but also used in the New Age,  eastern religions and  other false religious practices:

Regarding the so-called "Atomium" in Brussels, I was truly shocked to see it.  It has been there since 1958 and I kid you not, it bears an almost identical likeness to the Kabbalistic Sefirot Tree but projected  in 3D. 

Here are some pics of this "Atomium" which show it clearly:

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 18-21-22 Atomium.png

Here is the Kabbalistic Tree in 2D:

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 19-29-26 sefirot tree - Google Search.png

Here is a video to show how the 2D Tree is expressed in three dimensions:

Now watch this video of the "Atomium":

(Notice the upside down  image of the girl in the sphere she holds and the preponderance of the colour red throughout the video, and also some purple hues towards the end)

Now they claim the "Atomium" is in the shape of an iron crystal, and that is significant to me because it being iron is to me reminiscent of  the iron of the fourth kingdom.  It is in Brussels which will be esoterically to Kabbalists a  kind of symbol of the capital of the Nations (Gentile Nations specifically) because of the EU parliament and seat of EU being there.

But just see how much this "Atomium" resembles the Kabbalistic tree as projected into a 3D image.  It only has 9 spheres whereas the Kabbalah tree has 10. 

And just to show I am not stretching, check out this video which claims  it was  made by the Order of the Hermetic Dawn of the Kabbalistic Tree in three D.  The Order of the Hermetic Dawn is a highly esoteric secret society and look how they project the 2D Kabbalah tree unto 3D, and now there are far more than 10 spheres. 

I say yes on the surface they tell the public this shape is an image of an iron crystal, but to me the likeness to the Kabbalah tree is uncanny.

God bless you brothers with eyes to see!


Hi brother, I want to share a video with you to show how the Catholics are also being Judaized and a channel that exposes how Chabad Lubavitch are also problematic to the orthodox Jews.

Here is the link to the video of the Catholics discussing what they call the Neo-Judaizers.  I really recommend this video despite it being Catholics because this guy knows his stuff and does an excellent job of explaining how the neo Judaizers manage to do what they do.  He also goes into their Catholic history to show what their early "church fathers" wrote about the Judaizers.  If you do decide to watch the video and end up finding it helpful, I would recommend watching it twice (even though it is really a long video)   as it really explains so much and is very in depth.  He also shows how Gnosticism is JEWISH in origin, not from Greek philosophy as is claimed.  That is what I also started to see from my research.  Gnosticism is proto- Kabbalah and Judaizers are secretly Gnostics, though they outwardly seem legalistic.

(The intro to this video is very strange but fitting I think to illustrate the Hegalian Dialectic: how one  side devours the other side, then mix into a big unholy  abominable mess and then the synthesis gets "vomited out"...and then the process starts all over!)

Regarding the channel of the Jewess that exposes Chabad:

I would recommend you watch a few of her videos (they are mostly short ones)  as you sort of get her drift after a while as she has basically one message.  She is basically saying Chabad was excommunicated  three times since  they first came about  and she explains how they are the Jewish version of Christian  "easy believism" despite LOOKING conservative to the outside world .  Chabad  also practice what is called "Chassidut", which seems to me to be akin to a Jewish type Charismania, combined  with ultra zealous messianism .  This quote from Chabad's own website will tell you all you need to know:

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 23-28-57 What Is Chassidut - Teachings from the core essence - Chabad.org.png

"Chassidut" is what the so-called Hassidic Jews practice, the ones who look so strange with the black hats and coats etc.   

The Jewish woman is dead set against Chabad and exposes their  wicked ways, also their pedophilia problem and she says how can it be true worship if they have that problem.  So it does seem to me many orthodox Jews are against Chabad.  And that Chabad only poses as orthodox but are not!   But this woman unfortunately does not study only the Torah but she also studies the Zohar, just like Chabad do, and so she is filled with false philosophy and does not even know she is not much different from Chabad in that she has doctrines of demons along with all her traditions  of men from the Talmud.  Nevertheless, I learnt a lot about how fake and sneaky Chabad are and how they are also causing  great destruction to true orthodox Jewry by watching some of her videos.

God bless you

Note: My comment:  October 7 was a major WAKE UP CALL.

This comment by this woman Sister Ursula presents is struggling for her identity and is dedicated to removing Judaism as far from ZIONISM as possible:

I never called anyone to Israel. Listen to the class before you start verbally assaulting someone. I call for jews to return to the Torah, to return to Judaism, to return to G-d and Jewish ideology. Additionally I am not a Zionist, you are invited to watch my video called “is Zionism compatible with Judaism?” However, it is not an apartheid state. Arabs have all the rights that other Israelis have and as a religious Orthodox Jew who lives in a ghetto… I can 100% say I would much prefer to live in an Arab village but I can’t because they will murder me so instead I have to live in terrible and expensive ghettos


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