Partial Rapture Theory is NOT SCRIPTURE; False Teaching

                                                     "The Partial Rapture Theory"
                                                                             (  By Tom Gaston )
  I will be sharing material here from Dr. J. Dwight Penecosts  book called "Things To Come."   It is an extensive and exhaustive book of many many years of study by Dr. Pentecost who covers many subjects in Eschatology.  He is up in his 90's now, but he has contributed and given to the Christian community priceless knowledge and insight into the study of the prophetic Scriptures and he is a superb, trustworthy, and very articulate examiner of God's Holy word.
  Here below Dr. Pentecost covers the subject of "The Partial Rapture Theory."   He will be pointing out an number of important doctrinal points which the "Partial Rapturist" must DENY in order to hold to their unscriptural view. 
 Dr. Dwight Pentecost "The Partial Rapture Theory"  / Pages 158 - 163
 The first theory associated with the translation of the church is not concerned with the time of the translation in relationship to the tribulation period, but rather with the subjects to be translated.  It is contended that "not all" beleivers will be taken at the translation of the church, but rather ONLY those who are "watching" and "waiting" for that event,  who have reached some degree of "spiritual attainment" that makes them worthy to be included.  This view has been held by such men as R. Govett, G. H. Lang, D.M. Panton, G.H. Pember, J.A. Seiss, and Austin Sparks to mention but a few.  The view is stated by Waugh, who says:
 But there are not a few - some of them deep and prayerful students of Scritpure - who believe that only a prepared and expectant section of believers will be then translated.   They believe that a clear inference from Luke 21:36 is that those Christians who do NOT "watch" will NOT be accounted worthy "To stand before the Son of Man."  They gather from such passages as Phil. 3:20,  Titus 2:13,  2Tim. 4:8,  Hebrews 9:28,  that those only will be taken who "wait" "look for," and "Have loved His apppearing."
  A. The doctrinal difficulties of the partial rapture theory.  The partial rapture position rests on certain "misunderstanding" of the "doctrines" of the word.
   1. The partial rapturist position is based on a misunderstanding of the "value of the death of Christ" as it frees the sinner from condemnation ( all ) and renders him acceptable to God.  This doctrine is bound up in three New Testament words;  propitiation, reconciliation, and redemption.  In regard to propitiation ( Scholar ) Chafer writes:
 Quote:.........."Christ by having His own blood sprinkled, as it were, over His body at Golgotha, becomes the Mercy Seat in reality.  He is the Propitiator and has made propitiation by so answering the just demands of God's holiness against sin that heaven is rendered propitious.  This fact of propitiation existing is to be believed.............
 Propitiation is the Godward side of the work of Christ on the cross.  The death of Christ for the sin of the world changed the whole position of mankind in its relation to God,  for He recognizes what Christ did in behalf of the world whether man enters into it or not.  God is never said to be reconciled,  but His attitude toward the world is altered when the world's relation to Him becomes radically changed through the death of Christ" ( End quote ).
 In regard to "reconciliation" the same author Chafer says:
Quote:..........."Reconciliation means that someone or something is thoroughly changed and adjusted to something which is a standard,  as a watch may be adjusted to a chronometer. . . . By the death of Christ on its behalf,  the whole world is thoroughly changed in its relation to God . . . . The world is so altered in its position respecting the holy judgments of God through the cross of Christ that God is NOT now imputing their sin unto them.  The world is thus rendered savable.
.......Since the position of the world before God is completely changed through the death of Christ, God's own attitude toward man cannot any longer be the same.  He is prepared to deal with souls now in the light of what Christ has accomplished. . . . God. . . . believes completely in the thing which Christ has done and accepts it,  so as to continue being just although able thereby to justify any sinner who accepts the Savior as his reconciliation" ( End quote ).
Concerning redemption, Chafer also writes:
Quote:............"Redemption is an act of God by which He Himself pays as a ransom the price of human sin which the outraged holiness and government of God requires.  Redemption undertakes the solution of the problem of sin,  as reconciliation undertakes the solution of the problem of the sinner, and propitiation undertakes the problem of an offended God. . . . The redemption provided for and offered to the sinner is a redemption from sin. . . . Divine redemption is by blood - the ransom price - and by power" ( End quote).
Pentecost continues:
  The result of this threefold work is a perfect salvation, by which the sinner is justified, made acceptable to God, placed in Christ positionally, to be received by God as though he were the Son Himself.  The individual who has this perfect standing of Christ can NEVER be less than completely acceptable to God. 
 The partial rapturist, who insists that ONLY those who are "waiting" and "watching" will be translated, minimizes the perfect standing of the child of God in Christ and presents him before the Father in his own experimental righteousness.  The sinner, then, must be LESS than justified,  LESS than perfect in Christ.
2.  The partial rapturist must DENY the New Testament teaching on the "unity" of the "Body of Christ."  According to 1Corinthians 12:12-13ALL believers are united to the body ( the one body Eph. 4:4 - my Emphasis T.G.) of which Christ is the Head ( Eph. 5:30 ).  This baptizing experience is true of EVERY regenerated individual. 
  If the rapture includes ONLY a portion of those redeemed, then the body, of which Christ is the head,  will be a dismembered and disfigured body when it is taken to Him.  The building, of which He is the chief cornerstone, will be incomplete.  The priesthood, of which He is the High Priest, will be without a portion of its complement.   The "bride", in relation to whom He is the Bridegroom,  will be disfigured.  The New creation, of which He is the Head, will be incomplete. Such is impossible to imagine.
3. The partial rapturist must DENY the completness ( in Christ ) of the resurrection of the believers at the translation.  Since not all the living saints could be raptured,  logically, NOT all the dead in Christ could be resurrected, inasmuch as many of them died in spiritual immaturity.  But since Paul teaches that "we shall ALL be changed,"  and that ALL those that "sleep in Jesus" will God bring with Him ( 1Cor. 15:51-52;   1Thess. 4:14 ), it is impossible to admit a partial resurrection.
4.  The partial Rapturist confuses the Scriptural teaching on rewards.   The rewards are gratuitously given by God as the recompense for faithful service.  The New Testament is very clear in its teaching about rewards ( Rev. 2:10;  James 1:12;  1Thess. 2:19;   Phil. 4:1;   1Cor. 9:25;   1Peter 5:4;   2Tim. 4:8 ).  
Nowhere in its teaching about "rewards" is the Rapture included as the "reward for watching."  Such a teaching would make rewards a legal obligation on the part of God,  rather than a gracious gift. 
5.  The partial rapturist confuses the distinction between "law" and "grace."  If his view is correct,  the believer's position before God, eternally, would depend on his works,  for what he did and what attitudes he developed would then be the "basis" of his acceptance.  It scarely needs be said that acceptance by God will be solely on the basis of the individual's position in Christ,  and not his own preparation of himself for the translation ( Eph. 2:8-10;   Titus 3:4-7).
6. The partial rapturist must DENY the distinction between "Israel" and the "Church."   It will be observed in the discussion of problem passages to follow that he uses ( the partial rapturist) Scriptures that are applicable to God's program for Israel and applies them to the Church.
7.  The partial rapturist must place a portion of the believing church in the tribulation period.  This is impossible!  One of the purposes of the tribulation period is to judge the world in preparation for the kingdom to follow.  The church needs NOT such a purging judgment unless the "death of Christ" be ineffective.  From these considerations then, it is believed that the partial rapture position is untenable.
 B. problem passages.   There are certain passages which the partial rapturist uses to support his position, which, at first glance, seem to support this view.
 1.  Luke 21:36.............."Watch ye therefore and pray always,  that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."
 It will be observed that the primary reference in this chapter is to the nation of Israel,  who is already in the tribulation period ( in the context ),  and therefore this is NOT applicable to the church.  The "things" to be escaped are the judgments associated with "that day" ( vs. 34 ),  that is, the "Day of the Lord."    Watchfulness is enjoined upon the church ( 1Thess. 5:6;   Titus 2:13 ) apart from being found "worthy" to participate in the translation.
2.  Matthew 24:41-42,  "Two women shall be grinding at the mill;  the one shall be taken and the other left.  Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."   Again,  this passage is in that discourse in which the Lord outlines His program for Israel,  who is already in the tribulation period ( in the context ).  The one taken is taken to judgment and the one left is left for the millennial blessing.  Such is NOT the prospect for the church.
3. Hebrews 9:28,  "......unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."   The phrase "unto them that look for him" is used here as synonymous with "believers" or "the church" since this attitude constitutes the normal attitude of God's redeemed.  Believers are those that "look for the Saviour" ( Phil. 3:20 ) or anticipate the "blessed hope" ( Titus 2:13 ).
  These who look for him are NOT contrasted with those who do NOT look for him in this passage.  It simply teaches that as he appeared ONCE to put away sin (vs. 26 ) and now appears in heaven for us ( vs. 24 ), to that same group He will again appear (vs. 28 ) to complete the work of redemption.  The inference is that the same group to whom He appeared,  and for whom He now appears, will be the one to whom He will appear ( to those who are "in Christ" ).
4.  Philippians 3:11, ......"If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead."   Some hold that Paul was in doubt about his own rapture.  The context does NOT support this view.  Verse 11 looks BACK to verse 8 whwere Paul reveals that,  because of the superior value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, he gave up all in which he had trusted that he "might win Christ," and, having found Christ, "attain unto the resurrection of the dead."  The resurrection, thus, is seen to be the result of "winning Christ,"  NOT the result of preparing himself for the translation.  He has revealed the innermost secret of His service, a complete devotion to Christ since He met Him on the Damascus road.
5. 1Corinthians 15:23,......."every man in his own order."   This is made by the partial rapturist to teach a division in the ranks of the believer in the resurrection of the church.  However,  it must be noted,  Paul is NOT giving instruction on the order of the resurrection for the church,  but rather the divisions or "marching bands" within the whole resurrection program,  which will include not only church saints, but also Old Testament saints and tribulation saints as well.
6.  2Timothy 4:8, ".......unto all them also that love his appearing."  This is used by the adherents of this position to show that the rapture must be a "partial" one.  However, it is to be noticed that the subject of translation is NOT in view in this passage, but rather the question of reward.  The second advent was intended by God to be a purifying hope ( 1John3:3 ).  Because of such purifying a new life is produced because of the expectancy of the Lord's return.  Therefore those that truly "Love his appearing" will experience a new kind of life which will bring a reward.
7.  1Thessalonians 1:10,  "And to wait for his son from heaven . . . which delieverd us from the wrath to come,"  and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 together with 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 are used by the partial rapturist to teach that the church that was unprepared for the rapture will meet the Lord in the clouds on His way to the earth at the second advent Such a view coincides with the interpretation of the posttribulationist and will be shown to be contrary to the teaching of Scripture. An examination of the Scriptures used by the partial rapturists to support their position shows that their interpretation is NOT consistent with true exegesis.  Since this view is out of harmony with true doctrine and true exegesis, It must be rejected!
( End quote).
Closing comments:
  You can see clearly that the whole "partial rapture theory" is therefore based upon "works" or a "merit" system which must be rejected since it so destructive to the work of Christ.  Those who hold to this view do NOT separate "Israel" and her program from the "Church" and her program.  This is obvious as they take Scripture texts "out of context" in the gospels which pertain to Israel and try and apply them to the Church
  No wonder there is so much confusion today in Christain circles concerning the subject of the resurrection program.  If one does NOT separate Israel and her program from the Church and her program,  then these people will be totally confused throughout all of Scripture.  They will simply always have trouble "rightly dividing" God's word. 
 The resurrection and the Rapture are one and the same event.  The only difference is that one group of saints are already dead "in Christ", and are coming with Christ ( 1Thess. 4:14 ). And another group happens to be alive "in Christ" when He appears ( 1 Thess. 4:17).  The "Dead in Christ" and the "living In Christ" will both be caught up together at the time of Christ's appearing.  Both groups possess the Holy Spirit who has sealed them ( 2Cor. 1:21-22;  Eph. 1:13,   4:30 ), and who has placed them and baptized them into the "one body" of Christ ( 1Cor. 13:13;   Eph. 4:4 ).  Therefore It is the Holy Spirit ( and not the believers works ) which is going to transform ALL believers natural bodies into a glorified body.  This is not my word, but the apostle Pauls in Rom. 8:9-11.
 The body of Christ can NEVER be dismembered, since such an event would be so catastrophic, destructive,  and contradictive to already inspired Scripture.  It would disrupt all major doctrines of justification, redemption, propitiation, reconciliation...etc.  For such a doctrine to exist ( which it doesn't) would mean that the epistles would virtually have to be rewritten all over again in order to harmonize with one another!   It is amazing to me how many christians who are suppose to possess God's Holy Spirit have been deceived and led down the road of doctrinal error on this subject.  The Holy Spirit according to Scripture is suppose to be the believers teacher ( John 16:13-15).  
  It therefore can only be said truthfully that such a doctrine of a "partial Rapture" teaching is based on "merit / works" and not based on the complete finished work of Christ alone.  The Holy Spirit is NOT the author of such teaching, nor has He taught such a destructive doctrine to any member of the body of Christ.  This teaching is therefore coming out of them minds of those who do not understand their "secure position" in Christ and who also do not understand certain passages in Scripture in their proper context.
  Those who supposedly possess Christ and who adhere and attach themselves to this false teaching of a partial Rapture did NOT get this false teaching from the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit would NEVER discredit the work of Christ and take upon Himself to "rebuild" the justification of man according to the Law ( works ) once again.  To do so would make the Holy Spirit a "transgressor."  Such a thing could never be!
Listen to what the apostle Paul states to those who want to be justified by the Law.
Gal. 2:16-21..........."Neverthless knowing that a man is NOT justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus,  even we have believed in Christ Jesus,  that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and NOT by the works of the Law;  since by the works of the Law shall NO flesh be justified.
...........but if, while seeking to be justified in Christ, we oursleves have also been found sinners,  is Christ then a minister to sin?  May it NEVER BE!  For if I rebuild what I have once destroyed,  I prove my self to be a trangressor............For through the Law I died to the Law, that I might lived to God............
.........I have been crucified with Christ;  and it is NO LONGER I WHO LIVE, but CHRIST LIVES IN ME;  and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.............I do NOT nullify the grace of God;  for if righteousness comes through the Law,  then Christ died needlessly.
 The partial Rapturist does not understand that their "good christian conduct" is NOT what is going to "qualify" them to be a participant in the resurrection / Rapture of the Church.   They are trying to mixing "law" with "grace."   They don't understand nor accept the the fact that the believer "in Christ" is eternally secure.   Paul has already addressed this subject in Scripture.  
 I don't know how these people who believe in a "partial Rapture" can keep their sanity!  I would go absolutely nuts trying to "keep myself " in Christ and in a state of "perfect acceptance" before God based on my conduct, character, and motive.  That's a tall order that NO Christian is capable of doing,  since every believer still sins and lives in this body of flesh.  These people need to rest in the Lord and rest in the assurance of Christ who has already saved them, and who keeps them by His death, burial, and resurrection ( read 1 Peter 1:3-5). 
 "Having cancelled out the certificate of "debt" consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us;  and He has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross." ( Col. 2:14).
Romans 6:10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
Hebrews 7:27 who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.
Hebrews 9:12 and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.
Hebrews 10:10 By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Hebrews 10:12, 14  For He, having offerend one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God...............( 14). For by one offering He has perfected for ALL TIME those who are sanctified.

1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;
Jude 1:3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.
Colossians 2:11-14......And in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ;........having been buried with Him in baptism ( Spirit baptism 1Cor. 12:13 ), in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead..........When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
In Christ, Tom Gaston
                      Why there can be NO "partial Rapture"
                                                    ( By Tom Gaston )
 Here below I have made a list of reasons "why" the "Partial Rapture Theory" is unscriptural.  this "theory" ( and that is all it is, which is based on "works" )  conflicts with too many Scriptures which reveal the believers right standing before God through faith in Christ alone.  This teaching and those who adhere to it must deny the believers "justification, sanctification, and reconciliation to God through faith in Christ alone apart from works ( Eph. 2:8-10;    Titus 3:4-7 ).
 The "Rapture of the Church" is simply God "closing out" the 'Age of Grace" by removing His Church who possesses His righteousness ( Rom. 3:22;   2Cor. 5:21 ) so that He can THEN begin and conclude His prophetic program for national Israel who is in national unbelief ( Rom. 11:25 - 27 ).  God must first remove His righteous people ( the Church ) who poessess the "righteousness of Christ" as He cannot and will not unleash His "wrath" upon righteous believers ( Rom. 5:9,   8:1, 2;  1Thess. 1:110,   5:9 ) along with the "wicked."  
 Every member of the body of Christ ( whether faithful or not so faithful ) all possess the same righteousness of God through faith in Christ.  They all have been baptized and placed into the one body of Christ by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:4 ).  Whether they are faithful or not so faithful does NOT change their righteous standing before God.  For God to dismember or disqualify anyone of His members within the body of Christ would be an unimaginable thing which would contradict and destroy much of the New Testament doctrinal truths which the apostle Paul has already penned. The Rapture of the Church is NOT an event which is only for a "select group" of members of the body of Christ, but it is for ALL members who have been "placed into the one body of Christ" ( Eph. 4:4 ) by the Holy Spirit at the moment of their conversion to Christ ( 1Cor. 12:13;   Eph. 1:13 ). 
 Therefore the "Bema Seat of Christ" is the event inwhich "every member" of the one body of Christ will be present and partake of, at which time their "service to Christ" will be examined by the Lord.  Rewards will be given to "all members" though there will be some believers who will obviously have more rewards than others based on their "faithfulness" to Christ.  The "Bema" cannot take place if any of its members are "absent" or missing.  The body of Christ cannot be Raptured and then partake of the "one Bema Seat of Christ"  UNTIL it has first been completed.  It  MUST INCLUDE every member who has been placed into the body of Christ by the baptism of the Holy Spirit who placed them there and sealed them ( 1Cor. 1:21,22,    12:13;   Eph. 1:13,14 )  
 No member of the body of Christ past, present, or future was, is, or ever will be "placed into the body of Christ" by good works, but only by faith in Christ alone.  And there is NO Scriptural teaching which states that anyone member of the body of Christ is ever "removed" from the body of Christ based on their lack of their faithfulness to Christ.  The Holy Spirit will NEVER leave the believer once they have been sealed ( John 14:16,17;  Eph. 1:134:30;   Heb. 13:5 ).  
 The Holy Spirit within the believer is the One who will "quicken" the believers body and change it into a glorified state ( Rom. 8:9 -11 ).  The believers "works" has NOTHING to do with this process according to the apostle Paul in Romans 8:9-11.   Therefore the "translation" of EVERY MEMBER of the body of Christ who happens to be alive at the time of the Rapture will be allowed "entry" into heaven based solely on the fact that the Holy Spirit indwells them, which makes them "members" of the one body of Christ.
 Members of the body of Christ who have already died in the past were allowed entry into heaven at the time of their physical death based on "faith" in Christ alone.  Their prophetic view or stance on the "resurrection / Rapture" event had NOTHING to do with their right to enter heaven and neither did their conduct, good works, moral character, faithfulness or lack of have anything  to do with their right to enter.  But it was ONLY their faith in Christ alone which qualified them as the believer according to Scripture receives God's "righteousness" through faith in Christ at the moment of their conversion ( Rom. 3:21 -26 ).  God's righteousness NEVER changes within the believer and neither is God's righteousness affected by the believers lack of faithfulness. And since God is totally righteous the believer's "spirit" in Christ is therefore totally righteous also.  
 The Rapture is for the purpose of giving new bodies to those saints which have already died and of which whom Jesus is bringing with Him at that time ( 1Thess. 4:13,14 ). And it is also for the purpose of giving new bodies to those Christians who are alive at that time so they can go directly into heaven.  Therefore EVERY MEMBER ( no matter where they are in their maturity in Christ ) who has already been placed into the "Body of Christ" by the Holy Spirit and sealed there ( 1 Cor. 12:13;   Ehp. 1:13,14 ) will be allowed entry into heaven at the time of the Rapture due to their "righteous position" before God.  
  Since the Bema Seat of Christ will determine "how many rewards" will be awarded to each member of the body of Christ at that time due to the Lord's examination of their walk in Christ while they lived upon the earth, then it is clear that "every member" of the body of Christ will have to be present for this event.  This includes the faithful to the not so faithful and every believer in between at every level in their Christian walk.   Therefore there would be no reason for Christ to "exclude" any members of the body of Christ from this "one event" since rewards will "vary" from believer to believer.  And it is obvious that the "lack of " rewards will demonstrate clearly that the "not so faithful" believers were present and that NOT ONE member of the body of Christ was left out, nor were they denied participation in the Bema event.   Paul makes this clear in the following Scripture.
1Corinthians 3:13-15......Each man’s work will become evident; for the day ( Bema day ) will show it because it is to be revealed with fire,  and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s workIf any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned upa, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. 
 You can see from this Scripture text that there will be believers who will suffer some loss of rewards at the Bema.  But even despite this Paul states they will "still be saved."   The ONLY WAY one can have any participation in the Bema Seat of Christ is that they MUST BE SAVED in the first place!   Notice that the apostle Paul says......"Work" singular and NOT "Works" plural.  This shows that "each individual deed" done for Christ will be examined and every member of the body of Christ will have some rewards.  Yes some members will have more rewards than others, but it is clear that every member of the body of Christ will have some rewards as one cannot be said to be "in Christ" and a "new creation" ( 2 Cor. 5:17 ) and then NOT produce any fruit of righteousness which they possess in Christ. This would be a contradiction.
 There is only "one Bema" for the "one body" of Christ.  It will be done collectively with every member present and it cannot take place until the "one body" of Christ is complete and translated into heaven.  And since there are "degrees" of rewards given to each idividual member of this "one body" of Christ as Scripture makes clear, then there is NO reason for God to deny or disqualified any member from participating in this event due to a lack of faithfulness,  since the Bema itself is for the very purpose of examining every work of every member of the body who are all at "different levels" in their walks with Christ.
Important questions:   Why should there even have to be a "Bema" for just ONLY a select "privileged" group of saints who are allowed to enter heaven at the time of the Rapture?  If they were allowed entry into heaven based on their "faithfulness" to the Lord as the "Partial Rapturist " advocates teach,  then why even bother with the Bema as they have already proven themselves to be worthy, haven't they?  
 And if this "select group" is going to be judged at the Bema which will reveal how faithful or how less faithful each member present was by how many rewards each member will attain or NOT attain,  then why not just leave the "whole body of Christ" on the earth to be purged as a whole in the first place and just "skip" the Bema event in heaven entirely as there would be NO need for God to Rapture a few select group of christians who are going to be examined and judged and vary in rewards anyway.  It makes no sense whatsoever!
Question:  How "unfaithful" can a member of the body of Christ be BEFORE they are disqualified to partake in the Rapture event along with the other select group of believers?  No believer is perfect in their walk and character 100% of the time!   There is obviously going to be "less faithful" believers in this select group who made the Rapture who will stand before the Bema,  isn't there?  Of course there is!  
Question:  Then where is the "cut off point"?????  How unfaithful does a believer have to be BEFORE they are disqualified? 
There is NO answer to that question in Scripture because there are NO disqualifications of any members within the body of Christ at the time of the Rapture event.  And the apostle Paul gives NO instruction in Scripture on such a doctrine that members of the body of Christ are disqualified based on their "lack of faithfulness." God through the apostle paul ( who was given this mystery )  would have certainly warned and informed the body of Christ if members could be disqualified from participating in the Rapture.  This would be a major doctrine which Paul would have certainly written about if it were possible, but he didn't which means this doctrine does NOT exist in the mind of God, and therefore neither in the mind of the apostle Paul.
Philippians 1:6......"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus" ( The resurrection / Rapture of the Church ).
 It was God the Father who drew each one of us to Christ by His Spirit and through His word.  He drew us, He saved us, and He keeps us through the blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ ( John 6:37 - 40,   44,  65 ).
The "Body of Christ" is one body made up of individual members and it cannot be "dismembered" at anytime, since it was "purchased" by the perfect work of Christ and His shed blood.  One cannot work their way into this "one body",  but they have to be "placed into" this body by the Holy Spirit who baptizes and places every member into this one body ( 1 Cor. 12:13 ) at the time of their conversion to Christ.
Romans 12:4  For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function,
Romans 12:5  so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
1 Corinthians 10:17  Since there is one bread,  we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.
1 Corinthians 12:12  For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:13  For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
1 Corinthians 12:18  But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body ( singular ) just as He desired.
2 Corinthians 5:10  For we must all ( every member of Christ's body ) appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one ( collectively ) may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
Ephesians 2:16  and might reconcile them both ( Jew and Gentile ) in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.
Ephesians 4:4 - 6  There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.
Colossians 3:15  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
Reasons why there can be no partial Rapture
link...........Partial Rapture; A Dangerous dissection of the Bride /   By J.R.Hall
  Unlike the Pretrib, Midtrib and Postrib theories, the Partial Rapture theory does not concern itself as much with the timing of the rapture, as it does with persons that will take part in the rapture.  This belief is that not all Christian believers will be translated in the event of 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 and 1 Thess 4:13-18 but rather only those that are found ''watching'' and ''waiting'' will take part in the event. It is said that there will be a certain hierarchy in the church that some who have attained special spiritualism, or are more ''annointed'' will be worthy of the promised exemption from the wrath to come as expressed in 1 Thess 1:10.', '
 This view of the '' Partial Rapture '' has had a few proponents in the past, but now it is gathering steam as we see more and more of the charismatic groups assigning their “special annointing” as evidenced through their experiential manifestations of the works of the spirit, as the signpost for being worthy of escape in the partial rapture. This then leaves those of us un-charismatic Christians behind as a sort of punishment for our spiritual slumber;  Forced now to live through some period of the final 70th week of Daniel (or more commonly called ''The Tribulation'') until such time as we are found worthy to be raptured at a later date. I hope the reader can see that this belief in a sort of ''earthly pergatory'' has serious consequences to the understanding of the sufficiency of the cross that we evangelicals must not overlook.

Together now, lets have a look at the grave concerns that arise when one looks closely into the ''Partial Rapture Theory''.

Doctrinal Difficulties with the Theory
1. Firstly, the partial rapture theorist must deny the scriptural teaching of unity in the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12 goes into great detail about the relationship of the members in the body of Christ, and how although not each is equal in gifting; each is yet still apart of the same body. Of careful study and consideration in this passage is the following:

1Co 12:22 In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary.
1Co 12:23 And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen,
1Co 12:24 while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity.
1Co 12:25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other.
1Co 12:26 If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.
1Co 12:27 All of you together are Christ''s body, and each of you is a part of it.

You see we are all unified in the body. Scripture also tells us that Christ is the head of the body (Ephesians 5:23). When we look to scripture to the prerequesites to being Christians we find ourselves at Romans 10:9-10.

Rom 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Upon repentance of sin and this confession of faith we therefore are regenerated, or ''born again'' as Christ tells us in John 3:7.  To admit the possibility of the Partial Rapture Theory, we also must then admit that the Corinthian verses were not true when Paul wrote, "And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care..."

Dr. Dwight Pentecost said this on the subject:
"If the rapture includes only a portion of those redeemed, then the body ( one body Eph. 4:4 ),  of which Christ is the head, will be a dismembered and disfigured body when it is taken to Him. The building, of which he is the chief cornerstone, will be incomplete. The priesthood, of which He is the High Priest, will be without a portion of its complement.  The bride, in relation to whom He is the Bridegroom, will be disfigured. The new creation, of which He is the Head, will be incomplete. Such is impossible to imagine."

( 1. )  This same division in the body that the partial rapturist would have us believe carries directly over into the denying of the translation events of the rapture passages themselves.

Logically if the partial rapturist is correct, then there would be some that are ''dead in Christ'' that would not measure up to be worthy of ''God bringing them'' (1 Thes 4:14), and certainly then, Paul would not have told us that "we shall all be changed" in verse 51 of 1 Corinthians 15.

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, “ - 1 Co 15:51
 To assume the Partial Rapture Position one must assume that Paul was erred when he expressed that ''all'' would be changed, and that the dead in Christ would be worthy of being a part of that meeting. If the Partial Rapture was correct, Paul would have indicated qualifiers for those dead in Christ, and those who remain, and yet the only qualifier we find in the passages are the words, "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again" in verse 14.

When you review this brief statement in light of Romans 10:9-10 we can quickly see the error of the Partial Rapture position.

( 2. ) The Partial Rapturist confuses the distinction between law and grace. If exception of the wrath of God were conditional upon the works of man as the partial rapturist would have us believe, then have we not then removed the law of unconditional grace?

Tit 3:5  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Tit 3:6  Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
Tit 3:7  That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

That's it. Nothing more!   We are justified by His Grace. Nowhere in scripture is it said that our salvation is a product of an individuals works, therefore therefore the ''born again'' result cannot itself be a product works. Salvation requires nothing more than the acceptance of God''s grace, through heartfelt repentance and the belief and devotion to Christ Jesus as required in Romans 10:9-10.

( 3. )  As mentioned in the introduction, the partial rapturist placed a portion of the church in time of Daniel’s 70th week (The Tribulation). When we consider that Christ proclaims that time being, "the time of trouble which is coming upon the world to test all the people on earth." (Rev 3:10), we see that one purpose of the period is to purge and judge the world in preparation for the kingdom to follow.  A kingdom where Christ himself will sit on David''s throne in Jerusalem and rule the nations with a rod of iron. The church; the body; the Christians; all those who have placed Christ as Lord of their lives and who have put on the gift of salvation of God through His grace alone, need not be purged in this matter. We have our own rewards and time in front of the Bema seat. We are exempt from the wrath of God because of our new standing with Him through the sufficiency of Christ and the Cross.

Which leads me to my next point.
( 4. ) The partial rapturist must deny the sufficiency and value of God, manifest in flesh, dying on the cross for the sins of mankind. The unblemished sacrificial lamb of God sacrificing himself unto death, so that we can not only be free of our bondage of sin, but again be worthy to be in the presence of a perfect and Holy God. Through the threefold doctrine of propitiation, reconciliation and redemption, we find ourselves in an acceptable state as was preordained for all humanity through the personal act of a gracious God.

Propitiate is defined as: to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of: to appease

Chafer says this of propitiation:
"Propitiation is the Godward side of the work of Christ on the cross. The death of Christ for the sin of the world changed the whole postition of mankind in its relation to God, for He recognizes what Christ did in behalf of the world whether man enters into it or not. God is never said to be reconciled, but His attitude toward the world is altered when the world's relation to Him becomes radically changed through the death of Christ."

Reconciliation comes from reconcile, which is defined as: a: to restore to friendship or harmony b: settle, resolve

Chafer adds:
"Since the position of the world before God is completely changed through the death of Christ, God''s own attitude toward man cannot longer be the same. He is prepared to deal with souls now in the light of what Christ hasaccomplished."4

Because God''s plan for reconciliation was made perfect through the death of Christ on the cross, God therefore is able to justify any sinner who puts on Christ as a personal reconcilatory act. God honours our recognition of His personal sacrifice in our place, as a settlement (reconciliation) of our debt paid in full for our sin.

This leads nicely into redemption which can be defined as the act of redeeming. Redeeming is defined as: serving to offset or compensate for a defect.

It is this compensation that was paid in full by God Himself when he became man. Lived as Man and died a horrific death, at the hand of those he wished to save.

Chafer comments:
"Redemption is an act of God by which He Himself pays as a ransom the price of human sin which the outraged holiness and government of God requires. Redemption undertakes the solution of the problem of sin, as reconciliation undertakes the solution of the problem of the sinner, and propitiation undertakes the problem of an offendedGod."5

This threefold process of salvation washes us the sinner free from any condemnation from God. Now in perfect and right standing with a Holy God, we ourselves are acceptable to Him who created us to be so. We now have no more punishment, no more payment required for ouriniquities. Our slate is clean, our position before a Holy judge is good and acceptable, with no conditional caveats based on our own strength and ability. We merely take up our cross and follow in the footsteps of the master.

The Partial Rapturist that insists that only those who are:
...''waiting'' and''watching'';
...or those that speak in tongues;
...or those that are charismatic;
will be translated, must therefore believe that the acts of propitiation, reconciliation and redemption is a byproduct of one's own doing and abilities and not the perfect sufficiency of Christ''s sacrifice on the cross.
This denial of the sufficiency of the cross, leaves the Partial Rapture theory debunked at a core theological level.

By J.R.Hall

1. J.Dwight Pentecost, Things to Come, pp. 160
2. Merriam-Webster''s Online Dictionary,
3. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Systematic Theology, VII, 259
4. Ibid., VII, 263.
5. Ibid., III, 88.


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