#Rapture Watch; 18th Day SHEVAT; Sharon's Passing / Rabbi Kaduri
This is a Rapture Alert for those who are watching. This is not a Prophecy but a warning provided by my brother in Christ, Tom Gaston
The 18th of Shevat, Bride city / Hay = 5 / Yod = 10 Cheth = 8 / Shin = 300 Lamed = 30 / Shin = 300 Beth = 2 Teth = 9 / Kaph = 20 Lamed =30 Hay = 5 / Ayin = 70 Yod = 10 Resh = 200 / total = 999
The number ( 9 ) is the number in Bible Numerics which stands for......"finality and completion."
The Hebrew term...Advent...has a gematria value of 18. This is one reason why I believe that the 18th Shevat is important.
Advent / Beth = 2 Yod = 10 Aleph = 1 Hay = 5 / total = 18
999 / divided by 18 Advent = 55.5.......The number ( 5 ) is the number which stands for...." Grace."
Or.......999 / divided by 55.5 = 18 Advent
Bride / Kaph = 20 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 / total = 55
2014 / divided by 18 Advent = 111.88888
Ascending / Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 / total = 111
55.5............555 / divided by 5 Grace = 111
Ascending, 18th Shevat / Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 / Yod = 10 Cheth = 8 / Shin = 300 Beth = 2 Teth = 9 / total = 440
Gone / Mem = 40 Tau = 400 / total = 440
Gone, the 18th Shevat / Mem = 40 Tau = 400 / Hay = 5 / Yod = 10 Cheth = 8 / Shin = 300 Beth = 2 Teth = 9 / the total = 774
5774 / Tau = 400 Shin = 300 Ayin = 70 Daleth = 4 / total = 774
In Christ, Tom Gaston
Saturday / Sunday - January 18th - 19th 2014
I have an "incredible" Bible Code which I just got done with ( 3 pages ) and it is coming your way here in just a few miniutes. It iscomfirming the Bible Code I found and sent you yesterday called "18th Shevat" which had 4 codes of the term "Rapture" in it.
Wait until you see this thing! Has "Sharon" encoded in it with the date of his death of "10th Shevat" and "January - 11th."
This is more than a "Rapture watch", but awarning that the Rapture could happen this weekend?
In Christ, Tom Gaston
What an incredible Bible Code that is in "harmony" with the timing of Sharon's deathand perhaps the Rapture of the Church and the opening of the "Day of the Lord?"
Here in this page 3. you can see amazing that it has encoded in it "Sharon" with his death, funeral, and burial, The date 10th Shevat joins "Sharon" with another code of "Shevat 10th" coming across his name. Also you will see that a "seven day" period is suggested in the matrixes. Notice that the date...10th Shevat..( Day of Sharon's death )..is incorporated into date 18th Shevat. So the date actually reads........" 10th Shevat 18th." The 10th Shevat was the day thatAriel Sharon died, which was January 11th. You will see down in the right hand corner the term "January" has joining it the term "Event." And the phrase "11th day" joins January. The reference to the death of the "Prime Minister" ( Sharon ) is there also.
This Bible Code also shows that Ariel Sharon is a "Harbinger" and a "sign" of the impending doom and destruction of the "Day of the Lord" which is NEAR( Near the Day of the Lord ). Again, this Bible Code is in "harmony" with the prediction of Rabbi Yitzak Kaduri who said that following "Sharon's death" the messiah would be revealed. This Bible Code is supporting a "seven day countdown" possibly due to the date of ....10th Shevat 18th" which shows a "seven day window" from Sharon's death to perhaps possibly ( ? ) the Rapture of the Church and the opening of the "Day of the Lord?"
Page 3. below.
In Christ, Tom Gaston
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