Matthew 24:24
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
King James Version (KJV)
Prerequisite Studies:
Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace (
Doctrine is: Learning The Teaching of the Word of God (
The study of Scripture for doctrine and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil by Cameron Moshfegh (
Mel, Guru and I discuss Geula.
The Nexus Point of Q and the Messiah
I am so glad this woman Gilla just made a short to illustrate something I wanted to share with you without you having to watch a long video. This nicely sums up : they believe that the Hebrew letters, Gematria numbers and pictograms hold "mysteries" which only the most spiritual can decipher. She is also promoting a young man as the Jewish messiah. This young man is absolutely a full blown kabbalist and he has now brought out a "peace plan" in which certain esoteric knowledge he has can - according to him- help join all the religions together. You can't make this stuff up, as so many seem to say today!
As you can see this woman is connected to many others in this Q movement, like Charlie Ward and the "Kabbalah Guru". They all seem to connect in some way.
I do not think this specific young man will necessarily end up as THE false Jewish messiah, I think there are going to be MANY such young men starting to pop up and be promoted by many fringe groups. This is the tree planted by Chabad finally starting to bear its mature poisonous fruit.
I have an article here that warns against "contemplative prayer". which is being promoted more and more.
All these mystics tied to NAR follow these "desert fathers" and these "desert fathers" are what Ignasius of Loyola also followed and it resulted in the Jesuit order. This is very very dangerous.
I do not know this website so I am only pointing to the article itself as a warning against the practice of contemplative prayer and do not recommend the website of course, or any of their teachings which I am not familiar with.
Contemplative prayer sounds like you spend time to think, but it is the opposite: clearing the mind.
I am coming across this quite a lot in examining the link between NAR and occultism. From NAR they go on into mysticism, and contemplative prayer is the vehicle they promote to the unsuspecting.
From Brother Markus that needs to be discussed:
The whole Nazi Germany thing is repeating with populist Trump and the Zionists and Nationalists separating into two camps (The Catholics are probably mostly also with the Nationalists) I get the feeling that all these mystical false Jewish messiah candidates may also be connected to Jesuits in some way. I have no proof but kabbalistic mysticism is very compatible with Ignatius Layola's mysticism, it is all the same: communing with devils who all teach the same doctrines, even though the language and terms may differ. The Jewish kabbalists and the Catholic zealous mystics could work together to turn on the Torah keeping Jews whom they call Erev Rav and say they are only interested in what is forbidden and what is permissible. They also believe when the messiah comes the law of Moses must go. So like you I see the Jews being set up.
I think (only an opinion) Musk may be one of those raised from childhood to be assets, or maybe the illegitimate son of an elite. Something is seriously wrong about Musk. His calling of Twitter and his so-called space programme "X" is very sinister.
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