2 Timothy 3:7
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
King James Version (KJV)
Romans 1:22
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”
King James Version (KJV)
Received the following comment on the Video and Blog Study. Please see my comment.
So Paleo-Hebrew not a real thing? The names in Hebrew don’t have meaning? Yeshua is the diminutive Hebrew word for salvation. Yahusha is literally Yahuah is salvation. So you’re saying that language isn’t real? I haven’t seen the studies you reference here but just curious how you’re justifying the slant that the Hebrew words shouldn’t be used or referenced when we serve the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (all of which carried Hebrew names with meaning).
dollyhadbraces4345 you quote: "I haven't seen the studies you reference here, BUT." unquote. Have you actually read what you wrote? How can you ask your questions that darkens counsel with words without knowledge IF you haven't even read the studies that support my claims? You wouldn't believe how many out there are like you who challenge without even reading the studies. I am going to copy your comment and use you as a POSTER CHILD. Thank you for providing yourself as an example CASE STUDY for the Saints to learn from.
darkens counsel without knowledge? I have studied the paleo Hebrew meanings of the names I referenced and in this particular video you state that Yeshua is a false name (which I kinda agree with but for different reasons). If you have a link to a study that addresses my question about the language not being real, then I will humbly listen to the evidence and reasoning. I’m a poster child for many things and have been called far worse but was honestly just asking based on the understanding revealed through the Holy Spirit.
My response:
dollyhadbraces4345... thank God I kept you here to reveal more which will be added to this CASE STUDY. The Holy Spirit never reveals anything contrary to the WORD. Do you realize this? Furthermore you're doubling down from your opening ignorant comment. You continue your vain babbling with words without knowledge considering you still HAVE NOT READ the background links and also quite disturbing as evidenced by your comment, you HAVE NOT WATCHED the entire VIDEO because I carefully explain which links are the background studies and here you IGNORANTLY blabber on. If you're serious, please email me and we can discuss further, but ONLY IF, repeat... ONLY IF YOU ACTUALLY READ THE LINKS. Additionally, the craft you employ in your STRAWMAN argument
of introducing something I NEVER STATED in that you quote: "THE LANGUAGE NOT BEING REAL" I have evidence of you also fitting Romans 1:22 perfectly.
Romans 1:22
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”
King James Version (KJV)
This thread is now closed. I will leave this up for 12 hours and close you out. This entire thread to this point will be posted as a CASE STUDY on Willful Ignorance and Ever LEARNING YET NEVER COMING TO TRUTH.
2 Timothy 3:7
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
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