Islam's useful IDIOTS in Hollywood
The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest Vol: 139 Issue: 9 - Tuesday, April 09, 2013 | |
''Useful Idiots'' I was fascinated by this morning’s edition of Islam Online. The lead story was headlined ''Hollywood Stars United To Win Without War'' with a picture of George Clooney over a caption quoting him saying ''We can’t beat anyone anymore.'' Islam online gushed, "on a growing list of Hollywood celebrities to speak out against war that includes Sean Penn, Ed Harris, Dustin Hoffman, Madonna and director Spike Lee, comes actor George Clooney to make a strong case against the Bush administration’s “war mongering”, this time on a German screen." The Islamic press was raving about the anti-American comments made by Clooney to the Germans (see Vol 17 Issue 24). The syndicated columnist, Mona Charon, was making the rounds of the talk shows hawking her new book, “Useful Idiots.” Haven’t read the book yet, but I was intrigued by the title. Charon said it was a term coined by Lenin during the early days of the Russian Revolution to describe the liberals and leftists in the West who could help advance the Communist philosophy. Another example of a ‘useful idiot’ was director and professional idiot Michael Moore. Accepting an award in France for documentary about Columbine that was just another liberal anti-gun propaganda piece, he praised the French and reminded them, "The majority of us Americans never elected George W. Bush." "We've been surviving a coup now for the past couple of years and because of that we don't support coups instigated by us in other countries," the director said, admitting "I will be crucified in the press in America when I got home."Islam Online was delighted to quote Moore and highlight Clooney. It also cheered on Madonna’s new anti-war effort. The famous star Madonna also joined the debate by her anti-war themed music video for the title track to her upcoming album “American Life”. Madonna has wrapped shooting on her "American Life" video, and judging by some of the industry insiders who were at the shoot, the clip is sure to bring controversy to the singer. "American Life" is the first single to be released from the singer's forthcoming album, due out in April 2003. The video features several attention-grabbing moments, including one in which Madonna lobs a hand grenade during a runway show of couture army fatigues. The fashion show then develops into a mad frenzy, which, according to her record label, illustrates the "catastrophic repercussions and horrors of war." However, Madonna said it is not meant to be anti-American, Islam Online reminds us helpfully. Assessment: It doesn’t really have anything to do with the war, or Saddam Hussein or Iraq, (as we’ve been saying all along). It’s still Election 2000. The liberal left pledged itself to destroying George Bush at all costs (evidently, including the destruction of America, if necessary) back in 2001. Hollywood is the heart and soul, not to mention the mouthpiece, of the useful idiots of America’s liberal left, and Lenin is not the only one to find them so. The Islamic enemies of America find them extremely useful, for the moment. Note: This is a very short brief from February 27, 2003. Obama is having a party tonight and inviting all the "useful idiots". Today's Featured Commentary: Grace Poured Out Archives of past issues of The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest plus many other Omega Letter member features can be found The Omega Letter is published daily by Jack Kinsella and exists throughsubscriptions and free will contributions. © |
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