Titus 1:13
“This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;”
King James Version (KJV)
228,377 views Premiered Nov 22, 2024 #psalms #hymns #worshipmusicSing, pray, and read the psalms in this concert event presented at Grace Community Church. Worship led by Phil Webb (Hymns of Grace), with Bill Brandenstein directing the orchestra. Scripture readings by Joe Zhakevich and Abner Chou.
Hymns of Grace exists to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. It is our mission to provide a hymnal and other resources that focus on God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Word of God. We seek to produce musical material that focuses on God, His Word and the Gospel story, melding beautiful melodies with eternal truth.
Trinity is Pagan Practice of Polytheism in Mainstream Christianity #EndTimes #Apostasy
Hymns of Grace is part of the Grace Community Church under the WOLF and King Daddy Zionist John MacArthur.
The Great Deception of the Laodicean Church today is Perverted Bible Translations, The Yahweh - Yeshuah Deception blinded by the Judaizers, Zionism, The Trinity, and Another Gospel the Social Gospel and Dominionism and ultimately ECUMENISM. Building the Kingdom of the AntiChrist.
The OUTRAGEOUS video's speaker speaks of the power of God's WORD and the miraculous translation of LATIN into English and speaks of the GENEVA translation. He then uses parts of the Geneva Translation and SPRINKLES IN YAWHEH throughout.
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