EXPOSING A WICKED SERVANT of the Devil - "The Story Foretold" A CASE STUDY
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2 Timothy 3:12-17 KJV -
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Peter 1:20
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”
King James Version (KJV)
This is the PAGAN SYMBOL of the VATICAN brought along with hundreds of other pagan symbols from the Egyptians and Babylonians. The origin of the CHI - RHO existed long before it was adapted by Constantine of Rome and before Christendom. It was the symbol of the EGYPTIAN god HORUS.
This is the symbol used by this WICKED SERVANT of The Devil - THE STORY FORETOLD - who is probably a Jesuit by his images and hatred for the King James Bible while using the King James Bible and of course his perverse doctrine.
Here are the Essential background study links:
The ACID TEST is the King James Bible
Modern Bible Translations are Satanic. Why The King James Version Bible is the true word of God
Case Study on How much the Devil HATES the King James Bible
The FINAL AUTHORITY of the King James Bible; Never Bring a Knife to a Theological GunFight;
The audacity of this REPROBATE to call the 54 brightest intellects of the Kingdom chosen by King James who later came down to 47 Translators divided into CAMBRIDGE, WESTMINISTER and OXFORD University
Men like John Bois who at five years old was reading from Hebrew and at 15 was a student at St John's College, Cambridge where he was renowned for corresponding with his superiors in Greek. His devouring of over sixty grammars made him one of the most popular Greek professors at Cambridge where students would come for his lectures at 4 AM. Later he would stay in study until 8 PM.
Or what about Lancelot Andrews, Chairman of the New Testament committee at Westminster who was conversant in 15 languages. It was said of Miles Smith that Andrews was a walking library.
Then there was George Abbot who entered Oxford at 14 years. The list of the others is astounding.
You will see in this CASE STUDY how this REPROBATE THE STORY FORETOLD mocks these translators as "screwed up" and even hints of their evil deeds.
Worse it is the work of the Apostles he mocks and the BRETHREN James specifically mentions. SURPRISE JOHN 3:16 was well known to James and He was a saved Christian - follower of Jesus Christ and the GOSPEL.
It is well understood that the KINGDOM GOSPEL was ended at Pentecost, and it took time for the Disciples to understand the MYSTERY given to Paul for the GENTILES and that John, Peter and James would preach to the Jews. But it is most clear the LITTLE FLOCK came to the CHURCH and understood the MYSTERY. Galatians 2:8-21 KJB. See further details below.
But ultimately it is Jesus Christ he hates and the WORD OF GOD. In my Blog links I have listed why the DEVIL, and his children hate the King James Bible. Look at the GUNPOWDER PLOT by the Jesuits to kill King James. Look at the LAMP IN THE DARK. The torture and murder of William Tyndale.
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible | Full Movie
IF YOU ARE NOT ARMED WITH THE TRUTH you will fall to every wind of false doctrine out there. This False Teacher calling himself THE STORY FORETOLD has the audacity to call the greatest minds of the KINGDOM.
The great Irony is he has eaten the forbidden fruit and uses the same tactic as the serpent in the garden and he teaches in great error the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
READ 2 Corinthians 11:3 & Romans 14:23
2 Corinthians 11:3
“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
King James Version (KJV)
The OT Saints lived BY FAITH The Church of Philadelphia THROUGH FAITH.
CASE STUDY Another FOOL attempting to refute the KING JAMES BIBLE with Greek
The ACID Test in today's Apostate Laodicean Church Age is the King James Bible
The Children of Israel Part 2 Identification #End Time #discipleship
Yes, Judaizers, Zionists, and Messianic Jews have created another Jesus
The Case Study of the JUDAIZER using the HEBREW LANGUAGE AS A TRAP
Why Messianic Jews will not call themselves Christians
How to Study and Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace
Jesus and I Hate the Deeds of the Nicolaitans
The Church of Laodicea does NOT know The Mystery given to Paul from Jesus
My POSTER CHILD of the Apostasy of our Seminaries and Schools of Divinity #EndTimes
Why the yeshua deception matters Case Study of another Carnal Mind
Modern Bible Translations PREACH Another GOSPEL
The Little Flock Comes to The Church; The Antivenom for the Hyper-Dispensationalist (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
A Powerful Truth: Understanding Who are the Nicolaitans of today
Note: Read this oath the Jesuits take regarding how they will pretend to be a Protestant to gain their trust.
Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction
Here is his over 1-hour video. I will be going over the major errors in his teaching and use him as a PERFECT POSTER CHILD of how these false wicked teachers teach truth and yet MIX IN HEAVY LEAVEN.
His Truth is GRACE and NOT of WORKS. He uses the King James Bible's references to the FAITH OF CHRIST. He believes in ETERNAL SECURITY and believes in the Pre Tribulation Rapture.
The Lies he claims the KING JAMES Bible is in error and changes, adds, and deletes scripture to fit his STARWMAN argument. See below.
He believes a saved person cannot and does not SIN. He teaches there are no rewards as written in doctrine of our INHERITANCE and ONE in Israel. Hence he as all wicked children of the Devil and in Laodicea as a NICOLAITAN that he is denies the MYSTERY of the Church as one in Israel and separates them.
Here is a section of his transcript that goes from bizarre to the surreal. He is actually defying Romans Chapter 7 and 1 John 1:8 KJB.
He does not understand the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.
See Brother Cameron's study:
CASE STUDY of "EVER LEARNING BUT NEVER ABLE..." My new Poster Child #doctrinematters
because their pastors have lied to them about whose fruit we will know them by Matthew
7:15 we do not judge the believer for their sin therefore we do not have
respect of persons we are no longer to have
conscience about Sin Hebrews 10:2 quote for the worshippers once purged should
have had no more conscience of sins unquote this is antithetical to what
christom teaches in repenting of your sins keeping sin Consciousness alive no
being dead to sin means we have ignorant Bliss of a better than restored state of
Adam before the fall not knowing that they were naked in sin yeah I said it
but that isn't the full truth either we have vile reignment corruptible flesh
that we are clothed in awaiting the white Robes of righteousness thus our
minds ought to be purged of the guilt of our sins liken to Adam and Eve's ignorance in the garden before they ate
of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil aka the law from which they ate but
we have this knowledge of Good and Evil and thus must let patience have her
purpose perf work James 1:4 by faith of the full restoration of
our bodies at his appearing 2 Thessalonians 1:10 once the guilt of sin
is dead we move from the diverse and manifold Temptations spoken of by James
and Peter and our tribulations as Paul puts it of the exact same message into
the gifts of the holy spirit of patience which is longsuffering Galatians 5:22
finally to experience and finally to the hope of glory that's all Romans 5: 1-5
and this hope of glory is what perfects US 1 John 3:3 not our repenting of sins
or sinning less not our repenting of sins or
sinning less it is the hope of glory that perfects us not anything to do with
sin consciousness for whosoever shall keep the whole law
and yet offend in one point is guilty of all the gracer love this verse right and
then the rest of workspace Christendom loves verses 14- 26 this is the spine of
self-justification if you are to quote be perfect as your father in Heaven is perfect un then you cannot violate one
single jot or tur of the law since all have fallen short of the glory of God we
must obtain Mercy some other way than the law the law was never meant to
deliver us Jesus Christ is that answer this is where works of the law
diverge from faith without wavering back into the law being a double-minded man
why eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil any longer if the law has been
successful in the believer then the believer is dead to the law so he can marry another Jesus Christ Romans 7: 1-4
and Galatians 3: 24 freeing them from the Dominion of sin the Dominion of
death and the Dominion of the law Romans 6:9 and 14 and Romans
7:1 and the whole message of the pattern of reconciliation in Romans chapters
5-8 for he that said do not commit adultery said also do not kill now if
thou commit no adultery yet if thou kill Thou Art become a transgressor of the
law will a man now say I have done neither murder nor committed adultery
and stand Justified what a fool the man has looked
at a woman with lust in thy eye and committed adultery with her in his heart he has been angry with his brother and
in danger of the Hellfire no one is justified by keeping the law once Jesus
showed us we are incapable of keeping the law at any form at any level in The
Sermon on the Mount the moment coving was defined in example by Jesus himself
James said the man says he didn't commit adultery but that's not true using the
typology of james: 127 the Widow and the fatherless the man doesn't see that he
is a widow dead to the law and yet to marry Christ then the man is also a murderer because he has killed himself
by accepting the law which condemns him to death and even if he sees the purpose
of the law he's still supposed to die he commits adultery by marrying Christ he
is an adulterer accepting Christ as one husband while accepting the law as his other husband in violations of Romans 7
1-4 why do you think Jesus spoke of adultery in immediately and what appears
to be randomly after speaking about the law Luke 16:1 17 and 18 quote and it is
easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one tit of the law to fail whosoever
putteth away his wife and Marth another committeth adultery and whoever marry her that put away her husband committeth
adul what what do what do those two have to do with each other having both the
law law and Christ is adultery the true meaning of the Commandment so now take
divorce you're not allowed to divorce because you can't just divorce the law and marry Christ you have to let the old
man die you can't bring the old man into Christ by divorcing the law there has to
be a death so speak ye and so do as they that
shall be judged by the law of Liberty Paul expounds upon the law of Liberty as
the law of the spirit of life in Jesus Christ in Romans
8:2 the new law is not the law of Moses that we have died to it is the better
promise made to us who have died to the law of Commandments the ministration of
death 2 Corinthians chapter 3 this is contrasted to the other verses
8- 11 the Mosaic law the law of Liberty or the law of the
spirit of life in Jesus Christ is what the premise of James epistle was
speaking about to rejoice in and not be burdened by sin evil and Temptation in
James 1:2 this is what we so speaky and so do
the law of Liberty not the Commandments of the Mosaic law not according to the
law of Moses and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil here's Romans
7:7 I had not known sin but by the law H
Adam and Eve did not know that they were naked until they did what ate of the tree that showed them what was good and
what was evil I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known lust except
the law had said you you shall not covet was not that the tree that showed
Adam and Eve they were naked the law teaches us what is good and what is evil
the tree of knowledge whereas we are to partake of the Tree of Life Jesus Christ the law of
Liberty free from the condemnation of the tree of knowledge and the law of
Moses thus we have another contrast the law of Moses verse the law of
Liberty grace verse Law Faith verse Works rich verse poor vain dead religion
verse True Religion judgment verse Mercy he shall have judgment without
Mercy that hath show no mercy and mercy rejoiceth against
judgment we can group together the synonymous types from this
chapter the Faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the poor man in Vile
reignment the poor of this world rich in faith Hees of the Kingdom which have
promised to them that love them so speak ye and so you do as they that shall be
judged by the law of Liberty and mercy rejoiceth against judgment
He teaches the HYPER DISPENSATIONAL Little Flock were always in the KINGDOM DISPENSATION.
There are many other glaring issues I point out in the Transcript below.
James 2.1-26 Commentary.pdf - Google Drive
For by GRACE have you been saved through FAITH; and not that of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not of WORKS lest any man should boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8,9
Mission Statement: I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service. 2Cor11:8.
Yes, I am a faith alone believer, if you don't like it, stick around and get angry until you see it for yourself. There is a rapture and it is pre-tribulational. I've never read or studied Darby, or Ruckman but get accused of being a dispensationalist. Okay, fine. I'd rather rightly divide the word and understand it in the proper context, than be willfully ignorant and need to forsake conflicting passages and live in denial of not understanding much of the Word.
This channel is straight up, expect to be offended at some point. Then come back next week to be offended some more, I don't apologize for busting cognitive bubbles.
Bizarre video using over 10 different bible translations.
The truth about Billy Graham #ccot (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The Blind leading the Blind (thethirdheaventraveler.com)
The Septuagint Version accepted first by the Alexandrian Jews, and afterwards by all the Greek-speaking countries, helped to spread among the Gentiles the idea and the expectation of the Messias, and to introduce into Greek the theological terminology and concepts that made it a most suitable instrument for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ.
Septuagint Version | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia
More on the Vatican:
The Vatican, along with the broader Christian Church, accepted the Septuagint (LXX) for several reasons:
- Historical Usage: The Septuagint was widely used by early Christians, including the Apostles, who often quoted from it in the New Testament1. This made it a foundational text for early Christian theology and doctrine.
- Language Accessibility: Greek was the lingua franca of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Roman Empire during the early centuries of Christianity. The Septuagint made the Hebrew scriptures accessible to Greek-speaking Jews and Gentiles1.
- Theological Influence: The Septuagint introduced Greek theological terminology and concepts that were instrumental in spreading the Gospel and shaping early Christian thought1.
- Manuscript Tradition: Some of the oldest and most complete biblical manuscripts, such as Codex Vaticanus, include the Septuagint, further solidifying its importance in the Christian tradition2.
The Latin Vulgate, primarily translated by St. Jerome, was indeed commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 AD12. Jerome was tasked with producing an acceptable Latin version of the Bible from the various translations that were being used at the time1. This translation became known as the Vulgate and was progressively adopted as the standard Bible text within the Western Church2
Notre Dame Cathedral - The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (thethirdheaventraveler.com
53:37again we can see the erroneous error of the translators proposing statements as
53:44questions let's look at that again because it is not a question being
My comment:
Below I include more portions of the Transcript and the Blue Letter Bible Study Guide Commentary this wicked servant of the Devil uses with his commentary. I've selected here as a sample verse 25 of James Chapter 2.
Please NOTE as I've pointed out in my HOW TO STUDY THE KING JAMES BIBLE how dangerous the BlueLetter Bible - Bible Hub and other online bible study tools are including the Interlinear.
James 2.1-26 Commentary.pdf - Google DriveInterrogative in English grammar is a type of sentence or clause that is used to ask questions. Interrogative sentences usually begin with a question word (like "what," "who," "where," etc.) or an auxiliary verb (like "do," "is," "can," etc.).
Questions that aren't "wh" questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) can still cover a lot of ground. Here are some examples:
Are you coming to the party tonight?
Is this your favorite movie?
Do you like pizza?
For example:
Question word interrogative: "Where are you going?"
Auxiliary verb interrogative: "Are you coming to the party?"
Interrogatives are essential for gathering information, clarifying doubts,
James 2:24: "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone."
In Greek: "ὁρᾶτε ὅτι ἐξ ἔργων δικαιοῦται ἄνθρωπος καὶ οὐκ ἐκ πίστεως μόνον."
The word "οὐκ" (ouk) is used here as a negative particle to deny the statement "not by faith alone."
James 2:25: "And in the same way was not also Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?"
In Greek: "ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ Ῥαὰβ ἡ πόρνη οὐκ ἐξ ἔργων ἐδικαιώθη ὑποδεξαμένη τοὺς ἀγγέλους καὶ ἑτέρᾳ ὁδῷ ἐκβαλοῦσα."
Again, the negative particle "οὐκ" (ouk) is used to form a negative question.
For example, in Classical Greek, you might see a negative question structured like:
οὐ μήν (ou mḗn) - "Not?"
not [PDP-N-same]
This can introduce a negative question expecting a positive answer or indicating a sense of disbelief.
The construction and usage can vary depending on the specific context and nuances in the text. If you're studying ancient Greek, examples in original texts can help clarify how these particles function in different scenarios.
Additionally it is important to understand that"Οὐ" is commonly used in questions to create a negative nuance.
In Greek, the placement of the negative particle depends on the type of sentence and the mood of the verb. For instance:
Οὐ (ou) usually precedes the verb in indicative sentences, such as "Οὐ βλέπω" (ou vlépō), meaning "I do not work."
The problem is when translating Greek to English using the Negative Particle (also expressed as an Adverb) we must use the verb “to be” - WAS in the context here of James 2:25.
When translating Greek to English, the presence of the negative particle "not" (or "οὐ" in ancient Greek) can indeed create some complications. Depending on the context, we need to add the English verb "was" to form a proper interrogative sentence.
In Ancient Greek, questions are often indicated by context, intonation, or particles, rather than by word order or auxiliary verbs like in English. So, when translating a negative question, you might need to supply words like "was" or "did" to make the English sentence grammatically correct.
For example, the Greek sentence "οὐκ ἦν" could be translated as "Was it not?" or "Wasn't it?"
Example in the HEBREW LANGUAGE:
And saw God that good - Raw Hebrew Translation of Genesis 1:21
Proper English Translation - King James Bible = And God saw that IT WAS good.
We see clearly that we have to use IT WAS - Object Pronoun neuter “IT” Simple Past TO BE in the 3rd person “WAS” - with the adjective “good.”
[I have a feeling we will dealing with the same ‘οὐκ’ parsing in this statement. Greek in order with translation and tensing parsed.
ὁμοίως: likewise: equally, in the same way; δὲ: and,but, for, nor, or, so, yet; καὶ: and, also; Ῥαὰβ: Rahab; ἡ: the; πόρνη: Harlot: whore; οὐκ: not [PDP-N-same] ἐξ: by, out of, from, by, away from; ἔργων: works [N-GPN]; ἐδικαιώθη: justified [V-Aorist PI-3S]; ὑποδεξαμένη: receive (as a guest); τοὺς: the; ἀγγέλους: angels: messengers [N-APM];καὶ: and, also; ἑτέρᾳ: another; ὁδῷ: way: road; ἐκβαλοῦσα: cast out.
Raw: ‘In the same way so also Rahab the whore not by works justified, receive the messengers and cast them out another way.’
clear again. “In the same way so also Rahab the
whore was not justified by works, yet she
received the messengers and cast them out
another way.” Again there is no question being
asked, it is a statement. James statements in this
section are so utterly twisted, yet his point of faith without works is dead is made abundantly clear. Those who are not justified by works but by faith are more profitable than those who are working for justification. We are His workmanship, His tools, His instruments and we do not need to go look for things to do, the work comes to us and occurs naturally. Did Rahab seek out the messengers to do God’s will for them? No, Devine intervention occurred, by faith. But I was wrong about the ‘οὐκ’ parsing in this statement as there was no other placement option to attach ‘οὐκ’ to.]
An interlinear Bible presents the original language of the scripture (such as Hebrew for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament) alongside a direct English translation. This format is helpful for those studying the Bible in its original languages.
Regarding the manuscripts used in creating interlinear Bibles:
Alexandrian Manuscripts:
The Alexandrian text-type is one of the four major text-types used in New Testament textual criticism. It is considered one of the oldest and most reliable text-types, originating from the region of Alexandria in Egypt.
Many modern Bible translations, including those used in interlinear Bibles, rely on Alexandrian manuscripts such as Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus due to their age and perceived accuracy.
Also note the huge misunderstanding of the NEW King James Bible
BlueLetterBible lists the Textus Receptus at the top and the morphological GNT at the bottom, which is essentially a slightly altered NA27.
The morphological GNT at the bottom (which is basically a slightly altered NA27).
It looks like you're referring to a discussion about the Greek texts used by BibleHub and BlueLetterBible. According to a comment on Reddit, BlueLetterBible lists the Textus Receptus at the top and the morphological GNT at the bottom, which is essentially a slightly altered NA27. If you have any specific questions or need more information, feel free to ask!
what is the GNT and the NA27
The GNT (Greek New Testament) refers to the original Greek text of the New Testament. There are several versions of the GNT, each based on different manuscripts and textual traditions.
The NA27 (Nestle-Aland 27th Edition) is one of the most widely used critical editions of the Greek New Testament. It is based on a comprehensive analysis of ancient manuscripts and aims to provide the most accurate text possible. The NA27 is often used by scholars, translators, and students of the New Testament
What two Greek texts does biblehub use vs. blueletterbible? : r/Christianity
I urge you to stay away from the NKJV. Just look at simple comparisons to the KJV like Romans 3:22, Galatians 2:16, 2:20 are severe departures from the TRUTH. Here is more:
The NKJV is just as bad as the other modern verions like the ESV, NIV etc. and are in fact actually a Jesuit inspired work:
Chick.com: What's Wrong With the New King James?
The problem with the NKJV as you can study it for yourself by a King James Bible scholar in the link and many videos, is a trick to draw in the King James Crowd. In fact, you wouldn't believe it but there's now a NEW King James Version on the street.
It now is fully tells us that we are NOT SAVED but are BEING - the process of being Saved.
The word sodomite is now completely obliterated. ETC.
The Jesuits have completely infiltrated. The first NKJV was only a warm up.
The most wicked trick of the New King James Bible is it promised to be faithful to the original KJV except making the vocabulary and grammar clearer. This is an outrageous lie. Example: Ezra 8:36 KJV reads: "And they delivered the king's commissions unto the king's lieutenants." However the NKJV reads: "And they delivered the king's orders to the king's satraps..." Does "satraps" make the original meaning clearer?
The Truth is that MOST of the NKJV mirrors exactly what the other perverted Bibles do and NOT what they sold as staying close to the original.
Facts: In the first chapter of John's Gospel there are 51 verses. Of this total 45 (88%) have been altered by the NKJV that are more in line with the perverted translations than the KJV.
John 1:3: change “All things were made BY him;” to “All things were made THROUGH Him” (NIV, NRSV, RSV)
John 4:24: changes the KJV “God is a Spirit” Capital S, to the impersonal, New Age pantheistic, “God is spirit” (NIV, NASV, NRSV)
The List of serious violations is extensive. Please take a moment to review:
In my own personal use where I was astounded by the profound major doctrinal errors of our Christians walk, I implore you to compare scripture like here in Romans 3:22 among thousands of others that "significantly" alter and pervert the meaning.
King James Bible:
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
New King James
22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all [a]and on all who believe. For there is no difference;
The use of the preposition "Of" compared to "In" does not mean the same. OF is the literal Faith that Jesus Christ possesses. "In" means I believe in the Faith He has. I pray you can see this.
Romans 8:1 KJB reads:
8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
The NKJV reads:
8 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who[a] do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Romans 8:1 NU omits the rest of v. 1.
2 major errors here in Romans 8:1 in NKJV: AFTER = to follow ; ACCORDING = "agreeing". . The footnotes again instill doubt by inserting doubt.
Speaking of FOLLOW vs imitate or agree.
There are literally HUNDREDS of more serious errors.
Regarding JAMES was writing to unsaved JEWS. This is OUTRAGEOUS and a LIE from HELL used by many of the Laodicean Church.
Let's ask ourselves seriously. Why does James state MY BRETHREN in James 2:1 KJB???
In James 1:1 He is ultimately ISRAEL that Paul is addressing and the children of Israel that is addressed throughout scripture. ULTIMATELY WE Have to under WHO not what is true ISRAEL.
The Children of Israel Part 2 Identification #End Time #discipleship
The Church of Laodicea does NOT know The Mystery given to Paul from Jesus
The Yoke Masters Part 3 - Rodney Beaulieu at Grace Bible Church GBC
The Bride - The Wife - The Church - One in Israel - One in Christ
The passages from 1 Corinthians 15:7 and Acts 12:17 certainly suggest that James had a significant role in the early Christian community, which would imply a deep understanding of the teachings of Jesus, including the concept of grace.
1 Corinthians 15:7 says: “After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.”
This shows that James was a key witness to the resurrected Christ, which would have given him a firsthand understanding of Jesus' message and mission.
Acts 12:17 states: “But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go show these things unto James, and to the brethren. And he departed, and went into another place.”
This passage indicates that James was a leader in the early Church, trusted with important information and responsibilities.
Both of these passages suggest that James was well-informed and actively involved in the development of early Christian doctrine, including the gospel of grace, before the Acts 15 Council.
Galatians 2:9 - 12, provides evidence that James, along with Peter (Cephas) and John, recognized and supported the grace-based ministry of Paul and Barnabas before the Acts 15 Council. The verse states:
“And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.”
This indicates that James and the other apostles acknowledged the grace given to Paul for his mission to the Gentiles. This recognition implies an understanding and acceptance of the gospel of grace well before the formal discussions and decisions of the Acts 15 Council.
Solving the Paradox of Justification by FAITH ALONE and Justification by WORKS #DoctrineMatters #KJVONLY
The OT Saints lived BY FAITH The Church of Philadelphia THROUGH FAITH.
I understand that the book of James was written most likely before the Acts 15 Jerusalem Council whereby James Bishop of Jerusalem but James, Peter and John all clearly were addressing CHRISTIANS - SAVED JEWS in their Epistles. The deeper TRUTH is they were addressing and understood the MYSTERY given to Paul to understand the GENTILES were GRAFTED in as CHRISTIANS.
The Church of Laodicea does NOT know The Mystery given to Paul from Jesus
Look at Peter's WARNING:
2 Peter 3:15
“And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;”
King James Version (KJV)
2 Peter 3:16
“As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”
King James Version (KJV)
Read John:
1 John 4:9-10
"In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."
This is one of the scariest wicked false teachers I’ve ever encountered. He begins his teaching by building his entire FALSE DOCTRINE on the false premise - STRAWMAN - on James 1:8 - A double minded man is unstable in all his ways - and that James is speaking as how a double minded man see’s WORKS required to be RIGHTEOUS and NOT by FAITH alone.
See my study on how FALSE TEACHERS always use the STRAWMAN to build their false Narrative. LINK
Throughout his one hour vomit presentation in his FAIRY TALE of false narrative he creates this double minded man throughout his teaching that is saying whatever or thinking whatever scripture even hints at WORKS and any other negative connotation in the life of a believer. He believes in instance it is not James saying anything contrary to the GOSPEL of Paul of Grace but rather this double minded man James refers to in chapter one.
He starts out immediately using GREEK while quoting from the KING JAMES BIBLE in the exact same way the JUDAIZERS use the KING JAMES Bible and compare Hebrew as the true translation whereby they DELETE, ADD, CHANGE wording to completely fit their FALSE NARRATIVE. I have exposed this in both HEBREW and GREEK Scholars: See LINKS above.
The OT Saints lived BY FAITH The Church of Philadelphia THROUGH FAITH.
(KING JAMES) translators screwed up again and said Abraham's works nay James didn't
have incoherent thoughts the epistle is tied together it is patience's perfect
work James 1:4 wanting nothing is the result who Faith Justified
Abraham's is that a trick question I'm asking Abraham's Faith Romans 4:5 that
is what is Abraham's possession in the statement discern how Abraham's Faith
works with God's works and by God's works the faith of Abraham is perfected
I'm going to say that again discern how Abraham's Faith works with God's works
and God's works the faith of Abraham is perfected all English translations
probably more have it backwards especially heretically Miss Mist
translating the previous verse as Abraham being justified by his own Works in attempting to kill Isaac that's
disgusting that isn't what justification that's not what Justified Abraham and is
utterly disgusting Genesis 156 after mentioned was Abraham Justified because
he had a knife in his hand in the air about to slay his son to kill the line
of the air to save all of humanity that's what Justified no
that is not when Abraham was justified that is made clear in Galatians
3 and the scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham believed God and it was
imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God it's
pretty clear in the English since correcting the English of the previous verses James is no longer the hypocrite
let's read verses 20 through 23 again as the Greek dictates verse 20 but you have
permanently intended a mind oh vain man Devi devoid of truth that the faith
without works is dead Abraham the father not being justified by works offered up
Isaac his son upon the altar discern how his faith wrought the works and by the
works his faith is perfected and the scripture was fulfilled which said Abraham believed God and it was imputed
to him for righteousness and he was called the friend of
God now James does not stand at odds with the rest of scripture when we know
it is God's works and not Abraham's works as the translators and
interpretations stand it paints James as an idiot and a fool but people will say
but James to says you see then how that by works a man is Justified and not by faith
only yeah when I was going through this was like again seriously just like people it's
Relentless the Greek in order with translation and tensing pars see then
that how by works Justified man and not
by faith alone ooh I'm in trouble see then out of Works Justified man and
not by faith alone oh my argument is destroyed I'm so scared if one hasn't paid any attention
to Greek in any of my videos the order thus far for word placement is not a
priority nor necessary in Greek a Greek sentence does not have syntax dictation
unlike our English when I speak and when you speak we have to to put words in certain orders for the language to make
sense that's not Greek there is no syntax structure in the Greek here in
the English we have another contradiction passage that disagrees with the rest of scripture that's the
problem but it's not simply move the word UK not so that it fits the
contextual flow and agrees with Hebrews 11 Galatians 3 Romans 4 and Genesis 15
quote see then how not by works Justified man but by faith alone
unquote this statement fits the contextual flow from the Greek in verse
21 and is proved by Rahab to follow ironically expressing a choice
between two mutually exclusive possibilities meaning placing the word
not on the apprpriate word is a 5050 chance and I cannot help but wonder
if that was the holy spirit's intention it is either of Faith or it is by works
Romans 11:6 quote and if by Grace then it is no more of Works otherwise Grace
is no more Grace but if it be of works then it is no more of Grace otherwise
work is no more work unquote Grace and Faith being synonymous
equals once proper context is added to the equation the choice is obvious that
the passage reads quote see then how it is not by works a man is Justified but
by faith alone unquote but the nature of the Greek parsing and because of no
syntax in Greek allows the statement to be read see then how it is by works a
man is Justified but not by faith alone oo that's a tough one cuz it can
be rendered that way does the rest of scripture agree with it according to
Christendom we had to fit everything through the tight little tunnel of the narrow gate of James for that narrow
path christum has aligned with the latter reading while the context of
scripture says it is the former you must choose wisely because both are correct
translations technically for the verse by itself one is wrong in
Doctrine likewise also was not Rahab the Harlot justified by works when she had
received the messengers and had sent them out another way see I could see some people wanting to argue with me
that I move the word not not to change the meaning of scripture well here you go fools I have a feeling we will be
dealing with the same o parsing in this statement the word not the Greek order
in order with translation and tensing parts that's why I said Greek in order right the order of appearance of the
words but order does not matter you could mix and you could just like a deck of cards you're mixing a deck of cards
it does not matter you have to make sense by the the root atmology and the
parsing of words in Greek all right so once we go through this the raw form in
the same way this is in order by the way in the same way so Rahab the not
by works Justified there's your Greek order fools not by works Justified
receive the messengers and cast them out another way so you can lay accusation
against me for moving the word not in the previous verse and say that I changed the Greek well you have a
problem with the real Greek in the same way so also Rahab the not by works
Justified wow that's not the only verse to do it which one was
it verse 21 said the same thing in this order raw Abraham the father our not by
works Justified offered up Isaac the son of Pon thee alar yeah it was not by works both in
the statement of Abraham and Rahab good luck
Christendom so we have in the Bold in the same way so also Rahab the was
not justified by works yet she received the messengers and cast them out another
way unquote again there is no question being asked it is a statement James
statements in this section are so utterly Twisted yet his point of faith
without works as dead is made abundantly clear both in verse 17 and
26 those who are not justified by works but by faith are more profitable than
those who are working for justification the example of Abraham and
Rahab we are his workmanship his tools his is instruments and we do
not need to go look for things to do the work comes to us and occurs naturally
did Rahab seek out the messengers to do God's will for them no divine
intervention occurred by faith but I was wrong about the O parsing in this
statement I expected there to be another need to move the an or the uh not
around there was no other placement for the option to app to attach not two foras the body without
the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead
also that is the end I already agreed with this statement
but not in the way Christendom sees it the final Greek in order with
translation intens par is right here below if you'd like to read it the raw form as for the body without Spirit dead
is so also the Faith with the works dead
is simplified as like the body without the spirit is dead so also faith without
works is dead wow yeah is James a double-minded
man good thing I prefaced agreement with the statement before for the translation
of the Greek have we forgotten so quickly this was covered in verse
17 there is dead Faith the second soil Believers saved yet unprofitable why do
I say they're saved John chter 4 the seed Springs up into a crop so to The
Living Water Springs up to everlasting life but these are useless and dead they
exist and James is exhorting and rebuking them and showing them the
natural order if they allow patience to have her perfect work for Works to be
made manifest in them not their own works his Works will be unto Perfection
where they will want for nothing James chapter one
introduction this is not to be saved or from the separation away from God by
their works as the translators have utterly failed in communicating such heresy and Christendom idolizes James as
declaring faith without works is dead today as in get to work to please
God what is presented to you is the raw textus Reus Greek word for word translation
that the translators and interpretations pretended to follow
while obviously allowing another Spirit into the translation of James I can only
assume God allowed it to happen as for the Fulfillment of Romans chapter 1
handing them over to their own debased minds what amazes me is that no one else
to my knowledge has simply retranslated James from the texus Reus although many
claim their so-called bibles are word for word trans translations I scoff at
such a thing you can read you can read the literal word for word in this very
text and judge for yourselves I too have brought in a preconceived notion and
bias that God is full of grace and the gospel is Christ Alone by faith alone
did I have to manipulate the Greek text to fit my narrative I think not I only
moved one Greek word UK to fit the proper context the word
not let us read James 2: 14- 26 with the
new understanding and fresh translation and see if our spirit
is refreshed or condemned as is the goal in lordship
Salvation what doth it Prophet my brethren though a man say he have faith
and have not works can Faith save him if
a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you
say unto them depart in peace and be ye warmed and filled not withstanding you
give them not those things which are needful to the body what doth it profit
even so faith if it hath not works is dead being
alone yay a man may say you have faith
and I have Works show me your faith without your works and I will show you
my faith by my works you believe there is one God and
you do well the Devils also believe and they tremble but you have permanently
intended in mind oh vain man devoid of
truth that faith without works is dead
Abraham Our Father not being justified
by works offered up Isaac his son upon the altar discern how Abraham's Faith
Works with God's works and by God's works the faith of Abraham is
perfected and the scripture was fulfilled which said Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for
righteousness and he was called the friend of God see then how it is not by works a
man is Justified but by faith alone in the same way so also Rahab the was
not just justified by works yet she received the messengers and cast them
out another way as like the body without the spirit is dead so also faith without
works is dead perhaps the translators were stuck on verse 26 saying what it
says likewise verse 17 and reverse engineered the passage to fit the
conclusion of James thought but incorrectly who who can say other than
they and all who followed after utterly screwed James up I am convinced
translators are a joke of Western capitalism and copyright law it is
unfortunate and unprofitable to be a dead believer but the believer is saved
nonetheless John 3:16 anybody they sprung up to everlasting life before
they withered and died died if one has this Grace perspective then they cannot
be condemned by the Wolves wage workers and hirelings of Christendom the
whitewashed tombs can perish apart from us ye are Justified ye are Sanctified ye
are made Holy by the blood of Jesus Christ by faith nothing
wavering so rejoice when you fa diverse Temptations yes those are the sins of
your poor disgusting vile reignment for the trying of your faith and let
patience have her perfect work so you may be left wanting nothing already obtaining the peace
promised you in the freedom and liberty bestowed upon you in the name of Jesus
Christ let the fools work for their wage and to be rewarded for their works hold
fast unto Jesus's Works unto the end for the Redemption of your mortal body to
exchange your reignment for that white robe of his righteousness your faith is
made perfect by his workings in you as his
workmanship pray this has giving you peace perfect peace shalom shalom
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