Religion creates Penitents while Jesus casts them out ...
Religion promotes a spirit of attrition and perverts the spirit of contrition in seeking and thereby acting out penance (forgiveness) which creates the order of the Penitents. Notes 1 and 2.
The Penitent is the person who from the 4th century until today practices penance through activity all for the outward appearance of asking forgiveness. Of course religion also has collected untold fortunes from the Penitent. The catholic church bishops relished the rich sinner for greater the payment. Note 3.
In all of this activity, the false church chains the poor soul and brings them to God, bypassing Jesus Christ, and God looks upon these poor souls declares them unrighteous, filthy as used rags, and Jesus tells them to depart or spews them out of his mouth. (Isaiah 64:6; Matthew 7:21-23; Jude 1:2; Revelation 3:16)
How can the false church abuse souls like this? In my opinion since they work for Satan they understand basic human nature better than anybody. The most basic instinct of the human being in my opinion is our moral compass; i.e. our spirit, the faculty of our life which interacts with the unseen world, the spiritual world. As Watchman Nee points out, a man's spirit is comprised of 3 parts: conscience (ability to know right from wrong), communication (communion with the Holy Spirit), and intuition (to know without the use of reason or logic.)
When we navigate throughout life, our conscience actively convicts us when we've done something wrong. The exception being a morally depraved person who through continual sin has a a conscience that is seared.
When we do wrong; i.e., sin. We are naturally inclined to seek penance, repent or ask forgiveness. As spiritual beings this is most natural to us whether we're saved or not.
The greatest attack of Satan is to convince the sinner that he's hopelessly lost thereby casuing them to eventually follow those thoughts straight to hell. For those who have any glimmer of hope, they seek out the "church" to act out a "religious activity" . Then they are told to do things to act out penance for their salvation. The great lie. The pathway straight to hell.
Now! For the Truth.
What is the truth? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to God the Father except by Jesus Christ. Period. (John 14:6). We do not need the church, a priest or pastor, or the pope or anybody to talk to God and approach him. We have Jesus Christ.
We are saved by our faith (belief) that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us and by this we are saved. We come with a broken heart as convicted by the Holy Spirit (contrition) ; We ask Jesus. Ask Him DIRECTLY for forgiveness (penance); We ask him to save us and believe he's done this by faith. (Isaiah 6:5; Ephesians 2:8-10; John 16:18; 2:27; 14:17; 3:16)
NOTE 1: Religion represents the anti-Christ spirit; i.e. a false church that looks like the bride of Christ but is actually a counterfeit to the true church. (Matthew 16:23; Matthew 7:15-27; Revelation 14-6-11; Revelation 18:1-4; Romans 16:17-27; Matthew 10:16; Luke 10:3; Acts 20:29; And in my opinion the ultimate comparison to the true church, the bride of Christ and the false church is The church of Philadelphia in Revelation 3:7 and the
Laodicean church of Revelation 3:15 professes but does not possess Jesus as Lord. The false church in Revelation 3:15 has a threefold need (poverty, nakedness, and blindness), they are advised to buy, without money and price to be sure, gold, which speaks of divine righteousness, white rainment, which denote practical righteousness, and eye salve, which points to spiritual discernment. "Their trouble was that they had never really seen themselves as sinners. " Rapture, Tribulation Period, And Beyond!" by Terry Malone on Smashwords! In my opinion this is the catholic church and orthadox churches and any other church, all church buildings that follow the tradition of man and do not truly have a true relationship with Jesus Christ.
In this Blog I will be referring to Religion which is synonymous with the false church.
Within only a couple hundred years following the first century church, the true church, forged by the disciples of Christ and the apostle Paul, the false church, Religion, had established itself and quickly managed to completely remove the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially the tenant of being saved (justified) by faith in what Jesus did on cross ( from its teachings and replace it with a list of codes and rules that the false church enforced with great impunity, using fear as it's compelling force. By God's grace the true church has stood fast throughout history standing strong against the onslaught of religion.
When religion replaces the true gospel of Jesus, we're no longer looking at freedom in Christ Jesus but rather complete bondage whereby mankind must do works, and do "things" to be justified (made right) before God. Which in reality replaces Jesus Christ coming to save mankind by dying on the cross for our sins. This is the anti-Christ spirit.
When a sinner comes to Jesus, he (all mankind regardless of gender) and truly has a desire to be forgiven and does repent, it is a very uncomplicated process, a personal one that happens in a manner that takes place deep within the persons heart before God. Religion has no place in this process, but since Religion wants to dominate man, it realizes this is a key area they can control people and they do so.
The sinner has two choices. Believe and repent or Not believe and be unrepentant. When people want to repent they feel a deep sense of wrong. Their conscience tells them so. Poor souls who came to the false church are told to do "Penance". Penance means repenting for doing something wrong and showing our desire to be forgiven. doing something to show sorrow for doing wrong. (Note 2)
Penitents, came along in the 4th century as part of the bishops of religion demanding its adherents to do things because of the spirit of the antichrist; i.e., doing things without or activity completely opposed to the purpose of Jesus Christ.
Penance or asking forgiveness or repenting for doing something wrong is motivated by either the act of contrition means "crushed by guilt" truly feeling sorrow for the wrong you've done as opposed to "attrition" which means feeling bad because you got caught, being more concerned about the punishment, but not really feeling bad for your action. and true penance means truly being sorry for doing something wrong and repenting, or asking forgiveness for that wrong committed.
Note 2 continued: Bible teachers often distinguish between two kinds of repentance. The first kind is what they call attrition. It isn’t heartfelt sorrow for wrongdoing, but a selfishly motivated response to potential punishment. It avoids further discipline. It’s external, self-preserving, and even self-centered.
The second kind of repentance Bible teachers talk about is contrition. Contrition is true repentance. It entails heartfelt sorrow for offending God and others. It involves not just turning away from disobedience, but also turning toward obedience. It’s an external change motivated by an internal change. It’s self-sacrificial. It’s God-centered.
False repentance, or no repentance, leads to bitterness, anger, and unwillingness to acknowledge wrongdoing. Until we can recognize our own wrongdoing, we’ll continue to be mastered by this self-centered bondage. Our relationships will continue to be strained and frayed. Freedom comes only with true repentance.
When true repentance is offered, God promises to forgive and restore. True repentance is the means by which God brings about real restoration, a restoration that brings the deepest experience of peace.
Modified from Surprised by Grace by Tullian Tchividjian. Learn more.
For more on Penance:
Penance is repentance of sins as well as the proper name of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox Christian, and Anglican Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation/Confession. It also plays a part in non-sacramental confession among Lutherans and other Protestants. The word penance derives from Old French and Latin poenitentia, both of which derive from the same root meaning repentance, the desire to be forgiven; (in English see contrition). Penance andrepentance, similar in their derivation and original sense, have come to symbolize conflicting views of the essence of repentance, arising from the controversy as to the respective merits of "faith" and "good works." (Wikapedia)
Note 3: Order of the Penitents: he Christian movement known as the Penitents goes back to the 4th century. Those who had committed serious sins confessed their sins to the bishop or his representative and were assigned a penance that was to be carried out over a period of time. After completing their penance, they were reconciled by the bishop with a prayer of absolution offered in the midst of the community. Penance assumed many forms, such as pilgrimages to holy sites; constructing, repairing and rebuilding churches; and caring for the poor and sick.
During the time they worked out their penances, the penitents often had special places in church and wore special garments to indicate their status. Like the catechumens who were preparing for baptism, they were often dismissed from the Sunday assembly after the Liturgy of the Word. The use of ashes at the beginning of Lent is an extension of the use of ashes with those entering the Order of Penitents. (Wikapedia)
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