Exposing The Wicked False Teacher, The DANCE of LIFE Tudor Alexander #doctrinematters #endtimes

Matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

King James Version (KJV)

The Wolf Tudor Alexander of THE DANCE OF LIFE calling out the Wolves 

Thank you, Brother Markus, for exposing this wolf and bringing him to my attention,

 The Purpose of this study is to expose this very wicked REPROBATE Tudor Alexander as one of the most DECEPTIVE Wolves I've encountered.  He is absolutely spot on accurate in exposing the DIALECTIC, CABAL - Christian NATIONALISM, ZIONISM, and especially the Harlot and her children.

Masonic Black - White and at interesting times close his left eye.

This is strangely revealed after recently exposing the Satanists exposing Satan.   The deeper I got into this Tudor Alexander the more than ever I am convinced he is a Jesuit infiltrator. 

These case studies below prove this but the acid test is in his ESV Bible and Eschatology and his hatred of the KING JAMES BIBLE.   Note: See all my related studies throughout this Blog and Video.

 Truth About the Masoretic Text The dead giveaway.

Song of Solomon 2:15 King James Bible:

"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."

He smells like a product of Seminary. I'd go so far as to say a graduate.


The SYNTHESIS IS THE THIRD NET to trap the unlearned non bible reading and feeble-minded souls out there.


In the context of this Blog I have gone through extensive studies on the Hegelian Dialectic. See studies below especially the outstanding study by Sister Ursula of EXPOSE DARKNESS 511:

Expose Darkness

The Woman Rides the Beast NAR Christian Nationalism #ZIONISM #VATICAN #AntiChrist #EndTimes

The Children of Israel Part 2 Identification #End Time #discipleship

The Roots of NAR New Apostolic Reformation #Laodicea #EndTimes

Additional Essential study links:

Case Study of another blind guide who strains a gnat, and swallows a camel.


 Hegelian Dialectic as I've gone over in my studies 

The Hegelian dialectic explained briefly

The Hegelian dialectic, developed by the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, is a framework for understanding the progress of ideas and historical development. It involves a three-step process:

Thesis: An initial idea or proposition that represents a starting point or a given state of affairs.

Antithesis: A counter-idea or opposition that challenges the thesis, creating a conflict or contradiction.

Synthesis: The resolution of the conflict between the thesis and antithesis, leading to a new idea that integrates elements of both, thereby advancing understanding or progress.

This dialectical process suggests that the evolution of ideas and history is driven by the tension and resolution of contradictions, leading to higher levels of development.

This is the Hegelian Dialectic* = Bad Guys Dems Liberals > Thesis. Good Guys = Trump Musk Conservatives Antithesis. The Synthesis will be the New World Order. They all work for the SAME TEAM = The god of this world. Reason number 777 why we are not to be entangled in the affairs of this world. 2 Timothy 2:4,5. KJV.

*Hegelian dialectic an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which an assertable proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by its apparent contradiction (antithesis), and both reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis).

Why I haven't voted since 1972

Thank you to Brother Markus: Bringing this to our understanding:

Revelation 17:5


King James Version (KJV)

The Harlots are ALL of the Christian denominations that have come out of Rome.  LUTHERN.  ALL ROADS LEAD BACK TO ROME.   


I've been teaching for years that ALL RELIGION belongs to the Devil, Satan the god of this world. The Prince of this world.

God of this World:

2 Corinthians 4:4 (KJV): "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

Prince of this World:

John 12:31 (KJV): "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out."

John 14:30 (KJV): "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."

John 16:11 (KJV): "Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged."

This Alexander really gets it right on these issues, but then the PROVERBIAL WHEELS FALL OFF.

I've gone through the links below and across the board he is AN OUTRAGEOUS HERITIC - REPROBATE in the FAITH - A CHARLATAN - HIRELING - False Prophet - False Teacher - APOSTATE. WOLF.

I have addressed his false teaching that I mark in the BLOG and VIDEO links above.

Salvation - Soteriology talks GRACE but never preaches the GOSPEL  - Therefore accursed in accordance with Galatians 1:8.9 KJB.

He attacks the KING JAMES Bible as a CULT.  Teaches that one must use multiple translations and interpret the Greek and Hebrew and decide for yourself which fits best. 

He preaches the Trinity, Amillennialism, non dispensational lies, I honestly had to exhale and shake my head in shock when he teaches the promises of God to Abraham were fulfilled, have all been fulfilled by extreme perversion using his ESV and even then going deeper into apostasy by completely taking Joshua 21:43,45 out of context as well as many others. His Eschatology beyond being Amillennial is beyond belief in his teaching that Daniel 9:27 is not talking about the Antichrist but rather Jesus Christ and has already been fulfilled. 

He is a Sabbath Keeper.

He teaches more damnable heresy of not SOUL life after death.  Teaches against 1 Thessalonians 5:23 of our being existing as BODY SOUL and SPIRIT.

He is a FLAT Earth and why this matters.

Here is a breakdown of his twisted, often deranged and outrageous APOSTOSY:

I will post my studies with his as follows:

đź“– BIBLE STUDIES đź“– --------------------------------------- How to Be a Berean: A Fennec Fox Guide https://www.danceoflife.com/p/how-to-...

See my study:

Why Satan hates "Only Begotten" John 3:16 KJV

Alexander is an apostate part of the Great Delusion A member of the Laodicean Church and Esau

The Tale of 2 Christians - Jacob and Esau; and the temptation to be as gods

 See my study:

See my study:

Learn the Truth About the Sabbath: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-sab...

See my study:

See my study:

The functions of our spirit and our soul #discipleship

Learn the Truth About Satan: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/know-th...

Didn't bother reading this.

Learn the Truth About the Eucharist: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-gre...

Didn't take the time to study this. But no doubt Alexander has mixed in tons of lies about the Communion:

See my study:

Here's my study:

Why Eastern Orthodoxy is a Harlot of Mystery Babylon: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-eas...

Of course but didn't take the time to go through this study.

Did the Catholic Church Create Islam? https://www.danceoflife.com/p/did-the...

Yes, no further comment. I didn't take the time to go through this study.

Learn the Truth About Seventh Day Adventism: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/adventi...

I'm sure he twists doctrine but see my study on how the 7th Day Advents is a cult.

Learn the Truth About Donald Trump: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/king-je...

Learn the Truth About the Masoretic Text: https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-mas...

My Study:

The Heliocentric Conspiracy https://www.danceoflife.com/p/the-hel...

My study:

Firmament of Genesis 1:6, GAP theory The Earth is a Globe

Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024): https://www.danceoflife.com/p/why-the...

A great deal of truth and then the wheels fall off about 1/2 way through his study.  See my Study:

Should Christians Be Involved in Politics? (2024): https://www.danceoflife.com/p/should-...

My Study:


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